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Oliver Sacks, foreword to A. R. Luria, The Man with a Shattered World: The History of a Brain Wound (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1987), pp. vii-xix.

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Volchek, "May 1988-go."

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Laqueur, Black Hundred, p. 208.

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Yuri Levada, ed., Sovetsky prostoy chelovek: Opyt sotsial'nogo portreta na rubezhe 90-kh (Moscow: publisher unknown, 1993), p. 11.

Ibid., p. 23.

Ibid., p. 14.

Ibid., p. 16.


Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1976), pp. 465-466.

Ibid., p. 475.

Levada, Sovetsky prostoy chelovek, pp. 18-19.

Ibid., p. 22.

Ibid., p. 286.

Ibid., p. 288.

George Orwell, 1984 (New York: Signet Classics, 1961).

Levada, Sovetsky prostoy chelovek, pp. 30-31.

Ibid., pp. 292-293.

Ibid., pp. 274-276.


V. V. Lebedinsky and N. P. Chesnokova, "Oktyabryata," Bolshaya sovetskaya entsiklopediya, 3rd ed. (Moscow, 1974), vol. 18, pp. 1080-1081; "Chto v SSSR delali pionery, kak prinimali v komsomol i kto takiye oktyabryata?" Argumenty i fakty, May 19, 2014,, accessed December 28, 2015.

Image of back cover of Soviet primary-school notebook at content/uploads/2014/01/sovietschool02.jpg, accessed December 28, 2015.

Mikhail Zoshchenko, "Grafin," in Rasskazy o Lenine,, accessed December 28, 2015; A. I. Ulyanova, Detskiye i shkolniye gody Ilyicha, chap. 3,, accessed December 28, 2015. (In fact, the chronology of writing, and the appearance of the image of a broken vase in an entirely different, earlier, recollection by Ulyanova, make the entire story appear fictional, but for the purposes of mythology this is irrelevant.)

Serhii Plokhy, The Last Empire: The Final Days of the Soviet Union (New York: Basic Books, 2014), p. 31.

"Sostav rukovodyashchikh organov Tsentral'nogo komiteta Kommunisticheskoy partii— Politburo (Prezidiuma), Orgburo, Sekretariata TsK," Izvestia TsK KPSS, no. 7 (1990),, accessed January 2, 2016.

The Politburo member in question was Andrei Gromyko. Mikhail Gorbachev, Zhizn' i reformy (Moscow: Novosti, 1995), vol. 1, p. 408.

Ibid., p. 409.

Stephen Kotkin, Armageddon Averted: The Soviet Collapse, 1970-2000 (New York: Oxford University Press, 2008), p. 21.

I describe this in detail in The Man Without a Face: The Unlikely Rise of Vladimir Putin (New York: Riverhead Books, 2012).

Ronald Reagan, remarks delivered at the Annual Convention of the National Association of Evangelicals, in Orlando, Florida, March 8, 1983,

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Peredovaia, "Privet izbrannikam velikogo naroda!" Literaturnaya gazeta, no. 3 (January 15, 1937), cited in Martin, The Affirmative Action Empire, p. 455.

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A. A. Yakovlev, ed., Aleksandr Yakovlev, Perestroika: 1985-1991: Dokumenty (Moscow: Mezhdunarodny fond "Demokratiya," 2008), p. 165.

Ibid., p. 166.

Thomas de Waal, Black Garden: Armenia and Azerbaijan Through Peace and War (New York and London: New York University Press, 2003).

Kotkin, Armageddon Averted.

Yakovlev, Aleksandr Yakovlev, Perestroika, pp. 321-351.

"Vystupleniye na pervom syezde narodnykh deputatov SSSR," in Andrei Sakharov, Mir, progress, prava cheloveka (Leningrad: Sovetskiy pisatel, 1990), pp. 111-116.

M. R. Zezina et al., Chelovekperemen: Issledovaniye politicheskoy biografii B. N. Yeltsina (Moscow: Novy khronograf, 2011).

Yakovlev, Aleksandr Yakovlev, Perestroika, pp. 361-362.

Ibid., p. 381.

Zbigniew Brzezinski, The Grand Failure: The Birth and Death of Communism in the Twentieth Century (New York: Collier Books, 1990).

Plokhy, The Last Empire, p. 38.

Yakovlev, Aleksandr Yakovlev, Perestroika, pp. 602-605.

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Yakovlev, Aleksandr Yakovlev, Perestroika, pp. 620-634.

A. A. Yakovlev, ed., Aleksandr Yakovlev, Izbranniye intervyu: 1992-2005 (Moscow: Mezhdunarodny fond "Demokratiya," 2009), p. 382.

Yakovlev, Aleksandr Yakovlev, Perestroika, pp. 659-681.

Yakovlev, Aleksandr Yakovlev, Izbranniye intervyu, p. 37.

Yakovlev, Aleksandr Yakovlev, Perestroika, p. 823.

Ibid., p. 689.

Ibid., pp. 690-695, 824.

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Yakovlev, Aleksandr Yakovlev, Perestroika, p. 695.

Vadim Bakatin, Izbavleniye ot KGB (Moscow: Novotni, 1992).

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Stephen Kotkin, Armageddon Averted: The Soviet Collapse, 1970-2000 (New York: Oxford University Press, 2008).

Alexei Yurchak, Everything Was Forever, Until It Was No More: The Last Soviet Generation (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2005).

Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1976), p. 465.

Ibid., p. 391.

Wendy Z. Goldman, Women, State and Revolution: Soviet Family Policy and Social Life, 1917-1936 (Cambridge, England, and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994).

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Mie Nakachi, "Replacing the Dead: The Politics of Reproduction in the Soviet Union, 1944-1955," doctoral dissertation, University of Chicago, 2008.

Sakevich, "Chto bylo posle zapreta aborta v 1936 godu."

I was one of the two lesbians mentioned by the Moskovsky Komsomolets article; the other was Julie Dorf, an activist from San Francisco. At the time, I witnessed some of the negotiations because Colette Shulman called me from the Central Committee. She recounted the events to me on January 25, 2016, in New York City.

Yegor Gaidar, Dniporazheniy ipobed (Moscow: Alpina, 2014), pp. 58-59.

Ibid., p. 93.

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Gaidar, Dni porazheniy i pobed, pp. 97-98.

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Veronika Kutsyllo, Zapiski iz Belogo doma: 21 sentyabrya-4 oktyabrya 1993 g. (Moscow: Kommersant, 1993), p. 19.

Gaidar, Dni porazheniy i pobed, p. 304.

Ibid., pp. 300-313; Kutsyllo, Zapiski iz Belogo doma, pp. 111-155.

Author interview with Evgenia Debryanskaya, Moscow, November 2013.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, The Destinies of Russia (Moscow: RAIT, 1997), p. 144.

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Fred S. Koch, The Volga Germans: In Russia and the Americas, 1763 to the Present (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1977).

Alexander Etkind, Warped Mourning: Stories of the Undead in the Land of the Unburied (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2013), pp. 8-9.

Gorbachev described this in a conversation with me and a small group of others gathered to discuss a plan for creating a museum of the Gulag in February 2008.

A. Lipsky, "Vlast' opyat' sporit s istoriyey," Novaya gazeta, May 5-11, 2005, in A. A. Yakovlev, ed., Aleksandr Yakovlev, Izbranniye intervyu: 1992-2005 (Moscow: Mezhdunarodny fond "Demokratiya," 2009), pp. 372-374.

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Lidiya Chukovskaya, Procherk (Moscow: Vremya, 2013), p. 259.

Anya von Bremzen, Mastering the Art of Soviet Cooking: A Memoir of Food and Longing (New York: Crown, 2013), p. 126.

Rostova, "Vozhdi ochen' toropilis', kogda rech shla o rasstrelakh."

Lipsky, "Vlast' opyat' sporit s istoriyey."

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Alexei Gorshkov, "Transformatsiya otnosheniya k seksual'nym men'shinstvam kak politicheskaya problema sovremennogo rossiyskogo obshchestva," senior thesis, Perm State University, 2007.

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Yuri Snegirev, "'Delo piterskogo pedofila': Aleksandr Kuznetsov dvazhdy popadalsya na narkotikakh . . . ," Izvestia, February 4, 2008,, accessed July 12, 2016.

Igor K., "Chto delat's s pedofilom: kaznit' ili kastrirovat'?", April 10, 2008, http: //, accessed July 12, 2016.

"Bokser Kuznetsov, zabivshiy nasmert' nasil'nika svoyego pasynka, vyshel na svobodu dosrochno,", August 24, 2010,

https: //, accessed July 12, 2016.

