After breakfast Lucy found herself with nothing to do.

There was a housekeeper who took care of all the cooking and cleaning, and Howard had other employees to maintain the house and grounds. Of course, he'd insisted that Lucy give up her job. Howard Benton's wife couldn't work as a secretary.

Lucy really didn't mind not working, but she wondered how she was going to pass the time. Today the choice wasn't too difficult. It was hot, and the huge swimming pool looked very inviting. She changed into a skimpy red bikini and had a nice long swim.

Afterward she stretched out on a mat by the pool and let the sun soak into her skin. While she was working, she hadn't had much chance to get a tan, and now she could make up for that. She felt relaxed and lazy, and she'd almost nodded off when she heard the sound of hedge clippers.

She opened her eyes and saw the live-in gardener and handyman, Mike, trimming some bushes nearby. Mike was a hunk. Lucy sure enjoyed looking at him. Six feet tall, deeply tanned, with sun-bleached blond hair, he was one of the most attractive men she'd ever seen. He was wearing skin-tight jeans and no shirt.

Lucy supposed she shouldn't stare at him. It wasn't polite and, besides, she was a newly married woman. She shouldn't feel an interest in anyone but her husband. Still she couldn't take her eyes off Mike and his hard-muscled body. She felt herself getting horny again.

Mike wasn't much older than she was, maybe in his mid-twenties. Although she loved Howard, he was a lot older than her, actually old enough to be her father. He was still very attractive, but he didn't always speak her language. She knew Mike would understand her.

Still she was ashamed of herself about feeling horny for him. Those feelings belonged only to Howard. She was trying to force herself not to look at the handsome gardener when he happened to look up and catch her eyes. He broke into a devastatingly sexy grin.

"Good morning, Mrs. Benton," he said.

"Oh, Mike, you can still call me Lucy," she laughed. "I'm not gonna go snobbish on you just because I married your boss."

She and Mike had gotten on a first name basis when she was dating Howard and he'd bring her to the house. But she'd never gotten to know Mike really well, and this was the first time they'd been alone together. Mike set down his clippers and wandered over to the edge of the pool. He was already drenched with sweat from the hot morning sun.

"That water sure looks nice," he sighed.

"Go ahead and take a swim," Lucy said. "I won't tell."

"Hey, boss lady, you're all right," Mike said with a grateful grin. "I'd really like to cool off. But I don't have a bathing suit."

Lucy reddened, but she didn't feel she could go back on her offer. She really did think it was unfair that Mike couldn't use the pool, just because he was an employee. She'd just had a refreshing dip, and he needed one, too. She tried to look cool as she answered.

"Oh, go ahead and skinny-dip," she said.

"Thanks," Mike laughed.

He wasn't bashful about stripping, and there wasn't much for him to take off, just sneakers, jeans and jockey shorts. He was naked in seconds, leaving Lucy breathless. She focused helplessly on his dangling cock and big hairy balls, and then he was diving into the clear water.

Suddenly Lucy's slit felt red-hot, and she was creaming heavily. Mike had such a fantastic body, and she wanted him in bed. She wanted to run her hands all over him, and then she wanted to fuck him. She was practically gurgling and writhing with lust for the guy. What in the world was the matter with her?

Lucy thought she knew the answer to that. Believing that a woman should be a virgin when she marries, Lucy had always kept her lust under strict control. She hadn't allowed herself to feel horny. But now that she could relax and enjoy sex, it was hard to confine her lust to just one man.

Now that her virginity wasn't holding her back, she realized that maybe she should have gotten a little experience before settling down. Maybe she wouldn't be content to fuck the same man for the next thirty or forty years. She sure wanted Mike, she couldn't deny it.

But, dammit, she couldn't have him because she was married to Howard. She resigned herself to that and ordered herself to behave. Lying on her belly in the blazing sun, she closed her eyes and tried to think just about her wonderful new life. Then she gasped as water dripped onto her back.

"Hey!" she cried, looking up to see Mike standing over her. She hadn't even heard him get out of the pool.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you," he said with that sexy grin. "But you're gonna get sunburned if you don't put something on yourself. Let me rub you down with some of this sunscreen."

