Seville-Tuesday, 6th June 2006, 12.45 hrs

Ferrera had found one occupant who'd given her a sighting of the Peugeot Partner late yesterday afternoon, Monday 5th June. The van had stopped on Calle Los Romeros, opposite the mosque, and two men had unloaded four cardboard boxes and some blue plastic carrier bags. The only description of the men was that they were young and well built and were wearing T-shirts and jeans. The boxes were heavy enough that they could only be carried one at a time. Everything was taken into the mosque. Both men came out and drove away in the van. Falcon told her to keep looking for witnesses and if necessary to go down to the hospital.

Back in the car park the Mayor and the deputies from the Andalucian Parliament had gone and Comisario Elvira and Juez Calderon were coming to the end of an impromptu press conference. Another body had been found on the seventh floor. The rescue workers had not made contact with anybody alive in the rubble. Pneumatic drills were being used to expose the steel netting in the reinforced concrete floors and oxyacetylene torches and motorized cutters were breaking up the floors into slabs. These slabs were being lifted away by the crane and put into tippers. With each piece of information given, more questions came at them. Elvira was visibly irritated by it all, but Calderon was playing at the top of his game and the journalists loved him. They were more than happy to concentrate on the good-looking, charismatic Calderon when finally Elvira took his leave and headed into the pre-school, where they'd set up a temporary headquarters in the undamaged classrooms at the back.

The journalists recognized Falcon and came after him, preventing him from following Elvira. Microphones butted his face. Cameras were thrust between heads. What's the name of the explosive again? Where did it come from? Are the terrorists still alive? Is there a cell still operating in Seville? What have you got to say about the evacuations in the city centre? Has there been another bomb? Has anybody claimed responsibility for the attack? Falcon had to force his way out of the scrum and it took three policemen to push the journalists back from the pre-school entrance. Falcon was straightening himself up in the corridor when Calderon burst through the roaring crowd at the gates.

'Joder,' he said, remaking his tie, 'they're like a pack of jackals.'

'Ramirez just told me about the explosive.'

'They keep asking me about that. I haven't heard anything.'

'The common name is RDX or hexogen.'

'Hexogen?' said Calderon. 'Wasn't that what the Chechen rebels used to blow up those apartment blocks in Moscow back in 1999?'

'The military use it in artillery shells.'

'I remember there was some scandal about the Chechens using recycled explosives from a government scientific research institute, which had been bought by the mafia, who then sold it to the rebels. Russian military ordnance being used to blow up their own people.'

'Sounds like a typical Russian scenario.'

'It's not going to be easy for you,' said Calderon. 'Hexogen can come from anywhere-Russia, a Muslim Chechen terrorist group, an arms dump in Iraq, any Third World country where there's been a conflict, where ordnance has been left behind. It might even be American, this stuff.'

Falcon's mobile vibrated. It was Elvira, calling them into a meeting with the Centro Nacional de Inteligencia and the antiterrorist squad of the Comisaria General de Informacion.

There were three men from the CNI. The boss was a man in his sixties, with white hair and dark eyebrows and a handsome, ex-athlete's face. He introduced himself only as Juan. His two juniors, Pablo and Gregorio, were younger men, who had the bland appearance of middle managers. In their dark suits they were barely distinguishable, although Pablo had a scar running from his hairline to his left eyebrow. Falcon was uncomfortably aware that Pablo had not taken his eyes off him since he'd walked into the room. He began to wonder whether they'd met before.

There was only one representative from the antiterrorism unit of the CGI. His name was Inspector Jefe Ramon Barros, a short, powerfully built man, with close-cropped grey hair and perfect teeth, which added a sinister element to his brutal and furious demeanour.

Comisario Elvira asked Falcon to give a resume of his findings so far. He started with the immediate aftermath of the bomb and moved on quickly to the discovery of the Peugeot Partner, its contents, and the times it was seen by witnesses in the car park.

'We've since discovered that the fine white powder taken from the rear of the van is a military explosive known as hexogen, which my colleague, Juez Calderon, has told me was the same type of explosive used by Chechen rebels to blow up two apartment blocks in Moscow in 1999.'

