Copyright Acknowledgments

“Murder for Money” originally appeared in the April 1952 issue of Detective Tales under the title “All That Blood Money Can Buy.”

“Death Writes the Answer” originally appeared in the May 1950 issue of New Detective Magazine under the title “This One Will Kill You.”

“Miranda” originally appeared in the October 1950 issue of Fifteen Mystery Stories.

“They Let Me Live” originally appeared in the July — August 1947 issue of Doc Savage Magazine.

“Breathe No More” originally appeared in the May 1950 issue of Detective Tales under the title “Breathe No More, My Lovely.”

“From Some Hidden Grave” originally appeared in the September 1950 issue of Detective Tales under the title “The Lady Is a Corpse!”

“A Time for Dying” originally appeared in the September 1948 issue of New Detective Magazine under the title “Tune In on Station Homicide.”

“Noose for a Tigress” originally appeared in the August 1952 issue of Dime Detective under the title “Trap for a Tigress!”

“Murder in Mind” originally appeared in the Winter 1948 issue of Mystery Book Magazine.

“Check Out at Dawn” originally appeared in the May 1950 issue of Detective Tales under the title “Night Watch.”

“She Cannot Die” originally appeared in the May — June 1948 issue of Doc Savage Magazine under the title “The Tin Suitcase.”

“Dead on the Pin” originally appeared in the Summer 1950 issue of Mystery Book Magazine.

“A Trap for the Careless” originally appeared in the March 1950 issue of Detective Tales under the title “The Judas Chick.”
