
My thanks to my fantastic agent, Jonathan Lloyd, and the whole team at Curtis Brown in London, who have done such a fantastic job of supporting me and promoting my work both here and abroad.

Thank you also to my editor Wayne Brookes, whose skill and endless energy and passion for my books has made me a better (I think!) writer. My thanks, of course, also go to the rest of the team at Harper Collins in the sales, editorial, marketing and creative departments, who have continued to work wonders for me.

In researching this novel I owe a debt of gratitude to two excellent books: The Medici Conspiracy by Peter Watson and Cecilia Todeschini, and Stealing History by Roger Atwood. I would also like to thank the Arlington National Cemetery in Washington DC, the Galleria Doria Pamphilj, the Palazzo Barberini and the Cimitero Acattolico in Rome, the Geneva Freeport and the Société des Bains de Mer in Monaco.

As ever, many people helped in the original conception and writing of this novel, but special thanks go to Jessica Hughes who first aroused my interest in the international trade in looted antiquities and Francesco Russo, Gemma J’Auria and Flavia Ruffini. Thanks also to Ann, Bob and Joanna Twining and Roy and Claire Toft for their guidance and encouragement.

Victoria, Amelia, Jemima and now Felix! – I love you all.

London, April 2009
