

PSRL, vol. i: Lavrent'evskaialetopis', Suzdah'skaialetopis'(Moscow: Vostochnaialiteratura, 1962), cols. 434, 442; John Fennell, The Crisis of Medieval Russia, 1200-1304 (London and New York: Longman, 1983), pp. 45-6.


Fennell, Crisis, p. 98; John Fennell, The Emergence of Moscow 1304-135 9 (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1968), appendix B, table 3.


V A. Kuchkin, Formirovanie gosudarstvennoi territorii severo-vostochnoi Rusi v X-XV vv. (Moscow: Nauka, 1984), pp. 101,110; Fennell, Crisis, p. 50.


YaroslavNikolaevich Shchapov, State and Church in Early Russia 10th-13th Centuries, trans. Vic Schneierson (New Rochelle, N.Y., Athens and Moscow: Aristide D. Caratzas, 1993), pp. 50-1; E. Golubinskii, Istoriiarusskoi tserkvi, vol. I (Moscow: Imperatorskoe obshchestvo istorii i drevnostei rossiiskikh, 1901; reprinted The Hague: Mouton, 1969), pp. 336, 338; Fennell, Crisis, p. 59 n. 26.


PSRL, vol. 1, cols. 460-7; PSRL, vol. 111: Novgorodskaia pervaia letopis' starshego i mlad- shego izvodov (Moscow: Iazyki russkoi kul'tury, 2000), p. 288; PSRL, vol. x: Patriarshaia ili Nikonovskaia letopis' (St Petersburg: Arkheograficheskaia kommissiia, 1885; reprinted Moscow: Nauka, 1965), pp. 106-9; Fennell, Crisis, pp. 79-80; Fennell, Emergence, p. 12; Lawrence N. Langer, 'The Medieval Russian Town', in Michael Hamm (ed.), The City in Russian History (Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1976), p. 15.


PSRL, vol. x, p. 188; PSRL, vol. xv: Rogozhskii letopisets, Tverskoi sbornik (St Petersburg, 1863 and Petrograd, 1922; reprinted, Moscow: Iazyki russkoi kul'tury 2000), cols. 43-4, 416; Langer, 'The Medieval Russian Town', p. 15; Robert O. Crummey, TheFormationofMuscovy 1304-1613 (London and New York: Longman, 1987), pp. 30-1; V V Kargalov 'Posledstviia mongolo-tatarskogo nashestviiaXIII v. dlia sel'skikh mestnostei Severo-Vostochnoi Rusi', VI, 1965, no. 3: 53, 57; Fennell, Crisis, p. 129.


Ibid., pp. 80-1, 98-9.


George Vernadsky, The Mongols andRussia (A History of Russia, vol. iii) (New Haven: Yale University Press and London: Oxford University Press, 1953), p. 338.


Langer, 'The Medieval Russian Town', p. 23; Thomas T. Allsen, 'Ever Closer Encounters: The Appropriation of Culture and the Apportionment ofPeoples in the Mongol Empire', Journal of Early Modern History 1 (1997): 2-4; Donald Ostrowski, Muscovy and the Mongols: Cross-Cultural Influences on the Steppe Frontier, 1304-1589 (Cambridge: Cambridge Univer­sity Press, 1998), pp. 113-14; Vernadsky, Mongols, pp. 88,123, 201, 213, 227, 338-9. On Sarai, Thomas T. Allsen, 'Saray', in Encyclopedia of Islam, 2nd edn., vol. ix (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1996), 41-2; Vernadsky, Mongols, p. 141.


Vernadsky, Mongols, p. 220; Donald Ostrowski, 'The Mongol Origins of Muscovite Polit­ical Institutions', SR 49 (1990): 527; Fennell, Crisis, pp. 128-9.


Michel Roublev, 'The Mongol Tribute According to the Wills and Agreements of the Russian Princes', in Michael Cherniavsky (ed.), The Structure of Russian History (New


Janet Martin, Treasure ofthe Land ofDarkness: The Fur Trade and its Significance for Medieval Russia (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986), p. 88; Kuchkin, Formirovanie gosudarstvennoi territorii, pp. 121-2; Ostrowski, Muscovy and the Mongols, p. 127; Vernadsky Mongols, p. 241; Nasonov Mongoly i Rus', pp. 36-8.


Langer, 'The Medieval Russian Town', pp. 23-4; Vernadsky, Mongols, pp. 338-41; Ostrowski, Muscovy and the Mongols, p. 112.


Langer, 'The Medieval Russian Town', pp. 21, 23; David B. Miller, 'Monumental Building as an Indicator of Economic Trends in Northern Rus' in the Late Kievan and Mongol Periods, 1138-1462', AmericanHistoricalReview94(1989):368-9; N. S. Borisov, 'Moskovskie kniaz'ia i russkie mitropolityXIV veka', VI, 1986, no. 8:38; N. S. Borisov Russkaiatserkov' v politicheskoi bor'be XIV-XV vekov (Moscow: Moskovskii universitet, 1986), pp. 58-61; Fennell, Crisis, p. 89; Ostrowski, Muscovy and the Mongols, pp. 128-31.