Pravitel'stvo Rossiyskoy Federatsii, "Ofitsial'niy otzyv na proekt federal'nogo zakona 'O vnesenii izmeneniy v Ugolovniy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii v tselyakh usileniya otvetstvennosti za prestupleniya seksual'nogo kharaktera, sovershayemiye v otnoshenii nesovershennoletnikh,' vnosimiy deputatami Gosudarstvennoy Dumy N. V. Gerasimovoy, A. M. Babarovym, Ye. B. Mizulinoy," February 2, 2010, document 357П-П4.

"Glava komiteta Gosdumy po delam semyi obvinila Yedinorossov v ukryvatel'stve pedofilov,", November 3, 2010,, accessed July 12, 2016.

Andreas Umland, "Kak Dugin izobrazil menya 'pedofilom,'" Ukrainskaya pravda, November 9, 2010,, accessed July 12, 2016.

Dmitry Yefremov, "Sosiski uber alles!" Evrazia, February 7, 2008,, accessed July 12, 2016.

Ilya Dmitriev, "Zakasnykh del master," Evrazia, March 19, 2008,, accessed July 12, 2016.

For the history of the passage of Zakonoproekt no. 577813-5, "O vnesenii izmenenij v Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii i otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii v celjah usilenija otvetstvennosti za prestuplenija seksual'nogo haraktera, sovershennye v otnoshenii nesovershennoletnih," see OpenAgent&RN=577813-5, accessed July 12, 2016.

Pedophilia is considered a mental disorder outside Russia too, though in recent years Western psychiatrists have stressed that it is not a sexual orientation but is, rather, a paraphilia; see, for example,

Serbsky Center, "Informatsionnoye pis'mo," Document UDK 616.89 BBK 56.14 T48,, accessed July 12, 2016.

12 Author interview with Serbsky training seminar participant, Moscow, 2012.

"Operatsiya 'Spaseniye': Ostanovim nasiliye nad det'mi vmeste," originally posted at, but all history of the anti-pedophilia campaign seems to have been subsequently removed from that blog. I have found numerous contemporaneous reposts, including (July 13, 2011) and (July 2, 2011), accessed July 12, 2016.

"Medvedev predlozhil sozdat' v SK tsentr po borlbe s detskoy pornografiyey," RIA, July 7, 2011,; "Devushka, vychislivshaya v Internete 80 pedofilov, budet pomogat' Astakhovu," RIA, July 7, 2011,; both accessed July 12, 2016.

"Rezul'taty vyborov v Gosdumu po regionam Rossii," RIA, December 6, 2011,, accessed July 17, 2016.

"Zaderzhanniye na marshe," eyewitness account by blogger Zhertva1211, December 6, 2011,; Boris Nemtsov, "Miting: Chistiye prudy: Bespredel," blog post, December 6, 2011, http://b-; "Navalny i Yashin poluchili 15 sutok za nepovinoveniye politsii," RIA, December 6, 2011,; all accessed July 13, 2016.

Yevgenia Albats, Zoya Svetova, Yegor Skovoroda, Yulia Chernukhina, and Nikita Sologub, "Dekabr' 2011-go," New Times, December 3, 2012,, accessed July 17, 2016.

Boris Nemtsov, "O zavtrashnem mitinge," blog post, December 9, 2011, http://b-, accessed July 14, 2016.

"Video: sovmestnoye zayavleniye organizatorov o mitinge 10 dekabrya na Bolotnoy," December 9, 2011,, accessed July 14, 2016.

"Opros in prospekte Sakharova 24 dekabrya," Levada Center, December 26, 2011,, accessed July 17, 2016.

Alexandre Bikbov, "Metodologiya issledovaniya 'vnezapnogo' ulichnogo aktivizma (rossiyskiye mitingi i ulichniye lagerya, dekabr' 2011—iyun' 2012)," Laboratorium, no. 2 (2012), pp. 130-163.

Boris Nemtsov, "Mirnaya belaya revolutsiya," blog post, December 10, 2011, http://b-, accessed July 15, 2016.

Mischa Gabowitsch, Protest in Putin's Russia (Cambridge, England, and Malden, MA: Polity Press, 2017).

"Razgovor s Vladimirom Putinym 2011 (polnaya versiya),", accessed July 15, 2016.

seventeen MASHA: MAY 6, 2012

V.P. [Vladimir Pribylovsky], "Ponomarev Ilya Vladimirovich," dossier, Antikompromat,; Ilya Ponomarev's income declarations, archived by Transparency International Russia,; Oleg Kashin, "Mnogolikiy Ponomarev," New Times, October 29, 2012,; all accessed July 18, 2016.

V. A. Istarkhov, Udar russkikh bogov (Kaluga, Russia: Oblizdat, 1999), copy found at, accessed July 17, 2016.

"6 maya: Chto dumayut po 'tu' storonu barrikad," video shot by unidentified journalist,, accessed July 18, 2016.

"The World's 100 Most Influential People: 2012," Time, April 18, 2012,,29569,2111975,00.html, accessed July 19, 2016.

Maria Baronova's photo of Navalny holding Time magazine: accessed July 19, 2016.

Doklad Komissii "Kruglogo stola 12 dekabrya"po Obshchestvennomy rassledovaniyu sobytiy 6 maya 2012 goda na Bolotnoy ploshchadi (Moscow, 2013), p. 9.

"Moskva: 7 maya OMON ustroil pogrom v Zhan-Zhake," Radio Liberty footage, http: //

politika/video/moskva_7_maya_omon_ustroil_pogrom_v_kafe_zhan-zhak-335414, accessed July 19, 2016.

"Donbass Arena Ready to Open," Donbass Arena website, July 2, 2009, http://donbass-, accessed July 19, 2016.

"Cyborgs vs. Kremlin," undated report, Ukraine Today,, accessed July 19, 2016.

"Politsiya s utra vedyot obyski v kvartirakh oppozitsionerov," Novaya gazeta, June 11, 2012,, accessed July 19, 2016.

eighteen SERYOZHA: JULY 18, 2013

Video of sit-in, published April 21, 2013, v=0vWRHahkgoo&, accessed July 20, 2016.

Doklad Komissii "Kruglogo stola 12 dekabrya" po Obshchestvennomy rassledovaniyu sobytiy 6 maya 2012 goda na Bolotnoy ploshchadi (Moscow, 2013), pp. 52-67.

"Ukaz o merakh realizatsii vneshnepoliticheskogo kursa," May 7, 2012,; "Ukaz ob obespechenii mezhnatsional'nogo soglasiya," May 7, 2012,; "Ukaz o merakh po realizatsii demograficheskoy politiki," May 7, 2012,; all accessed July 21, 2016.

The fertility rate had been rising since 2006, from 1.3 births per woman to 1.6 in five years. The odd figure—1.753—was likely calculated by assuming that the fertility rate would continue growing at the same rate at which it had been in the year before the decree. But after the decree, the Federal Statistics Service reported a sudden jump to the required rate. Fertility rate, total, Russian Federation, The World Bank,, accessed July 21, 2016.

"Vstecha s prezidentom MOK Zhakom Rogge," Kremlin transcript,, accessed July 21, 2016.

Putin's speech in Guatemala City, RT footage, July 5, 2007,, accessed July 21, 2016.

"Vladimir Putin prinyal uchastiye v gala-matche lyubitel'skoy hokkeynoy ligi," Kremlin report, May 7, 2012,, accessed July 21, 2016.

"Plenarnoye zasedaniye Gosudarstvennoy Dumy," Kremlin footage, May 8, 2012,, accessed July 21, 2016.

"Voyenniy parad v chest' 67-y godovshchiny Velikoy Pobedy," Kremlin footage, May 9, 2012,, accessed July 21, 2016.

Footage of Victory Day parades by year: 2000, v=A6xWUqW5e0o; 2001,; 2002, https: //; 2003,

https: //; 2004,

https: //; 2005,

https: //; 2006,

https: //; 2007,

https: //; 2008,

https: //; 2009,

https: //; 2010,

https: //; 2011,; all accessed July 24, 2016.

"Razgovor s Vladimirom Putinym 2011 (polnaya versiya)," https://www.ycutube.ccm/watch?v=mTDGhhcBKdI, accessed July 15, 2016.

"Rabochiy klass Urala! Trodovoy narod Rossii!" appeal from Putin defense committee at UralVagonZavod, December 29, 2011,, accessed July 21, 2016.

"Vybory: Aktsiya 'za chestniye vybory' v g. Nizniy Tagil," December 10, 2011,, accessed July 21, 2016.

"Rabochikh Uralvagozavoda ne pustyat na tanke v Yekatirenburg,", January 16, 2012,, accessed July 21, 2016.

"Poseshcheniye nauchno-proizvodstvennoy korporatsii 'Uralvagonzavod,'" Kremlin report, May 10, 2012,, accessed July 21, 2016.

