As always, I am indebted to others in the writing of this novel: Dan Col lins, for his patient explanations when it comes to matters regarding law enforcement; Dr. Ronald Wright, to whom I always turn for help on forensic sciences; Jim Jann, for brainstorming on plot and tweaks on characters and atmosphere.
Larry Kirshbaum and Susanna Einstein, my brilliant agents, helped mold the initial plot into something much more meaningful. You guys are the best. Rachel Holtzman-my eternal gratitude for all of your macro- and micro-comments that added so much depth to the novel; best of luck in future endeavors.
Michael Barson, Summer Smith-everyone at Putnam who tries to make me look good. Not a small chore. My thanks to you as always.
Thank you to Ivan Held, Neil Nyren, and Leslie Gelbman for your enthusiasm and support. I greatly value your trust and encouragement. I realize how lucky I am.
And to Susan, my best friend, the love of my life, my oxygen. You make it all worthwhile.