Vernadsky, Mongols, p. 170; Martin, Treasure, p. 31; Ostrowski, Muscovy and the Mongols, pp. 110-11,117; John Meyendorff, Byzantium and the Rise of Russia.. A Study ofByzantino-Russian Relations in the Fourteenth Century (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981), p. 46; Nasonov, Mongoly iRus', p. 46.


PSRL, vol. III, pp. 88-9, 319; Gramoty Velikogo Novgoroda i Pskova, ed. S. N. Valk (Moscow: AN SSSR, 1949), nos. 13, 30, 31, pp. 13, 57, 58-61; Langer, 'The Medieval Russian Town', pp. 16,17, 20; Vernadsky, Mongols, pp. 170-1; V L. Ianin, Novgorodskieposadniki (Moscow: Moskovskii universitet, 1962), p. 156; V N. Bernadskii, Novgorod i Novgorodskaia zemlia (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1961), p. 21; Ostrowski, Muscovy and the Mongols, p. 118.


Langer, 'The Medieval Russian Town', pp. 20-1; Martin, Treasure, pp. 31, 90, 192 n. 132, 218 n.17.


PSRL, vol. i, col. 471; Vernadsky, Mongols, pp. 61,142-3; Fennell, Crisis, pp. 100-1; Christo­pher Dawson (ed.), The Mongol Mission (London and New York: Sheed and Ward, 1955), pp. 58, 65.


PSRL, vol. i, col. 471.


PSRL, vol. i, col. 472.


PSRL, vol. i, col. 473.


PSRL, vol. i, col. 475.


Nasonov Mongoly i Rus', pp. 47-8; Fennell, Crisis, p. 143.


PSRL, vol. iii, p. 88; Fennell, Crisis, pp. 128-9.


PSRL, vol. i, col. 526; PSRL, vol. x, pp. 168,169,172.


PSRL, vol. i, col. 525.


PSRL, vol. i, col. 525; PSRL, vol. x, p. 159.


PSRL, vol. i, cols. 484, 526,527; PSRL, vol. x, pp. 161,165-6,168-9,170; Nasonov, Mongoly i Rus',pp.72-3, 80; Vernadsky,Mongols,pp. 193-4;Fennell,Emergence,^. 61;L. VCherepnin, Obrazovanierusskogo tsentralizovannogogosudarstvavXIV-XVvekakh (Moscow: Sotsial'no- ekonomicheskaia literatura, i960), pp. 459-60.


E.g. PSRL, vol. x, pp. 166-7.


PSRL, vol. i, col. 486.


Nasonov Mongoly i Rus', p. 81; Fennell, Emergence, pp. 64-5; Cherepnin, Obrazovanie, p. 462.


PSRL, vol. x, p. 178.


PSRL, vol. x, pp. 178-9; Fennell, Emergence, pp. 75-81.


PSRL, vol. x, p. 180.


PSRL, vol. x, pp. 181-6.


PSRL, vol. x, pp. 188-90.


PSRL, vol. x, p. 194; Charles Halperin, The Tatar Yoke (Columbus, Oh.: Slavica, 1986),

p. 54.


PSRL, vol. x, p. 195.


Fennell, Emergence, pp. 118,158-69. Cf. Halperin, The Tatar Yoke, pp. 85, 87.


PSRL, vol. III, p. 469; PSRL, vol. x, p. 195; Cherepnin, Obrazovanie, pp. 497-8; A. E. Presniakov, The Formation of the Great Russian State. A Study of Russian History in the Thirteenth to Fifteenth Centuries, trans. A. E. Moorhouse (Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1970), pp. 123-4; Fennell, Emergence, pp. 112-13, 119.


PSRL, vol. I, col. 472; Joseph Fuhrmann, 'Metropolitan Cyril II (1242-1281) and the Politics of Accommodation', JGO 24 (1976): 164; Vernadsky, Mongols, p. 147.


PSRL, vol. II, col. 829; Fennell, Crisis, pp. 107, 111; Vernadsky, Mongols, p. 148.


Martin Dimnik, 'Principality of Galicia-Volynia', in MERSH, vol. xii (Gulf Breeze, Fla.: Academic International Press, 1979), p. 68; Michael Zdan, 'The Dependence of Halych- Volyn' on the Golden Horde', SEER 35 (1957): 515; Nasonov, Mongoly i Rus', pp. 24-6.


Fuhrmann, 'Metropolitan Cyril II', 167; Vernadsky, Mongols, p. 158.


