Chapter 3

"I'll take care of it for you, Ron." Arlene took the list of delegates from Ron Cassidy's desk and headed outside to her own office. She enjoyed being Ron's assistant, and she was good at her job, she knew.

It was much more rewarding to work for the middle brother of the Cassidy family than it would have been acting as her cousin Sylvie's assistant. Arlene settled down at her desk and began to go over the list. Some of the names were starred, and those people she must contact for Ron.

Sometimes she was startled to realize how well it had all turned out.

She had thought upon arriving at the Cassidy's place in Grandville that her cousin's husband Tim was in reality the perfect man for her! This inner conviction had created a great deal of friction between the two women, and had led Arlene to initiate one blissful night with Tim himself. Arlene still remembered sitting on the young District Attorney's lap that night out on the enclosed terrace. She would never forget the smooth hardness of his cock rising upward between her nakedly trembling buttocks, sinking high into the seeping pit of her willing cunt. Her own cousin's husband! She and Sylvie had been raised as sisters by Sylvie's father when Arlene was orphaned at an early age, and yet even that closeness was not enough to make Arlene change her feeling that she and not Sylvie belonged with Tim!

That was a long time ago now, and Arlene was glad that she no longer felt that way. All the status and excitement that she might have gained as Tim's wife were coming her way now with Ron. And even though there had never been any mention of marriage, and probably never would be, Arlene knew that there was a closeness between the two of them that would last for a long time. They were two of a kind, really, she mused now, while looking through the papers on her desk. Each of them had a hard edge, a ruthless quality that enabled them to accomplish things where others might fail. Ron did all the dirty work for his senatorbrother-badgering delegates, bribing, tempting, all the things that the Senator himself tried to stay above.

But more important to Arlene, Ron was really the first person to ever discover the clue to her secret nature, and he had opened up to her an entirely new realm of sensuality that she had never dreamed possible.

The pair did not actually live together, but Ron had insisted that Arlene take an apartment directly next to his in the elegant new apartment building on the outskirts of the city. That way, Arlene was always available when he wanted her for business or for pleasure, and she was always willing and capable for both.

Chicly attired in a lightweight suit of a subdued tone of gray, Arlene made an impressive appearance as she sat behind her desk. Her dark hair had been cut so that a few brush strokes would keep it in place all day. With a serious expression on her face, Arlene pressed a button on her desk. Within a few moments the young girl who was her secretary came in.

"Yes, Miss Pickering?" she inquired.

"Mary, would you please make up a list of the names and addresses and phone numbers of the starred and underlined people on this list?"

"Yes, Ma'am," the young girl answered. "Right away!"

Arlene watched as the girl left her office, and then she decided that she would take a break until the list was completed. She was feeling a trifle unsettled that day, and she wasn't sure just why. There was really no reason for her to be dissatisfied about anything. The secret campaign for Tim Cassidy's nomination to the Presidency was going well.

She and Ron, and of course Tim himself, were seeing to that. But Arlene realized that it had been a few days since she and Ron had spent the night together. True, they had both been extremely busy. Every day counted now that the summer was approaching, and then at the end of the summer the party convention would take place and they would make sure that Tim Cassidy was nominated. It was all pretty exciting, and Arlene felt a thrill racing through her. To think that she was connected with such historical events… that she was actually helping to shape the course of the country and of the world!

She stood up and went to her window. The office building that she and Ron worked in was not far from the Capitol and Tim's Senatorial office, and Arlene could see the buildings from her window. She paced restlessly back and forth for a moment, her long slim legs carrying her well-proportioned figure with graceful steps. Arlene had always been considered a beautiful young woman, and back in her home town had been pursued by many young men. None of them, however, had succeeded in capturing her heart. Although she had occasionally explored the more carnal pleasures with them, they had done little but scratch the surface of her deep-rooted sensuality. What Arlene had really wanted was to be recognized as a person.

Ron had given her both of these things, she realized, her heart suddenly beating wildly. He had thrust her into a position of power where all of her talents were put to use, and she had not abused his trust on her. In addition, he had captured her body and soul and shown her what it was like to give herself up totally to another person!

It had only been a few days now, but Arlene realized that she missed Ron's hard body against hers. She did not really think that the romance between them was cooling, but the tiny hint of an idea was there. A few days meant nothing, really, she told herself.

Suddenly her intercom buzzed, and Arlene rushed to her desk.