'You can't believe everything you read in the newspapers,' said Juan. 'There's considerable doubt now that it was the Chechen rebels. We're not great believers in conspiracy theories in our own back yard, but when it comes to Russia it seems that anything is possible. There is a natural inclination, after such a catastrophic attack as this, to make comparisons to other terrorist attacks, to look for patterns. What we've learnt from the mistakes we made after March 11th is that there are no patterns. It's the government's business to quell panic by offering some kind of order to a terrified public. It's our job to treat every situation as unique. Carry on, Inspector Jefe.'

None of the Sevillanos liked this patronizing little speech and they looked at the CNI man in his expensive loafers, lightweight suit and stiff, heavy, silvery tie and decided that the only thing he'd said that didn't mark him out as a typical visiting Madrileno was his admission of a mistake.

'If it wasn't Chechen rebels, who was it?' asked Calderon.

'Not relevant, Juez Calderon,' said Juan. 'Proceed, Inspector Jefe.'

'It might be interesting from the point of view of sources for the hexogen,' said Calderon, who was not a man to be brushed off easily. 'We've found a van with traces of explosive and Islamic paraphernalia. The Chechens are known to have access to Russian military ordnance and have the sympathy of the Muslim world. In most people's minds those rebels were responsible for the destruction of the Moscow apartment blocks. If any of these connections have been proven invalid by the intelligence community, then perhaps the Inspector Jefe should know about them now. The source of the explosives will be an important area of his investigation.'

'His investigation?' said Juan. 'Our investigation. This is going to be a concerted effort. The Grupo de Homicidios is not going to crack this case on its own. This hexogen will have been imported. The CNI has the international connections to find out where it came from.'

'Nevertheless,' said Calderon, embarking on some of his own pomposity, 'this is where the investigation begins, and if the Inspector Jefe is about to pursue an avenue of enquiry with incorrect or misleading information, then perhaps he should be told.'

Calderon was aware that this was irrelevant in terms of information for the purposes of the investigation, but he also knew that a demonstration of power was required to put Juan in his place. Calderon was the leading Juez de Instruccion and he was not going to have his authority undermined by an outsider, especially a Madrileno.

'We cannot be certain,' said Juan, exasperated by the posturing, 'but a theory is being given credibility that the Russian Security Service, the FSB, were themselves responsible for the outrage, and that they successfully managed to frame the Chechens. Just prior to the explosion Putin had become director of the FSB. The country was in turmoil and there was the perfect opportunity for a power play. The FSB provoked a war in Chechnya and Dagestan. The prime minister lost his job and Putin took over at the beginning of 1999. The Moscow apartment explosions gave him the opportunity to start a patriotic campaign. He was the fearless leader who would stand up to the rebels. By the beginning of 2000, Putin was acting president of Russia. The hexogen used by the FSB was supposed to have come from a scientific research institute in Lubyanka where the FSB has its headquarters. As you can see, Juez Calderon, my explanation does not help us very much here, but it does illustrate how very quickly the world can become a dangerous and confusing place.'

Silence, while the Sevillanos considered the reverberations of the explosion in their own city to places like Chechnya and Moscow. Falcon continued his briefing about the Peugeot Partner, the two men seen unloading goods for the mosque, the men believed to have been in the mosque at the time of the explosion, and the latest revelations about the owner of the vehicle and his nephew, Trabelsi Amar, who had borrowed it.

'Anything else?' asked Juan, while Elvira's assistant entered the name of Trabelsi Amar into the terrorist suspects database.

'Just one thing to clear up before I continue with the investigation,' said Falcon. 'Did the CNI or the CGI have the mosque under surveillance?'

'What makes you think that we might have done?' asked Juan.

Falcon briefed them on the mysterious, well-dressed young men from Informaticalidad, who had frequented the nearby apartment over the past three months.

'That is not the way we would run a surveillance operation and I've never heard of Informaticalidad.'

'What about the antiterrorism unit, Inspector Jefe Barros?' asked Elvira.

'We did not have the mosque under active surveillance,' said Barros, who seemed to be restraining great anger under preternatural calm. 'I've heard of Informaticalidad. They're the biggest suppliers of computer software and consumables in Seville. They even supply us.'

'One final question about the Imam,' said Falcon. 'We're told he arrived here from Tunis in September 2004 and that he is in the lowest risk category for terrorist suspects, but his history required a higher authority for clearance.'

'His file is incomplete,' said Juan.

'What does that mean?'

