Chapter 35

Kydd entered Conqueror’s great cabin warily. He had no idea what the unusually polite summons to attend on the admiral was about. The flag-lieutenant sat to one side, industriously scribbling – there to act as witness?

Tyger was in the last day or so of preparation for another cruise south and, as far as Kydd knew, required no particular instructions, but a command from an admiral could not be disobeyed. A fence-mending move? Fearing his power to divulge, expose the past?

‘Ah, Captain. Thank you for your prompt attendance – much appreciated.’ The tone was light, almost jovial, and Kydd tensed.

‘I won’t waste your time any further, for the matter presses. You see, I have a difficulty that I’m sanguine you can help me with. Here, read this.’ He handed over a letter.

It was hurriedly written but plain in its essentials. From Collingwood, it detailed expectations of his subordinate, quite improper for Kydd to see. He glanced up, but Rowley’s expression remained impassive, composed.

‘The last paragraph, if you please.’

It didn’t take long to deduce that the Admiralty was being pressured by the government of the day and had passed this along to the reigning admiral of the station, Collingwood, who in turn was putting the matter to Rowley, the man on the spot.

‘I’ve spoken to the Spanish commander, whose attitude has been both unsatisfactory and, might I say, disrespectful. They’ve shown no interest in driving out the French for us to deal with, and persist in treating us as the enemy.’ He sniffed. ‘Which leaves us in a hellish position.’


‘For the sake of the country, this squadron has to be destroyed. If it falls into the wrong hands we’ve a serious perplexity. And there is no other course than to mount an immediate operation against them where they lie, in the interior harbour.’

Rowley looked him full in the eye. ‘Kydd, I’ve choice of a dozen captains, most senior to you, but despite our differences I’m obliged to recognise that you are best fitted of all to lead this daring assault.’

He continued to hold his gaze, and went on, ‘It’s to be a hard thing I’m asking – and I’d well understand it, should you refuse – but do you feel able to do your duty in this?’

A penetration into the unknown reaches of Cadiz, in the absence of a channel pilot having to be accomplished by boat – not even Nelson’s famed hand-to-hand cutlass duels had achieved anything like this. Kydd could see the dire need to deal with the potent force before the French columns flooding in from the north reached them and knew in his heart he had to do it. What Rowley had said could not be denied: because of his past, he was the best suited to lead, and if it were any other, it could well turn into a bloodbath. It still might.

‘I get full command. “Authority to decide” what comprises our force, timing, the rest?’

‘You shall. Within the limits of what I can provide, that is.’

‘Then, sir, I’ll do it.’

Rowley hesitated, then his hand went out and he said silkily, ‘I can only wish you well.’
