“Did you know she designs doll clothes? It’s like, her job. And she said the weirdest thing.” Madison put on her jacket. “She told me all that out of the blue, and then she said she hoped the clothes had been useful. Isn’t that weird? What’s that supposed to mean?”
“WHAT?” Marco and Polo looked at Wallace, whose eyes were wide.
Mrs. Food frowned.“That is strange. Useful how?”
“That’s just it—I don’t know,” Madison said.
“I PUT THEM BACK!” Wallace said, looking around in disbelief. “HOW DID SHE KNOW?”
“She’s just eccentric, I think,” Mrs. Food said, picking up her keys. “If you see her again, just humor her and tell her how helpful they were.”
“Did you hear that?” Butterbean barked, as Mrs. Food and Madison headed out the door. “They were talking about Mrs. Power Walker!”
“You bet I did,” the white cat said, coming out from behind the couch. “She said the raccoons were OBVIOUSLY PROFESSIONAL! Somebody has good taste.”
“Were you there the whole time?” Polo gasped. “YOU CAN’T DO THAT.”
“Doesn’t bother me,” Chad said, climbing out of the sink in the kitchen.
“CHAD?” Marco said, whipping his head around. “YOU GUYS!”
“It sounds like she didn’t mind you using the clothes,” Walt said thoughtfully. “You know what this means, right, Wallace?” Walt said.
“You bet. Tiny clothes for everybody!” Wallace cheered. He’d really liked the little sailor shirt.
Walt shook her head.“Well, no, I was thinking—”
“Spy disguises for everybody!” Polo cheered.
“No, I was going to say—” Walt started again.
“Free snacks?” Butterbean said.
“Snacks?” Chad’s voice came from the kitchen. It sounded like his mouth was full.
“It means things will finally be back to normal?” Oscar said wistfully. He was hoping to be retired again very soon. He still had that to-do list to tackle.
“You’re all being ridiculous,” the white cat sniffed. “That’s not what it means.”
“Thank you,” Walt said. “I was going to say, it sounds like you’ve got your old roommate back, if you’re still interested.”
Wallace nodded, his eyes shining.“I can move back in!” He’d really missed living in Apartment 7C.
The white cat sniffed.“Well sure, I guess that could be what it means. But you know what itreally means?” A strange smile spread across her face.
“I don’t even want to ask,” Walt said. She didn’t like that look.
“I’ll ask!” Butterbean said, scooting forward in anticipation. “What does it really mean?”
“One word,” the white cat said, a gleam in her eye. “COSTUMES!”
“Oh no.” Oscar put his head under his wing.
“Oh yes,” the white cat said, striking a pose. “That’s right. It’s SHOWTIME.”