Lois McMaster Bujold

Photo by Carol Collins




Lois McMaster Bujold was born in 1949, the daughter of an engineering professor at Ohio State University, from whom she picked up her early interest in science fiction. She now lives in Minneapolis, and has two grown children. She began writing with the aim of professional publication in 1982. She wrote three novels in three years; in October of 1985, all three sold to Baen Books, launching her career. Bujold went on to write many other books for Baen, mostly featuring her popular character Miles Naismith Vorkosigan, his family, friends, and enemies. Her books have been translated into over twenty languages. Her fantasy from Eos includes the award-winning Chalion series and the Sharing Knife series.

Books by Lois McMaster Bujold
The Vorkosigan Series

Falling Free

Shards of Honor


The Warrior’s Apprentice

“The Mountains of Mourning” (novella)

“Weatherman” (novella)

The Vor Game


Ethan of Athos

Borders of Infinity

“Labyrinth” (novella)

“The Borders of Infinity” (novellas)

Brothers in Arms

Mirror Dance



A Civil Campaign

“Winterfair Gifts” (novella)

Diplomatic Immunity

Captain Vorpatril’s Alliance

“The Flowers of Vashnoi” (novella)


Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen

The Chalion Series

The Curse of Chalion

Paladin of Souls

The Hallowed Hunt

The Penric novellas

“Penric’s Demon”

“Penric and the Shaman”

“Penric’s Fox”

“Penric’s Mission”

“Mira’s Last Dance”

“The Prisoner of Limnos”

The Sharing Knife Tetralogy

Volume One: Beguilement

Volume Two: Legacy

Volume Three: Passage

Volume Four: Horizon

Other Fantasy

The Spirit Ring

Short Stories

Proto Zoa


Sidelines: Talks and Essays
