
aba Iranian-style robe

akkas photographer

Allahu akbar God is great

Ankahtu wa zawagto I ask you to be my wife. (The traditional words recited by the groom during a wedding ceremony.)

astaghfirullah God forgive me

azan the call to prayer

Enna lellah An expression you say when someone has died. It’s short for ‘Enna lellah wa enna elayhi raje’un’, which means ‘To God we belong and to Him we return.’

Eqra Read. (The first surah revealed to Muhammad begins with this word.)

esfandi fragrant seeds of wild rue that are burned to chase away evil spirits

hauz hexagonal pool or basin of water used for ablutions

Hayye ale as-salat Hasten to the prayer

hijab an Islamic dress code for women

Inshallah God willing

La ilaha illa Allah There is no God but Allah.

Mobarak inshallah Blessings, congratulations

mahajjabeh a veiled woman, and by extension a model Islamic woman

mahiha fish

Qabilto I consent. (The traditional words recited by the bride during a wedding ceremony.)

qadi judge

rakat one unit of prayer

Salla ala Mohammad wa ale Mohammad Blessed be Muhammad and the House of Muhammad.

Salaam aleikum Peace be upon you. (A traditional greeting.)

Salaam bar Khomeini Greetings to Khomeini.

siegeh Under Shiite law a man may have a maximum of four wives. In addition he’s allowed an unlimited number of temporary wives, who make a marriage contract for a period ranging anywhere from one hour to ninety-nine years. These sigeh wives have no inheritance rights and are not officially registered with the city or the mosque.

tayareh a swiftly moving object, such as a bird, boat or plane

toman Iranian unit of currency

Wa-assalaam That is all.

zaman time
