I WOULDN’T EXPECT much from Spinner, doll.
“Excuse me?”
Alvins like him have low libidos.
You heard me.
I’d been lying in bed, considering Nelson Spinner when Jack rudely broke into my thoughts (not exactly an uncommon occurrence).
“Well,” I replied, “Sadie seems to think he’s hot stuff. She’s never pushed me that hard before.”
She’s past her prime.
“So are you, Jack. Way past.”
I turned over, stared out the dark window. There was no wind tonight and the bare tree limbs looked painted on the glass, a gloomy still life.
“I can’t deny Spinner is a charming professor.” I murmured. “What woman wouldn’t think he was attractive with that mop of golden hair and those incredible eyes…” That’s when it hit me. “Jeez-Louise, why didn’t I see it sooner?”
See what?
“Sadie described her memories of Peter Chesley in exactly the same way—when they first met, I mean—a charming professor with golden hair and spectacular blue eyes.”
Sorry, doll. You’re making tracks, but I’m not following.
“I don’t think Sadie pushed so hard tonight just because she wants me to have a second chance.”
Oh…I get it. You and Spinner are the sentimental stand-ins for her and Chesley.
“It’s probably natural to want to replay a pattern from your past, try to make things right that went wrong before…”
Yeah, baby…I got my own version of that little notion.
“What?” I asked through a yawn. “Tell me.”
No, baby…I’d rather show you…remember that missing persons case?
I yawned again. “Sure.”
Well, it’s time to trail a new lead…
New York City
October 21, 1946
Her eyes were brownish-green like a couple of olives left to drown at the bottom of a dry martini. Jack had slipped onto the barstool next to her, watched her down the dregs of gin and vermouth.
When Jack had interviewed Miss Mindy Corbett at her desk this morning, she’d been bright and chipper as the daily funnies, her short, honey-colored curls prim and neat, her features on the young side of thirty. At the end of this very long day, however, not even the dim light of the slick hotel bar could save her eyes from looking bloodshot, her skin from appearing sallow. Even her hair looked tired of curling.
She ignored him until he flagged the bartender, bought her a refill.
“I know you,” she said, a little too loudly. Then she shushed herself, bringing her voice down before Jack had to advise it. “You’re that gumshoe who’s looking for Mr. Tattershawe.”
“That’s right, honey.” Jack tapped a fresh deck of Luckies against two fingers, passed her one. “Remarkable memory you have.”
“What are you, a comedian? You were just in the office earlier today.”
Jack lit her ciggy, then his own. “How about that? Small world, seeing you again.”
The bartender approached with a silver shaker. “Here you go, Miss Corbett.” Into her old glass, he poured a fresh crystal stream. He put a new glass in front of Jack and filled it.
Mindy lifted her drink, admired the shimmer of alcohol in her hand like a jewel in the crown. “Oh, yeah, Bobby,” she told the bartender, “that’s the ticket.”
Jack took a drink of the icy liquid, savored the juniper burn. He wondered how much tonsil paint it would take to pry loose Mindy Corbett’s tongue.
In Jack’s short time investigating Vincent Tattershawe, he found the man’s friends to be supremely aloof. They knew little of Tattershawe’s personal business. His family consisted of one married sister living out west who corresponded with him mainly through letters. She hadn’t heard from him in over a month.
Mindy here was Jack’s best lead. She worked at Carter & Thompson, an investment company on lower Broadway, near the exchanges and the docks. Before Tattershawe disappeared, she’d been assigned as his secretary.
When Jack questioned her this morning, she’d been polite but curt, claiming she worked for someone new at the firm now and didn’t know anything about Mr. Tattershawe’s disappearance. But—
She’d slipped up during questioning.
She’d admitted knowing Tattershawe before the war. She’d worked as his secretary for four years. And after he’d exchanged his business suit for a G.I. uniform, she’d stayed with the firm, working for another boss. Then Tattershawe returned last year from the front with half an arm missing, and she went right back to serving as his secretary again.
That kind of pattern spoke of loyalty, and Jack didn’t believe Mindy had no insights into Vincent’s abrupt disappearance.
“So was Tattershawe a jerk to work for?” Jack asked, hoping to provoke some more leads out of her. “Are you glad he’s gone?”
Mindy put down her new drink, swiveled to face him. “You think I’m stupid?”
“I know why you’re here, feeding me juice. Don’t think I don’t.”
“It’s no secret, Miss Corbett. I told you yesterday, I’m looking for Vincent Tattershawe.”
“So go talk to his boss.”
“I did.”
Tattershawe’s supervisor was Ed Thompson. Heavyset, bald, and harried, he’d claimed he knew nothing of Vincent’s unscheduled three-week vacation. After trying to contact him for ten days, he’d written the man off and reassigned his clients.
The client list was private, Jack was told, and nobody else he spoke to at the company claimed they knew anything. Jack wasn’t getting anywhere through the front door. So he decided to try the back, trailing Mindy’s shapely tan suit and tawny pumps to the bar after she got off work for the evening.
