Are you nuts?” I shout, grasping the armrests of my chair. “I have no idea who he is!”

“It’s okay,” Nora says as she rubs my back.

“How could I… I never heard of the guy!”

“I knew it wasn’t you,” she says.

Lamb looks less convinced. He’s barely moved since he broke the news. Leaning up against his desk, he’s studying the scene-watching the two of us react. It’s what he does best: surveying first, deciding later.

Making the plea personal, I turn his way. “I swear to you, I never let him in.”

“Who else had access to your office?” he asks.

“Excuse me?”

“To have your name on it, the WAVES request had to’ve been sent from your computer,” he explains. “Now after the staff meeting, who else was near your office?”

“Just… just Pam,” I reply. “And Julian. Julian was there when I got back.”

“So either of them could’ve used your computer.”

“It’s certainly possible.” Yet as I say the words, I don’t really believe them. Why would either of them invite a drug dealer into the-Son of a bitch. My eyes focus on Nora. I can still picture her little brown vial. That night in the bar, she said it was headache medicine. I’ve done my best to avoid it-but she has to get it from somewhere.

“Is there anyone else who had access to your computer?” Lamb asks.

I think back to that first night with Nora. She told me she took the money as evidence. To protect her dad. But now… all that money… the cost of drugs… if she’s looking for a scapegoat…

“I asked you a question, Michael,” Lamb reiterates. “Did Pam or Julian have access to your computer?”

I keep my stare on Nora. “It could’ve been done without the computer,” I explain. “There’re other ways to clear someone into the building. You can call the request in by an internal phone, or even do it by fax.”

“So you’re saying it could’ve been anyone?”

“I guess,” I say. Nora finally looks up at me. “But it’s got to be Simon.”

“Even if it is, how’d he get this Vaughn guy in?” Nora interrupts. “I thought the Service does security checks on all visitors.”

“They only stop foreign nationals and people convicted of felonies. Both of Vaughn’s drug hits were reduced to misdemeanors, and he was acquitted of the murder. Whoever cleared him in, they knew the system.”

“Do you know when the request was sent?” I ask.

“Right after our staff meeting. And according to Adenauer’s timeline, it could’ve easily been you.”

“It wasn’t,” Nora jumps in.

“Just relax,” Lamb says.

“I’m telling you, it wasn’t,” she insists.

“I heard you!” he says, his voice booming. Catching himself, Lamb falls awkwardly silent. It’s getting too personal. “I don’t know what you want from me,” he says to Nora.

“You told me you’d help him.”

“I said I’d talk to him.” Weighing the facts, Lamb throws me one last look. Like the best of the bigshots, he doesn’t give a hint of what he’s thinking. He just sits there, his steel features unmoving. Eventually, he says, “Nora, do you mind excusing us for a second?”

“No way,” she shoots back. “I’m the one who brought him h-”

“Nora… ”

“There’s no way I’m leaving without a-”


Like a scolded dog, she shrinks down in her seat. I’ve never heard Lamb raise his voice. And I’ve never seen Nora so shaken. That’s why he looked after her all those summers-Lamb’s one of the few people who can tell her no. Understanding the stakes, Nora rises and heads for the door. As it’s about to close behind her, she calls out, “He’s going to tell me everything anyway.” The door slams shut.

Alone in the office, there’s an awkward pause hanging in the air. My eyes jump over Lamb’s shoulder as I try to lose myself in office decor. Studying the colonial landscape oil painting behind him, I realize for the first time that he doesn’t have an ego wall. He doesn’t need one. He’s just there to protect his friend.

“Do you care about her?” he asks.


“Nora. Do you care about her?”

“Of course I care about her. I’ve always cared about her.”

Rapping his knuckle lightly against his desk, Lamb looks off in the distance, gathering his thoughts. “Do you even know her?” he eventually asks.

“Excuse me?”

“It’s not a trick question-do you know her? Do you really know who she is?”

“I–I think so,” I stammer. “I’m trying to.”

