Rick had met FBI Special Agent Ernie Donovan a few times, but it hadn’t been for at least seven years. Donovan hadn’t changed. He was ex-Marine and took pride in maintaining the look, the high-and-tight hair and the physique. Donovan’s black hair was peppered with gray now. That was the main difference.

Eight years ago Rick had worked on a piece on interstate sex trafficking of minors and had, in the process, gotten to know Donovan. The FBI is always finicky in its dealings with journalists. It views them as unreliable, uncontrollable, publicity-seeking loose cannons, which is largely true. Journalists view the FBI as hidebound, bureaucratic, and legalistic, which is also largely true. But when their needs overlap-when the bureau wanted a story out-the relationship could be harmonious.

They met at a Starbucks across the street from the Boston field office. Donovan turned down Rick’s offer of a drink after work. He had four kids and had a long drive home from Boston.

Donovan met Rick in line. The agent’s grip was very ex-Marine. They made small talk until they were seated with their coffees at a table. Rick told him about what he was investigating, the covered-up accident. “Did that ever come across your radar screen?”

“You’re talking about the Big Dig. The radar screen got awfully crowded those days.”

“So nothing about this accident in particular? A cover-up?”

“I don’t have anything for you, Rick.”

“Meaning you can’t tell me, or you don’t have anything to tell?”

Donovan smiled. “If I had anything, I couldn’t tell you.”

“You’d know if an investigation was ever opened.”

“And officially I’m not supposed to tell you that no investigation was ever opened.”

“Got it. Thanks.”

“I remember the accident well. Off the record, it always troubled me.”

“But not enough to open an investigation.”

“A lot was going on back then. Whitey Bulger had just vanished in Boston the year before. A lot of fingers were being pointed. But if you find something, let me have a look.”

“Maybe I will.”

“Listen, Rick. You’re digging in a swamp. It’s Boston and the Big Dig and corrupt contractors and a lot of people don’t want the muck raked. Be careful out there, okay?”