For the history of the passage of Zakonoproekt no. 70631-6, "O vnesenii izmemneniy of Kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii ob administrativnykh pravonarusheniyakh i Federal'niy zakon 'O sobraniyakh, mitingakh, demonstratsiyakh, shestviyakh i piketirovaniyakh' (v

chasti utochneniya poryadka organizatsii i provedeniya publicnykh meropriyatiy, prav, obyazannostey i otvetstvennosi organizatorov i uchastnikov publicnhykh meropriyatiy)," see 6&02, accessed July 21, 2016.

Petr Orlov, "K Bondu ne khodi," Rossiyskaya gazeta, November 14, 2012,; "Russia Expels USAID Development Agency," BBC News, September 19, 2012,; both accessed July 21, 2016.

"Russia: Worst Crackdown Since Soviet Era," Human Rights Watch, January 31, 2012,, accessed July 21, 2016.

Masha Gessen, "Russian Purge: The Horror Story of Publishing Children's Books in Russia," The Intercept, February 17, 2016, horror-story-of-publishing-childrens-books-in-moscow/, accessed July 24, 2016.

Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1976), pp. 390-391.

Fareed Zakaria, "The Rise of Illiberal Democracy," Foreign Affairs, November/December 1997, pp. 22-42, democracy.

Yekaterina Shulman, "Tsarstvo politicheskoy imitatsii," Vedomosti, August 15, 2014, http: //, accessed July


Author interview with Balint Magyar, Budapest, June 13, 2015.

Balint Magyar, Post-Communist Mafia State: The Case of Hungary, trans. Balint Bethlenfalvy et al. (Budapest: Central European University Press, 2016), p. 68.

Ibid., p. 69.

Magyar interview.

Alexander Dugin, "Gorizonty bolotnoy revolutsii," Evrazia, December 23, 2011,, accessed July 23, 2016.

"Serdtsu ne prikazhesh,", February 5, 2012,, accessed July 25, 2016.

"Alexander Dugin na Poklonnoy . . . ," video footage of rally, February 4, 2012, http: // vse_ostalnoe-nichto04_02_2012, accessed July 23, 2016.

"Zapis' zasedaniya Antiorangevogo komiteta of 10.02.2012," video footage,, accessed July 23, 2016. The text of the pact is no longer accessible on the Web, but it is read in its entirety in this video.

"Sergei Stanislavovich Udaltsov," biography,,

http: //, accessed July


Masha Gessen, "Alexey Navalny's Very Strange Form of Freedom,", January 15, 2016, strange-form-of-freedom; Masha Gessen, "That Blunt Russian Force," The New York Times, July 22, 2013, force/?_r=0; both accessed July 23, 2016.

nineteen LYOSHA: JUNE 11, 2013

Article 331 of the Labor Code: Trudovoi kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii,; "Federal'niy zakon ot 1 aprelya 2012 g. N 27-FZ 'O vnesenii izmeneniy v statyu 22 Federal'nogo zakona "O gosudarstvennoy registratsii yuridicheskikh lits i individual'nykh predprinimateley" i stat'i 331 i 351 Trudovogo kodeksa Rossiyskoy Federatsii,'" Rossiyskaya gazeta, April 4, 2012,; both accessed July 25, 2016.

"V Peterburge deputaty zapretili propagandu gomoseksualizma,", November 16,, accessed July 25, 2016.

"ZakS pochti yedinoglasno podderzhal zapret na propagandu netraditsionnoy seksual'nosti," Fontanka, November 16, 2011,, accessed July 25, 2016.

"Peterburgskiy sud podtverdil otkaz v iske k Madonne,", February 6, 2013,, accessed July 25, 2016.

'"Vesyologo molochnika' obvinili v poddesrzhke geyev,", September 28, 2012,, accessed July 25, 2016.

"Deputat Milonov vnov' vyshel na okhotu na pedofilov," Fontanka, June 19, 2012,, accessed July 25, 2016.

"Milonov khochet proverit' pedagogov na pedofiliyu," BBC Russian Service, October 8,, accessed July 25, 2016.

For the history of the passage of Zakonoproekt no. 44554-6, "O vnesenii izmeneniy v statyu 5 Federal'nogo zakona 'O zashchite detey ot informatsii, prichinyayushchey vred ikh zdorovyu i razvitiyu' i otdel'niye zakonodatel'niye akty Rossiyskoy Federatsii v tselyakh zashchity detey ot informatsii, propagandiruyushchey otritsaniye traditsionnykh semeynykh tsennostey," see OpenAgent&RN=44554-6&02, accessed July 25, 2016.

M. V. Demenkov, "Zaklyucheniye po proektu Federal'nogo zakona no. 44554-6," November 21, 2012, retrieved at 6&02, July 25, 2016.

Ye. B. Mizulina, "Zaklyucheniye po proektu Federal'nogo zakona no. 44554-6," undated, retrieved at http: // OpenAgent&RN=44554-6&02, July 25, 2016.

Istoricheskiy protsess—gosudarstvo i chastnaya zhizn', Rossiya 1 program, archived at, accessed July 25, 2016.

"Samootvod: Oleg Chirkunov dosrochno pokinul post permskogo gubernatora,", April 30, 2012,, accessed July 26, 2016.

"M. Gelman otrkyl skandal'nuyu vystavku Welcome! Sochi-2014," RBK, June 11, 2013,; Marat Guelman, untitled blog post, Facebook, October 24, 2014,

https: //; both accessed July 26, 2016.

14. Nikita Girin, "Gey, slavyane i OMON," Novaya gazeta, January 9-28, 2013,; for Ponomarev's voting record, http: //

convocation=AAAAAAA6&from=25.01.2013&to=25.01.2013&number=44554- 6&deputy=99111031&sort=date_desc; both accessed July 29, 2016. 15 "Voyenniy parad v chest' 68-y godovshchiny Velikoy Pobedy," Kremlin website, May 9,

2013,, accessed July 26, 2016.

"Volgograd v pamyatniye dni stanet Stalingradom,", January 31, 2013,, accessed July 26, 2016.

"Volgogradskiye ubiytsy pokazali, kak zabivali i nasilovali priyaetlya—'geya,'" Tsentral'noye Televideniye, NTV, May 19, 2013,; Daniil Turovskiy, "Stal geyem, chtoby ottuda sbezhat',", May 23, 2013,; both accessed July 26, 2013.

"GD namerena do serediny leta prinyat' zakon o zaprete gey-propagandy," RIA, May 14, 2012,, accessed July 26, 2016.

"Vystupleniye Emrika Shoprada" (Russian version), http://www.komitet2-, accessed July 26, 2016.

Report on the joint session of Committee on the Family, Women, and Children and the Committee on International Affairs, June 13, 2013, http://www.komitet2-; "Deputat Mizulina predlozhila otbirat' detey u rossiyskikh geyev i lesbiyanok," Gay Russia, June 14, 2013,; both accessed July 26, 2016.

"Duma okonchatel'no odobrila zapret na usynovleniye odnopolymi parami,", June 21, 2013,; Olga Pavlikova, "Aleksey Zhuravlev: 'Gomoseksualist ne dolzhen vospityvat' rebyonka," Slon, September 5, 2013, 987035.xhtml; both accessed July 26, 2016.

"Zasedaniye mezhdunarodnogo diskussionnogo kluba 'Valdai,'" Kremlin website, September 19, 2013,, accessed July 27, 2016.

"Everything You Need to Know About the Anti-LGBTQ World Congress of Families (WCF)," Southern Poverty Law Center, October 21, 2015, lgbtq-world-congress-families-wcf; Cole Parke, "Natural Deception: Conned by the World Congress of Families," Political Research Associates, January 21, 2015, congress-of-families/#sthash.DJXMcOU7.a9bkcdgH.dpbs (also published in The Public Eye, Winter 2015); both accessed July 30, 2016.

The WCF's Russian-language website lists seven top officials of the organization: three Americans and four Russians,; the American site lists only American staff:; both accessed July 30, 2016.

"On to Moscow World Congress of Families VIII, September 10-12, 2014," World Congress of Families News 7, no. 4 (June/July 2013), p. 5.

"Okkupai-Pedofilyai Perm': Vypusk #7,", accessed July 27, 2016.

"Okkupai-Pedofilyai g. Perm': Vypusk #3: 'Krepkiy oreshek,'", accessed July 27, 2016.

"Okkupai-Pedofilyai g. Perm': Vypusk #7: 'Razmorozhennaya pilotka,'", accessed July 27, 2016.

"Kuda smotri Perm'?" VK post by Genderniye Issledovaniya: Traditsionniy Podkhod, March 29, 2014,, accessed July 27, 2016.


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https://www.theguardian.ccm/music/20lз/sep/2з/pussy-rict-hunger-strike-nadezhda- tolokonnikova, accessed May 10, 2017.