Nasonov Mongoly i Rus', pp. 40, 47; Fuhrmann, 'Metropolitan Cyril II', 162-7; Fennell, Crisis,p. 112; Donald Ostrowski, 'Why Did the Metropolitan Move from Kiev to Vladimir in the Thirteenth Century?', in Boris Gasparov and Olga Raevsky-Hughes (eds.), Slavic Cultures in the Middle Ages (California Slavic Studies, vol. 16) (Berkeley, Los Angeles and Oxford: University of California Press, 1993), pp. 83-8.


Fennell, Emergence, pp. 103-4.


Fennell, Crisis, pp. 47,111.


Kuchkin, Formirovanie gosudarstvennoi territorii, pp. 110-13.


Kuchkin, Formirovanie gosudarstvennoi territorii, pp. 110, 121. The eight were Starodub, Suzdal', Tver', Galich-Dmitrov, Kostroma, Moscow, Nizhnii Novgorod-Gorodets and Beloozero. See also Fennell, Emergence, p. 21.


Kuchkin, Formirovanie gosudarstvennoi territorii, p. 119; Fennell, Emergence, pp. 21-2.


PSRL, vol. I, cols. 471-2; PSRL, vol. iii, pp. 79, 304; Fennell, Crisis, pp. 100,102-3.


PSRL, vol. iii, pp. 88, 320.


PSRL, vol. iii, pp. 88-9, 322; PSRL, vol. x, p. 151; Fennell, Crisis, p. 129.


PSRL, vol. iii, pp. 94-7, 335-9; Vernadsky, Mongols, pp. 96,100-1.


Ibid., pp. 199, 228.


PSRL, vol. iii, pp. 99, 344-8, 350; Janet Martin, Medieval Russia 980-1584 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), pp. 184-5; Martin, Treasure, p. 131; Fennell, Emergence, pp. 140,148,153,156-7, 242-3; Bernadskii, Novgorod, p. 24.


Borisov, 'Moskovskie kniaz'ia', 35; Halperin, The Tatar Yoke, p. 81; Fennell, Emergence, p. 193; Martin, Medieval Russia, pp. 182,185.


Vernadsky, Mongols, pp. 202-3, 238; Fennell, Emergence, pp. 98-9,104,122-3.


PSRL, vol. I, col. 473; PSRL, vol. x, pp. 139, 143; Jaroslaw Pelenski, 'The Origins of the Muscovite Ecclesiastical Claims to the Kievan Inheritance (Early Fourteenth Century to 1458/1461)', in Gasparov and Raevsky-Hughes (eds.), Slavic Cultures in the Middle Ages, p. 103; Ostrowski, 'Why Did the Metropolitan Move?', 83, 87, 92; Fuhrmann, 'Metropoli­tan Cyril II', 162-4,166, 171.


Fuhrmann, 'Metropolitan Cyril II', 164; Meyendorff, Byzantium and the Rise of Russia,, p. 79.


Ostrowski, 'Why Did the Metropolitan Move?', 93-4.


Nasonov, Mongoly i Rus', p. 45; Vernadsky, Mongols, pp. 165-6; Crummey, The Formation of Muscovy, p. 31; Fuhrmann, 'Metropolitan Cyril II', 168.


Meyendorff, Byzantium and the Rise of Russia, pp. 160-1; Borisov, Russkaiatserkov', p. 68.


Meyendorff, Byzantium and the Rise ofRussia,p. 92; Borisov, Russkaiatserkov',p. 39; Fennell, Emergence, pp. 68, 125; Pelenski, 'Muscovite Ecclesiastical Claims', 105.


Meyendorff, Byzantium and the Rise of Russia, pp. 92-4; Dimitri Obolensky, 'Byzan­tium, Kiev and Moscow: A Study in Ecclesiastical Relations', Dumbarton Oaks Papers 11 (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1957); reprinted in Dimitri Obolensky, Byzantium and the Slavs: Collected Studies (London: Variorum Reprints, 1971), 35; Fennell, Emergence, pp. 68-9,125-6; Borisov Russkaia tserkov', pp. 39, 43-4; Presniakov Formation, p. 242.


Meyendorff, Byzantium and the Rise of Russia,, pp. 94,154-8,161-2; Presniakov Formation, p. 242; Fennell, Emergence, pp. 125-9; Borisov, Russkaia tserkov', p. 71; Pelenski, 'Muscovite Ecclesiastical Claims', 105; Dimnik, 'Galicia-Volynia', pp. 68-9.


Vernadsky, Mongols, pp. 202-3, 238; Fennell, Emergence, pp. 104,122-3.


Fennell, Emergence, pp. 129-30; Meyendorff, Byzantium and the Rise of Russia, pp. 95, 152; Pelenski, 'Muscovite Ecclesiastical Claims', 105.


