Dennis Lehane The given day

for Angie,

my home

When Jesus comes a calling, she said,

He’s coming ’round the mountain on a train.

— JOSH RITTER, “Wings”

Cast of characters

Luther Laurence — houseman, athlete

Lila Waters Laurence — Luther’s wife

Aiden “Danny” Coughlin — Boston police officer

Captain Thomas Coughlin — Danny’s father

Connor Coughlin — Danny’s brother, assistant district attorney, Suffolk County

Joe Coughlin — Danny’s youngest brother

Ellen Coughlin — Danny’s mother

Lieutenant Eddie McKenna — Danny’s godfather

Nora O’Shea — domestic help for the Coughlin household

Avery Wallace — domestic help for the Coughlin household

Babe Ruth — baseball player, Boston Red Sox

Stuffy McInnis — Ruth’s teammate

Johnny Igoe — Ruth’s agent

Harry Frazee — owner, Boston Red Sox

Steve Coyle — Danny Coughlin’s patrol partner

Claude Mesplede — alderman of the Sixth Ward

Patrick Donnegan — boss of the Sixth Ward

Isaiah and Yvette Giddreaux — heads of Boston chapter of the NAACP

“Old” Byron Jackson — head of the bellmen’s union, Hotel Tulsa

Deacon Skinner Broscious — gangster, Tulsa

Dandy and Smoke — enforcers for Deacon Broscious

Clarence Jessup “Jessie” Tell — numbers runner, Luther’s friend, Tulsa

Clayton Tomes — houseman, friend of Luther’s, Boston

Mrs. DiMassi — Danny Coughlin’s landlady

Frederico and Tessa Abruzze — Danny’s neighbors

Louis Fraina — head of the Lettish Workingman’s Society

Mark Denton — Boston Police Department patrolman, union organizer

Rayme Finch — agent, Bureau of Investigation

John Hoover — lawyer, Department of Justice

Samuel Gompers — president of the American Federation of Labor

Andrew J. Peters — mayor of Boston

Calvin Coolidge — governor of Massachusetts

Stephen O’Meara — Boston police commissioner until December 1918

Edwin Upton Curtis — O’Meara’s successor as Boston police commissioner

Mitchell Palmer — attorney general of the United States

James Jackson Storrow — Boston power broker, former president of General Motors