Masha Gessen, "Northern Exposure: Protest, Petroleum, and Putin's Dream of a Russian Arctic," Harper's, June 2014,

Masha Gessen, "Putin, Snubbed: The Russian Leader May Release Mikhail Khodorkovsky to Distract Attention from Western Leaders' Decision to Skip His Olympics," Slate, December 19, 2013,

http: // / articles/ news_and_politics/foreigners/ 2013/12/mikhail_khodorkov accessed May 10, 2017.

"Postanovleniye Gosudarstvennoy Dumy ot 18 dekabrya 2013 g. no. 3500-6 GD 'Ob obyavlenii amnistii v svyazi s 20-letiyem prinyatiya Konstitutsii Rossiyskoy Federatsii,'" Rossiyskaya gazeta, December 19, 2013,, accessed May 10, 2017.

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Masha Gessen, "The Putin Nemesis Plotting a Post-Putin Russia," Vanity Fair Hive, July 19, 2016, http: // / news/ 2016/ 07/mikhail-khodorkovsky-putin-russia, accessed May 10, 2017.

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Maria Baronova, "'Vot oni khotyat Klichko: Klichko—on debil, on boksyor, po golove poluchal," Slon, January 27, 2014, 1048640.xhtml, accessed August 19, 2016.

"V skandal vokrug 'blokadnogo' oprosa 'Dozhdya' mozhet vmeshat'sya Yu. Chayka," RBK, January 29, 2014,, accessed August 21, 2016; "Zdes' i seychas: Natalya Sindeyeva: Ya khochu izvinit'sya pered lud'mi, kotorykh eto deystvitel'no zadelo, takiye lyudi byli i vnutri telekanala," TV Rain, January 29, 2014, 361621/, accessed August 21, 2016.

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"Referendum v Krymu o statuse avtonomii," RIA compilation, March 16, 2015,, accessed August 21, 2016.

Mark Kramer, "Why Did Russia Give Away Crimea Sixty Years Ago?" Cold War International History Project E-Dossier no. 47, March 19, 2014, years-ago, accessed August 22, 2016.

Vladimir Putin's address in the Kremlin, March 18, 2014, Kremlin transcript,; official English translation,; both accessed August 23, 2016., accessed August 23, 2016.

Adolf Hitler's closing speech at NSDAP (Nazi Party) congress, Nuremberg, September 12, 1938,, accessed August 23, 2016.

"'Maidan,' Krym, sanktsii," Levada Center, December 30, 2014,, accessed August 23, 2016.

Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1976), pp. 470-474.

"Expert: Raspad Ukrainy neizbezhen,", October 8, 2009,, accessed August 26, 2016.

"Predstavlyayetsya pravil'nym initsiirovat' prisoyedineniye vostochnykh oblastey Ukrainy k Rossii," Novaya gazeta, February 23, 2015,, accessed August 26, 2016. The newspaper attributed the white paper to Konstantin Malofeyev, known as the Orthodox Billionaire. But the logic and, especially, the vocabulary of much of the text point strongly to the possibility that Dugin had coauthored it. Specifically, the repeated use of the word "geopolitical" and, even more important, the term gorodskaya guerrilya—"urban guerrilla"—which, in Russian, seems to appear only in encyclopedias and, frequently, in Dugin's writing. The existence of an ongoing working relationship between Malofeyev and Dugin is well documented. See, for example, "Chorniy Internatsional: Malofeyev i Dugin," blog by Russian hacker Shaltay Boltay, November 27, 2014, %D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%86%D0%B8%D0%] %D0%B8-%D0%B4%D1%83%D0%B3%D0%B8/, accessed August 26, 2016.

"Dokazi prichetnosti vladi RF do poasyaganiya na teritorial'nu tsilisnist' Urkainy," telephone recordings published by Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine,, accessed August 26, 2016.

"A. Dugin i Ye. Gubareva obsudili budushcheye Donbassa i Ukrainy," recording of Skype conversation, March 29, 2014,, accessed August 26, 2016. The channel on which the video was published belongs to Pavel Gubarev, but he was in jail at the time, so I assume the call was recorded and published by Yekaterina Gubareva herself.

"Pro-Russian Crowds Storm Government Buildings in Eastern Ukraine," from "The Ukraine Crisis Timeline," Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), April 6, 2014,, accessed August 26, 2016.

"People's Republic of Donetsk Calls for Russia to Send 'Peacekeepers,'" from "The Ukraine Crisis Timeline," CSIS, April 7, 2014,, accessed August 26, 2016.

"US, Others Support Ukraine but Europe Divided on Sanctions,"; "Pro-Russian Forces Seize APCs as Ukrainian Operation Falters,"; April 15-16, 2014, "The Ukraine Crisis Timeline," CSIS, accessed August 27, 2016.

"Ukraine, Pro-Russian Protestors [sic] Square Off in East," April 8, 2014,; "Pro-Russian Forces Seize Additional Facilities," April 12, 2014,; "Ukrainian Military, Pro-Russian Forces Clash as 'Anti-Terrorist Operation' Begins," April 15, 2014,; all from "The Ukraine Crisis Timeline," CSIS, accessed August 26, 2016.

Pryamaya liniya s Vladimirom Putinym, April 17, 2014, Kremlin transcript,, accessed August 27, 2016.

Yuri Maloveryan, "Gosduma utverdila prisoyedineniye Kryma k Rossii," BBC Russian Service, March 20, 2014,

http: // com/russian/russia/2014/03/140320_ukraine_crim ea_duma_ratificatic Ilya Ponomarev, "In Exile, but Ready to Save Russia," The New York Times, April 15, 2015, russia.html?_r=0; both accessed May 12, 2017.

Marlene Laruelle, ed., Eurasianism and the European Far Right: Reshaping the Europe- Russia Relationship (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2015).

"21 aprelya v programme 'Pozner'—Aleksandr Dugin," April 18, 2014,, accessed August 27, 2016.

Alexander Dugin, "Nakanunye voyny—2," Malorossiya, April 21, 2014,

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Alexander Dugin, "Putin, vvodi voyska!" Malorossiya, May 28, 2014,

http: //; Alexander Dugin, "Russkiye zemli to suzhayutsya, to rasshiryayutsya," Malorossiya, May 27, 2014, rasshiryayutsya-video.xhtml; Alexander Dugin, "Shestaya kolonna," Vzglyad, April 29, 2014,; all accessed August 28, 2016.

Author interview with Natalya Makeeva, Moscow, May 22, 2015.

Mikhail Khodorkovsky, "My mozhem i khotim reshat' samiye slozhniye zadachi, kotoriye stavit pered nashimi narodami zhizn',", April 24, 2014,, accessed August 28, 2016.

Alan Taylor, "A Year of War Completely Destroyed the Donetsk Airport," The Atlantic, February 26, 2015, completely-destroyed-the-donetsk-airport/386204/, accessed August 28, 2016.

Cole Parke, "Natural Deception: Conned by the World Congress of Families," Political Research Associates, January 21, 2015, congress-of-families/#sthash.DJXMcOU7.a9bkcdgH.dpbs (also published in The Public Eye, Winter 2015), accessed August 29, 2016.

John-Henry Westen, "Conference Promoting Large Families in Russia Amazes Westerners,", September 10, 2014, amazes-westerners, accessed August 29, 2016.

Anton Shekhovtsov, Russia and the Western Far Right: Tango Noir (Abingdon, England:

Routledge, 2017).

Author interview with Johann Beckman, Moscow, June 2014.

"Rossiya zapretila import prodovol'stviya na $9 mlrd v otvet na sanktsii," TASS, August 7, 2014,, accessed Sept. 4, 2016.

"Indeks potrebitel'skikh nastroyeniy," explication, Levada Center, undated, potrebitelskikh-nastroenii/, accessed September 4, 2016.

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Masha Gessen, "A Country Haunted by Starvation Burns Its Food,", August 11, 2015, starvation-burns-its-food, accessed September 4, 2016.

twenty-one ZHANNA: FEBRUARY 27, 2015

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Screenshot of ad, reproduced in journalist Andrei Malgin's blog, March 3, 2014,, accessed September 9, 2016.

Yuri Maloveryan, "'Marsh mira' v Moskve sobral desyatki tysyach uchastnikov," BBC Russian Service, March 15, 2014,, accessed September 9, 2016.

Ksenia Sobchak, tweet, April 14, 2014, tweet_id=455701786901639169&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&original_referer=http%3A%2F%2: accessed September 9, 2016.

Boris Nemtsov, Facebook post, April 26, 2014,, accessed Sept. 9, 2016.

Sergei Mel'nikov, "10 vydvizhentsev KGB," Ogonyok, November 7, 2011,, accessed September 9, 2016.

Boris Nemtsov and Leonid Martynyuk, Zimnyaya olimpiada v subtropikhakh: Nezavisimyi Ekspertnyi Doklad (Moscow: Self-published, 2013), p. 14.