"Yes, Ron?"

"Get in here, babe. We're going out to lunch with Senator Grotter!"

"I'll be right there," Arlene replied. She turned and opened the door to her closet, taking in the sight of herself in the full-length mirror she had attached to the inside of the door. She looked perfectly dressed for almost any occasion. She added a dab of "Femme" perfume behind her ears and about her neck, inhaling its brisk yet feminine scent with pleasure.

It was a perfume that seemed to announce to the world that she was no longer a girl, but indeed, a woman! Feeling strong and capable, she went into Ron's office. More than anything, she felt they were partners, facing the world and its daily problems together.


The lunch took place in the back room of La Fourchette, an exclusive French restaurant often visited by congressmen and their cohorts. They had the small room to themselves, although it was often used for two or three tables. Arlene knew that Ron had asked that they have a private meeting place, where they could nevertheless enjoy the excellent cuisine of La Fourchette. In the front room, a small string quartet played diffused and competitive music, and this music was piped into the back room so that Arlene and Ron and Senator Grotter could hear it.

They were just completing the last of seven courses and drinking a very pleasant Bordeaux with their cheese. Arlene was no longer participating in the lively conversation with Senator Grotter because she knew that Ron was not zeroing in on the real topic of interest. They wanted and needed the influential Senator's assistance if Tim Cassidy was going to be nominated at the convention.

He had never shown himself friendly to any of the Cassidys, and had delighted in making derogatory statements to the press about Tim's abilities whenever he got the chance. He was an old crocodile, as Ron put it, and it was up to them to charm him!

Arlene rose to go to the ladies' room. The wine was making her feel a nice glow and she walked slowly toward the private accommodations for that room. She seemed to be able to feel the eyes of the two men upon her swaying buttocks as she moved away from their table, and she felt proud to be such a good-looking woman as well as an efficient one. When she returned, she noted that the mood between Ron and the Senator had softened considerably, and she wondered if Ron had already succeeded in getting an agreement from him.

When in his turn the Senator bowed to the exigencies of the large quantities of wine that the trio had drunk and left the table to go to the lavatories, Arlene turned to her lover and partner and asked,

"How's it goings"

Ron placed his hand upon Arlene's knee underneath the table. He was silent, but his fingers seemed to be talking for him. His sharp blue eyes looked intently into Arlene's, and Arlene could not help wanting to reach out and smooth his blond hair back with her hands, to hold him to her right there in the restaurant. It was true that they were alone in the back room, but Senator Grotter would be back at any moment.

Ron's hand felt like a hot coal on her leg, and she felt it moving upward, pushing her skirt back as it went and touching along the stockinged length of her thighs.

"Oh Ron…" she sighed. She longed for his touch, though, and made no move to stop him. The wine made her head hum dizzily and she was filled with a strong desire that sent thrills running up and down her spine.

Between her legs, high up at the moist spot of her triangular "vee", she was already getting wetter and wetter as Ron's fingers moved steadily up.

"Oh…" she sighed. She could not help parting her thighs ever so slightly. She could feel the inner moistness of her darkly hair-trimmed pussy beginning to pulsate nervously. She wanted him to hurry and touch her there! Perhaps after the lunch was over they would leave and go to one of their apartments to be alone!

Ron's fingers advanced across the bare top of Arlene's thighs. They tickled and teased her, until he was sure of her rapt attention. Then he slipped his index finger up under the elastic band of her nylon panties and let the tip of it sink into the moisture of her trembling secret cunt.

"Ooooooooh!" Arlene cried, pushing her hips down onto the seat. The thickness of his finger moved slowly within the heated hair-lined confines of her soaking wet pussy, creating a friction that increased with each split second the mounting desire that Arlene felt in her loins.

"Remember the last time I spanked you?" Ron suddenly inquired, and there was an urgency in his voice that made Arlene know that he was excited too. Yes, she remembered all too well the last time he had spanked her. It had been the last time they made love, and she seemed to still be able to feel the sharp blows that he had rained upon her nakedly quivering buttocks. Their whiteness had shone up at him in the privacy of his bedroom as she lay crying and trembling across his knees. After each painful slap, he had slipped his fingers between her legs and created a flurry of pleasure inside her tightly clenching vagina. She wondered with a start if he planned to do something to her riot now… right there!

"Yes, darling, I remember!" she replied.

