One morning, not long after the grain had been harvested, Ariadne woke feeling chilled to the bone. During the hot months, she’d grown accustomed to sleeping outdoors, with little in the way of blankets. That would have to change, she thought, shivering. The blades of grass around her were coated in a fine layer of dew, and there was a damp cool in the air that hadn’t been there the previous dawn. An inexplicable sadness stole over her. Somehow the drop in temperature felt like the cooling of a body after death. She could almost taste the sweet decay.
‘Autumn is around the corner,’ said Spartacus from his pile of covers.
‘It is.’ She gave him a bright, false smile.
He saw through it at once. ‘What is it?’
‘I don’t know. Something’s changed. The air feels different.’
His face hardened. ‘It will be the Romans, then. They had to come sooner or later.’
‘You’re sure?’ Ariadne could feel the cold truth of it in her belly, but she didn’t want to be the one to say it.
He shrugged. ‘If it isn’t today, it will be tomorrow or the next day. Maybe we’ll even have a week’s grace. It doesn’t matter.’
‘Why not?’ I wanted our time never to end!
‘We have to face our fate eventually, Ariadne,’ he said gently, sitting up. ‘You know that as well as I do.’
‘Too much waiting around, and the men will go stale.’
‘More than that. They’ll start refusing to train. Become proper latrones. They might turn against me.’
She shot him a horrified look. ‘They wouldn’t dare!’
‘You say that. Crixus is only happy because he’s been roaming the area like a Cilician pirate on the Adriatic, attacking whatever he chooses. Castus is the same, and there are a couple of Germans who’ve started giving me the eye when I order them to do something. Those who were slaves are learning to love their freedom, which is good, but…’ Spartacus smacked one fist into the other. ‘It’s time to lead them into battle. That will settle things down. Thin their blood a little.’
She couldn’t stop herself. ‘You could be killed!’
‘That’s right, my love.’
It was the first time he’d ever used those words, and Ariadne’s heart skipped a beat.
‘But I’m not going to run away from this fight. That’s not the type of man I am. Don’t forget that Dionysus has honoured me with his blessing.’
‘I know,’ she said, trying to make her pride more evident than her worries.
He reached over and kissed her. ‘I’m not going to throw away my life like a fool either. The men have been training hard, but they’re still not up to standing toe-to-toe with thousands of legionaries. And while they might think so, neither are Crixus’ and Castus’ followers. We’re not going to fight the bastards in open battle.’
The ache in Ariadne’s belly eased. ‘What will you do?’
‘Ambush them. Come at the column in woods or forest if we can. Break up their lines. Cause panic, as we did in Glaber’s camp. That’s the way to take the fight to them.’
‘The fight,’ she repeated slowly.
‘Yes,’ cried Spartacus. ‘That’s what it is. Except it’s in Italy, not Thrace.’
Ariadne’s fear resurged. Is this what you meant, Dionysus? Seeing the passion burning in his eyes, she took a deep breath and let it out again. ‘This is your path.’
‘For the moment, it is.’ He tapped his chest. ‘I can feel it here.’
‘Therefore it is mine too.’ To whatever end.
‘That gladdens my heart.’ He squeezed her tight. ‘I have to go. Men must be sent out to find this new Roman force.’
When the scouts returned, they reported nothing but the usual traffic on the local roads. They’d seen traders and their mules, farmers with heavily laden carts and small bands of travellers. A messenger had been spotted; so too had an itinerant soothsayer and a group of lepers. There had even been a rich man in his litter, accompanied by a retinue of bodyguards and slaves.
But no soldiers.
Unperturbed, Spartacus called Carbo, Aventianus and two other slaves to him. The four gave each other curious looks as they gathered before him. They didn’t know each other particularly.
‘Wondering why you’re here?’ asked Spartacus.
They all murmured in assent. Carbo hadn’t seen much of Spartacus in the previous months. That was fine. He felt privileged just to have been instructed by him. If the truth be known, he had been fitting in extra training. Running up and down the mountain’s slopes twice a day. Carrying weights and sparring with whoever would take him on. He still wasn’t up to taking on Amatokos, but he fancied that the looks Chloris had thrown in his direction were approving. At least he hoped so. Carbo’s efforts had paid off in other ways, however, because Spartacus had nodded in approval a day before when he’d knocked a German twice his size on his arse. The small gesture had made Carbo’s spirits soar. Whatever duty he was offered now, he would accept. How his life had changed, he reflected. He now lived among, and fought with, slaves. He truly was an outcast — but he didn’t care. Carbo was proud of what he’d become. What he’d made of himself.