Sergei Goryashko, "Vladimir Yakunin reshil nakazat' Borisa Nemtsova rublyom," Kommersant, May 28, 2014,; "Sud perenyos slushaniye po delu RzhD k Nemtsovu na 10 fevralya,", December 10, 2014,; both accessed Sept. 9, 2016.

Boris Nemtsov, Facebook post, Sept. 6, 2014,, accessed Sept. 9, 2016.

12 "Skol'ko cheloek prishli na shestviye v Moskve i chem otlichilsya Milonov na peterburgskom 'Marshe mira': Itogi 21 sentyabrya," TV Rain, September 21, 2014, https: //^e_v_mos] 375624/, accessed March 14, 2017.

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"Tysyachi lyudey prinyali uchastiye v marshakh pamyati Nemtsova," BBC Russian Service, March 1, 2015,, accessed September 13, 2016.

"Zhanna Nemtsova: 'Putin politicheski vinovat v smerti ottsa,'" BBC Russian Service, March 12, 2015,, accessed Sept. 13, 2016.

twenty-two FOREVER WAR

1 The protester was Varvara Turova. Photo of her taken August 4, 2013,

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Cathy Caruth, Unclaimed Experience: Trauma, Narrative, and History (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996), p. 66.

Ibid., p. 63.

Robert Jay Lifton, Witness to an Extreme Century (New York: Free Press, 2011), p. 28.

Ibid., p. 127.

Robert Jay Lifton, The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide (New York: Basic Books, 1986), p. 418.

Lifton, Witness to an Extreme Century, p. 151.

Author interview with trauma psychologist Jack Saul, New York City, December 23, 2015.

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Erich Fromm, Escape from Freedom (New York: Henry Holt, 1994), p. 168.

Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1976), p. 329.

Lev Gudkov, "Zayavleniye direktora Levada-tsentra," Levada Center, September 9, 2016,, accessed September 26, 2016.


The page numbers in this index refer to the printed version of this book. The link provided will take you to the beginning of that print page. You may need to scroll forward from that location to find the corresponding reference on your e-reader.

A Just Russia political party, 330, 334 Abkhazia, 279-80 abortion, 42

"abortive modernization" process, 381-82, 390-91 adoption bans for Americans, 380 for same-sex couples, 408 age, and effect on personal beliefs, 65 Akhmatova, Anna, 181-82, 199 alcoholism, 121, 265 Alekseeva, Ludmila, 317-18 Alfa-Bank, 484

All-Union Public Opinion Research Center, 58-59 Amalrik, Andrei, 16-17 Andreas-Salome, Lou, 24 anti-American sentiment, 232-34 Anti-Orange Rally, 388-90. See also Orange Revolution antisemitism framed as anti-Zionism, 52, 269 in military, 361 Pamyat, 52-53

Stalin's "anti-cosmopolitan campaign," 147-48 and student admissions, 12 Arendt, Hannah, 98-99, 291-92, 295, 434 Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict, 79-81 authoritarian vs. totalitarian regimes, 295, 298, 385

Baku, Azerbaijan, 81

Baltic republics, 81-82, 95

banned books, 380-81

Berkut (Ukrainian special forces), 423-24

Beyond the Pleasure Principle (Freud), 469

Bikbov, Alexandre, 267-68, 345-46 Bogdanov, Andrei, 287-88

Bolotnaya Square protest, 342-47, 364-74, 390-91, 448-49, 453, 478 bribes, 251-52

Bronze Soldier monument (Tallinn), 277-78 Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 83, 97, 292-93 budushchego net ("There is no future"), 308, 376n Bukharin, Nikolai, 29-30 Bush, George H. W., 125-26

Cameron, Paul, 271-72 Carlson, Allan, 264, 266 censorship of books for young people, 380-81 of history, 153-54

questioning Siege of Leningrad, 424-26 war on knowledge, 17-18 Chauprade, Aymeric, 407 Chechnya, 164, 173-74, 201-2, 480 Chernomyrdin, Viktor, 110 Chirkunov, Oleg, 260-61, 399 Chukovskaya, Lidiya, 144-45 "circular guarantee" (krugovaya poruka), 288-89 civil wars and conflicts, 105-6 Clinton, Bill, 197

collapse of Soviet Union, 95, 96-99, 275, 382 Commonwealth of Independent States, 95 Communist Party criticism of, 86-88 Little Octobrists, 70-71 monopoly on power, 82 in 1950s, 36

"post-communist mafia state," Magyar on, 386-88 proposal to split, 37 retention of affiliation despite ban, 106 Yeltsin's fight against, 106,162-63 Young Pioneers, 70-71, 145 conservative ideology, 272-73 Conservative Revolution, The (Dugin), 185 constitution of Russian Federation, writing new, 106,110-15 constitution(s) of Soviet Union, 78, 82, 84-85, 105 contraception, 42

control, civic and personal, lack of, 467-69 corruption, 110-11, 287-89 coup attempt (1991), 89-93, 103-4 Crimea history of, 428

joining Russian Federation, 428 Nemtsov social media post about, 449-50 Putin speech about, 429-35 as symbol of summer and youth, 429 cultural revolution in Perm, 261-63, 399 cyberwarfare attack in Estonia, 278

cycles of oppression and liberalization in Soviet Union, 168-69

Day of Agreement and Reconciliation, 162 democracy and liberalism, 235, 383-84 Democratic Russia political movement, 82-83

Democratic Union (Demokraticheskiy Soyuz) political party, 50-51, 100

demographics, 264-67

deviant groups, reactions to, 63, 165

divorce and family relationships, 57, 99

Dobrenkov, Vladimir, 269-70, 273

documentation about mass terror, public availability of, 146-49 Donetsk, Ukraine, 443 "doublethink," 61, 63-66, 168, 297 drug crimes, 327, 468 Dubin, Boris, 203-6 Dugin, Alexander Anti-Orange Rally, 388-90 on capital punishment for pedophiles, 329 Center for Conservative Studies project, 272-73 Eurasianism, 235-37, 244-45 fascination with Hitler, 116-17 international influence, 445, 482 National Bolshevik Party, 184-86 and Pamyat, 52-54

predictions about Russia's role in world, 434-36 Russo-Georgian War, 280-81 self-education, 20-21, 49 Dzerzhinsky, Felix, statue removal, 103

Eastern Bloc, 75-76 Eberstadt, Nicholas, 264-65, 470 economy, Russia economic growth, 227, 243, 250-51 economic ruin, 105-8, 173-74,193, 195-96, 201, 444-47 See also finance education "correctional schools," 43 differences between schools, 11, 122-23 psychoanalytic preschool, 25 quotas, 12

See also Moscow State University; Perm State University

elections, 111-15, 187, 203-6, 223, 225, 238-40, 247-48, 287-89

electoral manipulation, 334-35, 348, 375-76, 384-85

envy and jealousy, 130-32

Escape from Freedom (Fromm), 299-301

Estonia, 277-78

ethnic cleansing of Crimea, 428-30

ethnicities, in Soviet Union, 77-78

ethnogenesis, 182-84

Etkind, Alexander, 142-43

Eurasianism, 236-37, 244-45

Europe and Humanity (Trubetskoy), 237

European Union, proposed partnership with Ukraine, 421

"Execution of the White House" (1993), 112-15

families adoption bans, 380, 408 divorce, 57, 99 effects of trauma, 149-51 financial incentives for procreation, 267, 376 procreation alternatives, 43, 99 punishment of, 153-58 Russian demographics, 264-67 same-sex marriage, legislation against, 407-9 therapy for, 33

World Congress of Families meetings, 266-67, 409, 444 Federation Treaty, 109-10 fifth column, 390, 432, 458 finance currency reserves, 107-8 debt default, 195-96 effects of sanctions, 445-47 incentives for procreation, 267, 376 inflation, 108-9 price controls, 108-9 stock market crash (2008), 311-12 See also wealth distribution Fomenko, Anatoli, 183-84 food supply destruction of banned foods, 446-47 legalization of private commerce, 108-10, 126-28 "Legs of Bush" chicken, 125-26 for Party elite, 118, 121 rations, 107 sanctions, 444-47 shortages, 14-15, 38 former Soviet republics, Russian attempts to control, 238-39 fortochka, as analogy for intellectual opening, 27-28, 54

Frankl, Viktor, 58 freedom, 300, 307-8. 466 Freud, Sigmund death drive, 469 influence in Russia, 25

spetskhran (limited-access collection) of case studies, 27 Fridman, Mikhail, 316, 483-84 Friedrich, Carl Joachim, 292-93

"friendship of the peoples" in Soviet Union, 72-79, 84-85 Fromm, Erich, 299-303 future pessimism about, 308 view of, under totalitarianism, 307