But the dame wasn’t an easy safe to crack.
“I’m not supposed to talk about him,” she insisted, then swiveled toward the bar again, showing Jack her profile as she picked up her drink.
Jack leaned close to her ear, lowered his voice for a raspy promise. “Nobody has to know, sweetheart.”
“Is that right?” She fumbled with the lit cigarette, tapping too hard to get the stray ash off. “Damn. It’s gone out. Heat me up again, will you?”
Jack struck another match, pulled the flame close to his body, made her lean in. She was really flying now and seemed to enjoy the little tease, following the fire wherever it went. He touched her hand to steady it as he let the blaze reignite the tobacco.
“You’re an attractive woman, Mindy.”
She laughed, raising an eyebrow as he held her gaze. “Don’t buffalo me, shamus.”
Jack let the moment hang as she surveyed his broad shoulders tapering down to lean hips; his square jaw, shaved clean; the dagger-shaped scar, promising a hint of danger.
He blew out the match. “Were you ever more than Tattershawe’s secretary?”
“Yes,” she said.
The unthinking admission alarmed her. She swiveled away to face the bar again, took a long quaff of martini—as if that would make it all better.
Jack leaned back, didn’t press. Now that the cat was out of the bag, he knew she’d spill the rest of the litter. He could see she was dying to. All he had to do was wait.
Mindy drained her glass. He watched her fish the gin-soaked olive out, put it between her small white teeth and squeeze it slowly, savoring those last drops of alcohol.
Cripes, he thought, if Tattershawe had a drinking problem, then he wasn’t drinking alone.
“I need another drink, shamus. You buying?”
“The name’s Jack.” He waved the bartender over and the crystal fountain flowed anew.
“You want to go somewhere more private?” Mindy asked after she’d finished another.
“Sure,” Jack said. “What did you have in mind?”
“This is a hotel. We could get a room.”
Jack didn’t surprise easily, but Miss Corbett rendered him momentarily speechless.
“To talk privately, I mean,” she added in a whisper. “See, the truth is, I care about Vincent, and I think he might be in a jam.”
“WHEN VINNY CAME back from Europe, he took his old job back at the firm, and Ed Thompson let me work for him again. We all pretended like his arm didn’t matter, that he wasn’t a cripple, and I thought things would go back to the way they were.”
Mindy was standing by the hotel room’s window, looking out on the sensational view of a movie house’s dingy brick wall.
Jack’s view was better. Twilight had set in and Mindy Corbett’s hourglass form was nicely outlined against the darkening windowpane, her snug-fitting suit an affecting distraction.
“Go back to the way they were?” Jack repeated, loosening his tie. He was sitting in the room’s only chair—an upholstered number with overstuffed arms. “But not just in the office, right? Out of the office, too.”
Mindy turned to face Jack, leaned her bountiful hips back against the window frame. “Sure, Vinny and me, we always used to have good times together.”
“You mean you always drank together.”
“That’s right. It was fun.”
“But the fun times stopped?”
“We tried to go back to the way it was, but Vinny couldn’t. He was so unhappy after he came back from the war. It’s hard to explain.”
“You don’t have to, honey. I follow. The war changed a lot of men.”
“So Vinny met this Dorothy woman at a New Year’s Eve party, and they hit it off. She’s a teetotaler, but…” Mindy shrugged. “That’s what he preferred, so what’s a girl to do?”
“What is a girl to do? You tell me.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, are you sure you weren’t angry about Vincent getting engaged to another woman?” Jack wondered for a minute whether Mindy was truly an innocent, or had she made Vinny disappear?
“No. I swear. I wanted Vinny to be happy. And he sure wasn’t happy with me. And if a guy’s not happy, it doesn’t take long before he makes a girl miserable.”
“I get the picture.”
“But Vinny and I were still good during working hours, so I stayed as his secretary. He was a real swell boss, too—polite, civil. He never ordered me around or barked like a jerk. He always asked like a gentleman. Then I came in one day, and he didn’t. And the next day came and went, and the next…”
“And before you know it, your life’s over,” Jack muttered.
“Sorry, sweetheart, my mind wandered. A little too much gin.” It was amazing how well this tomato held her liquor. She was a real boozehound, all right. “Tell me now,” Jack said. “Why do you think he left?”
“I’m sure it had to do with the way the business changed since the war.”
“How do you mean?”
“I mean…”
Jack watched Mindy’s careless expression begin to change. Her relaxed posture appeared to stiffen, and she began to chew her lower lip.
“What is it, honey? You can tell me. I’ll never repeat what came from that pretty mouth of yours.”
Mindy turned around, faced the window again even though there was nothing in front of her. Darkness had fully descended and the alley she overlooked was black as a coffin.
Jack sat very still. “Remember, you’re helping Vincent now, sweetheart. Tell me what you know.”