She remembered, too, the way he had first brought her to a breathless climax… that night in Grandville when he had sought to punish her for meddling in the Cassidy affairs. Ron had taken her to his room then and angrily stripped and beaten her bare buttocks, and had been totally surprised to have her reach a tumultuous orgasm that way! She too had been surprised, and it had been the beginning of a long and fruitful relationship between them.

She was thrilled down to her fingertips and her toes were curling inside her stylish boots. It was so exciting when he spoke to her this way! But she was unprepared for his next words.

"The Senator's hot for you," he said, continuing his lazy friction up between her cream-like white thighs. "I thought maybe you and I might surprise him and put on a little show for him right now. I can see to it that we're left alone long enough, and it will mean he's ours!"

In spite of herself, Arlene bristled. She understood perfectly well what the young lawyer was saying, and she knew that he had probably assessed the situation perfectly accurately. Senator Grotter would certainly fall right into their laps if they were to play up to his sexual nature. He had never asked anything of her before that would put her in such a dilemma. She didn't seem to be able to answer him. Still, his finger churned wetly inside her tingling pussy, and the waves of desire continued to traverse her elegantly-clothed body.

She felt a rush of anger as she saw Senator Grotter returning from the men's room. There was no time to answer.

Ron whispered, "Just follow my lead… go along with what I say. I know I can count on you!"

Arlene felt flushed and uncomfortable, for Ron had not yet removed his finger from beneath her skirt, and Senator Grotter was right there at the table now, sitting back down.

It must be perfectly obvious why Ron is twisted toward me like that with his hand beneath the table, she thought with alarm. It all seemed to be getting away from her, and she wished she had not had quite so much wine. She was relieved when Ron finally removed his hand, but then she saw him get up and go to the connecting door. She knew he was going to make sure that no one came into the room for a certain amount of time. The brandy glasses had already been served, along with the demitasse coffee, although Senator Grotter had insisted on American coffee and was downing a big cup of it.

While Ron was temporarily away from the table, Arlene could feel the Senator leering at her, and she met his gaze across the table with a frank stare of her own. He was an unattractive man of about 55 or so, portly with jowls and a girth befitting a man of his status. No young and dashing senator like Tim Cassidy was he, and it occurred to Arlene that he must resent the younger man terribly. She had only met Senator Grotter once before, and she had no love for the man, knowing him to be a wily and dangerous in-fighter among the sharks of Washington. Now she looked at him for the first time in a different light. What was Ron going to require of her? She didn't possibly see how she could have anything to do with him that involved getting closer than she was right now. Then she remembered that Ron had said something about "putting on a show"… but in the confused state of mind that followed her lover's strange suggestion, Arlene didn't know what to think.

Before she had a moment more to contemplate the situation, she saw Ron returning and locking the door behind him as he entered the back room of La Fourchette.

He said not a word as he sat down again beside Arlene, but she knew that he had arranged it all, and that within moments he would set out to gain Senator Grotter's favors. A terrible sensation of anger whipped through her once more as she felt Ron's fingers rising beneath her skirt again. He had resumed with an additional bottle of red wine, and suggested that they all drink heartily. The Senator's eyes twinkled and his booming laugh filled the room. Had Ron spoken to him before? Did he know what was to come, when she herself didn't?

Ron's middle finger surged close to the already seeping spot high between her soft white thighs, and she felt him parting the darkly curling pubic hairs and inserting the thick digit into the moisture of her trembling cunt.

Was Ron using her? Or were they as a team setting out to accomplish something that was absolutely necessary? She could not decide, and the indecision started an odd kind of fatalism working in her brain. She drank more of the mellow smooth-tasting wine and gave herself up bit by bit to the rising heat within her loins as Ron's agile finger plied softly and steadily, rubbing gently at the tingling slit of her aroused pussy. It felt so terribly obscene to be sitting there as if nothing was happening, when all along she was certain that Senator Grotter knew what was happening under the table. Then abruptly the conversation turned from the innocent topic of the decor of La Fourchette to more explicit things.

Ron spoke to her in a tone of voice that she knew well. It meant that he was excited almost to the breaking point. That he wanted to take her forcefully and hard, that he wanted her to yield to his strong handsome arms, to let him grind out his lust upon her, blotting her own out as easily as he would snuff out a candle with the rock-hard stiffness of his demanding cock!