Lucy had brought along a tube of sunscreen but had been too lazy to apply it. She knew Mike was right, though. The last thing she needed was a bad sunburn the next time she had a bedroom romp with her husband.

"Thanks, that's a good idea," she said.

Mike sat down naked beside her, and she closed her eyes to avoid staring at his cock. He squeezed some sunscreen into his hands and clapped them onto her shoulders. He began to rub the cool lotion into her skin, and she couldn't help gurgling with pleasure.

"Mmmmmmm, you do that good!" she sighed.

"I have a license in massage," he said. "Howard paid for my training. He likes a rub-down now and then."

Lucy would have liked a rubdown every day from this sexy guy. She just melted as he massaged her neck, shoulders and arms. He worked his way onto her back, and when he untied her bikini bra strap it just seemed the natural thing to do. Then he slid his lotion-slick hands down under her and cupped her ripe young tits.

"Hey, Mike, knock that off." Lucy giggled.

"Can't blame a guy for copping a feel," he chuckled. "You're a beautiful girl, Lucy, and I just couldn't resist. Forgive me?"

Lucy could hardly talk, she was so turned on. Her sensitive tits were completely enveloped by Mike's huge hot hands, and they were throbbing and swelling. Her nipples went rigid and dug into his palms. She creamed right through her bikini bottoms.

"Yeah, I'll forgive you," she said hoarsely, "if you stop it right now."

"Why, don't you like it?" Mike asked.

Suddenly, effortlessly, he flipped her over onto her back. Her bra slid away, and he molded and squeezed her naked tits. Lucy shivered with desire. She couldn't think straight. She knew they shouldn't be doing this, but it was so exciting she couldn't bear to stop.

Mike lifted his hands from her tits and stared at the luscious grapefruit-size globes. Her red nipples were stiff and throbbing, her tits silky and flawless. He bent down, stuck out his tongue, and licked her engorged nipples, and she squealed with excitement.

"Oooooh, Mike, you gotta stop that!" she cried.

Mike paid no attention to her protest. He flopped onto his belly and pushed her ripe tits together till the spit-soaked nipples touched. Then he sucked both tender buds into his mouth. As he noisily and hungrily sucked her tits, Lucy creamed uncontrollably. She realized that she was in danger of losing control.

"Mike, get serious!" she panted. "I'm married to your boss! We can't do this!"

Mike gave her tingling nipples a few more loud greedy sucks, then released them and looked at her. His handsome face was flushed with lust, his nostrils flared. He was horny for her and, God knows, she was horny for him. It would have seemed perfectly natural for them to fuck.

"Okay, I hear you," he sighed. "We won't go all the way. But we can fool around a little, can't we? No harm in that."

"Oh, Mike, we better not," Lucy said, starting to sit up.

"Hey, look what you've done," he said, sitting up, too.

Lucy gave a helpless lusty gurgle as she caught sight of his cock. It was hugely engorged, thick and rigid and bulging with blue veins. The guy was hung like an ox. She knew she had to get away from him before her lust made her surrender completely.

But as she tried to get up, Mike grasped her slender arm in one big paw and gently but steadily forced her back down on the mat. He came down, too, and lay half on top of her, sensuously stroking her curly dark hair and her sleek hot body. She felt hypnotized by his touch. Maybe he was right – a little touching couldn't hurt.

He slid a hand between her thighs and rubbed her cunt with his thick middle finger. Like Howard, he knew just how to arouse a girl by playing with her pussy. His touch wasn't too rough, but it wasn't too timid, either. It felt sexy and exciting.

"Ohhhhhhhh, God!" Lucy moaned.

"Just relax and enjoy it," Mike breathed. "We won't get serious, okay? Just get each other off this way."

"Uh-huh!" she gurgled.

She couldn't think of anything else but how nice it felt to have her pussy massaged. Mike's stiff finger snaked into every seething fold of her slit. He teased the puckered mouth of her shitter and rimmed the wet opening of her cunt. Then he touched her clit, the most receptive spot of all.

"Ooooooh, God, oooooh!" Lucy sobbed.