PSRL, vol. x, p. 226; Meyendorff, Byzantium and the Rise of Russia, pp. 164-5; Presniakov, Formation, p. 243; Obolensky, 'Byzantium, Kiev and Moscow', 40; Fennell, Emergence, pp. 130,134; Pelenski, 'Muscovite Ecclesiastical Claims', 105.


PSRL, vol. xv, col. 63; John Meyendorff, Alexis and Roman: A Study in Byzantino-Russian Relations (1352-1354)', St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 11 (1967), 143; Meyendorff, Byzan­tium and the Rise of Russia, pp. 166-170; Presniakov, Formation, p. 243; Dimitri Obolen­sky 'Byzantium and Russia in the Late Middle Ages', in J. R. Hale, J. R. L. Highfield and B. Smalley (eds.), Europe in the Late Middle Ages (London: Faber and Faber, 1965); reprinted in Dimitri Obolensky, Byzantium and the Slavs: Collected Studies (London: Vario­rum Reprints, 1971), p. 256; Fennell, Emergence, p. 302; Borisov, Russkaia tserkov', pp. 79-80; G. M. Prokhorov, Povest' o Mitiae. Rus' i Vizantiia v epokhu kulikovskoi bitvy (Leningrad: Nauka, 1978), p. 42.


Presniakov, Formation, pp. 244-5, 253; Meyendorff,Byzantium and the Rise of Russia, pp. 170-1; Meyendorff, 'Alexis and Roman', 139, 144; Prokhorov, Povest' o Mitiae, p. 26 (1362); Obolensky, 'Byzantium and Russia', 256; Borisov Russkaia tserkov', p. 80.


Ibid., pp. 43-4.


Ibid., p. 45; Pelenski, 'Muscovite Ecclesiastical Claims', 103; Fennell, Emergence, pp. 71-2;

Presniakov, Formation, p. 114.


Pelenski, 'Muscovite Ecclesiastical Claims', 103-4; Fennell, Emergence, p. 192.


PSRL, vol. x, p. 190; Presniakov, Formation, p. 121; Fennell, Emergence, pp. 191-2.


Pelenski, 'Muscovite Ecclesiastical Claims', 107; Presniakov Formation, pp. 121-2.


Borisov, 'Moskovskie kniaz'ia', 33-4.


Fennell, Emergence, p. 103; Borisov Russkaia tserkov', p. 67; Borisov 'Moskovskie kniaz'ia',



Donald Ostrowski, 'Why Did the Metropolitan Move?', 92-5. See also Meyendorff,

Byzantium and the Rise of Russia, p. 46.


Borisov, Russkaia tserkov', pp. 39-40.


Borisov, 'Moskovskie kniaz'ia', 38-40; Borisov,Russkaiatserkov',pp. 60ff.; S. B. Veselovskii, Feodal'noe zemlevladenie vsevero-vostochnoiRusi (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1947),

pp. 333-4.


Presniakov, Formation, pp. 114-15, 121-2, 239-40; Pelenski, 'Muscovite Ecclesiastical Claims', 103-4; Fennell, Emergence, pp. 191-2; Martin, Medieval Russia, p. 390.


PSRL, vol. xv, col. 417; Fennell, Emergence, p. 226.


Kopanev 'O kupliakh', 27, 30, 34; Fennell, Emergence, pp. 177, 181, 245; Cherepnin, Obra­zovanie, p. 509.


PSRL, vol. x, pp. 217-18; Borisov, Russkaia tserkov', p. 67; Fennell, Emergence, pp. 225-33.


Cf.Fennell, Emergence, p. 193.


Borisov, Russkaia tserkov', p. 65; Cherepnin, Obrazovanie, pp. 537-8; Presniakov, Formation, pp. 194-5, 238; Fennell, Emergence, pp. 50, 65-6, 175-6, 220-1; Vernadsky Mongols, p. 226.


PSRL, vol. iii, pp. 358-61; Presniakov, Formation, pp. 236-7; Cherepnin, Obrazovanie, pp. 543-4; Fennell, Emergence, pp. 154-5, 157, 247-8, 261-2, 265-9; Bernadskii, Novgorod,

pp. 22, 33-4.


PSRL, vol. iii, p. 99; Bernadskii, Novgorod, p. 24; Martin, Medieval Russia, pp. 184-6.


Gustave Alef, 'The Origins of Muscovite Autocracy. The Age of Ivan III', FOG 39 (1986): 40; Donald Ostrowski, 'Troop Mobilization by the Muscovite Grand Princes (1313-1533)', in Eric Lohr and Marshall Poe (eds.), The Military and Society inRussia, 1450-1917 (Leiden, Boston and Koln: Brill, 2002), pp. 25, 34, 38.