‘Ariadne — the priestess who revealed that I have Dionysus’ favour,’ Spartacus added for effect, ‘had a strange feeling this morning when she awoke. I’ve learned to pay attention when she tells me such things. As you know, the scouts have found sod all in the surrounding countryside, but we’ve seen neither hide nor hair of the Romans for months now. Just because there’s no sign of the dogs doesn’t mean that nothing’s happening. I want you to head singly for the nearby towns and see what information you can glean. A man can find out a lot by hanging around a market place for a day or two.’ He saw Carbo’s questioning look. ‘You’re all native speakers. You’ll fit in far better than me, with my Thracian accent, or Atheas and Taxacis, who can barely order a cup of wine in Latin. No one will give you a second glance.’
‘And if anyone demands to know our business?’ asked Aventianus.
Spartacus reached down and picked up four little purses that lay by his feet. He tossed one to each man. ‘You’re a contract labourer who has finished his summer’s work, and is on his way home to his wife or his family. That’s your pay.’
Aventianus smiled. It was an entirely plausible story.
‘Where shall we go?’ enquired Carbo. Please don’t ask me to travel to Capua.
It was almost as if Spartacus sensed his reluctance. ‘You head for Neapolis, on the coast. The rest of you can decide where you want to go: north to Nola and Capua, on the Via Appia, and Nuceria, to the south. If there’s any gossip to be had, you’ll hear it in those towns.’ He held up a warning finger. ‘I don’t care if you spend all the money before you return, but be careful! Don’t get too drunk. Wine loosens men’s tongues. If you get found out, you’ll end your days nailed to a cross.’
They nodded grimly at him.
‘One more thing. Leave your swords behind. Take only a knife and a staff with you.’ He grinned at Carbo’s scowl. ‘I know you’ve grown used to being armed, but nothing will attract more attention than a peasant with a gladius.’ Spartacus waved a hand in dismissal. ‘Come back as fast as you can. May Dionysus and the Great Rider watch over you.’
Carbo went to fetch his sleeping roll and a water carrier. By leaving immediately, he could reach Neapolis before dark. How I’ve changed. Once, he’d have been insulted at being called a peasant and having the blessings of strange gods called down on him. Now he was more upset at not being allowed to carry a weapon.
Carbo knew which person he preferred.
Dusk was falling as Carbo neared Neapolis. He’d run some of the ten miles from Vesuvius to make sure that he arrived in time. Yet he’d cut it very close indeed. The three guards had already pushed one massive door to, and were moving towards the second. He broke into a sprint. ‘Wait!’
The sentries’ heads turned. They were typical city watchmen: two were middle-aged, with sagging paunches, and the other was a stripling youth with cheeks as smooth as a newborn’s bottom. ‘What have we here?’ cried one. The solitary silver phalera pinned to his tunic told Carbo that he’d once been a legionary. He’s the leader. Only brave men earned such decorations. ‘To be in that much of a rush, a man can only be searching for one of two things. Is it wine or a whore?’
‘Or both?’ added the second greybeard with a toothy leer.
‘You’re exactly right, friends. Both,’ lied Carbo, coming to a grateful halt. ‘I’ve been working on a latifundium for the last six weeks, existing on little more than acetum and stale bread. Not so much as a woman in sight. At least not one that it was safe to go near.’
‘The vilicus kept a close eye on you, eh? That’s often the way. You must have a hard-on like Priapus!’ The veteran gave him a wink. ‘I was the same when I was your age. Neleus here wishes he was like that too, but he’s so shy that he won’t even approach the whores by the market. And they’d straddle a corpse if it had a coin to spare!’ He chortled as the embarrassed youth hung his head.
Gods, thought Carbo with delight. They didn’t even look at my scars. And they took me at face value. Pride filled him. I’m a man now.
‘Pass, friend.’ With an expansive gesture, the veteran indicated that Carbo could enter. ‘Whoever you choose, give her one from me.’
‘I will.’ Carbo grinned. ‘Is there an inn where I could find a corner to sleep in?’
‘Several. The Bull is the one where you’re least likely to be eaten alive by fleas and bedbugs. You’re less likely to be robbed there too. It’s off the street that leads from this gate. Third alley on the right. Don’t pay any more than an as for a bed in the stable.’
‘My thanks.’