'As far as we know, he's clean,' said Juan. 'He has been heard to speak out against the cold-blooded, indiscriminate nature of the Madrid bombings. We understand from his visa application that part of the reason he came to Seville was to attempt a healing of the wounds between the Catholic and Muslim communities. He saw that as his duty. We were only concerned about gaps in his history that we could not fill. These gaps occurred in the 1980s, when a lot of Muslims went to Afghanistan to fight with the mujahedeen against the Russians. Some returned radicalized to their homes in the 1990s and others later became the Taliban. The Imam would have been in his thirties at the time and therefore a prime candidate. In the end, the Americans vouched for him and we allowed him a visa.'

'So this bomb has killed a potential sympathizer, five men over the age of sixty-five, a man under thirty-five who was in a wheelchair, two Spanish converts and two men in their forties collecting disability benefits, which leaves only two under the age of thirty-five, able-bodied and of North African origin,' said Elvira. 'Can the CNI offer a theory as to why this strangely mixed group of people who, we have just been told, were not under active surveillance, should be storing high-quality military explosive and why it should have been detonated?'

Silence. The grinding gears of the machinery outside reached them. The thunder of rubble dropping into empty tippers, the hiss and scream of hydraulics, the low roar of the crane's unwinding cable, all punctuated by the pneumatic drills' staccato stabbing, reminded these men of the purpose of their meeting and the disaster that had befallen this city.

'Trabelsi Amar is not on any terrorist suspect database and he's an illegal alien,' said Elvira's assistant, breaking the silence.

'Do you believe that explosives could have been stored in the mosque without the knowledge of the Imam?' asked Calderon.

'There's an outside chance that he didn't recognize what it was,' said Juan. 'As you know, hexogen looks like sugar. The trace left on the floor indicates that the packaging wasn't exactly hermetically sealed. It's possible that the explosive was in those cardboard boxes, which the Inspector Jefe has told us were seen being unloaded yesterday.'

'But for the hexogen to actually explode would require a detonator,' said Falcon. 'From the way in which they were moving it around it must be a stable product.'

'It is,' said Juan.

'Then that means they must have been working on making bombs and accidentally detonated it,' said Falcon. 'I doubt they could be doing that in secret in a mosque of that size, with thirteen other people in it. I haven't seen the plans, but it can't be more than ten by twenty metres.'

'So the Imam is complicit in that scenario,' said Juan. 'We'll have to talk to the Americans about Abdelkrim Benaboura and we'll find a photo ID and a history for Trabelsi Amar.'

'If Soumaya is identifying Amar as his nephew, then that doesn't sound to me like deep terrorist cover. He's probably got photographs,' said Falcon. 'We have to consider the possibility that this van was not being driven by him. It could have been stolen or, for whatever reason, given to another party to transport goods to Seville. Trabelsi Amar's function could have been simply to provide a van, which would not be reported stolen.'

'We'll make sure the CGI in Canillas communicate with the local police in Madrid, who are interviewing Mohammed Soumaya,' said Juan, which sounded like he was undermining Inspector Jefe Barros, who was still boiling in silence. 'It's one of the complications of these terrorist operations that the people we know about are active only in so far as they use up our time and resources. As was the case with March 11th, where none of the operatives were known terrorists or had any links to known radical Islamic organizations. They came out of nowhere to perform their tasks.'

'But you're in a better position now than you were then,' said Elvira.

'Since 9/11 and the evidence of connections made by Islamic terrorist cell members in Spain…'

'You mean al-Qaeda members?' said Elvira.

'We don't like to use the name al-Qaeda because it implies an organization with a hierarchy along Western lines. This is not the case,' said Juan. 'It's useful for the media to have this name to hang on Islamic terrorism, but we don't use it in the service. We have to remind ourselves not to be complacent. As I was saying: since 9/11 and the evidence of connections made by Islamic terrorist cell members in Spain with the perpetrators of the Twin Towers and Washington DC attacks, there has been considerable stepping up of activities.'

'But, as you say, there seems to be an unending stream of young operatives who you don't know about and who can be organized at a distance to perform terrorist acts,' said Calderon. 'That, surely, is the problem?'

'As you've seen from the investigations into the London bombings, there is extraordinary co-operation between all the secret services,' said Juan. 'Our proximity to North Africa makes us vulnerable but gives us opportunities as well. In the two years since the Madrid train bombings we have achieved considerable penetration into Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. We hope to improve our ability to pick up sleeping cells by intercepting the signals that might eventually activate them. We are not perfect, but neither are they. You don't hear about our successes, and it's too early to say whether we are dealing here with one of our failures.'