Lawrence N. Langer, 'The Black Death in Russia. Its Effects upon Urban Labor', RH 2 (1975): 55-6; Gustave Alef, 'The Crisis of the Muscovite Aristocracy: A Factor in the Growth of Monarchical Power', FOG 15 (1970); reprinted in his Rulers and Nobles in Fifteenth- Century Muscovy (London: Variorum Reprints, 1983), p. 36; PSRL, vol. x (St. Petersburg: Arkheograficheskaia kommissiia, 1885; reprinted Moscow: Nauka, 1965), p. 217; PSRL, vol. xi (St Petersburg: Arkheograficheskaia kommissiia, 1897; reprinted Moscow: Nauka, 1965), p. 21.


David Morgan, The Mongols (Oxford and New York: Blackwell, 1986), pp. 134-5, 204; George Vernadsky, The Mongols and Russia (A History of Russia, vol. iii) (New Haven: Yale University Press and London: Oxford University Press, 1953), pp. 91-2, 205, 246, 268.


PSRL, vol. xv: Rogozhskii letopisets;Tverskoi sbornik (Moscow: Iazyki russkoikul'tury 2000), cols. 68-9,70-1; Vernadsky, Mongols, pp. 204, 245-6; L. V Cherepnin, Obrazovanierusskogo tsentralizovannogogosudarstvav XIV-XVvekakh (Moscow: Sotsial'no-ekonomicheskaia lit­erature, i960), p. 551; A. N. Nasonov, Mongoly i Rus' (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1940; reprinted The Hague and Paris: Mouton, 1969), pp. 117-24; L. N. Gumilev Drevniaia Rus'ivelikaia step' (Moscow: Mysl', 1989), pp. 617-18.


PSRL, vol. xi, pp. 127, 157, 158-9; Vernadsky, Mongols, pp. 269, 270, 271-3, 274-7; Janet Martin, Treasure of the Land of Darkness: The Fur Trade and its Significance for Medieval Russia (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986), p. 33; Robert O. Crummey, The Formation of Muscovy 1304-1613 (London and New York: Longman, 1987), p. 64.


PSRL, vol. x, p. 231; PSRL, vol. xv, cols. 68-9; Cherepnin, Obrazovanie, p. 552; Nasonov Mongoly i Rus', p. 121; N. S. Borisov, Russkaia tserkov' v politicheskoi bor'be XIV-XV vekov (Moscow: Moskovskii universitet, 1986), p. 81; Ostrowski, 'Troop Mobilization', p. 28.


PSRL, vol. xv, col. 71; Cherepnin, Obrazovanie, p. 552; Nasonov, Mongoly i Rus', pp. 118-20, 122.


PSRL, vol. xi, p. 2; PSRL, vol. xv, cols. 72, 74.


PSRL, vol. xv, col. 69; Janet Martin, 'Les uskujniki de Novgorod: Marchands ou Pirates?', Cahiers du monde russe etsovietique 16 (1975), 5-18; Cherepnin, Obrazovanie, p. 553.


PSRL, vol. xi, pp. 15-16; PSRL, vol. xv, col. 110; A. E. Presniakov The Formation of the Great Russian State. A Study of Russian History in the Thirteenth to Fifteenth Centuries, trans. A. E. Moorhouse (Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1970), pp. 249, 265; A. L. Khoroshkevich, Torgovlia Velikogo Novgoroda s pribaltikoi i zapadnoi Evropoi v XIV-XV vekakh (Moscow: AN SSSR, 1963), pp. 109, 280; A. L. Khoroshkevich, 'Iz istorii ganzeiskoi torgovli (Vvoz v Novgorod blagorodnykh metallov v XIV-XV vv.)', in Srednie veka. Sbornik, no. 20 (Moscow: AN SSSR, 1961), p. 108; E. A. Rybina, TorgovliasrednevekovogoNovgoroda. Istoriko- arkheologicheskie ocherki (Velikii Novgorod: Novgorodskii gosudarstvennyi universitet, 2001), pp. 135-9.


PSRL, vol. xi, p. 25; Vernadsky Mongols, p. 258; Charles Halperin, The Tatar Yoke (Columbus, Oh.: Slavica, 1986), p. 95; Crummey, Formation of Muscovy, p. 52.


PSRL, vol. xi, pp. 52, 54; Halperin, Tatar Yoke, pp. 99-101, 104; Vernadsky Mongols, p. 263; Crummey Formation of Muscovy, pp. 53, 57; Donald Ostrowski, Muscovy and the Mongols. Cross-Culturallnfluences on the Steppe Frontier, 1304-1589 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998), pp. 155-6; V A. Kuchkin, 'Dmitrii Donskoi', VI, 1995, nos. 5-6: 75-6.


Crummey Formation of Muscovy, pp. 57-8; Halperin, Tatar Yoke, pp. 99-100, 116-17; Cherepnin, Obrazovanie, p. 649; Ostrowski, Muscovy and the Mongols, p. 156; Presni­akov, Formation, p. 270; Janet Martin, Medieval Russia 980-1584 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), pp. 214, 384-5.