"How does that feel up in your little hot pussy?" he asked. Arlene flinched at the words, and at the knowledge that Senator Grotter was flushing with emotion across from her.

"It… it feels…" she began. She must not let him down… since it had all started anyway, she must somehow see it through! His finger churned with a new insistent touch, separating the slippery folds of her wet pussy and worming upward toward the open spot of her hidden vagina.

"Yes?" he inquired, anxiously pushing and thrusting upward so that his finger rose into the moist and sensitive pit of his elegantly-dressed assistant's vaginal orifice.

"Good!" she blurted out.

Grotter cleared his throat and stirred uneasily on his seat. He was enjoying the whole thing immensely. Ron Cassidy had promised him something special… something along the lines that he seemed to know that the older man would like. Now, Grotter was more than pleased to see that the promise was of a much more exciting nature than he would have imagined. It was easy to get girls in Washington. Call girls were thick as flies, and there was always some little willing thing around if you didn't want to pay. But Arlene Pickering… that was something else entirely! To see the beautiful and intelligent woman beginning to sprawl down in her seat, right there across from him, her eyes mere slits as she entered into a passionate state that was obviously complete and intense… now that was a show! To know that Ron Cassidy was at that moment fingering the tight hidden split of this proud and exciting young woman was enough to drive him crazy. He leaned forward in his seat watching Arlene's expression with a growing interest, and noting the motions of Ron's arm as he manipulated his hand beneath Arlene's dress.

He could feel his already hard cock lurching between his legs as he thought admiringly of the audacity the young Cassidy brother had… to set such a thing up right in the back room of La Fourchette! He had to hand it to him though, he really knew how to get a fellow! He had heard tales about Ron, about how the young lawyer would stop at nothing to get what he wanted for his older brother. Well, now he was getting a taste of it himself, and he found it entirely to his liking! Life was a dull affair at best, and he always liked to add as much spice to his own as possible. This was the kind of spice that made him think that it was all worthwhile!

Ron was speaking calmly to the thoroughly aroused brunette now, and Grotter tried to catch all of his words. He could only get a few here and there, but they were enough for him to get the picture. He was exciting Arlene not only through his intimate touching between her legs, but by his lewd words.

"… know you finger-fucking… my fingers are fucking your tight little cunt… squirm it… wiggle it… ugh! ugh! Is that high enough for you… oh God, you feel good up in there! Don't you wish it were my cock instead of my fingers? You know you like fucking better than anything… Senator Grotter knows it too… If you want me to I'll fuck you now…"

With each word, Arlene seemed to lose more and more control of herself.

Grotter could see her spreading her legs wider, and he leaned over farther in hopes of seeing something. It was then that Ron pushed the table back, and throwing up Arlene's skirt with a sudden motion, invited the older man to watch what his fingers were doing. Arlene whimpered, then shrugged briefly, but the idea that she was being lewdly exposed to this awful man-but at the same time serving "the cause"-created a characteristic surge of masochistic enjoyment that increased her emotion to such an extent that she groaned out loud.

The pinkly glistening folds of her exposed pussy were plainly visible to Grotter now as he stared intently at the dark hair-fringed "vee" up between Arlene's widely separated legs. Ron had flicked back the narrow elastic legband of her panties so that the entire naked surface of his comely assistant's thoroughly aroused pussy was visible, and his bunched-together fingers could be seen lewdly rising up into the tightly clenching orifice of her vagina, appearing and disappearing as he thrust again and again up into her willingly open cunt.

"Christ, Man!" Grotter exclaimed. "You've really got her going!" His lust-aroused cock was aching for a taste of that elegant cunt, but he didn't want to say anything yet. Ron obviously had the whole thing thought out; he would let him set the pace.

Ron would stop whenever he thought Arlene was about to cum. He did not want that yet. He wanted to keep her teetering on the brink of a cataclysmic release, to arouse her so much that she would mindlessly obey him. He had done it before in private, and he knew that it worked.

She had become an expert in satisfying his every whim, and in that manner satisfying her own. This would be the first performance before another person, but he knew she would do well. She had been well trained.

"Come on!" he said to her. "Hurry up and strip and I'll fuck the shit out of you!"

