Barton and Infantino were waiting as the first of the helicopters descended out of the night to land on the broad plaza surrounding the Glass House. The landing area had been cleared of planters and the fire hoses shifted. The ‘copter settled to the ground and the door poened as the blades idled. Several policemen and ambulance attendants rushed forward to assist the passengers as they stumbled out. A few were coughing badly; all looked chilled and wet.
Infantino bellowed at the ambulance personnel: “Those that need treatment for burns or smoke inhalation, take them directly to the hospital-the others go to the first-aid station in the lower lobby!”
Barton searched the faces frantically as the people left the helicopter. “Quinn! Over here, Quinn!” She turned and smiled wanly.
Barton hurried over. “Where’s Jenny?”
The smile faded. “I’m sorry Craig. She and the.
Lerouxes were in the last elevator load that started down.
She glanced quickly around as if looking for someone then said: “How bad is it?”
“Very bad-though there’s an outside-chance we can get to the elevator.”
Reporters and cameramen had started to surge around them now.
Barton caught a brief glimpse of Quantrell and his assistants talking to some of the tenants as they were being, escorted to ambulances.
Then he felt somebody pushing behind him.
“Quinn! My God, Quinn!” A tall man, somewhat younger than himself, pushed past and then Quinn was in his arms. For a moment Barton watched them; Quinn’s eyes were closed, but he could see the tears streaking down her face.
“Leslie, please get me out of here.”
“Sure, Quinn, my car’s half a block down-the police let me through.”
He took off his coat and wrapped it around her and started to lead her off. She glanced back once, said, “Good luck, Craig,” then huddled against the man at her side. The poise and self-reserve were leaving her very quickly ;low, and Barton could see that she was sobbing.
Barton briefly thought of Jenny, then turned back to the milling crowd and shouted at the police, “Get these people back, get them out of here! Another ‘copter win be landing here in a minute or two!”
Infantino had talked briefly with the helicopter pilot and now hurried over to Barton. “Burleigh -turned the bird over to his copilot; he’s handling the elevator up there.”
“Let’s wish him luck,” Barton said quietly. Then the copter blades started to Turn as the helicopter rose from its improvised landing pad.
Far above they could see a second one descending.
“It’s our turn as soon as Number Four comes in,” Infantino said.
“It will probably take us that long to get ready.” A runner ran over and handed him a’slip and he glanced at it, then turned to Barton, his face grim. “Casualty report. You remember that salesman you couldn’t account for? Bigelow? We found him.” He spelled out the details and Barton felt as if he were going to get sick.
“What about his girl friend, the one Jernigan thought might be with him?”
“Elmon?” Infantino shrugged. “Three guesses,” he said, and nodded at the canvas-wrapped sculpture before the building.
Behind them, the second U.H-1 settled softly to the plaza and began to discharge its tired passengers.