Gabowitsch, Mischa, 347-49

Gaddy, Clifford, 195, 203, 250. See also "virtual economy" Gaidar, Yegor, 100-101, 102, 107-10, 173 Galich, Alexander, 17, 40 "games" of negotiation with state, 64-65 Georgia (country) Rose Revolution (2003), 237-38 Russo-Georgian War (2008), 279-81 German reunification, 276-77 Gorbachev, Mikhail Central Committee leadership changes, 74-75 conflict with Boris Yeltsin, 73-74, 85 referendum on future of Soviet Union, 84-85 reforms blamed for problems, 90-91 removal from power (1991), 89-93 response to political protests, 100 and A. N. Yakovlev, 36-37, 76, 79-88, 93-94, 143-49 Gordeev, Sergei, 261 Gorky, Maxim, 13-14, 150 Gorky (city), 13-14 government, new economic concerns, 105-8 Kremlin, nationalization of, 190-91, 222 legal and political foundations, 106 moving from totalitarian to democratic, 203-6 oligarchs, 190-91 politicians, 188 Grand Failure, The (Brzezinski), 83 Great Patriotic War, 46, 70, 179, 180-81 "Greater Russia" concept, 439-40 Group for Trust Between East and West, 52 G udkov, Lev "abortive modernization," 381-82, 390-91

anti-Americanism, 232-34 definition of totalitarianism, 295-98 election research (1999), 203-6 greatest-person survey, 306-7, 481 interest in sociology, 29, 31-33 language considerations in surveys, 404 and Name of Russia contest results, 306 national identity, 166-68 public opinion surveys, 62-63, 164-65 Putin's approval rating vs. consumer perceptions, 445-46 Putin's popularity, 200-201 reactions to bombing in Serbia, 197-98 research center classified as "foreign agent," 472, 481 on Russian intervention in Crimea, 433-34 on social mobility, 299-300 wealth gap research, 129-30 Guelman, Marat, 261-62, 486 Guenon, Rene, 53-54 Gumilev, Lev, 181-84

Hard to Be a God (Strugatsky and Strugatsky), 205-6

health care, 251-52, 265

Heidegger, Martin, 21

Hitler, Adolf, 116-17, 302, 433

Homo Sovieticus, 59-66, 97, 168, 202

negotiation with state, 64-65 homosexuality acceptance in Ukraine, 273-74 and adoption ban, 408

anti-gay initiatives and rhetoric, 266-67, 270-72, 357, 361, 396, 397-99 Association of Sexual Minorities, 51 equated with pedophilia, 328, 395-96 government's weak response to, 101-2, 257 and hate crimes, 405-6, 411-13, 480 LGBT rights protests, 352, 403, 406 "propaganda of," ban on, 395-98, 403-4 public opinion about, 63, 202, 403-4 same-sex marriage, legislation against, 407-9 tolerance of, 99 hopelessness, 266 Hoper-Invest, 128.130

Horvath, Robert, 241, 245. See also "preventive counter-revolution" "hybrid regime," post-Soviet Russia as, 383, 385-86

ideology conservative, 272-73 of Putin regime, 388, 433-34

totalitarian, 98-99, 291-92, 294 "illiberal democracy," 383-84, 386 individuality, 302-3

Institute for Concrete Social Studies, 30-31 intellectual climate in early 1980s, 20-21 Introduction to Psychoanalysis (Freud), 25

jealousy and envy, 130-32 Jews. See antisemitism judicial system

Bolotnaya Square protest, 342-47, 364-74, 390-91, 448-49, 453, 478

case of Kuznetsov, 329

case of Magnitsky, 333

case of Makarov, 325-27, 332-34

case of Pastukhov, 328

citizen activists hunting for pedophiles, 331-32 disproportionately harsh sentences, 420 Kremlin crackdown (2012), 379-80 overprotection from state, 327-28, 395 "Red Wheel," 326-27, 333

sex crimes against children, bill on penalties for, 329-31 unpredictability of, 467-69 See also state terror A Just Russia political party, 330, 334

Kara-Murza, Vladimir, 460, 462-63, 486

Kasparov, Garry, 242, 391, 485


dismantling of, 104 NKVD mass executions, 143-44 power of, 249 Khakamada, Irina, 437

Khodorkovsky, Mikhail, 224-25, 420-21, 441-42, 477 Khrushchev, Nikita condemnation of Stalin, 36 and Crimea, 428-29 kickbacks, 251-52 Kiev, 238-40, 421, 435 Kirov, Sergei, 71-72 Kiselev, Dmitry, 398-99 Kommunist, 100-101 Komsomolskaya Pravda, 232 Konkov, Fyodor, 151-52 Korzhavin, Naum, 155-56, 158-59 Kosovo, 196-99, 280, 431-32 Kotkin, Stephen, 97, 98 Kremlin

crackdown on NGOs and foreign organizations, 243 funding of supportive organizations, 243-44 Nemtsov's idea of nationalization of, 190-91, 222 and social-program spending, 243 Kryuchkov, Vladimir, 74, 87, 90-91, 93 Kursk submarine disaster, 212, 223 Kuznetsov, Alexander, 329 Kyiv. See Kiev

labor force, value of, 39

law enforcement. See judicial system; legislation Lectures on Sociology (Levada), 32 left-right dichotomy, 51-52 legislation

ban on "propaganda of homosexuality," 395-98 censorship of books for young people, 380-81 criminal code changes, 112 Kremlin crackdown (2012), 379-80 Law on Public Gatherings, 379 overprotection from state, 327-28, 395 regulations and restrictions, 327-28 Russian statehood, 106 against same-sex marriage, 407-9 sex crimes against children, bill on penalties for, 329-31 Lenin, Vladimir contempt for Bukharin's work, 30 Marxist-Leninist philosophy, 22-23 storybook portrayal of, 71 on wealth distribution, 39 Leontiev, Alexei Nikolaevich, 26 Letov, Yegor, 185

Levada, Yuri, 29, 31-32, 58-66, 97, 165, 168, 223-24, 381-82

Levchenko, Anna, 331-32

LGBT concerns. See homosexuality

liberalism and democracy, 235, 383-84

Libertarian Party. See Russian Libertarian Party

life expectancy, 264-66

Lifton, Robert Jay, 151-52, 469-70

Limonov, Eduard, 185

Lindy, Jacob D., 152

Linz, Juan Jose, 295, 385

Luria, Alexander, 27

Luzhkov: An Accounting (Nemtsov), 316

mafia state, 38Z-88, 390, 430 Magnitsky, Sergei, 333 Magyar, Balint, 385-88

Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square) protest (Kiev), 422-24, 427, 45Q

Makarov, Vladimir, 325-27, 332-34, 484-85

Manezhnaya Square protest, 450

March of Millions protest, 358-62

Marches of the Dissenters, 242-44

Marxism, 23-24

Marxist-Leninist philosophy, 22-23 mass executions, 143-49 Matthews, Mervyn, 39

media, 48, 114, 169-71, 191-92, 222-23, 337, 344, 355, 405-6, 424-26, 468, 478

medical care, 251-52, 265

Medvedev, Dmitry, 259-60, 325, 348-49, 375-76

militocracy, under Putin, 220

Milonov, Vitaly, 395-96

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), 55-56

Mizulina, Yelena, 355, 396-97, 406

MMM company, 127-28, 130

Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, 81-82

money. See finance; wealth distribution

Montenegro, 486

Moscow, changing urban environment, 473, 482 Moscow State University anti-intellectual censorship, 268 Center for Conservative Studies, 272-73 journalism department, 29 psychology department, 22-24, 56 sociology department, 264, 267-73 See also education Moscow theater hostage crisis (2002), 221, 223 Movement for Democratic Reform, 86-88 movies as propaganda, 169-71,179, 200 Mussolini, Benito, 289, 291-92

Mysteries of the Century, The: The Mysticism of the Third Reich (film), 116-17

Nagorny Karabakh dispute, 79-81 Name of Russia (greatest Russian) contest, 303-4, 306 Nash sovremennk ("Our Contemporary"), 175, 181 National Bolshevik Party, 185-86, 242 national identity ideas of, 167-68

and sovereignty, Putin on, 408-9 national penitence, 174-79 nationalist movements, 47-48 NATO

acceptance of new members, 275-77 bombing of Serbia, 196-99, 280, 431-32 Germany's membership in, 276-77

