I need to visit Ray Sr. one more time, thought Peter Blake. I'll swing by the house after I'm done poking around this shithole. If he found nothing, he'd go back and arrest Carlos Montoya.

The warehouse door, he saw, had been left open. Was someone inside? Blake slipped out his service revolver and kept it at his thigh. The sewage trucks and the trailer had been unoccupied. If anyone is here, then they are inside, figured Blake. He pushed the door open with his toe. Peeked inside.

Musty and gloomy in that big space. Truck parts, old junk, hoses, stacks of tires. Tough to see in the dark.

Jin Li heard the shot. A quick pop. Then a pause. Then one more. It took a moment for her to understand what she'd just heard.

Then she did. Oh, Ray, she cried.