With only a second's hesitation Arlene stood up. She wavered as she looked over at the alert and deeply reddened face of Senator Grotter, but she realized that she would be able to go through with it now. It would be worth it to feel Ron fucking her, to obey him so well that he fucked her into a state of ecstatic delirium. She would do as he said, Grotter had little to do with it, really. She and Ron were performing a ritual which was a Part of their love-making, a ritual that thrilled her beyond anything she had ever felt!

She stood near the table, there in the back room of the restaurant, and began to slip out of her clothes.

Grotter watched with bulging eyes. He had only imagined what a gorgeous body Arlene possessed, but now he saw. She was smiling at Ron with a loving expression, and Grotter valued this experience all the more because it was common knowledge in Washington that the two were ardent lovers and had been for some time.

It's like someone sharing his wife win you! he thought, growing more and more excited.

Her suit top and blouse were gone now and she stood in her skirt and white lace brassiere, her shapely calves encased in tight-fitting brown leather. Her full, cream-like thighs came enticingly into view as she stepped out of her skirt and half-slip next. The beige tone of her long nylon stockings, held in place by a dainty white lace-trimmed garter belt, blended subtly with the soft ivory of her naked loins.

Suddenly to Ron it was as if he and Arlene were alone in the room. She was playing strictly to him, while Grotter faded even from his peripheral vision. Before him, Arlene's brassiere unclasped from the front and fell to the floor with a flick of her fingers, and the full beauty of her firmly ripe breasts swung into freedom. His swollen penis throbbed as he took in their enchanting splendor! They rested high and proud in the artificial light of the restaurant and their quivering pink nipples stood out on the creamy half-spheres, peaking higher as she raised her arms over her head in a provocative motion that was meant to lure him.

Damn! What a talent the girl had! Ron had to admit it to himself. She was everything he had always wanted in a woman, and more. He stared at her standing there in just her high-heeled boots, stockings and garter belt, and the thin wisp of sheer white panties. Then, to his amazement and without another word of instruction from him, she turned her back to him and, bending over, slowly drew her silky panties tantalizingly down over her curved hips and lushly rounded buttocks. She brushed them sensuously against her smooth white thighs and calves and finally discarded them at her feet beside her skirt.

Arlene stretched languidly, as though she had been stripping all her life, and then with a deliberate teasing motion turned to face the two men. Nearly all of her nakedness was now voluptuously exposed, from her high rounded breasts to the soft dark-brown hair-covered mound of her quivering young pussy. The tiny garter belt and stockings she still wore concealed nothing from their eager gaze.

Ron turned to look at Grotter and saw the entranced Senator rubbing his hand across the front of his pants. A swollen bulge betrayed the existence of his hotly pulsing erection, and Ron felt a thrill of power as he ascertained that Arlene's performance was having the desired effect.

Arlene was dancing now, swaying sensuously back and forth before the two men in lewd countertime to the piped-in music. She pranced nakedly, her breasts dancing and her buttocks bouncing softly as she turned to present their ripely swelling fullness to the watching pair.

"Come here, honey," Ron said huskily. "Let us have a closer look at you."

Arlene approached, and stood before them. She was waiting for Ron's hands upon her burning hot body, for his promised quenching of the desire that raged within her nakedly trembling loins. But instead of Ron, it was Grotter who reached out for her while Ron sat motionless watching.

"You're gorgeous, baby!" the Senator growled, and his thick hairy hands were on her buttocks, pulling her in close to him. Suddenly she felt his face worming into the narrow split of her warmly seeping pussy, his nose and then his tongue parting the tender hair-fringed lips and probing lewdly up inside their moistness.

She jumped at the unexpected wet contact, and then felt him holding her all the harder against him, his fingers harshly kneading the pliable white flesh of her quivering buttocks below the garter belt. She opened her eyes wide as she felt him begin a fast-paced licking and sucking at her nakedly presented cunt. She felt as though she had been doused with cold water, and she looked toward Ron for some assistance. Instead, Ron gave her a wink and a nod of approval.

"Try it…" he muttered. "You'll like it!"

With a shudder, Arlene realized that there was little she could do about the lewd wet sucking that was taking place up between her legs.

She felt horrified that she had let herself become trapped into such a cheap scene. Why, Ron could have gotten anyone of a dozen girls to cavort with Senator Grotter. Why did he hare to ask her to do this?

