We drove from the Lower West Side, where we were parked, to Times Square. Ari left the truck to shop while Shimon connected me to Claire on an untraceable line. There were advantages to hanging out with spies.
“It’s Mark,” I said, when she answered. “Everything’s fine. I’m sorry I’ve been out of touch.”
“Thank God,” she replied, sounding shaken. “I’ve been so worried. Where are you?”
“Not on this line.” Shimon had made clear that untraceable didn’t mean untappable. Anyone could be listening at Claire’s end. “I’m sorry.”
“The police were just here,” she said, lowering her voice. “Some senior officer named Wayland pushed his way in. He saw the note cards taped to the wall and took pictures. I couldn’t stop him.”
I was too far down the road to worry about the police.
“He ask you any questions?”
“A bunch. I refused to answer and told him to get the hell out.”
“Good for you. And?”
“And he was rude, but he got out. He left some men in the hall with Ken and Dan.”
Ken and Dan were Joe’s nephew and his partner. Extra men in the hall were good, because they provided Claire and Kate with additional security.
“Understood. I’m sorry about the change of plan, but I think it’s better if you and Kate stay put for the time being. My best guess is that I’ll be home late. I’ve got another errand to run, and then I have to stop by One Police Plaza to answer questions.”
“An errand?”
I knew how curious she must be, but I couldn’t take any chances.
“I’m making progress, Claire. That’s all I can tell you.”
“And you’re sure you’re okay?”
“That’s all I need to know,” she said, her voice strong. “I love you. Be careful.”
“I will. I love you, too.”