Damn him, he knew just what to do with her clit. He'd grasped it between his thumb and forefinger, and he was kneading it, giving her steady sharp pleasure. It was just like in the masturbation book, only she had a partner. And Mike was a lot less clumsy at it than she'd been.

Lucy knew she should run into the house and stay away from this man, but she couldn't move. She wanted the pleasure he was giving her. She felt like she had to have it or go crazy with frustration. She lay there gurgling and soaking his hand with her hot sticky cream.

He rolled her swollen clit between his fingers, gradually increasing the speed of his sexy massage. Lucy let herself go completely. She couldn't fight her own hot lusts. She closed her eyes and bared her teeth in a lusty snarl. She felt herself flying effortlessly towards the climax she craved.

"Unnnnnhhhhh, yesssss, don't stop!" she moaned.

"I won't," Mike said hoarsely. "I'll get you off."

That was going to be easy. She was hornier than she'd dreamed. That quick fuck with Howard this morning hadn't cooled her lust at all. Just the opposite – it had made her hungry for more. Maybe Howard had created a monster when he introduced her to sex. Now she couldn't get enough.

She arched her petite body and rubbed her clit hard against Mike's kneading fingers.

Just a little more hot friction was all she needed to climax. She got it – and she felt her body shake and sizzle with a sudden blast of searing pleasure.

"Unnnnhhhhh, shit, I'm cominggggg!" she gasped. "Unnnnhhhh, ooooooh!"

Mike kept kneading her clit as she came, making her climax very intense. She drenched his hand again and again with her molten cream. At last she flopped back limp and panting, and she opened her eyes. Mike was leering at her, and she couldn't help blushing.

"That was insane," she sighed. "If we'd been caught, you would have lost your job and I would have lost my husband."

"We're not gonna be caught," Mike said. "And we didn't do anything wrong. I just touched you a little."

As he spoke, he was easing his thick middle finger up her cunt. Lucy couldn't resist the exciting feeling of penetration. She gurgled with renewed lust as she felt her cunt crammed with stiff meat. Mike started finger-fucking her, and she writhed with pleasure.

"Ooooooh, shit, yesssss!" she moaned.

She was shameless, she knew, but she couldn't seem to control herself. If Howard had stayed a little longer that morning, fucked her a little more, maybe she wouldn't be tempted by the gardener now. She only knew that if she didn't come again she'd be wild with need.

"Faster!" she panted. "Harder!"

Mike gave her what she craved, pistoning his stiff big finger hard and fast in her greedily gripping cunt. It took her only seconds to climax. Each time she came it seemed to get easier. She howled in ecstasy as the sharp pleasure-spasms rocked her body.

"Ooooooh, eeeeee, whaaahhhhhh!" she cried.

As she started coming down from that delicious long climax, Mike couldn't control his own lusts any longer. He grabbed her hand and clasped it to his hot hard cock. Lucy gripped his massive fuck tool eagerly and began jacking him off.

"Oh, yeah, baby, go!" he groaned.

Lucy was glad Howard had taught her how to deal with cocks. Now she knew just how to get Mike off. She bent low over him and crammed his big prick into her mouth. He gasped with surprise, then groaned in bliss as she began loudly sucking him off.

"Awwwww, shit, fantastic!" he cried.

Lucy sucked his cock just as her husband had trained her to do it, but this time she knew what the results-would be. She drooled as she waited for a whole mouthful of his delicious boiling come. She didn't have long to wait, either. Mike was so turned on by now, he just had to come fast.

She felt a hot sting of jizz at the back of her mouth, and Mike went wild, fucking into her throat. He pistoned his exploding cock over her slippery tongue and blasted her mouth full of steaming jism. Her cheeks ballooned with his load till they nearly burst.

"Eat it, baby – aaaaggghhhhh!" he yelled.

"Mmmmm, uuuummmmmmm!" Lucy moaned.

At last Mike's drained cock slipped from her lips, but instead of catching his breath, he leaped off the mat and into the nearby bushes. Lucy stared at him, and he gestured frantically toward the house. She looked and saw the housekeeper coming out on the patio.

"Telephone call for you, Mrs. Benton," the woman said.