Russian hostilities with, 279-80 Navalny, Alexei, 335-36, 347-48, 361-62, 391, 393-94, 458, 478-79, 485 Nazi Germany, similarities with Soviet regime, 293, 302-3, 307 Nazism, 299, 433 "near abroad" countries, 238 Nemtsov, Boris academic achievements, 13

activism and publications, 315-20, 342, 346-47, 457-59 appointment to Nizhny Novgorod region, 94, 105, 118-21 arrest and sentencing for Article 31 protest, 318-20 assassination of, 459-62, 479 concern about Russian debt crisis, 195-96 disapproval of, 191-92 egotism of, 188-89 ethnicity, 12-13 hiding in Israel, 454-56 infidelity and separation from wife, 312-13 peace march against invasion of Ukraine, 452-53 political aspirations for daughter, 245-48 return to politics (2013), 448-49 role in Romanov family reburial, 178-79 as successor to Yeltsin, 172-74, 188-92 Ukraine war report, 457 Nevsky, Alexander, 303-4 New Man concept, 24-25, 59 Nicholas II, Czar, 175-79, 303, 483 9/11 attacks, 231-32 1984 (Orwell), 61

Nizhny Novgorod (city), 94, 105, 118-21 NKVD. See KGB nostalgia, 171, 174, 202-3 Novodvorskaya, Valeria, 49-51 nuclear power plants, 15-16

Occupy Pedophilia movement, 411-13

Occupy Wall Street movement, .34.3

Old Songs About the Most Important Things (film), 169-71

oligarchs, 190-91

Olympic Games (Sochi, 2014), 375, 420, 426-27

Orange Revolution, 244, 249, 270, 274-75. See also Anti-Orange Rally

Origins of Totalitarianism, The (Arendt), 291-92

Orwell, George, 63-64

Pamyat, 52-53 Paneyakh, Ella, 326-27 Parsons, Michelle, 265-66 Pastukhov, Igor, 328

patriotism, 179-81, 197-98 Pavlov, Ivan, 26 Pavlovsky, Gleb, 234-35

pedophilia, and accusations of, 328-32, 355, 395-96, 484-85 perestroika ("restructuring"), 15-16, 37, 47-48, 83-84, 266 Perm (city), 260-63 Perm State University anti-gay stance, 415-17 gender studies, 273, 410 See also education Peshkov, Alexei. See Gorky, Maxim Peskov, Dmitry, 425 Philosophers' Ship, 17-18 philosophy antinomies, 60-61

effort to restore and popularize in 1980s, 48-49 Politburo membership, 74-75 studies of Soviet society, 30-31 political parties and movements Democratic Russia, 82 Democratic Union, 50-51, 100 Eurasianism, 236-37, 244-45 A Just Russia, 330, 334 multiparty system, 203-4 National Bolshevik, 185-86, 242 one-party system, 248 Rodina ("Motherland"), 225 Transnational Radical, 51 Union of Right Forces, 204-5, 225 United Russia, 330, 334 Yedinstvo ("Unity"), 204 See also specific names political rallies and protests for Article 31 (freedom of assembly), 317-20 birth of, 49-50

Bolotnaya Square, 342-47, 364-74, 390-91, 448-49, 453, 478

by elderly, 242

Manezhnaya Square, 450

March of Millions, 358-62

Marches of the Dissenters, 242-44

by Moscow State University students, 269-70

Oborona ("Defense"), 242

Occupy Wall Street movement, 343

opposition to, 100

Otpor ("Resistance"), 242

and parliamentary elections, 334-36

peace march against invasion of Ukraine, 452-53

by people on public assistance, 241-43 periodic, importance of, 381-82 police and military responses, 359-61, 362 research on protest participants, 345-49 restrictions on, 339-42 Russia Day (2017), 475-77 social media and, 340, 342, 464-65 sociological study of, 345-49 in support of Kremlin's Ukraine policies, 450-51 in support of LGBT rights, 403, 406 in Ukraine, 421-24, 427 UralVagonZavod and, 377-79, 383 white ribbons as symbol, 345, 346, 350-51, 357 by young people, 242-43, 476-77 political technologists, 234-35

political warfare, pedophilia accusations as, 330-32, 484-85 Ponomarev, Ilya, 355-57, 485 Popper, Karl, 184-85 population growth and abortion, 42 efforts to restore, 43, 99, 267 Posner, Vladimir, 439-40

"post-communist mafia state," Magyar on, 386-88 poverty. See wealth distribution Prague Spring, 30-31

"preventive counter-revolution," 241, 245, 388 Primakov, Yevgeniy, 196-97, 198 private life, regulation of, 99 privatization, 118-20, 126-28, 190-91 privilege advantages of, 39, 118, 121, 194 neighborhood inequality, 38-39, 40-41 school castes, 123 Prokhorov, Mikhail, 247, 452, 483 propaganda

Kremlin funding of supportive organizations, 243-44 masquerading as science, 22 in movies, 169-71, 179, 200 signals sent through, 99-100 "propaganda of homosexuality," ban on, 395-98, 403-4 property and power, 387 protests. See political rallies and protests Provincial, The (Nemtsov), 189-90 psychology American influence on, 56-58 "authoritarian personality," 300-303 concept of person, 28 countertransference, 152

family therapy, 33 Marxist-Leninist philosophy, 22-23

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), 55-56 psyche, 23-24, 26

psychoanalysis, 25-26, 137-38, 309, 481-82 science courses, 23 treatment for pedophilia, 331 See also trauma public vs. private behavior, 31 Pussy Riot, 351-52, 420 Putin, Vladimir approval rating vs. consumer perceptions index, 445-46 "authoritarian situation" government, 220-21 and bombing of Syria (2015), 471, 472 and Crimea, 429-35, 436-37 and Georgia, 237-38 ideology, lack of, 388 inner circle, 387-88 leadership of, 200-202, 222-23, 435 and Medvedev, 325, 348-49, 375-76 and Nemtsov's assassination, 461 optimism about, 201-2, 205, 211 population growth initiatives, 266-67 as prime minister, 259-60

protecting Russia from external threats, 241, 431-33 "Putin's Plan," 305 response to protests, 349-50 and sanctions, 444-47 speech against NATO, 275-77 as successor to Yeltsin, 199, 209-10 Victory Day celebrations (2012), 376-77 Putin: An Accounting (Nemtsov), 315-16

"red-brown" movement, 115 Red Wheel, The (Solzhenitsyn), 326 Rehabilitation Commission, 143, 145-46, 149, 163 religion

as "opium of the people," 7n-8n Russian Orthodox Church, 483 during Second World War, 9 surrendering to God, 300-301 Requiem (Akhmatova), 182-83 Rodina ("Motherland") political party, 225 Rogers, Carl, 56-58 Rogers, Douglas, 262-63 Romanov family reburial, 175-79, 303, 483 Russia Day protests (2017), 475-77

Russian Libertarian Party, 51, 366 Russian Orthodox Church, 483 "Russian World" concept, 437-38 Russo-Georgian War, 279-81 Rutskoi, Alexander, 112-14

Sakharov, Andrei, 14, 16, 73, 82 sanctions, 444-47 Satarov, Georgy, 174-75, 476-77 Satir, Virginia, 58

September 11, 2001, attacks, 231-32 Serbia, NATO bombing of, 196-99, 280, 431-32 sexual abuse. See pedophilia shortages consumer goods, 193 food supply, 14-15, 38 sanctions, 444-47 Shulman, Colette, 100 Shulman, Ekaterina, 385 signaling system of acceptable behavior, 99-102 sixth column, 441

Sochi Winter Olympics (2014), 375, 420, 426-27 social contract after "Execution of the White House," 113 of totalitarianism, 99-102 social media and Nemtsov's disappearance to Israel, 455-56 Nemtsov's post about Crimea, 449-50 online entrapment movement, 396, 411-13 for organizing protests, 340, 342, 464-65 TV Rain tweet about Siege of Leningrad, 424-26 social mobility, 299-300 social sciences ethnogenesis, 182-84

Institute for Concrete Social Studies, 30-31 psychology, 22-28 research, 17-18, 62-66 restrictions on careers, 28-29 sociology anti-American sentiments, 232-34 "authoritarian personality," 300-303 Homo Sovieticus, 59-66, 97, 168, 202 Levada greatest-person survey, 306-7, 481 "magic helper" concept (Fromm), 301 Name of Russia (greatest Russian) contest, 303-4, 306 public opinion survey in 1990s, 165-68 public opinion survey in 2000s, 223

reactions to, 29-32

research on protest participants, 345-49 Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, 326 Sorokin, Pitirim, 264 Soros, George, 184-85, 240-41 South Ossetia, 279-80 Spielrein, Sabina, 25-26 stability, desire for, 349, 383, 466-69 Stalin, Joseph "anti-cosmopolitan campaign," 147-48 ethnic cleansing of Crimea, 428-29 popularity of, 303, 306 public opinion about, 166 terror, 143-48 state institutions, 222, 24Q state terror clearing names of innocent victims, 145-49 executioners as victims, 147-49 of families, 153-58

mass executions during Stalin era, 143-49 See also judicial system state's role, Soviet Union, 59-61 Steep Road, A (Into the Whirlwind; Ginzburg), 154-55 Stepashin, Sergei, 198-99 Steuckers, Robert, 54 Stories About Lenin (Zoshchenko), 71 Sturzo, Luigi, 290-91 suicide among impoverished, 44 Svanidze, Nikolai, 398-99

