
My first thank you goes to the incredible Tanera Simons, who gave Tiffy and Leon a shot before anybody else, and then kickstarted the craziest, most wonderful time in my life. The next thanks go to Mary Darby, Emma Winter, Kristina Egan and Sheila David for everything they’ve done to take The Flatshare out into the world. I am so lucky to have found a home at Darley Anderson Agency.

You might not believe it after reading about Martin and Hana, but in reality the publishing industry is full of truly wonderful people — and the bunch who’ve brought The Flatshare into the world are particularly incredible. To Emily Yau and Christine Kopprasch, my amazing editors at Quercus and Flatiron: thank you for making this an infinitely better book with your edits, and for the countless other things you’ve done to make The Flatshare the best it can be. Thank you to Jon Butler, Cassie Browne, Bethan Ferguson, Hannah Robinson, Hannah Winter, Charlotte Webb, Rita Winter, and all the other lovely Quercus people who have done so much to make this book a reality. And thank you to my wonderful international publishers for believing in Tiffy and Leon so early and making this experience even more of a dream.

My next thank yous go to: Libby, for being my muse; Nups, for being my rock, battling toilet mushrooms with me, and telling me (very emphatically) that this book was The One; and Pooja, for being a wonderful, generous friend and giving so much time and ­expertise. Thank you to Gabby, Helen, Gary, Holly and Rhys, for the early reads, the bright ideas and the messy nights at Adventure Bar, and to Rebecca Lewis-Oakes, for giving me a good talking-to when I was too scared to send out queries. Sorry for keeping the name Justin, Rebecca!

To my wonderful family, and the fabulous Hodgson family too: thank you for always being there for me, and for getting so excited about all things Flatshare. Mum and Dad, thank you for your endless support and for filling my life with love and books. And Tom, thank you for your help with the details. I love you and think of you every day.

To Sam. This is the hardest part, because I feel just like Leon — I can’t find the words for something this big. Thank you for your patience, your kindness, your puppy-like enthusiasm for everything life brings, and thank you for reading and laughing when it mattered most. This book is dedicated to you, but really it’s not just for you, it’s because of you, too.

Finally, a huge thank you to every reader who picked up this book, and to every bookseller who helped make that moment happen. I’m so grateful and honoured you did.