With that, he’d passed under the great stone arch and into the city. Carbo had never been to Neapolis before. He glanced curiously at the fine buildings as they faded into the rapidly falling darkness. Most were newly built. After centuries of loyalty to Rome, Neapolis had been elevated to a municipium nearly two decades previously, but its fortunes had taken a real tumble during the brutal civil war just a few years later. Carbo could remember as a boy his father telling his mother in hushed tones about the city’s sacking. Under Sulla ‘the butcher’, an army had burned its large fleet at anchor, and killed many hundreds of civilians. Finally, they had set Neapolis ablaze. The residents’ crime had been to have opposed Sulla. And they call Spartacus a latro?
Carbo hurried to find the Bull. The narrow thoroughfare was emptying before his eyes; he had no desire to linger outside longer than necessary either. There was no street lighting. Lamps hung outside an occasional large house, but their glow did not extend far. The shadows were growing longer with every heartbeat. As he came alongside an alleyway, a shape moved in the gloom within. Carbo’s grip on the hilt of his dagger tightened. If Neapolis was anything like Capua, only a fool went abroad after dark. A fool, or a cutthroat.
He was relieved to find the inn soon after. The hum of loud conversation, shouts and out-of-tune singing led him in. The stench of manure, stale urine and human sweat filled his nostrils as he approached the open-fronted establishment. A wooden staircase ran up the side of the building to the flats above. Oil lamps decorated the graffiti-covered walls, inside and out. Their yellow-orange glare illuminated a jumble of rough tables and benches that spilled from the grimy interior on to the alley. Straw had been scattered everywhere; from its soggy appearance, it looked to have absorbed more than its fair share of wine. Or blood.
The place was thronged. I’m not the only one with a dry throat. It wasn’t a surprise. The harvest had recently been taken in, and although the Vinalia Rustica was over, the temperatures were still pleasantly warm. A man could do worse than drink a few cups of wine with his friends at night. Carbo took in the customers, a selection of merchants, travellers and locals. There were whores aplenty too, sitting on men’s laps, flashing their breasts at anyone showing interest, or working the tables for custom. Lowlifes were also numerous: shifty, poorly dressed men in ones and twos whose gaze flickered constantly over the gathering like hungry wolves eyeing a flock of sheep. Friends? I don’t have any. Not here anyway.
Pushing his way to the bar, Carbo spoke to the proprietor, a wall-eyed man with heavy stubble coating his long jaw. As promised by the guard at the gate, a bronze coin secured him a corner in one of the stables. Throwing down his sleeping roll, he returned to purchase a jug of wine and some bread and cheese. With his hands full, Carbo headed for an unoccupied table against one wall. The best — and safest — place to observe the goings on was one where he could sit with his back against cool brickwork. His belly grumbled noisily as he sat down, reminding him that he hadn’t eaten since midday. Carbo forgot all about the other customers and set upon his food with purpose.
It didn’t take him long to clear his plate and throw back two cups of the watered-down wine. Feeling much better, Carbo belched. He filled his cup again and cast his gaze casually around the room. A couple of tables over, four traders were loudly playing dice. Ignoring the demands of those around him to shut up, a man with wine stains all down his tunic bawled an out-of-tune ditty about Odysseus’ journey. A pair of greybeards argued over the pieces on a ‘Robbers’ board. Beside them, a florid-faced merchant pawed greedily at a whore’s crotch. Three watching veterans sniggered and made lewd suggestions about what the pair might get up to.
Carbo thought of Chloris and his groin throbbed. He felt the little purse, which hung from a thong around his neck, and considered taking one of the whores upstairs. It was commonplace for such women to use a room over taverns. He studied them all one by one, and decided against it. They’re cheap and nasty. I’ll catch some disease. A higher-class establishment would be far better. There at least they might wash between customers. Get a grip. That’s not what I’m here for. Carbo decided to finish the jug of wine and go to bed. Markets began trading at dawn, and he wanted to be there from the start.
‘Come far?’
To the right, a man was sitting with his back to the wall, as Carbo was. He had brown hair, cut in the military style, two differently coloured eyes, and high, wide cheekbones. He was perhaps a decade older than Carbo.
‘Are you talking to me?’
‘Yes. I saw you come in. It looked as if you’d been on the road. You must have barely made it before they closed the gate.’ His accent was well educated, at odds with the other clientele.
He’s only being friendly. ‘You have the right of it. Another few moments and I would have been left outside for the night. I’m damn glad that didn’t happen.’
The other pointed to his jug. ‘You’d get none of this piss for a start!’
