
I’ve gone to many native speakers of different languages for help with writing this book, and also to scholars who have spent years gaining a deep understanding of a language that fascinates them. What they’ve all had in common is their enthusiasm – people want to share things that they find special about a language that they love.

There are too many to list them all, but I owe particular thanks to Bariya Ataya, Tamsin Craig, Elsa Davies, Eva Dingwall, Irakli Gabriadze, Orit Gadiesh, Quinten Gueurs, Ricky Lacey, Professor Vali Lalioti, Nino Madghachian, Professor Mark Riley, Wendy Robbins, Pat Roberts and Georgi Vardeli.

My agent, James Wills, and my editor, Andrea Henry, have given me the benefit of their valuable professional help; and I’ve enjoyed working on this book even more because from the start I’ve shared it, like everything else, with my wife Penny.

And finally, Dr Tim Littlewood and the NHS team in the Department of Haematology at Oxford’s John Radcliffe Hospital. There really isn’t a word in any language to express what you feel when people save your life.