He nods, as if that’s an answer. Eventually, his strong voice creaks forward. “When she was younger-seventh, eighth grade-she started playing field hockey. Fast. Heavy contact. They signed her up so she would have some real girlfriends, and she used to play for hours-on the carpets, outside our farm-anywhere she could lug her stick. She used to make Chris play against her. But for Nora, the best part wasn’t just the physical side; she loved being on the team. Leaning on each other, having someone to celebrate with-that’s what made it worth it. But when her father finally got elected Governor… well, security concerns meant that team sports were out. Instead, she got an image consultant who did her clothes shopping for her and her mom. It seems silly now, but that’s how they saw it.”

“I’m not sure I understand.”

“If you care about her, you should know that.”

“If I didn’t care about her, I wouldn’t have lied about the money.”

The way his shoulders slack, I can tell that’s what he needed to hear. In some ways, I’m not surprised. Now that the FBI knows we’re dating, we’re all stuck at the epicenter. Nora, Simon, myself… one wrong move and we all go down. To be honest, I don’t think Lamb would care if I was the one who was sucked in. But from the steely look on his face, and the coldly pragmatic way he asked if I cared about her, he’s not letting me take his goddaughter-or the President-along for the ride.

He picks up the FBI folder on his desk and hands it to me. “I assume she told you about the other files in Caroline’s office. There were fifteen altogether-some on her desk; others in her drawers. The FBI’s treating them as a preliminary suspect list.”

“One of the files was mine.”

He nods to himself, almost as if it were a test. “In the back of Vaughn’s FBI file is the list of everyone they’ve cleared so far.” I flip to the list and see three more judicial nominees. The other two are the names Nora showed me. Five down, ten to go. The suspect list is shrinking. And they still haven’t gotten to me.

“I don’t have to tell you, Michael-if Nora’s linked to a drug dealer… much less a murderer… ”

He doesn’t have to finish the sentence. We all know what’s at stake here. “Does this mean you’re going to help?” I ask.

His voice is slow and methodical. “I’m not going to interfere with this investigation… ”

“Of course.”

“… but I’ll do what I can.”

I sit up in my chair. “I appreciate you believing me.”

“It’s not you,” he says matter-of-factly. “I believe her.” Watching my reaction, he adds, “They’re my family, Michael. I held Nora in my arms eight hours after she was born. When she calls me seven times in two hours, demanding that I start taking some action to protect you, I tend to take notice.”

“She called you seven times?”

“That’s just today,” he says. “She’s a complicated girl, Michael. She did almost everything you asked. And if she’s worried about you… that’s enough for me.”

I look nervously at Lamb. “Does that mean she told the President?”

“Son, if you’re asking me about their private conversations, there’s nothing for me to say. But if I were you… ” He pauses, making sure I get the point. “I’d pray that he never finds out. Forget about the fact that with a quiet directive, he can wipe out a small city halfway around the world, or that he’s always followed around by a military aide carrying the nuclear codes in a leather satchel. Because when it all comes down, none of that compares to being a father with a hurt daughter.”

“What’d he say?” Nora asks as soon as she sees me.

“Nothing.” With my chin, I motion at Lamb’s assistant, who can hear every word.

Nora turns to her and says, “Do you think you can-”

“Actually, I was about to get myself some coffee,” the woman volunteers with that now familiar look in her eyes. You don’t say no to the First Daughter. Within thirty seconds, Lamb’s assistant is gone.

“So what’d he say?” Nora demands as she wipes her nose. “Is he going to help?”

“He’s your godfather isn’t he?” I snap.

“What’s wrong with you?”

This is no time to hold back. “Did you let Vaughn into the building?”

“What? Are you out of your fucking head? What’d Larry tell you?”

“He didn’t tell me anything-I saw it for myself. That brown vial in the bar… the rumors of Ecstasy… and Special K. Vaughn’s dealing both, for chrissakes.”

“And that makes me a customer?” she explodes under her breath. “Is that what you think? That I’m a junkie?”