Jack waited for her to decide, and she slowly began to spill.
“Vinny…he was used to doing things on the up-and-up, square investment products for square Johns and Janes, you know? But…that’s not how the new management operates.”
She went on to explain how the firm had fallen on hard times during the war years and had been taken over by silent partners. Carter & Thompson’s old, long-standing clients were still set up with good stocks and investment portfolios. It was the best front imaginable for gaining the confidence of new clients.
But for every legit client Vincent and his colleagues managed, there were two or three suckers, set up with shell investment schemes. The scheme would appear to pay off for a while, but the phony venture would soon collapse, netting the firm a hefty profit.
The swindled clients would move on, but the firm would find new rubes, usually uptown types, society ladies, and war widows, brought in through the new silent partners and reassured via the old, long-standing network of legit clients.
“And who are these silent partners?” Jack asked.
“I don’t know. But I think I know where you can find at least one of them.”
“Tell me.”
“There’s an awful lot of packages going back and forth to a place you wouldn’t expect.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, the address isn’t a law office, a bank, or a residence. It’s a warehouse, way over on the West Side docks, near Hell’s Kitchen.”
“Mindy, this is very important. Do you remember the exact address?”
Mindy laughed, her tense posture finally relaxing. “I’ve sent so many packages there, it’s practically tattooed to my brain.”
Jack wrote the address on his notepad.
Mindy’s whole demeanor seemed a thousand times lighter. Sometimes, a confession will do that for a person. She strode over to the bed and flopped down on the mattress, crossed her shapely legs.
“When Vinny cut out the way he did, boy oh boy, Ed Thompson really started to panic! There were files missing, and other things, too.”
“What other things?”
“Funny as it seems…a picture on my desk. It was a photo he’d given me before the war.”
Jack rose from the armchair, dipped a hand in his pocket. “Not this one?” He brought out the small oval-framed photo, walked to the bed, sat next to her on the mattress.
“Omigosh! Where did you find that!”
“Dorothy Kerns gave it to me. Apparently, Vincent sent this to her right before he disappeared.”
“But why?”
“I don’t know.”
Sending the photo in the first place seemed odd to Jack, but sending one that was out of date and belonged to another woman was odder still. He couldn’t figure it unless Vincent Tattershawe was truly a heel, sending Dorothy a gesture of trumped-up sentiment to throw off her scent while he went on the lam with her money.
“Can I have that picture back?” Mindy asked, reaching for it.
Jack gently pulled it beyond her grasp. “Sorry, Miss Corbett. I can’t.”
She slumped again, letting out a sad sigh.
“Listen, Mindy, you’ve been a big help. But there’s one more thing. Do you know anything about Ogden Heating and Cooling?”
Mindy repeated the name with a puzzled look.
“It’s an air conditioner manufacturing company,” Jack explained. “Do you think it could be one of your firm’s phony investment schemes?”
“I’ve never heard of it, and believe me, I know the list of fake companies like the back of my hand.”
Jack nodded. “Well, listen, baby, I guess that’s about all I need from you.”
He pushed off the bed, rising to his feet. “Tell you what…when I find Vincent Tattershawe, and I fully expect to, I’ll ask him to get you another photo, maybe a more recent one.”
Mindy stood too, gave Jack a sad smile. “I don’t want a more recent one. I liked looking at the older picture. It reminded me of the old times, know what I mean?”
Jack nodded, slipped the photo back into his pocket. “I know.”
Mindy stepped closer, gazed up at him with big olive soaked eyes. “That’s nice of you, anyway, to try replacing my photo.”
Jack smelled the alcohol, but his real drink was perfume, and hers hadn’t worn off yet; it was still there, light and sweet.
“You’re really thoughtful, Jack. You remind me of Vinny in some ways…what I mean is, you seem like a really nice guy…”
“I’m not.”
“But I bet you could be…for a little while, right?”
“I could be.”
THE NEXT MORNING, Jack woke up in the hotel bed. Mindy was gone and he wasn’t surprised. He figured she was already regretting her decision to talk, but he planned on looking her up again anyway—after this case was closed.
He showered, shaved, dressed, and headed downstairs to find two police cruisers parked on the street near the alley between the hotel and the movie house.
Jack still knew cops from his days in the department. He tossed a short nod to Jimmy Martin, a middle-aged sergeant he’d worked with as a rookie.
“Hey, Jimmy, what’s the news?”
“Mugging and murder, I’m sorry to say.”
“Who’s the victim?”
“Young lady. Nice-lookin’ one too.”
Jack stiffened. “Young lady?”
“Yeah, too young to end up shot to death. Looks like they roughed her up before they killed her. Think you can identify her?”
“Don’t know.”
“Take a look, then.”
Jack stepped into the alley, pushed through the wall of uniforms, and felt his stomach drop. Left in a heap next to the garbage cans was Mindy Corbett, shot through the heart.