Fong looked down at the bones of the half-exposed skeleton that protruded from the slanted side of the Shanghai construction pit – then at the local detective who had called for him. The man was an old-style cop. Almost bald. Definitely tough. Probably right most of the time, but in this case dead wrong. “Officer, I have no idea why you contacted me. It’s a skeleton, yes, and at first glance I’d agree that whoever this used to be was a victim of extreme physical trauma . . .”
“You mean he may have been beaten to shit by a fat club or something?”
Fong wouldn’t have used those exact words but that was the gist of what he thought. He nodded. A shaft of light pierced through the heavy cloud cover and lit Fong. “Yes officer, this person was probably killed in an assault with a blunt instrument.”
“Fuckin’ murdered.”
Fong liked the man’s aggressive gruffness. It made him want to laugh, but in the presence of death, even ancient death, laughter dies quickly. “Yes, that would be my guess officer but I’m with Special Investigations not homicide. I only investigate . . .”
“. . . crimes against foreigners, Detective Zhong. I know that.” The man spat into the thick mud of the construction pit.
“Then why did you call me?”
“I think the guy – this guy – this dead guy – was wearing this.” The cop opened a large, calloused paw. Nestled in the fleshy portions of his hand was a tarnished metal cross on a thin silver chain. Although it was more equilateral than most crucifixes, Fong assumed it was a Christian cross of some sort. Fong took it in his hand. It was surprisingly heavy. Its heft was oddly pleasing. “Was it around his neck?”
“Hard to tell. I found it in the mud behind the neck bones which you might have noticed were crushed.”
Fong leaned in closer to the skeleton. No, he hadn’t noticed.
The officer held out a Polaroid. It clearly showed the position of the cross stuck in the mud behind the neck bones.
Fong looked up at the officer and raised his shoulders – the pan-China gesture for, “So?”
“You want my guess?”
“I do, officer. Take a guess.”
The man picked briefly at his brownish teeth. When he spoke his face revealed nothing, but his voice was a little further forward than before. “Not many Chinese Christians. This was probably some crazy Long Nose who got himself in a bit of trouble.”
Fong closed his fingers around the cross. Its weight was suddenly not so comforting.
“How long has the body been here, officer?”
“My forensic guy thinks long. How long? On that he’s got no guess.”
Fong looked up the wall of the almost completed construction pit that had yielded up the dead man, then back toward the yawning cavity behind him. “What’re they building here?”
“Something big. Who knows what?”
Fong nodded. Shanghai was full of empty pits that quickly became big who-knows-whats.
“So I was right Detective Zhong to call you in?”
“Yes. I guess you were, officer.”
“Good. Then the case is yours. I’ll send you a copy of the initial findings.”
The cop began moving up the steep side of the construction pit.
“Where are you going, officer?”
“Home. It’s going to rain.”
Fong looked up at the sky then down at his hand. The equal-sided cross sat flat on his palm. A fat raindrop spatted right at the crossing of the crucifix’s arms. Fong looked up. It wasn’t going to rain. No. It was going to pour.
After calling in his forensic team, Fong made his way through the muck of the construction site to the supervisor’s hut.
The large man who greeted him there was a classic of his type. A foreman whose only concern was completing the project on schedule, safety be damned – fuck the poor men from the country who lifted and hoisted and toiled in the mud for next to nothing. This kind of man had been put in his place after the liberation but had emerged from his hole to make money in the “New China.”
Fong was no card-carrying Communist, but human beings are not animals. They are not meant to be worked from before dawn til after dusk, seven days a week, at labour that might actually kill some of them.
“How long, Mr. Police Man?” barked the foreman.
“As long as it takes,” Fong answered – happy to ruin the man’s day.
“That’s not all that convenient – sir.”
“No kidding.” Fong enjoyed the shimmer of confusion that crossed the man’s face. “Want to make a phone call?”
“To whom?”
“To whoever is the money behind this pit. He’ll want to know what’s going on here.”
“Will he really?”
“They usually do.”
“She won’t.”
“As in woman – yes. Madame Faisan’s explicit instructions were to finish the work as quickly as possible and avoid the rash of unforeseen difficulties that seem to plague so many large projects in the People’s Republic of China.”
“And this Madame Faisan lives-”
“Hong Kong now. Kabul before. Apparently the Taliban weren’t keen on her.”
Fong nodded, only peripherally aware of the Taliban and its doings. A slash of lightning lit the world outside the hut. Then the rain began to pelt down on the corrugated iron roof. The din momentarily deafened both men.
“Well, you can tell Madame Faisan that like the rain, the delay that our investigation will cause is just one of those unforeseen difficulties that do tend to plague business in the People’s Republic of China.”
“She’ll call her political friends and raise hell.”
“Raise hell is an interesting phrase,” Fong said slowly.
“Why’s that?”
Fong didn’t bother answering the man. But as he left the hut he mulled over the words: Raise hell. He thought of the skeleton poking up from the ground. Was that raised hell? He permitted himself the indulgence of free association for a moment longer then got back to work.
Fong’s forensic team was yellow-taping the area when he returned to the pit. The ground in which the bones had been found was already covered in a thick plastic sheet to keep the rain from further deteriorating the crime site.
The workers were kept back and away as the cops proceeded methodically despite the downpour.
As Fong approached he heard a muffled cry to his left. He turned to see Lily, his wife, mother of their three-month-old baby and head of his forensic team. She was kneeling in the mud, her long black hair pasted by the rain to her lean angular features.
When she saw him, tears welled from her beautiful eyes and mixed with the rain coming down her face. Fong had never seen Lily cry like this before. Then he followed her outstretched hand. There, peaking through the thick mud was the severely weathered skull of a child – no, of a baby.
Despite Lily’s pleading look he stepped away from her and forced himself to take in the whole scene.
An adult skeleton on its back, head turned toward the child. The child on its stomach turned away. They were close together.
Close enough to reach out and hold hands.