“No, I-”

“I’m not garbage, Michael! Do you hear me? I’m not!”

I stepped over a line with this one. “Nora-calm down.”

“Don’t tell me to calm down! I take this shit every day from the gossipmongers-I don’t need to take it from you! I mean, if I wanted to buy, do you really think I’d bring a drug-dealing murderer in here? Do I look that stupid to you? They’re after my ass too-not just yours! And even if they weren’t, I don’t need your name. When I bring someone inside, they don’t ID my guests!”

I go to grab her hand, but she slaps me away. Her face is a rage of red. Unable to contain herself, she snaps, “Were you the one who told the FBI we were dating?”

My mouth practically falls open. “You really think I’d-”

“Answer the question!” she demands.

“How can you even think that?”

“Everyone wants something, Michael. Even a little scandal makes you famous.”

“Nora… ” Once again, I reach out for her hand, but when she tries to slap me away, I grab her by the wrist, refusing to let go.

“Get the hell off me!” she growls as she fights against me.

Holding tight, I quickly slide her hand into my own. All of her fingers are taut. Not just now… that’s how she always is. In her world, with the stakes this high, all she can do is brace for the crash. That’s all she knows. “Please, Nora-listen to me.”

“I don’t want t-”

“Just listen!” Stepping forward, I put my other hand on her shoulder. “I don’t want to be famous.”

I expect her to come back with a biting remark, but instead, she freezes. That’s Nora-on and off with a flick. Before I can react, her arms wrap around me and she collapses against my chest. The embrace surprises me, but it also feels perfectly right. “I didn’t do it,” she whispers. “I didn’t let him in.”

“I never said you did. Not once.”

“But you believed it, Michael. You believed them over me.”

“That’s not true,” I insist. Grabbing her shoulders, I nudge her back and hold her at arm’s length. “All I did was ask you a question-and after everything we’ve been through, you know I at least deserve an answer.”

“So you still don’t trust me?”

“If you want to prove it to me, Nora, then prove it. If not, let me know, and I’ll move on with the rest of my life.”

She cocks her head at the challenge. Her shoulders perk up. For once, it’s not handed to her. “You’re right,” she says, her voice still shaky. “I’ll prove it to you.” She steps in close and once again takes me around. “I’m not gonna let you down.”

Wrapping my arms around her, I think back to the seven calls she made to Lamb. For me. She did it for me. “That’s all I ask.”

“And you believe that load of horse crap?” Trey asks.

“Trust me, she was really upset.”

As we leave the confines of the OEOB, Trey throws me the rub. Not a slow one-just fast enough to tell me I should be careful.

“Now you don’t trust Lamb?” I ask as we cross 17th Street.

“Lamb I love-Nora’s the one I’m worried about.”

“You really think she knows Vaughn?”

“Actually, no, but I think she’s lying about the drugs. I’ve heard too many rumblings to believe she’s clean.”

“Forget about the drugs. The more important question is: How does Simon know Vaughn?”

“So now you’re convinced Simon’s the one who let him in?”

“Look at the facts, Trey. Caroline died during the exact same time period that an accused murderer was walking the halls. You think it’s all still coincidence? Simon sensed the opportunity the moment he saw me following him. Instead of continuing to pay Caroline, he decides to kill her. He knows I have the money; he knows I won’t use my alibi; he knows he can blame it on me. It’s the best way to shut me up-invite Vaughn in under my name, then stand back and watch the fireworks.”

“And how’d he know you had the money?”

“He could’ve double-backed and seen us-or maybe Caroline called him when she realized the payment was short.”

“I don’t know. It’s a lot to plan in one night.”

“Not when you consider what’s at risk,” I shoot back. Trey steps out across Pennsylvania Avenue, leaving me two steps behind. I race to catch up as quick as I can.

Reaching the pay phone across the street from the OEOB, Trey pulls out Vaughn’s phone number and a handful of change.

“Are you sure this is a smart idea?” I ask as he picks up the receiver.