Carbo chuckled. ‘No.’
‘Tempted to try one of the whores as well?’
‘Not the ones in here. They’re pox-ridden for sure.’
‘You’re not wrong there. I’m Navio.’ He leaned over and clinked his cup off Carbo’s. The movement revealed his waist, which was encircled by a gilded belt. Navio saw Carbo’s eyes take it in. ‘Yes, I’m a soldier.’ His expression soured. ‘Or I was.’
‘My name’s Carbo.’ He waited, but no more information was offered.
‘You must be a farmer’s son, eh? Come to seek out the city’s fleshpots?’
Carbo shot Navio a wary look.
Navio smiled. ‘Come on. Your tunic might be homespun and your knife cheaply made, but your accent is not that of a labourer. You’re from a good family, like me.’
Alarm filled Carbo. Gods, I hadn’t thought of the way I sound. He scanned Navio’s tanned face, but could see no suspicion in it. One story’s as good as another. ‘Is it that obvious?’
‘Yes.’ Navio took a mouthful of wine.
Wanting to fit into his new role better, Carbo adopted a sullen tone. ‘I’ve been working on the farm all summer without a break. No thanks from my father, of course. I decided to have a few days off. It’s been well earned.’
‘Is that all you have to complain of? Do you know how lucky you are?’ asked Navio sourly.
‘I’ve got plenty more to worry about,’ replied Carbo sharply, thinking of his mission. ‘As no doubt you have.’
‘I’m sorry,’ said Navio, with an embarrassed look. ‘Things haven’t gone well for me recently.’
‘Were you discharged?’
Navio’s lips twisted with bitterness. ‘It was a bit more permanent than that.’ Noticing Carbo’s interest, a shutter came down across his face. ‘It’s none of your business, though.’
‘No,’ said Carbo stiffly. He must have been thrown out of the army. ‘As you please.’
‘Forgive my rudeness. Have some of my wine.’ Navio filled Carbo’s cup to the brim before raising his own. ‘To new friends and good company!’
Relenting, Carbo repeated the toast.
‘The landlord told me about a whorehouse one street over,’ confided Navio with a wink. ‘The women there are veritable Venuses compared to the ones here, he said. Clean too. Fancy trying it in a bit?’
Carbo suddenly pictured a woman different to Chloris, with her Greek looks. A large-breasted, creamy-skinned beauty, lying on her back, urging him to fuck her. Where’s the harm in that? ‘Sounds like a good idea.’
‘Let’s drink to that!’
They both drained their cups. Carbo poured more wine for both of them, and they fell into a more neutral conversation, bantering with each other about the inn’s other customers. Which of the four merchants would win the next dice game. Whether someone would eventually silence the caterwauling singer. Which prostitute would snare a customer first. Whether an argument between a pair of men would turn into a fight. It passed the time admirably.
Two jugs of wine later, Carbo was viewing the world with much more benevolence. A warm, fuzzy feeling filled his head. The whores had even become appealing. Navio caught him ogling the youngest one, and laughed. ‘It’s time to find that brothel. Come on!’
They threaded their way unsteadily between the tables. Carbo took the opportunity to squeeze a prostitute’s buttocks as he passed, grinning as she squealed in mock horror. She immediately turned and lifted her skirt, revealing the dark triangle of hair in her groin. ‘Fancy a bit of this? Two sestertii and it’s yours for an hour.’
‘An hour? He’d only need two or three thrusts to finish!’ Navio cried. He was nearly in the alley. ‘Come on, Carbo. Let’s go.’
Reluctantly, Carbo tore his eyes from the whore’s crotch and headed for the entrance.
Satisfied, Navio strode off.
‘Hold on, I need a piss.’ But Navio didn’t hear his mumble. By the time Carbo had emerged, the soldier was already twenty paces away. ‘Screw him, I can’t wait.’ Carbo fumbled his way to the nearest wall and pulled up his tunic. After some difficulty with his licium, he freed himself. With a sigh of relief, he watched his stream of urine splashing off the bricks.
When he turned back, the alleyway that led back to the main street was empty. Cursing under his breath, Carbo hurried after Navio. He was about to call out, telling his new friend to wait, when he heard a soft thud, as a body makes when it hits the ground. Carbo’s words dried in his throat. That was how I was attacked after leaving the tavern in Capua. He reached for his dagger, and was reassured by the cool bone of its hilt. Pausing for a few moments to let his eyes adjust to the Stygian gloom, Carbo slid his feet along the dusty ground as quietly as he could.
