
Academy of Holy Angels (Demarest)

Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Bureau of (ATF)

Allstate Insurance Company

Anastasia, Albert

animals, torture of

Another Way (Guttenberg, New Jersey)

Anzalotti, Robert

Archer’s (Cliffside Park)

Argrila, Anthony

DeMeo and

Armond (Barbara’s uncle)

Armond Meatpacking Company (Jersey City)

Arnold, Louis

assassination techniques See also poisons; rats


Atkins, Jon

Baden, Michael

Bella Luna (Hoboken)

Bennul, Mark

Bensonhurst, Brooklyn

Bergen County Superior Court

Bergin Hunt and Fish Club (Queens)


Bilotti, Tommy

Bob (Roy DeMeo’s fishing trip murder victim)


Bonanno crime family

Bonanno, Joe

Bonventre, Caesar

Borelli, Henry

Brasi, Luca


breaking-and-entering operations

Briguglio, Sal

Bronson, Charles

Brooklyn Credit Union

Buccino, Bob

Bucks County (PA) caves

Bufalino, Russi

bullies (bullying)

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF)

Calabro, Carmella

Calabro, Melissa

Calabro, Peter

contract killing of

Camorra crime family

Canarsie, Brooklyn

Capeci, Jerry

capo, defined

Capone, Al

caporegime (capodecina), defined

Caracappa, Steven

Carl (Barbara’s cousin)

Carmella (Barbara’s grandmother)

Carroll, Bob

current update on

Operation Ice Man and

trial of Kuklinski and

cartoons, pirating of

Casper the Friendly Ghost

Casso, Anthony “Gaspipe”

Castaway, The (Miami)

Castellano, Kathy Gambino

Castellano, Paul

appointment to head Gambino family

contract killing of

DeMeo induction and

Esposito killings and

Galante killing and

Catholic Church

caves of Bucks County Pennsylvania

Cayman Islands

Chemtex Plant (Jersey City)

Chicago, and De Peti

children, love of


Cisek, Veronica


Coming Up Roses gang

consigliere, defined

contabile, defined

contract killings See also specific figures

Coonan, James

Copacabana Palace (Rio de Janeiro)

Coppola, Nino

corporal punishment

corruption, in Jersey City government

Cortez, Denny

Cosa Nostra


currency-exchange deal


cyanide sprays

Dahmer, Jeffrey

De Cavalcante crime family

De Gillio, Arthur

Dellacroce, Aniello

Dellacroce, Armand

Demarest Pond

DeMeo, Anthony

DeMeo, Gladys

DeMeo, Paul

DeMeo, Roy

Argrila and

background of

Castellano killing and

contract killings

drug dealing

Esposito killings and

fishing trip

Galante killing and

Gambino family induction

Gotti brothers and

Governara killing and

killing by Kuklinski of

Rothenberg killing and

Denning, Ed

Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)

De Peti, Anthony

Deppner, Barbara

Deppner, Danny

breaking and entering jobs

murder of

Smith killing and

Detroit, contract killing in

Devonshire Academy

Dewey, Thomas E.

DeWitt Clinton Park (Manhattan)

Dial, Pamela

Dietz, Park

DiNome, Freddie

Disney cartoons, pirating of

Disney World (Orlando)

disposal of bodies See also Bucks County caves

DiVita, Jimmy



Donahue, Ron

Dougherty, John

drinking problem

drug dealing See also cocaine

Dubrowski, Jack

Duke (dog)

Dumont, New Jersey


Eastwood, Clint

egg sandwiches

Eppolito, Louis

Esposito, Jimmy, Jr.

Esposito, Jimmy, Sr.

