* * *

By seven A.M., we're boarded and ready to go, but since it's not a commercial flight, most people aren't in their seats--they're standing together in small groups or wandering around, exploring the plane. Without question, it looks more like a cocktail party than a plane ride.

Looking up from her newspaper, Pam catches me leaning into the aisle and staring up the hallway. "Don't worry, Michael, she'll be here."

She thinks I'm looking for Nora. "Why do you always assume it's about her?"

"Isn't everything about her?"

"That's funny."

"No, Charlie Brown is funny . . ." She lifts her newspaper and snaps it into place. "Yeah, that Charlie Brown . . . he sure does love that Little Red-Haired Girl . . ."

Ignoring her, I get up from my seat.

"Where're you going?" she asks, lowering the paper.

"Just to the bathroom. Be back in a second."

At the front of the plane, I find two bathrooms, both of which are occupied. To my left, on a bolted-down end table is a bolted-down candy dish. Inside the dish are books of matches with the Air Force One logo on them. I grab one for Pam and one for my dad. Before I can get one for myself, I hear the pulsing thumps of incoming helicopters. The bathroom door opens, but I head straight for the windows. Peering outside, I see two identical multipassenger helicopters. The one carrying Hartson is Marine One. The other's just a decoy. By switching him between the two aircraft, they hope would-be assassins won't know which one to shoot out of the sky.

The two copters land almost simultaneously, but one's closer to the plane. That's Marine One. When the doors open, the first person out is the Chief of Staff. Behind him comes a top advisor, a few deputies, and finally, Lamb. The man's amazing. Always has the ear. Nora comes next, followed by her younger brother, Christopher, a gawky-looking kid who's still in boarding school. Holding hands, the two siblings pause a moment, waiting for their parents. First, Mrs. Hartson. Then the President. Of course, while everyone's staring at POTUS, I can't take my eyes off his daugh---

A strong hand settles on my shoulder. "Who you looking at?" Simon asks.

I spin around at the sound of his voice. "Just the President," I shoot back.

"Incredible sight, don't you think?"

"I've seen better," I jab.

He shoots me a look that I know'll leave a bruise. "Remember where you are, Michael. It'd be a real shame if you had to go home."

I'm tempted to fight, but I'm not going to win this one. Time to be smart. If Simon wanted me out, I'd be long gone. He just wants silence. That's what's going to keep this out of the papers; that's what's going to keep me at my job; that's what's going to continue to keep Nora safe. And like she said in the bowling alley, that's the only way we're going to get to the bottom of this.

"We understand each other?" Simon asks.

I nod. "You don't have to worry about me."

"Good," he says with a smile. He motions to the back of the plane and sends me on my way.

I return to my seat feeling like I've been kicked in the stomach.

"See your girlfriend?" Pam asks as I'm about to sit down. Once again hiding behind the newspaper, her voice is quivering.

"What's wrong?"

She doesn't answer.

I reach over and tug on the paper. "Pam, tell me what's . . ." Her eyes are welled up with tears. As the paper hits the table between us, I get my first look at what she's reading. Page B6 of the Metro Section. Obituaries. At the top is a picture of Caroline. The headline reads: "White House Lawyer Caroline G. Penzler Dies."

Before I can react, the plane starts to move. A sudden lurch forward sends Pam's purse to the floor, and just as it hits, her White House pen slides onto the carpet. After a short announcement, we head down the runway, ready for takeoff. Some people return to their seats; others don't care. The cocktail party continues. The whole cabin's trembling from the final thrust of takeoff. Still, no one's wearing a seatbelt. It's a subtle gesture, but it does imply power. And even en route to a funeral, that's what the White House is all about.