Two score paces on, against the faint light of a lamp on a house’s wall, he made out a man’s shape crouching over a motionless form. Navio! White-hot rage washed away the fuzziness in Carbo’s head. He didn’t even consider returning to the safety of the inn. Instead, he drew his knife, gripping it in his fist with the blade pointed towards the ground. It was the method taught to him by Spartacus. ‘This way, no bastard can knock the weapon out of your hand, and you can still stick it wherever you like.’
Navio’s assailant rolled him over and began pawing through his clothes. ‘Where’s the fucking purse?’
Navio groaned and Carbo’s heart leaped. He’s not dead then. Squinting, he judged that the distance between them had closed to perhaps fifteen steps. There was no sign that the lowlife had any companions, but Carbo still wasn’t near enough.
Coins clinked, and the thief made a pleased sound. ‘Anything else?’ he muttered, stooping over Navio again.
Thanking the gods for the lowlife’s greed, Carbo hurried forward.
Ten paces. Eight. Six. Four.
Undoing Navio’s gilded belt, the thief tugged it from around his waist. ‘This’ll fetch a tidy sum.’ His hand reached out and picked up a club, and then he straightened.
There was a click as one of Carbo’s sandals scuffed a stone.
The thief half turned in surprise. ‘What-’
It was the last thing he said. Carbo hammered his knife down into the side of the thief’s neck. He drove it so hard that it went in right to the hilt. Carbo ripped it out savagely, setting free a gout of blood that splattered his face. Uncaring, he stabbed the thief once, twice, three times in the chest. The blade grated off ribs and into the chest cavity, shearing the vital tissues into pieces. Carbo twisted it for good measure each time. It was when the thief slumped into him, unmoving, and the club dropped from his nerveless fingers, that Carbo realised that he was dead, or dying. Just what you deserve, you bastard. With a satisfied grunt, he heaved the thief to one side.
He crouched in the darkness, his knife ready, listening for anyone else.
The only sound was Navio’s laboured breathing.
Carbo dropped to his knees. ‘Navio! Can you hear me?’
There was no answer. How hard did the whoreson hit him? Carbo reached out, feeling Navio’s face and scalp for signs of damage. Finding a sticky mat of hair, he lifted his hand, peering at it in the dim twilight. The fluid on his fingers was dark. Blood. Carbo returned to the spot, pressing down gently as he’d seen the surgeon in the ludus doing.
‘Hades, that fucking hurts!’ Navio growled. ‘Are you trying to kill me?’
Carbo let out a long breath of relief. ‘Sorry.’
‘As if that sewer rat didn’t hit me hard enough,’ complained Navio.
‘Can you sit up?’
‘I think so. Help me.’
Carbo put a hand around Navio’s shoulders and lifted. ‘Why the hell didn’t you wait for me? I was only having a piss.’
‘I thought you were going to waste your money on that mule-faced whore.’
‘No, I wasn’t.’
‘I’ll know better next time.’ Navio locked eyes with him. ‘I owe you. Thank you.’
‘You’re welcome,’ replied Carbo, mollified.
‘Now, where’s the brothel? It can’t be far.’ Navio twisted his head to see, and then he groaned.
‘I don’t think that’s such a good idea,’ warned Carbo. ‘Can you even stand, never mind ask your prick to do so?’
Navio chuckled throatily. ‘Maybe you’re right.’
‘Let’s go back to the inn.’
‘My belt. Where is it?’
Carbo fumbled around until his fingers closed on the gilded metal and leather. ‘Here. I’ll carry it for you.’ With his help, Navio stood. He kicked feebly at the thief’s body. ‘You made short work of that scumbag. Have you been trained to use weapons?’
Carbo thought fast. ‘We had a slave, a Samnite who’d fought in the Social War. He taught me a lot.’
‘The Social War, eh?’ There was a bitter edge to Navio’s weak laugh.
‘What?’ Carbo moved forward, supporting Navio.
Carbo didn’t push it. Instead, he supported Navio back to the inn. Few people paid them any heed as they re-entered, for which Carbo was grateful. Although no one would care that he’d killed a thief, he didn’t want to have to explain himself to the city watch. ‘Let’s get you to bed,’ he muttered to Navio. ‘You need to sleep your injury off.’
‘No damn way. I owe you a drink. It’s the least I can do.’
‘But the blood on your head-’
‘Fuck that. I’ve had far worse. I want wine. Lots of it, in fact.’