Exodus (movie)

Favara, John

Featherstone, Micky

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

female contract killers (femme fatales)

Ferret Face

Final Round (Hoboken)

Florida vacations

food, stealing of

fragmentation grenades

Frank, Neal

French Connection

Gabe (hit man)

Gacy, John Wayne

Gaggi, Marie

Gaggi, Nino

death of

DeMeo induction and

drug dealing

Esposito killings and

Galante killing and

Governara killing and

Rothenberg killing and

Gaggi, Rose

Galante, Carmine

Gambino crime family

Castellano and

contract killings

DeMeo and

Galante killing and

Gotti and

Gravano and

Gambino, Carlo


Garofalo, Eddie

gay bars

Gemini Lounge (Brooklyn)

Genovese crime family

Genovese, Carmine “Meatball”

contract killing of

contracts for killing

incarceration for gambling charges

Genovese, Vito

Gigante crime family

giovane d’honore (independent contrator)

Giuliani, Rudolph

Glasser, Leo

Goldberg, Chris

Goldfarb, Sol

Gone with the Wind (movie)

Gotti, Frank

Gotti, Gene

Gotti, John

Castellano killing and

Governara, Vincent (aka Vinnie Mook)

Gravano, Gerald

Gravano, Sammy “the Bull,”

Calabro killing and

Castellano killing and

contracts for killing

current update on

trials of

Guglielmo, Joe “Dracula,”

Hamil, John

Harry’s (Jersey City)

Harry’s Luncheonette (Hackensack)



High Noon (movie)


Hoboken, New Jersey

Hoffa, Jimmy

Hoffman, Paul

Holy Angels Academy (Demarest)


House, Percy

arrest of

breaking and entering jobs

Kane investigation and

Masgay killing and

Smith killing and

Howard Johnson (Los Angeles)

Hudson Hotel (Hoboken)

Hy Tulip (Brooklyn)

Ice Man and the Psychiatrist (documentary)

Ice Man Cold Case File (documentary)

Ice Man: Secrets of a Mafia Hit Man (documentary)

Ice Man Tapes: Conversations with a Killer (documentary)

James, Sammy

Jersey City, New Jersey

JFK International Airport (New York City)

Joe and Mary’s (Brooklyn)

Kane, Ed

Kane, Helene

Kane, Patrick

arrest of Kuklinski

background on

Castellano hit and

current update on

Deppner and

Dumont residence, visits to

House and

initial burglary investigation

Kuklinski’s desire to kill

Operation Ice Man

Polifrone and

Smith and

Solimene and

Kane, Patrick, Sr.

Kane, Terry McLeod

Kassner, Herb

Kennedy International Airport (New York City)

killing techniques See also poisons; rats

Kuchenmeister, Fred

Kuklinski, Anna McNally (mother)

death of

Dial’s rape and murder and

guilt over killing of son Florian

hatred of Richard for

physical abuse of

sex with neighbor

wedding of

Kuklinski, Barbara Pedrici (second wife)

appearance of

arrest of

background of

Christmas holidays


current update on


escape to Miami

family life

first date

first encounter

Florida vacations

funeral of Anna McNally

HBO documentary and

marriage at Miami’s city hall

physical abuse of


trial and

virginity of

Kuklinski, Christin (daughter)

appearance of

birth of

current update on

Florida vacations

Lobels shopping trip

Operation Ice Man and

physical abuse and

sexual activity of

trial and

Kuklinski, David (son)

Kuklinski, Dwayne (son)

birth of

current update on

Florida vacations

jealousy of father for

physical abuse and

Spasudo home visit and

trial and

Kuklinski, Florian (brother)

Kuklinski, John (Christin’s son)

Kuklinski, Joseph (brother)

bar incident

homosexual encounter

rape and murder of Pamela Dial

Kuklinski, Linda (first wife)

divorce from Richard

infidelity of

physical abuse of


Kuklinski, Merrick (daughter)

appearance of

birth of

current update on

Florida vacations

health problems of

Lobels shopping trip

Operation Ice Man and

Peterson and

physical abuse and

trial and

Kuklinski, Richard (Ice Man)

animal torture by

appearance of

arrest of

birth of

childhood of

contract killings See also specific figures


drinking problem

early gang life

gambling problem

inferiority complex of

killing, addiction to

love of children

love of walking

police naming of

reflections on childhood

trial of

Kuklinski, Richard, Jr. (son)

Kuklinski, Roberta (sister)