'You said that "in this scenario the Imam is complicit",' said Falcon. 'Does this mean you are looking at other scenarios?'

'All we can do is prepare ourselves for eventualities,' said Juan. 'In the last two years we have been examining a domestic phenomenon, which first came to light on the internet. I hesitate to call this phenomenon a group, because we have found no evidence of organization, or communication, for that matter. What we have found are newsletter pages on a website called www.vomit.org. This was thought to be an American site because it first appeared in the English language, but the CIA and MI5 have just recently told us they now believe VOMIT stands for Victimas del Odio de Musulmanos, Islamistas y Terroristas.'

'What's the content of the newsletter?'

'It's an updated list of all terrorist attacks carried out by Islamic extremists since the early 1990s. It gives a short account of the attack, the number of victims, both dead and injured, followed by the number of people directly affected by the death or injury of a person close to them.'

'Does that mean they are contacting the victims' families?' asked Elvira.

'If they are, the victims seem to be unaware of it,' said Juan. 'Victims get approached by the media, the government, the social services, the police…and, as yet, we haven't found anyone who has been able to tell us that they've been contacted by VOMIT.'

'Did this start in 2004 after the Madrid bombings?' said Elvira.

'The British first came across the pages in June 2004. By September 2004 it also included Muslim on Muslim attacks, such as suicide bombings against police recruiting offices in Iraq, and since the beginning of 2005 there has also been a section on Muslim women who have been the victims of honour killings or gang rapes. In these cases, they only report on the type of attack and number of victims.'

'Presumably the posting of these pages on the web is completely anonymous,' said Calderon, who didn't wait for an answer. 'There must have been a Muslim reaction to this, surely?'

'The Al Jazeera news channel did a piece on these web pages back in August 2004 and there was a huge internet response in which various Arab-sponsored websites enumerated Arab victims of Israeli, American, European, Russian, Far Eastern and Australian aggression. Some of them were extreme and went back in history to the Crusades, the expulsion of the Moors from Spain and the defeat of the Ottoman empire. None of the websites came up with as powerful a banner as VOMIT, and a lot of them couldn't resist spouting an agenda, so although they were read avidly in the Arab world, they didn't penetrate the West at all.'

'So what makes you think that VOMIT has gone from being a passive, unorganized internet phenomenon into an active, operational entity?' asked Falcon.

'We don't,' said Juan. 'We review their web pages daily to see if there's any incitement to violence, disrespect shown to Islam, or attempts at recruitment to some kind of cause, but there's nothing except the clocking up of attacks and their victims.'

'Have you spoken to victims of the Madrid bombings?' asked Falcon.

'There is no common theme of vengeance amongst them. The only anger was directed at our own politicians and not against North Africans in general, or Islamic fanatics specifically. Most of the victims recognized that many Muslims had also been killed in the bombings. They saw it as an indiscriminate act of terror, with a political goal.'

'Did any of them know about VOMIT?'

'Yes, but none of them said they would seek membership if it existed,' said Juan. 'However, we do know that there is anger out there from fanatical right-wing groups with strong racist views and anti-immigration policies. We are keeping an eye on them. The police handle their violent activities at a local level. They are not known to have a national organization or to have planned and carried out attacks of this magnitude.'

'And religious groups?'

'Some of these fanatically right-wing groups have religious elements, too. If they advertise themselves in any way, we know about them. What concerns us is that they might be learning from their perceived enemies.'

'So the other possible scenario-that this was an organized attack against a Muslim community-is based solely on what? That it's about time there was a reaction against Islamic terrorism?' asked Calderon.

'Each terrorist atrocity is unique. The circumstances that prevail at the time make it so,' said Juan. 'At the time of the March 11th attack, Aznar's government were expecting an ETA attempt to disrupt the forthcoming elections. A couple of months earlier on Christmas Eve 2003 two bombs of 25 kilos each had been discovered on the Irun-Madrid intercity train. Both bombs were classic ETA devices and had been set to explode two minutes before their arrival in the Chamartin station. Another ETA bomb was found on the track of the Zaragoza-Caspe-Barcelona line, which was set to explode on New Year's Eve 2003. On 29th February 2004, as everybody in this room knows, the Guardia Civil intercepted two ETA operatives in a transit van which contained 536 kilos of Titadine, destination Madrid. Everything was pointing to a major attack on the railway system prior to the elections on 14th March 2004, which would be planned and carried out by ETA.'