The determination in Navio’s voice was clear. ‘All right.’ Carbo guided them back to the table he’d sat at. They ordered another jug. When it arrived, Navio poured them both a cup with a shaking arm. ‘To friendship!’ he said, lifting his wine. Carbo echoed the toast with a grin, and they downed the first cup in one swallow. Navio did the honours again, spilling some on the tabletop. ‘That the whoreson who tried to rob me gets a warm welcome from Hades!’ Carbo nodded and threw back the second cup. It would settle his nerves. The thief would have killed me in the blink of an eye. He’s no damn loss.
Without hesitation, Navio filled their cups again. ‘To courage and loyalty!’
‘I’ll drink to that,’ said Carbo fervently.
‘I’d say you would,’ said Navio with a shrewd look. ‘You’re a good man.’
Feeling self-conscious, Carbo studied the tabletop.
‘Most men wouldn’t have risked their skins to save me as you just did.’
‘Maybe not.’ Carbo began to feel quite proud.
‘I can guarantee it.’ Navio leaned over the table, breathing wine fumes all over him. ‘I’d wager that you can keep a secret too.’
‘If I have to,’ replied Carbo cagily.
‘I’ve recently returned from Iberia.’
‘And…’ said Carbo, not understanding.
‘I was a soldier there.’
‘What, fighting against Sertorius and his men?’
‘Not exactly, no.’ Navio hesitated.
The wine was coursing through Carbo’s veins now, filling him with confidence. ‘Spit it out, man.’
Navio let out a great sigh. He glanced casually to either side, and dropped his voice to a whisper. ‘It was the opposite, really. I was one of Sertorius’ officers.’
Carbo hadn’t expected that. He nearly dropped his cup. ‘Eh?’
‘It’s not that surprising,’ said Navio defensively. ‘I’m from Neapolis, and it was natural for my father to support Marius against Sulla. After Marius’ death, Sertorius, his right-hand man, fled to Iberia. My father went too, taking our whole family. Mother died soon after our arrival, and I grew up in a world where everything was about fighting what Rome had become. All I knew was war.’ Navio hawked and spat. ‘We did well for a long time too.’
Like anyone, Carbo knew the broad strokes of what had happened in Iberia over the previous seven years. How Sertorius had won over many of the peninsula’s fierce tribes, and how he’d proved himself a master at guerrilla warfare, defeating all comers sent against him from Rome. He had had the temerity to make contact with another enemy of Rome, Mithridates of Pontus. In return for money and ships, Sertorius had sent military officers who would train Mithridates’ army. Yet things had gone awry eventually. In the previous year or so, Carbo knew that things had soured for Sertorius, as Pompey Magnus and his generals had finally turned the tide against him. ‘Has the situation got worse?’ he asked vaguely.
Navio frowned. ‘You haven’t heard?’
‘Our farm is out in the sticks,’ lied Carbo.
‘Yes, I’d forgotten. Well, Sertorius is dead.’
‘Slain in battle?’
‘I wish,’ replied Navio bitterly. ‘No, he was stabbed and killed by Perperna three months back. The traitorous fucking dog.’
‘Do you remember Aemilius Lepidus’ failed rebellion four years ago?’
‘Yes. He tried to take Rome, but the proconsul Catulus defeated him at the Milvian Bridge. Fled to Sardinia, didn’t he?’
‘That’s right. When Lepidus died soon after, his principal followers — of whom Perperna was one — sailed to Iberia with the remnants of their army. Sertorius welcomed them with open arms. He even set up an opposition Senate with them.’
‘I remember my father wondering why the Senate in Rome didn’t offer Sertorius a pardon when Sulla died,’ said Carbo. ‘There was no real reason to continue the war in Iberia, and Sertorius was such a talented general. Why didn’t they welcome him back into the fold?’
‘It was nothing but their damn arrogance and pride,’ cried Navio. He winced in pain.
‘Take it easy.’
‘I can do that when I’m dead.’ Anger throbbed in Navio’s voice. ‘Sertorius was a better man than any of Marius’ followers. He always stood up to the extremists in the party, and he took no part in the massacres sanctioned by Marius. They should have given him a chance to return with his honour. Instead, he bled out his life at a banquet in some Iberian shithole.’
‘Did Perperna take command of Sertorius’ forces?’
‘And you stayed with him?’
Navio glowered. ‘I was a complete fool, all right? My father said that we should wait until Perperna defeated Pompey before taking any action against him. I followed his lead.’ He swallowed audibly. ‘I will regret that to my dying day.’