“Someone’s gotta save your ass. If I’m the one talking, they can’t trace it to you”-he punches in the first three digits-“and this way, it’s not coming from your line.”

“Screw the trace-I’m talking about the call in general. If Vaughn’s the killer, why’s he contacting me?”

“Maybe he has a guilty conscience. Maybe he wants to make a deal. Either way, at least we’re doing something.”

“But to call him at home… ”

“No offense, Michael, but you asked for my help and I’m not gonna let you sit on your hands-even if Lamb can delay everything until after the election, you still have the same problems as right now. At least with Vaughn, there’s a chance of finding an answer.”

“But what if it’s just a sucker bet? Maybe that’s the trap: They link us together, Vaughn turns state’s evidence, and bam, they send me away.”

Trey stops dialing. Paranoia cuts both ways.

“You know it’s possible,” I say.

We both look down at Vaughn’s number. Sure, it’s creepy for Vaughn to reach out to me. And yeah, it’s got me thinking that there’s something else at play. But that doesn’t mean we can just solve it with a phone call.

“Maybe you should talk to Nora,” Trey finally suggests. “Ask her again if she knows him.”

“I already did.”

“But you can still ask her-”

“I told you, I already did!”

“Stop shouting at me!”

“Then stop treating me like a moron! I know what I’m dealing with.”

“See, that’s where you’re wrong. You don’t know her, Michael. You don’t know anything about her-all you’ve seen are the highlight reels.”

“That’s not true. I know lots abou-”

“I’m not talking flirty political chitchat. I’m talking the real stuff: What’s her favorite movie? Or favorite food? How about her favorite author?”

“Graham Greene, burritos, and Annie Hall,” I rattle back.

“You’re trusting the old article from People magazine? I wrote those answers! Not her! They wanted funky and downtown, so I gave it to them!”

Seeing the rising anger in each other’s eyes, we both take a moment and look over our respective shoulders. Eventually, Trey breaks the silence. “What’s this really about, Michael? Saving yourself, or saving Nora?”

The question’s so dumb, it doesn’t deserve an answer.

“It’s okay to want to be a hero,” he says. “And I’m sure she appreciates the loyalty… ”

“It’s not just loyalty, Trey-if she takes a hit, I go down with her.”

“Unless she cuts you loose and you go down alone. So here’s the news flash, my friend: I don’t care if Pam had a nice encounter in the elevator, I’m not gonna watch you get clobbered as the most likely suspect.”

Stepping around Trey, I head back to the OEOB. “I appreciate the concern, but I know what I’m doing. I didn’t work this hard and get this far to just give up and lose it. Especially when it’s in my control.”

“You think you’re in control?” He jumps in front of me and blocks my way. “I hate to break it to you, loverboy, but you can’t save everyone. Now, I’m not saying you should turn her in-I just think you have to pay a bit more attention to the facts.”

“There are no facts! Whoever did this, it’s like they’ve created a whole new reality.”

“See, there’s the mistake. However you want to delude yourself, there’re still a few eternal truths left in the universe: New shoes hurt. Khakis are evil. Bad things happen at air shows. And most important, if you’re not careful, protecting Nora is going to blow up in your f-”

“You two doing okay?” a male voice interrupts behind us.

We both spin around.

“I didn’t mean to interrupt,” Simon adds. “Just wanted to say hello.”

“Hi,” I blurt.

“Hey,” Trey says.

Wondering how long he’s been there, both of us start the dissection. If he knows what we’re up to, we’ll see it in his body language.

“So who were you calling?” he asks as he slides a hand in his left pants pocket.

“Just paging Pam,” I reply. “She was supposed to meet us for lunch.”

Simon glances at Trey, then back at me. “And how’d your meeting go with Adenauer?”

How’d he know about-

“If you want, we can talk about it later,” he adds with just enough force to remind me of our deal. Simon still wants to keep this quiet-even if he has to make me look like a killer to do it. Stepping off the sidewalk, he toasts us with a cup of recently bought coffee. “Just let me know if there’s anything I can do.”