Thomas Noonan, 'Forging a National Identity: Monetary Politics during the Reign of Vasilii I (1389-1425)', in A. M. Kleimola and G. D. Lenhoff (eds.), Culture and Iden­tity in Muscovy, 1359-1584 (Moscow: ITZ-Garant, 1997), pp. 495, 501-3; PSRL, vol. xi,

pp. i72-4.


Janet Martin, 'Muscovite Frontier Policy: The Case of the Khanate of Kasimov', RH19 (1992): 169-70, 174; Vernadsky, Mongols, p. 331.


Ostrowski, 'Troop Mobilization', pp. 37-9; Ostrowski, Muscovy and the Mongols, p. 54.


Martin, Medieval Russia, pp. 207-8.


PSRL, vol. xi, pp. 16,19; Presniakov, Formation, pp. 249-50.


PSRL, vol. xi, p. 22; Presniakov, Formation, pp. 250-1.


Dukhovnyeidogovornyegramotyvelikikhiudel'nykhkniazeiXIV-XVIvv., ed. L.V Cherepnin (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1950), no. 9, pp. 25-8; Presniakov, Formation, pp. 251­2; Wladimir Vodoff, 'La Place du grand-prince de Tver' dans les structures politiques russes de la fin du XIVe et du XVe siecle', FOG 27 (1980): 33.


Ostrowski, 'Troop Mobilization', p. 30; Fennell, Emergence, pp. 67,112.


Martin, Treasure, pp. 132, 234 n. 80.


PSRL, vol. xi, pp. 22-3.


PSRL, vol. xi, pp. 52, 54; Alef,'Origins', 18.


PSRL, vol. iii, p. 400; PSRL, vol. xi, pp. 162, 204; Presniakov, Formation, p. 280; Vernadsky, Mongols, pp. 280, 284.


Nasonov Mongoly i Rus', pp. 138-9; Alef,'Origins', 19, 152; Presniakov Formation, pp. 226-7; Noonan, 'Forging a National Identity', 511.


Martin, Treasure, pp. 134-5; Cherepnin, Obrazovanie, pp. 697-702.


Dukhovnye i dogovornyegramoty,no. i2,p. 34; PSRL, vol. xi,p. 2;V A. Kuchkin, Formirovanie gosudarstvennoi territoriisevero-vostochnoiRusivX-XVvv. (Moscow: Nauka, 1984), pp. 143-4, 232, 239, 242, 305-6, 308; Vodoff, 'Achats', 107; Presniakov, Formation, p. 274.


Michel Roublev, 'The Mongol Tribute According to the Wills and Agreements of the Russian Princes', in Michael Cherniavsky(ed.), The Structure ofRussianHistory. Interpretive Essays (New York: Random House, 1970), p. 526.


Ostrowski, Muscovy and the Mongols, pp. 119-21; Dukhovnye i dogovornye gramoty, no. 4, p. 15 and no. 12, p. 33; S. M. Kashtanov, 'Finansovoe ustroistvo moskovskogo kniazhestva v seredine XIV v. po dannym dukhovnykh gramot', in Issledovaniiapo istorii i istoriografii feodalizma. K 100-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia akademika B. D. Grekova (Moscow: Nauka, 1982), p. i78.


P. Doronin, 'Dokumenty po istorii Komi', Istoriko-filologicheskii sbornik KomifilialaAN SSSR 4 (1958), 257-8; Martin, Treasure, pp. 132-3; Ostrowski, Muscovy and the Mongols, p. 125; Crummey Formation, p. 121; John Meyendorff, Byzantium and the Rise of Russia.. A Study ofByzantino-Russian Relations in the Fourteenth Century (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, i98i), pp. i36-7.


Miller, 'Monumental Building', 368, 373; Ostrowski, Muscovy and the Mongols, p. 130.


Pierre Gonneau, 'The Trinity-Sergius Brotherhood in State and Society', in A. M. Kleimola and G. D. Lenhoff (eds.), Culture and Identity in Muscovy, 135 9-15 84 (Moscow: ITZ-Garant, 1997), p. 119.


PSRL, vol. xi, p. 121; Presniakov, Formation, pp. 274, 314-15, 320.


Dukhovnye i dogovornye gramoty, no. 22, p. 62; Presniakov Formation, p. 319; Vernadsky, Mongols, p. 294.


Dukhovnye i dogovornye gramoty, no. 2, p. 11; Kashtanov 'Finansovoe ustroistvo', 178.


M. N. Tikhomirov, 'Moskovskie tretniki, tysiatskie, inamestniki', IzvestiiaANSSSR, seriia istorii ifilosofii 3 (1946): 311-13; Presniakov, Formation, pp. 152-9; Crummey, Formation of Muscovy, pp. 50-1.


