‘What’s going on in there?’ one of the marines outside the cave entrance asked. ‘I heard explosions …’ He was clearly shaken by the urgency with which Jason and Meat were making their exit.
Jason hooked him by the arm as they passed, pulled him towards the slope. Meat grabbed the guy’s partner by the shoulder and goaded him along right behind them.
‘I need you to help me get everyone down to the MRAP … right now,’ Jason said.
‘Why? What’s—’
Jason quickly conveyed the seriousness of the situation. He verified the elapsed time on his wristwatch then said, ‘There’s a nuke inside this mountain that’s going to blow in less than four minutes.’
‘A nuke?’ Hearing his own words rattled the marine even more. ‘Get outta here!’
‘A really big nuke,’ Meat said with extreme drama.
‘Now go!’ Jason said, prodding the marine down the slope. ‘Everyone needs to be inside the vehicle!’ He took a moment to survey the camp and confirmed that the backup platoon still hadn’t arrived. For once, he was grateful for their inefficiency. Down below, six more marines were in plain sight, including the wounded.
‘You too,’ Meat said to the second marine, who was showing signs of disbelief. ‘Get going.’
‘But where’s Crawford?’ he asked.
‘Dead. Same as Holt and Ramirez,’ Meat told him. ‘Same as us if we keep standing here.’ Meat wasn’t about to debate the issue. He turned and started down the slope. If the guywas smart,he’d follow.
‘Dead?’ the marine muttered in disbelief. He stared at the cave for a long moment wondering if he’d just been fed a line of bullshit. Then he came to his senses and hurried after Meat.
Jason secured the MRAP’s rear doors the best he could since the massive indentations made by the earlier boulder collision had misaligned the hinges. ‘All clear. Go!’ he yelled to the driver.
The engine roared and the hulking troop carrier lurched forward.
‘How much longer?’ Meat asked.
He glanced at his watch again. ‘Less than a minute.’
Jason hoped that the walkie-talkie had enough juice left in it to hold back the rats for just a little longer. But even if the brood managed to break through the ultrasonic barrier, they’d have a tough time squeezing through the rubble pile Meat had plugged up using Crawford’s three grenades.
He scanned the worried faces of the marines huddled tight along the side-wall benches. One of the soldiers had his left arm in a sling, two others had bandaged heads, and the cute robot operator with the pageboy haircut had a makeshift splint wrapped tight over her right shin. ‘Everybody all right?’
Some nods, some affirmative responses.
‘Sergeant Yaeger,’ the driver called back. ‘I just received confirmation that 5th Division has turned around again and is returning to base camp. They’re about three klicks to the west.’
‘Good,’ Jason said.
The MRAP gathered speed as it climbed on to the roadway and headed south.
‘Jesus, what happened in there?’ one of the marines asked.
Casting his eyes to the floor, Jason wasn’t sure how to respond. Would anyone really believe the truth?
Meat answered for him: ‘A weapons stash. Huge weapons stash. It was booby-trapped. Crawford must’ve hit some kind of tripwire that activated a timed detonator.’ He looked to Jason for corroboration.
Jason nodded.
‘But you said there was a nuke in there,’ the second marine who’d been guarding the cave entrance challenged. ‘How are we supposed to believe—’
‘Hey, wise guy, I think you should shut up and grab hold of something,’ Meat advised sternly, counting down the final seconds in his head.
The testy marine wisely clammed up and clasped the handle hanging over his head, tight enough to turn his knuckles white.
The others also hunkered down. Tension and anticipation filled the air.
Nobody spoke.
Five seconds later, a brilliant white light flashed through the rear window, accompanied by an earsplitting explosion on par with a thunderclap. There was a deceptive delay that preceded the shockwave. When it hit, the MRAP groaned and bucked, jostling everyone inside. Arms and legs flailed and bodies rolled. The hull filled with screams and expletives.
A barrage of heavy debris pounded the roof, clanging the vehicle’s thick armour plating like a gong. The white light dissipated and a second wave of pelting debris came raining down over the truck’s exterior.
Then came an eerie calm.
The intensity of the blast had Jason feeling confident that even if some of the rats had managed to escape before the nuke detonated, either the searing heat wave would have vaporized them, or the crunching pressure wave would have pulverized them.
‘Told you it was a nuke,’ Meat said to the sceptical marine.