'That was the information, and the extrapolation from it was sent to the government by the CNI,' said Calderon, keen to stick it in.

'And it was wrong, Juez Calderon. We were wrong,' said Juan. 'Even after listening to the tapes of the Koran found in the Renault Kangoo van near the Alcala de Henares station, and the discovery of the detonators not previously used by ETA, and the fact that the explosive was not Titadine, as customarily used by ETA, but Goma 2 ECO, we still couldn't believe that ETA was not behind it. That is the very point I am making, and it is why we should consider all scenarios in this present attack and not allow our minds to harden around a core of received opinion. We must work, step by step, until we have the unbreakable line of logic that leads to the perpetrators.'

'We can't leave people in the dark while we do this,' said Calderon. 'The media, the politicians and the public need to know that something is happening, that their safety is assured. Terror breeds confusion-'

'Comisario Elvira, as leader of this investigation, has that responsibility, as do the politicians. Our job is to make sure that they have the right information,' said Juan. 'We've already started looking at this attack with a historical mind-the apartment bombs in Moscow, the discovery of Islamic paraphernalia in a white van-and we can't afford to do that.'

'The media already knows what was found in the Peugeot Partner van,' said Calderon. 'We cannot prevent them from drawing their conclusions.'

'How do they know that?' asked Juan. 'There was a police cordon.'

'We don't know,' said Calderon, 'but as soon as the vehicle was removed and the journalists allowed into the car park, Comisario Elvira and I were fielding questions about the hexogen, the two copies of the Koran, a hood, the Islamic sash, and plenty of other stuff that wasn't even in the van.'

'There were a lot of people out in that car park,' said Falcon. 'My officers, the forensics, the bomb squad, the vehicle removal men, were all in the vicinity of that first inspection of the van. Journalists do their job. The cameras were supposed to be kept away from the bodies of the children in the pre-school, but one guy found his way in there.'

'As we've seen before,' said Juan, breathing down his irritation, 'it's very difficult to dislodge first impressions from the public's mind. There are still millions of Americans who believe that Saddam Hussein was responsible in some way for 9/11. Most of Seville will now believe that they have been the victim of an Islamic terrorist attack and we might not be able to come close to confirming the truth of the matter until we can get into the mosque, which could be days of demolition work away.'

'Perhaps we should look at the unique circumstances which led to this event,' said Falcon, 'and also look at the future, to see if there's anything that this bombing might be seeking to influence. From my own point of view, the reason I was very early on to the scene here was that I was at the Forensic Institute, discussing the autopsy of a body found on the main rubbish dump on the outskirts of Seville.'

Falcon gave the details of the unidentifiable corpse found yesterday.

'This could, of course, be an unconnected murder,' said Falcon. 'However, it is unique in the crime history of Seville and it does not appear to be the work of a single person, but rather a group of killers, who have gone to extreme lengths to prevent identification.'

'Have there been any other murders with similar attempts to prevent identification?' asked Juan.

'Not in Spain this year, according to the police computer,' said Falcon. 'We haven't checked with Interpol yet. Our investigation is still very new.'

'Are there any elections due?'

'The Andalucian parliamentary elections last took place in March 2004,' said Calderon. 'The Town Hall elections were in 2003 so they are due next March. The socialists are currently in office.'

Juan took a folded piece of paper out of his pocket.

'Before we left Madrid we had a call from the CGI, who had just been informed by the editor of the ABC that they had received a letter with a Seville stamp on the envelope. The letter consisted of a single sheet of paper and a printed text in Spanish. We have since discovered that this text comes from the work of Abdullah Azzam, a preacher best known as the leading ideologue of the Afghan resistance to the Russian invasion. It reads as follows:

'"This duty will not end with victory in Afghanistan; jihad will remain an individual obligation until all other lands that were Muslim are returned to us, so that Islam will reign again: before us lie Palestine, Bokhara, Lebanon, Chad, Eritrea, Somalia, the Philippines, Burma, Southern Yemen, Tashkent…"' he paused, looking around the room, '"and Andalucia."'