‘What happened?’
‘It was simple. Perperna wasn’t half the leader Sertorius had been, so Pompey made mincemeat of us. He finished us off in less than two months. My father and younger brother were killed in the final battle. I managed to escape, but most of the survivors were taken prisoner. I suppose I should be grateful for one thing. Pompey offered every man who would swear his loyalty to Rome a pardon. Except for Perperna. He executed him.’
‘Sounds as if he got what was coming to him,’ said Carbo with feeling. ‘So you took up Pompey’s offer, and then came home?’
‘Eh?’ retorted Navio in disgust. ‘Accept a pardon after the way the Senate treated Sertorius? I’d rather be tied in a bag with a dog, a cock, an ape and a viper and thrown in the Tiber.’
‘Why didn’t you try to fight on in Spain?’
‘Pompey gave such generous terms to the Iberian tribes that they have no desire to go on fighting. Sertorius was an orator, and he might have changed their minds, but I’m just a simple soldier. I didn’t know what to do, so I took passage back to Neapolis. Home.’ Navio spat out the last word. ‘Where everyone now rushes to kiss the arses of men like Pompey and Crassus.’
‘What do you plan to do?’
‘I’m going to wage war on the Senate. On Rome. I want vengeance for Sertorius. For my family.’
‘You’re going to do that on your own?’
Navio gave a cracked laugh. ‘You think I’m mad, don’t you?’
‘Not mad, no.’ Crazed with grief and guilt, maybe? ‘Your cause is hopeless, you know. No one can take on the Republic in open battle and win.’
‘So what? I’d rather keep my pride than bend my knee to the likes of fucking Pompey. He was supposedly the Republic’s best general, yet Sertorius defeated him — not once, but twice!’ Navio reached over to grip Carbo’s shoulder. ‘There you have it. I bet you didn’t think you’d hear a story like that when you entered the inn. And if you fancy a nice lump sum of cash, all you have to do is report me to the authorities in the morning. I think the current reward for rebel officers who haven’t surrendered is two hundred denarii. Not bad, eh?’
‘I’m not going to do that.’
‘Why not?’
‘I don’t need the money!’ joked Carbo. ‘No, it’s far more than that.’
‘Do you also hate Rome?’ asked Navio joyfully. ‘Are there still some who support Marius?’
‘It’s not that either.’ Carbo scanned Navio’s face, seeing his earnestness. He placed his trust, and his life, in my hands. And we could use him. He took a deep breath. ‘But I follow a man who does.’
‘You’re making fun of me.’
‘I’m not.’ Carbo looked Navio in the eyes. ‘I give you my word.’
‘He must be loyal to Marius.’
‘He’s not a Marian supporter.’
‘I don’t understand.’
‘Swear that you’ll tell no one.’
‘On my life.’
‘He’s a gladiator,’ said Carbo.
‘A gladiator?’
‘Yes. He’s from Thrace. About six months ago, he led a breakout from the ludus in Capua. There were only seventy-three of us at the start, but thousands of slaves have joined since then. Spartacus is training them to fight.’
‘You’re as mad as I am!’ Noticing the pride in Carbo’s eyes, Navio’s expression changed. ‘No, you’re fucking serious.’
‘Never more so.’
‘How in all the gods’ name did you come to be serving a runaway gladiator?’
‘It’s a long story,’ said Carbo. ‘I joined the ludus as an auctoratus. Inside, it’s a different world. There’s no difference between a man who’s a citizen and one who’s been enslaved. Being young and inexperienced, life was hard for me. Spartacus offered me his protection, so I became his man. I escaped when he did.’
‘A fine story, but gladiators aren’t the same as trained soldiers. You’ll be wiped out in the first battle.’
Quietly, Carbo told Navio the story of their attack on Glaber’s camp.
‘Eighty of you beat three thousand legionaries? That is an incredible feat.’ Navio whistled in respect. Then his brow furrowed. ‘It’s not the first time, come to think of it. The slaves who rebelled on Sicily won quite a few victories before they were defeated.’
Carbo threw the dice again. ‘Why don’t you join us? Spartacus is the only one among us with experience of Roman army training. But there are too many slaves for him to instruct properly.’
‘Are you offering me a job?’
‘I can’t do that. But I’ll take you to Spartacus. You can ask him yourself.’
‘Are you meant to be recruiting men?’
‘No.’ Carbo explained his mission. ‘Obviously, I’m supposed to tell no one.’