Talkov, Igor, 103 Tallinn, 277-78

terror, 142-49, 291-92, 294, 390-91. See also state terror Thatcher, Margaret, 120 "Thaw" period, 260, 266

Theory of Historical Materialism, The (Bukharin), 29-30 Timashuk, Lidia, 148

"Time of the 'Gray People,' The" (Gudkov and Dubin), 205-6 Tornovoy, Vlad, 405-6

Totalitarian and Authoritarian Regimes (Linz), 295

Totalitarian Dictatorship and Autocracy (Friedrich and Brzezinski), 292-93 totalitarianism vs. authoritarian regimes, 295, 298, 385 characteristics, 290-91, 382-83 defined by Arendt, 291-92, 293 defined by Friedrich, 292-93 defined by Friedrich and Brzezinski, 292-93

defined by Gudkov, 295-98 defined by Sturzo, 290-91 first uses of word for Soviet system, 289-90 ideology, 98-99, 291-92, 294, 433-34 instability of, 16-17 as perceived from inside, 293-94 "pseudototalitarianism," 297-98, 383, 433-34 recurrent, 434, 446, 472 as social contract, 99-102 terror, 142-49, 291-92, 294, 390-91 trauma from, 151-52 view of future, 307 warnings about, 299 Tradition philosophy, 53-54 Transnational Radical Party, 51 trauma

effects on family, 149-51, 157-58 Freud's death drive, 469 survival after, 469-71 from totalitarianism, 151-52 unpredictability of judicial system, 467-69 See also psychology travel restrictions, 88

Triumfalnaya Square protest, 317-18, 336, 338, 339

Trubetskoy, Nikolai, 237

Trump, Donald, 480, 484

Tsarkoye Selo ("Czars' Village"), 38

TV Rain television channel, 424-26


acceptance of homosexuality, 273-74 elections (2004), 238-41 Nemtsov's war report, 457 ongoing protests, 421-24, 427 Russian control of elections (2004), 238-39 Russian invasion, 435-36 Umland, Andreas, 272-73, 330 Union of Right Forces political party, 204-5, 225 United Russia political party, 330, 334 United States

interference with Russia and Eastern Europe, 240-41 Russian anti-Americanism, 197, 232-34, 237, 380, 389, 431-33 universities. See Moscow State University; Perm State University UralVagonZavod factory, 377-79, 383

Vasilyev, Dmitry, 53

Victory Day celebrations (2012), 376-77

violence, 132-33

"virtual economy," 195, 250-51

vote rigging, 334-35, 348, 3Z5-76, 384-85

vouchers, privatization, 127

Walesa, Lech, 147 Warsaw Pact, 276-77 Ways of the Absolute, The (Dugin), 53 wealth distribution generational differences, 129-31 jealousy and envy, 130-32 in Lenin's "first phase of Communism," 39 pyramid schemes, 127-28 self-perception, 130-31, 133 in world, 233 See also finance Weber, Max, 32

Western ideas, 52, 97-98, 237, 437-38 White Nights arts festival (Perm), 262-63 white ribbons as symbol of protest, 345, 346, 350-51, 357 World Congress of Families conference (1997), 266-67 planned conference (Moscow, 2010), 409, 444 Worner, Manfred, 276-77

Yakovlev, Alexander Nikolaevich, 36-37, 76, 79-88, 93-94, 143-49, 195, 248-50 Yakunin, Vladimir, 457 Yanaev, Gennady, 89, 90, 91 Yanukovych, Viktor, 239, 424 Year of Agreement and Reconciliation, 162 Yedinstvo ("Unity") political party, 204 Yekaterinburg massacre, apology for, 17.5-79 Yeltsin, Boris accusations of constitutional violations, 384 choice of successor, 171-74, 187-88, 198-99 and coup attempt (1991), 92 "Execution of the White House," 111-15 fight against Communist Party, 162-63 leader of "democrats" and Democratic Russia, 73-74, 82-83 legalization of private commerce, 108-9 and Nemtsov, 94 new national idea, 174-79 and oligarchs, 190-91 resignation of, 209-10 speech on Yekaterinburg massacre, 175-79 successes, 104-5 Yesenin, Sergei, 35

Yushchenko, Viktor, 239-40

Zakaria, Fareed, 383-84 Zhirinovsky, Vladimir, 116 Zoshchenko, Mikhail, 71 Zygar, Mikhail, 238

© Tanya Sazansky


masha gessen is a Russian-American journalist and the author of several books, among them The Man Without a Face: The Unlikely Rise of Vladimir Putin. She is the recipient of numerous awards, including a Guggenheim Fellowship and a Carnegie Fellowship, and her work has appeared in The New York Times, The New York Reviewof Books, The New Yorker, Slate, Vanity Fair, and many other publications. A longtime resident of Moscow, Gessen now lives in New York City.


*English-language readers are generally more familiar with a different version of the phrase: "Religion is the opiate of the masses." The Russian translation is closer to the original but was usually learned out of context, just as it was in Western popular culture. The passage from which the phrase is culled reads as follows: "Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people. The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness. To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions. The criticism of religion is, therefore, in embryo, the criticism of that vale of tears of which religion is the halo." Karl Marx, Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right, trans. Joseph O'Malley (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1970), p. 3.

*The anniversary of the October Revolution falls on November 7 because czarist Russia had kept its own calendar, one devoid of leap years. By the year 1917, it had fallen thirteen days "behind" the Western calendar—and once the days were adjusted by the Bolsheviks, the latter part of October became November.

*In fact, it appears that Alexander Nikolaevich Yakovlev returned from Canada in 1983, a time Seryozha cannot remember. His recollection, however, is a family reunion occurring simultaneously with the beginning of perestroika.

*About seventy-five miles.

*Yegor Gaidar's grandfathers were Arkady Gaidar, author of Communist children's literature, and Pavel Bazhov, a collector and reteller of fairy tales. His widow, Maria Strugatskaya, is the daughter of science fiction writer Arkady Strugatsky.

*Bomzh stands for bez opredelyonnogo mesta zhitel'stva—"~w'ithout a definite place of residence"—invented by Soviet law and order when the system of residence registration began to disintegrate.

*The title of the book is usually translated into English as Into the Whirlwind.

*The film was produced by Konstantin Ernst, who went on to head Channel 1, and Leonid Parfenov, who became probably the best-known and best-loved post-Soviet television host and filmmaker.

*The dynasty of the czars.

*In the 1930s, when the Soviet government reinstated many of the traditions of pre- Revolutionary life, the Christmas tree was reincarnated in the secular tradition of a New Year's tree, decorated for a celebration on December 31. The tradition survives to this day.

*CheKa, or Chrezvychaynaya Komissiya, was the original name of the Soviet secret police.

*Yakovlev used the word vozhdism, sometimes translated as the German Ftihrerprinzip.

^Tbilisi is the capital of Georgia.

*The Snow Maiden, granddaughter of Ded Moroz, Grandfather Frost, the secular alternative to Santa Claus that had been rolled over from Soviet tradition.

*Russian adjectives are gendered: they change form according to the gender of the noun they modify. For example, because the word for "square" in Russian is feminine, it takes the feminine form of the adjective for "swampy": Bolotnaya. The word for "island" is masculine, and thus takes the masculine adjective Bolotny. The word for "case" (as in "criminal case") is neuter, and takes the neuter form Bolotnoye.

*Putin used the phrase budushcheye yesf— an implied response to the more common idiom budushchego net ("there is no future").

*Magyar is referring to the tendency to view the history of these states as having begun with the end of communism.

*The governor happened to be Nikita Belykh, the former Nemtsov ally and Perm legislature member for whom the other Lyosha had worked.

*The teacher was Ilya Kolmanovsky. He was fired from School Number 2, one of Moscow's two schools famous for their outstanding instruction in math and other subjects.

*Valeriy is a common man's name in Russia.

*In the Russian system the rector is the chief executive of a university—roughly the equivalent of the university president in the U.S. system or the vice chancellor in the UK.

*The city of Sevastopol, geographically part of Crimea, was accorded a kind of sovereignty, making its authorities reportable directly to Moscow.

*Mikhail Kasyanov was prime minister of Russia in 2000-2003 but later declared his opposition to Putin and joined forces with Nemtsov. Vladimir Ryzhkov was a former member of the Russian parliament, and a cofounder, with Nemtsov and Kasyanov, of a right-liberal opposition party.

*About thirty miles.

*"Kyiv" is the non-Russified spelling of the name of the city, preferred by independent Ukraine.


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