Grotter flicked out his tongue and wetly teased the slit of Arlene's nakedly exposed pussy furrow. His tongue ran over the tiny trembling lips of smooth cuntal flesh as well as the curly dark hair that protected them. Arlene jumped against his hands, but he wasn't going to let her go now. His thumbs spread the softly hair-lined lips up between her thighs and the teasing tongue probed hotly, deep into her widespread cunt. Grunting, he moved toward her from his seat and kneeled in between her legs, forcing them far apart as he continued the lascivious stroking with his deftly worming tongue… slowly up and down within the nervous young brunette's secret slit, pausing at the most sensitive areas to rotate it about it in small titillating circles against her lust-moistened pussy flesh.

He pushed forward and Arlene cried out, losing her balance and beginning to fall backward. But she felt Ron rush behind her to cushion her, and she lay softly upon the rug of La Fourchette, her legs widespread and Grotter kneeling up between them.

Oh God! Arlene thought. She would have been able to make love with Ron in front of anyone, and probably anywhere. But this was more than she thought she could stand. It was horrible and degrading to have him kneeling like a big animal down there between her legs, and shivers of shame and humiliation ran up and down her spine. But she couldn't even cry out to him to stop. She had to go through with it now. But inwardly she screamed, I'm being used! I can't stand it! I just can't stand it!

Still Grotter's tongue teased between her widespread cuntal lips, working its way all the way up from her insanely tingling vagina through the palpitating narrowness of her pussy to the throbbing head of her defenseless clitoris. She was disturbed that the illicit flicking of his tongue was creating a maddening pulsing deep within her jerking clitoris, and she could feel the tiny nib of sensation swelling to full erection against her will! She began to squirm her hips down into the fabric of the soft rug beneath her in a futile effort to escape the punishing tongue, but it did no good. The idea that her lover Ron was somewhere behind her, watching all this, brought low guttural moans of despair to her throat. He was sacrificing her to Senator Grotter! The naked white plane of her belly danced erotically before the two men's hungry eyes as Grotter continued his greedy lapping and panting at Arlene's helplessly exposed pussy.

The older man's eyes peered up from his enjoyable task, and met those of Ron Cassidy who was standing behind the writhing nakedness of the prone woman who was his assistant. Ron nodded that it was fine for him to continue.

"She's just getting hot now!" he proclaimed.

The words stung Arlene just as if Ron had struck her, and suddenly she realized why he had asked her about the last spanking he had given her.

He had counted on her putting two and two together at some point during this ordeal, and it was startlingly clear. The kind of revelation that Arlene knew made people spend years upon an analyst's couch had been given to her at that very moment. Ron's forcing her to submit to Senator Grotter's lewd and obscene advances was tantamount to his spanking her! Arlene knew that those spankings were humiliating beyond belief, at the beginning anyway, but then the pain got caught up inside her somewhere and changed into something different… something real and much more exciting than simple pleasure. This is what Ron was offering to her now… an erotic experience to top all of their experiences together!

And perhaps it would!

Arlene's moans of desperation slowly changed. Her thrashing body was quieting down to a more steadily rhythmic writhing. Her humiliation was turning into something else as the soft gentle stroking of her attacker's tongue began to bring wicked tingles of pleasure to the sensitive flesh up between her legs. Her very nakedness, there in the back room of a popular restaurant, began to excite her and she could feel a definite responsive reaction begin to stir inside her as the lewd tongue-fucking continued. Control was slipping away again… that delicious feeling that she had with Ron, where all thought was blotted out of her mind, and she was nothing but a writhing mass of feminine sensuality, created for loving and nothing else! That powerful desire to think and keep on thinking was mercifully suspended and a total relaxation followed that enabled her to give of herself with complete abandon.

The dark channel of her vagina began to throb hotly. Yes, she could actually enjoy this obscene act… yes, she could…

"Mmmmmmmm," she moaned, beginning to squirm her hips upward to meet Grotter's madly licking tongue. "Mmmmmmm!" she repeated as he attached his mouth to the wide open split of her streaming pussy and began to suck upon the passion-drenched pinkness of her inner flesh.


Suddenly behind her she felt Ron's hands upon her breasts. His fingers began to play with the pebble-hardness of her fully erected nipples.

With a little squeal, Arlene abandoned herself the sudden rush of pleasure as the familiar fingers twisted her roundly swollen breasts, and down between her thighs her desire-inflamed cunt felt like a hot glowing coal being kindled to greater and greater heights of lust.

