
OR, you can blame the following people I’m about to thank for the book you just read. Your choice.

First and foremost, thanks go to my agent, Stacia Decker. It took a long time to get this book into hands that cared for it, and she stuck with it and busted her ass to make it so. Ben LeRoy and the staff at Tyrus Books-you’re the good hands. Thanks for that.

My family-you support what I do, even when you don’t necessarily get what I do. Sorry, Ma. Love ya.

To my wife Allison-you’re the strongest woman I’ve ever met, and you’ve been strong enough to stick by my ass. I love you. To my little man Sam-you’re not going to be reading this for a long time, but I hope daddy makes you proud when you do.

To those readers who made it this far-hope you dug it, and I appreciate the time you chose to spend with this book. Deep thanks go to you, since without you, I’d be screaming stories to the air and that would just make me a crazy person. Thanks for being a reader.