Navio’s lips quirked. ‘In that case, will he not crucify us both?’
‘I don’t think so.’
‘You don’t think so?’ Navio laughed softly. ‘Hmmm. Would I risk my life just to ask a runaway slave if I can fight for him?’
Carbo’s heart thudded in his chest. If Navio said no, he was possibly going to have to kill him. Otherwise, his story might be spread all over Capua by the next day.
‘Why the hell not?’ Navio exclaimed. ‘It sounds more appealing than fighting a war on my own.’
Relief flooded through Carbo. ‘Good. Let’s go and drink to that,’ he declared. His relief lasted no more than a few heartbeats. Through the alcoholic haze that enveloped him, he had one crystal-clear thought. Gods, what if I’ve made the biggest mistake of my life? Despite his bravado, there was every chance that Spartacus would kill them both. He downed another mouthful.
Instead of doing the sensible thing and retiring to bed, Carbo and Navio continued drinking. In the process they cemented their friendship, swearing undying loyalty to each other over cup after cup of wine. By the time they collapsed on to their bedding in the stable, the first fingers of light were tingeing the eastern sky. All too soon they were woken by the sharp end of the ostler’s pitchfork. The moment that they were awake, he hounded them out into the stable yard. Red-eyed and with pounding heads, the pair stared blearily at each other. ‘I feel like shit,’ Carbo groaned.
‘There’s only one cure for this,’ announced Navio. Stripping off his tunic, he wove over to the trough for the mules, which had just been filled by a slave. Grabbing a bucket, he dragged it through the water and then emptied it over his head. ‘Gods, but that’s cold!’ He repeated the procedure several times before shoving the pail at Carbo. ‘Now you.’
Shivering in anticipation, Carbo put himself through the same process.
‘Feel better?’ asked Navio, flicking water from his skin.
‘A little.’
‘Dionysus’ revenge, my father used to call it.’
‘I’d best head to the market to see what I can find out.’ Trying to ignore his pounding head, Carbo dried himself with a clump of straw and pulled on his tunic.
Navio’s face brightened. ‘We can get bread and cheese there. Nothing like some food to settle the stomach, eh?’
‘Maybe.’ In the cold light of day, Carbo’s plan to bring Navio back to Spartacus’ camp seemed rather less appealing. But he couldn’t back out of it now. He’d given Navio his word. Several times.
Neapolis’ market place was situated in the main forum, a large open area in the very centre of the city. The mass of stalls, tents and mobile pens was surrounded on all sides by temples, government buildings and the mansions of the rich. Despite the early hour, it was already packed with people. Every foodstuff under the sun was on sale.
There were stands groaning under the weight of cabbages, onions, carrots, chicory and cucumbers. Huge bunches of sage, coriander, fennel and parsley were laid carefully out on low tables. Scores of wasps hung over the arrangements of ripe pears, apples and plums. There were even some peaches on offer. The insects were attracted to these nearly as much as the sealed pots of honey nearby. Rounds of cheese, covered in cloth to keep them fresh, were piled one on top of the other. Bakers hawked flat loaves of bread that were still warm from the oven. Small children greedily eyed the sweet pastries on offer. Butchers stood by their massive wooden blocks, wielding cleavers and extolling the quality of their freshly killed meat. Cattle, sheep and pigs roared their unhappiness from the pens close by.
Attracted by the smell, Carbo and Navio descended on a stall where a stout woman was frying sausages. They bought two each. Carbo lingered, chatting to the woman as he ate. Mention of Spartacus’ men raiding a neighbour’s farm elicited a tirade of cursing, but no mention of soldiers.
It was the same story all over the market. Buying a selection of bread and fruit, Carbo chatted idly to the vendors, mentioning Spartacus to all and sundry. Unsurprisingly, none had a good word to say about his leader, but, to Carbo’s pleasure, none mentioned any punitive force from Rome either.
Within an hour, he was happy enough to leave. He’d drunk several cups of fruit juice, and his head was feeling much better. Navio looked brighter too. ‘Still prepared to come with me?’ Carbo asked.
‘Of course,’ said Navio with a lopsided grin. ‘As I said, I’m only a simple soldier. On my own, I’ll get nowhere. So if your leader will lead me against Rome, I’ll follow him to Hades.’
Carbo smiled confidently. Falsely. He had no doubt that if Spartacus was unhappy with what he had done, they’d both be on crosses by the day’s end. Let’s hope he sees the same thing in Navio that I did.