"Hurry!" Ron's voice directed over her nakedly twisting body. "Put it in her now… now!"

Grotter raised his glistening wet face, and his jowled cheeks reflected the excitement that he was feeling. Quickly, he opened his zippered fly and withdrew his thickly pulsing cock. It felt like granite in his hands, and he could hardly wait. Before him, he spied the small pink opening of Arlene's wetly seeping pussy, just waiting and ready for his hard cock!

He was really going to fuck her right there!

Arlene stirred impatiently and moaned at the sudden loss of contact with her yearning pussy.

God! Grotter thought. She really wants it bad!

As if to echo his thoughts, Arlene suddenly cried out, "Please… please… do it to me now… now I tell you!"

She had to quench the terrible desire that had risen up inside her, had to know physical peace before she could think straight again.

Senator Grotter kneeled up between the dark-haired woman's widespread thighs. He looked down at the widely-parted, shapely legs and bent down to ease them still farther apart. He almost seemed to drool over her nakedness as he noted that her stockings had gotten ripped and that her garter belt strands were all twisted and stretched. Her seeping coralhued pussy seemed looser and wetter than before and Grotter thought he'd never seen anything so exciting in his life. Certainly had never done anything that could quite match this long lunch at La Fourchette!

With a pained expression, he pushed his heavily bloated cock forward and began to worm the smooth, rubbery head of it in between the dark pubic curls and up into the velvety cuntal flesh spread wide before him.

"Oooooooohhhhhhh" Arlene responded as the sliding cock rose against her helplessly aroused feminine flesh. Her pleading whimpers filled the room as Grotter thrust the thick tip-end of his cock up into the spreading entrance of Arlene's willing cunt, pushing upward, continuing in a slow constant act of relentless penetration until his cock was finally buried completely up in her whitely quivering belly.

"Ooooooggggghhhhhhaaaaahh!" she cried, as Grotter gritted his teeth at the almost unbearably pleasurable sensation of Arlene's tightly massaging cuntal muscles, wrapping around his entering penis.

The Senator's portly body inclined back from Arlene as his probing cock attempted to reach the farthest depths of her totally filled pussy, and he did not seem to want to stop until it was completely out of sight, buried deep inside the flailing young brunette's willingly spread pussy and his sperm-filled testicles hung lewdly against her smoothly naked buttocks. Her long legs and her boot-clad feet and calves swung outward, quivering visibly as Arlene lay speared by Grotter's impaling male hardness.

From his excellent position staring down over his lustfully writhing assistant, Ron could see that Arlene was completely enraptured. Her red-painted lips opened and closed sensually and sounds of ecstasy poured forth in a low but steady stream. Arlene began to rotate her hips up to meet Grotter as his rigid cock-flesh pressured hard up into her raging cuntal channel. Again and again Grotter shuffled in toward her wide-held pussy on his knees, forcing his outrageously hard penis deep into her hungrily contracting vagina.

Ron Cassidy watched, his fingers still kneading at Arlene's softly jiggling breasts. He was fascinated by the sight of his efficient assistant's dark-haired cunt receiving the thrusting attacks of the perspiring Senator's meaty cock.

He could feel his own excitement growing as he felt the sensuous flesh of Arlene's full firm breasts beneath his fingers. Grotter's thrusting penis, from where he watched, appeared and disappeared like a welloiled piston into the thrashing brunette's widely straining pussy. It was throbbing red and swollen and each time the Senator rammed into her Arlene gave a guttural grunt and her breasts pulsed heavily in Ron Cassidy's lewdly manipulating fingers.

Grotter could feel Arlene's cuntal lips clasping tighter and more hungrily around the fleshy intrusion of his desire-hardened cock. It wouldn't be long now, he Bought, and just in time too… he couldn't last a minute longer! Grotter didn't know how good Ron Cassidy was in the sack, but he was certain that he was giving him a run for his money that day with Arlene.

"Get it, baby… get it!" he began to spit out, obscenely. "Daddy's throwing it to you, come and get it!"

Arlene writhed around on the rug and let all the perversity of the moment fill her mind and body. She could feel her breasts being pulled harder and harder, each burning touch creating a conflagration within her that only heightened the lust between her legs. The powerful blows that struck the hitherto untouched upper regions of her secret cunt, filling and stretching it with a wildly fulfilling pleasure, were wringing a joyful culmination from her tormented young loins. She tried to speak, but her throat felt dry and constricted. She felt like she was floating, and her eyes were tightly closed and there was a breaking deep inside her. She was bursting, being pulled apart! She walked a thin tightrope between sanity and insanity… then suddenly jumped.