Zimin, Vitiaz', p. 37.


Cherepnin, Obrazovanie, p. 749; Zimin, Vitiaz', pp. 39-40.


Ibid., pp. 327-8; Alef,'Origins', 32; Crummey Formation of Muscovy, p. 71; Vernadsky, Mongols, p. 301; Zimin, Vitiaz', pp. 70, 74-7.


Dukhovnye i dogovornyegramoty, no. 35, pp. 89-100; Zimin, Vitiaz', p. 77.


Ibid., pp. 72, 95; Alef, 'Origins', 19; Dukhovnye i dogovornye gramoty, no. 38, pp. 107-17.


PSRL, vol. xii, pp. 65-9; Presniakov, Formation, pp. 334-5; Zimin, Vitiaz', pp. 105-11; Vernadsky Mongols, pp. 318-20, 322; Crummey, Formation of Muscovy, pp. 74-5.


Ostrowski, 'Troop Mobilization', pp. 25-6.


PSRL, vol. xii, p. 69; Vernadsky, Mongols, p. 322; Zimin, Vitiaz', p. 111.


PSRL, vol. xii,p. 71; Vernadsky Mongols,pp. 323-4; Presniakov, Formation,pp. 335-6; Vodofff, 'La Place du grand-prince de Tver'', 50.


PSRL, vol. xii, p. 73; Crummey, Formation of Muscovy, p. 75; Vernadsky, Mongols, pp. 323-5; Zimin, Vitiaz', pp. 116,118-22.


Zimin, Vitiaz', p. 125.


PSRL, vol. xii, p. 75; Martin, Treasure, pp. 137-8; Vernadsky, Mongols, pp. 325, 328; Zimin, Vitiaz', pp. 139-54; Crummey Formation of Muscovy, p. 75; Presniakov, Formation, pp. 336-8.


Vernadsky, Mongols, pp. 327-8; Kollmann, KinshipandPolitics, p. 157; Zimin, Vitiaz', p. 176; Presniakov, Formation, pp. 337-8, 341-2.


Dukhovnye i dogovornye gramoty, no. 52, pp. 156, 158; Ostrowski, 'Troop Mobilization', p. 34; Zimin, Vitiaz', p. 133.


Presniakov, Formation, p. 344; Vernadsky, Mongols, p. 325.


Gramoty Velikogo Novgoroda i Pskova, ed. S. N. Valk (Moscow: AN SSSR, 1949; reprinted Dusseldorf:Brucken Verlag and Vaduz: Europe Printing, 1970), no. 63, pp. 105-6; PSRL, vol. iii, p. 416; Presniakov, Formation, pp. 325, 330.


PSRL, vol. iii, pp. 418-21; Presniakov Formation, pp. 330-1; Zimin, Vitiaz', p. 80.


PSRL, vol. iii, p. 423; PSRL, vol. xii, p. 61; Martin, Treasure, p. 82; Phillippe Dollinger, The German Hansa, trans. D. S. Ault and S. H. Steinberg (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1970), p. 295; Rybina, Torgovlia srednevekogo Novgoroda, pp. 158-60; N. A. Kazakova, Russko-livonskie i russko-ganzeiskie otnosheniia(Leningrad: Nauka, 1975), pp. 120-6; Cherepnin, Obrazovanie, p. 784.


PSRL, vol. xii, pp. 110-11; V N. Bernadskii, Novgorod i Novgorodskaia zemlia (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1961), pp. 254-9; Cherepnin, Obrazovanie, pp. 817-22; Presniakov Formation, p. 343; Zimin, Vitiaz', pp. 173-5; Martin, Treasure, p. 138.


Ostrowski, 'Troop Mobilization', p. 26.


Gustave Alef,'Muscovy and the Council of Florence', SR 20 (1961); reprinted in his Rulers and Nobles in Fifteenth-Century Muscovy (London: Variorum Reprints, 1983), 399; Gustave Alef,'The Political Significance of the Inscriptions of Muscovite Coinage in the Reign of Vasilii II', Speculum 34 (1959); reprinted in his Rulers and Nobles in Fifteenth-Century Muscovy (London: Variorum Reprints, 1983), 6,11; Alef, 'Origins', 42; Noonan, 'Forging a National Identity', p. 505; Zimin, Vitiaz', p. 133.


Alef,'Origins', 40; Presniakov, Formation, p. 322.


