First thanks must go as always to my agent, Kate Lee, and my editors, Charlie Spicer and Yaniv Soha. All three of them are supportive and discerning, and this would be a lesser book without their aid.

Supplementing their work were two people I must thank: my mother, who can navigate the trickiest plot points and seems to understand my characters better than I do, and Emily Popp, who time and again tied together loose strings to tighten the structure and prose of this book. I’m so grateful to both of them.

A few notes: Berry Brothers and Rudd and Ye Old Cheshire Cheese are still in business. I highly recommend visiting both. The description of the London Mint is accurate, but I changed some of its internal architecture to suit the exigencies of the story. And lastly, while Stirrington is a fictional town, it has many real counterparts in Durham, and the events that occur there are, I hope, entirely authentic in their nature.