From everywhere inside her there was a race of hurtling sensations that started in her pulsing vagina and spread to the minutest cells of her body. She was released!

"Aaaaaahhhhhh!" Arlene choked and sputtered and moaned lasciviously, turning this way and that as the thickly embedded cock began to spurt forth its jism.

"Oh shit!" Grotter exclaimed. "Oh shit!" His head jerked backward, his eyes rolling toward the chandeliered ceiling of La Fourchette.

"Nnnnnghghghhhhhhh!" he grunted, lifting Arlene's trembling hips upward with his tensing hands so that he was able to empty his spending cock deep deep into her climaxing pussy.

"Oah… yes yes yes yes yes!" Arlene cried out, jiggling upward with all her might, making herself a willing receptacle for the burning hot sperm that filled her quivering cunt.

She did not feel completely human as caught in the throes of her tumultuous orgasm she began to murmur a steady stream of words.

"Oh, give it to me, give it to me… oh! I want it… I need it…give it to meeeeeee!"

Ron Cassidy watched the incredible spectacle with great interest. He felt extremely frustrated by the whole thing now, and he wished that he could have been the one to bring out this tremendous orgasm in his beautiful assistant. He felt an undeniable twinge of jealousy at the thought that a bore like Senator Grotter could make Arlene cum like that. Logically, of course, he knew what it was that was exciting Arlene. It was the time, the place, and the completely untoward situation of being taken by a near stranger in the presence of her lover. Nevertheless, as the moaning and groaning gradually decreased and Ron could see that Grotter had had it, he hurriedly released his own throbbing cock, letting it bob lewdly into the modulated air of the restaurant's back room. Strains of heavenly strings still wafted through the air, and only a soft mewling that mingled with Grotter's heavy panting could be heard rising to meet the music.

Grotter pulled out slowly, his softly deflating cock glistening wet and forelorn looking. But Grotter seemed more than pleased. He was exhausted, yes, but what a way to go! He clumsily got to his feet, and, still panting, headed for the bathroom. Ron moved around Arlene's nakedly prone body. He knelt between her parted legs and looked at the devastation that he himself had caused to happen. What sight! he thought. What a gorgeous creature she was. She lay, completely satiated, in a semi-trance state, and Ron longed to bring her back to life with the rock-hard cock that he now jerked almost absentmindedly in his hand. The pinkly shining split of her pussy flesh was drenched and widespread for all the world to see, and the dark curling hairs glistened with the combined moisture of orgasmic secretions. She was an obscenely presented treat, Ron thought, as he stroked his foreskin all the way back. His wildly staining cock stood out taut and tight and ready.

There was no time left to fuck her the way he really wanted. That would have to wait for that night when they were alone together. The action of his hand on his throbbing, lust-bloated shaft felt warm and so good that he did not stop it. His blue eyes glazed over and his expression was almost meditative as his hand worked faster and faster until it was going at a furious pace. Sweat stood out on his forehead and his blonde hair fell forward in his eyes. He closed them with an expression of utter bliss.

Arlene stirred lazily on the rug. For a few brief moments she had been totally unaware of her surroundings, but now she heard the peculiar lewd noise of Ron's hand slapping up and down on his own lustfully tingling male flesh, and opened her eyes wide in surprise.

Ron looked down at her with an expression akin to agony.

"I'm gonna cream on you, baby… I'm gonna cream all over you!" he announced, and then uttering a spangled cry, he let his raging hot penis jerk upward with a sharp jolt.


Suddenly Arlene felt a burning wetness all over her nakedly reclining body. On her face, running down her large, up-pointed breasts, splattering on her whitely exposed belly, inching down her still-spread inner thighs toward her already inundated young pussy. Ron's cock was waving now, directly toward her face, spurting out like a bursting fountain, releasing the hot, white liquid of its ecstasy. She watched stunned as Ron uttered several final grunts and jerkily manipulated his fingers until the last drops of his seminal fluids spurted down onto Arlene's startled features.

Yet, she was unable to feel the disgust that she knew she ought to be feeling. After all, this was Ron… Ron Cassidy, her own man wonderful lover!