Meyendorff, Byzantium and the Rise of Russia, pp. 209-11, 214-20; Obolensky 'Byzan­tium and Russia', p. 257; Borisov Russkaia tserkov', pp. 79, 100-1,104-5; A. S. Khoroshev Politicheskaia istoriia russkoi kanonizatsii (XI-XVI vv.) (Moscow: Moskovskii universitet, 1986), pp. 100-2; Presniakov, Formation, pp. 294-8; Kuchkin, 'Dmitrii Donskoi', 73-4,



L. A. Dmitriev, 'Rol' i znachenie mitropolita Kipriana vistorii drevnerusskoiliteratury', TODRL 19 (1963): 217-19; Crummey, Formation of Muscovy, pp. 58-62; Meyendorff, Byzan­tium and the Rise of Russia, pp. 224-41; Borisov, Russkaia tserkov', pp. 108-9.


Crummey Formation of Muscovy, p. 62; David B. Miller, 'The Cult of Saint Sergius of Radonezh and Its Political Uses', SR 52 (1993), 454; Andrei Pliguzov, 'On the Title "Metropolitan of Kiev and All Rus'"', HUS 15 (1991): 351-2.


Halperin, 'Russian Land and Russian Tsar', 61.


Fennell, Emergence, pp. 315-16; Vernadsky, Mongols, p. 381; Gonneau, 'The Trinity-Sergius Brotherhood', 138; Ia. S. Lur'e, Dve istorii Rusi XV veka. Rannie i pozdnie, nezavisimye i ofitsial'nye letopisi oh obrazovanii Moskovskogo gosudarstva (St Petersburg: Dmitrii Bulanin, 1994), pp. 13,57-9; Halperin, 'Russian Land and Russian Tsar', 58-9, 63-4; Jaroslaw Pelen- ski, 'The Origins of the Official Muscovite Claims to the "Kievan Inheritance"', HUS 1

(1977): 32-3.


Noonan, 'Forging a National Identity', pp. 495, 504.


Gonneau, 'The Trinity-Sergius Brotherhood', p. 119; Alef, 'Origins', 24; Langer, 'Black Death', 58,60-1, 67; Lawrence N. Langer, 'Plague and the Russian Countryside: Monastic Estates in the Late Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries', CASS 10 (1976): 355.


Miller, 'The Cult of Saint Sergius', 689.


Alef, 'Muscovy and the Council ofFlorence', 394; Alef,'Origins', 43; Michael Cherniavsky, 'The Reception of the Council ofFlorence in Moscow', Church History 24 (1955): 347; Borisov, Russkaia tserkov', p. 142.


Alef, 'Muscovy and the Council ofFlorence', 390, 393-4; Alef,'Origins', 42-3; Charles Halperin, 'Tverian Political Thought in the Fifteenth Century', Cahiers du monde russe et sovietique 18 (1977): 267.


Obolensky 'Byzantium and Russia', 266, 270-1; Cherniavsky, 'Reception of the Council of Florence', 348-9, 351-4; Alef, 'Muscovy and the Council of Florence', 390, 394, 396, 400; Alef,'Origins', 43-5; Borisov, Russkaia tserkov', pp. 142-3, 156, 158-9; Zimin, Vitiaz', pp. 131-2.


Pliguzov, 'Metropolitan of Kiev and All Rus'', 344, 352; Alef, 'Origins', 45; Obolensky, 'Byzantium and Russia', 272-3.


Miller, 'Cult of Saint Sergius', 691.


Ibid., 692-3; Crummey, Formation of Muscovy, p. 192.


Serge A. Zenkovsky (ed.), Medieval Russia's Epics, Chronicles, and Tales (New York: E. P. Dutton, 1974), p. 287; Borisov, Russkaia tserkov', pp. 38,111-12; David B. Miller, 'The Origin of Special Veneration of the Mother of God at the Trinity-Sergius Monastery: The Iconographic Evidence', RH 28 (2001): 303.


Miller, 'The Origin of Special Veneration', 306-7, 311.


E.g. Miller, 'Cult of Saint Sergius', 692; Miller, 'The Origin of Special Veneration', 303.


Miller, 'Cult of Saint Sergius', 693.


Gail Lenhoff,'Unofficial Veneration of the Daniilovichi in Muscovite Rus", in A.M. Kleimola and G. D. Lenhoff (eds.), Culture and Identity in Muscovy, 1359-1584 (Moscow: ITZ-Garant, 1997), pp. 405-8; Wladimir Vodoff,'Quand a pu etre le Panegyrique du grand-prince Dmitrii Ivanovich, tsar russe?' CASS 13 (1979), 100; Pelenski, 'Origins of the Official Muscovite Claims', 37, 40-2, 44; Jaroslaw Pelenski, 'The Emergence of the Muscovite Claims to the Byzantine-Kievan "Imperial Inheritance" ', HUS 7 (1983): 521; Halperin, 'Russian Land and Russian Tsar', 76.


Cherniavsky 'Reception of the Council of Florence', 349-50,352; Joel Raba, 'The Author­ity of the Muscovite Ruler at the Dawn of the Modern Era', JGO 24 (1976): 323; Obolensky, 'Byzantium and Russia', 267-8; Alef, 'Crisis', 24.