Kuklinski, Stanley (father)

death of

desire of Richard to kill

funeral of Anna McNally

physical abuse by

Lackawanna Railroad

La Cosa Nostra

Lady (dog)

Lane, Charley

Las Vegas

Latini, Bruno

Leck, John


Lino, Eddie

Lobels (Emerson)

Locanada, Tommy

Lombardi Service Area

Los Angeles

Lovelace, Linda

Lucchese crime family

Luciano, Lucky (Charles Salvadore Lucania)

Maas, Peter

McBratney, Jimmy

McClellan Senate Hearings (1963)

McGabe, Kenny

Mack, Eddie

Mack, Walter

McNally, Anna (mother). See Kuklinski, Anna McNally

McNally, Julia (aunt)

McNally, Micky (uncle)

McNally, Sean (uncle)

Mafia See also specific families

definition of

making one’s “bones”

structure of

Malliband, Gene

Malliband, George

Mana, Billy

Manhattan’s West Side, killings on

Marable, Philip

Marino, Henry

Masgay, Louis


Mediro, Eduardo

Mediro, John Carlo

Mercantile Corporation


“might makes right,”

Milton Berle Show (TV show)

Mister Softee. See Pronge, Robert “Mister Softee”

Monet, Gaby

Montiglio, Denise

Montiglio, Dominick


Morgenthau, Robert

Motor Vehicles, Department of (DMV)

Murder Machine (Capeci and Mustain)


Mussolini, Benito

Mustain, Gene

Nana Carmella (Barbara’s grandmother)

‘Ndrangheta crime family

Nevins, Sheila

New Jersey Organized Crime and Racketeering Bureau

New Jersey State Police

New Jersey Superior Court

New York (magazine)

New York Daily News

New York Police Department (NYPD)

New York Post,

New York Times,

Nigerian currency deal

North Bergen Police Department

O’Brian, Jim

O’Hare Airport (Chicago)

O’Keefe, Sean

Operation Ice Man

Orchid Bar (Union City)

Pappa, Gerald

Parenti, Albert


Pecorato, Darlene

Pedrici, Albert

Pedrici, Barbara. See Kuklinski Barbara Pedrici

Pedrici, Genevieve

Pedrici, Natalie

Pelican Lounge (Union City)

Peppermint Lounge (Manhattan)

Peterson, Richie

phone taps

picciotto, defined

pirating films

poisons See also cyanide; cyanide sprays

Polifrone, Dominick (aka Dominick Provanzano)

current update on

meetings with Kuklinski

phone calls with Kuklinski

Solimene and

trial of Kuklinski and

pool sharking

pornography business

Preminger, Otto

press, the

project boys

Pronge, Robert “Mister Softee”

killing by Kuklinski of

killing techniques

Pro, Tony

Puzo, Mario

Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act

Ralphie the Snake

Rambers, the

Rao’s (Manhattan)


Rastelli, Rusty

Rat Face

rats (rattus norvegicus)

Regine’s (Manhattan)



Riccardi, Ben

Ricco, Anthony

Ringside Inn (Hoboken)

Rinke, Al

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Riolina, Peter

Rivera, Geraldo

Road Runner

Robert “Motorboat,”

Roe, Ken

Rogers, Kenny

Rosenberg, Chris

Rosie’s Place (Hoboken)

Rothenberg, Paul

Sacred Heart/Elizabeth Morrow

School (Trenton)

Sacred Heart Orphanage (Jersey City)

Sadie, Aunt (Barbara’s aunt)

St. Anne’s Parochial School (Jersey City)

St. Mary’s Church (Jersey City)

St. Vincent’s Hospital (Manhattan)

Sal (hit man)

Salerno, Paulie

Sammy (John Atkin’s friend)

Samuels, George

Say Hi Inn (Chicago)

Scavelli, Tony

Scottish Annie’s (Manhattan)

Senter, Anthony

sgarrista, defined

Shaba (dog)

Sheepshead Bay Marina (New York City)

Sicilian Mafia

Sid Caesar Show (TV show)

Silverstein (Trenton Prison guard)

Smit, Al

Smith, Gary

breaking and entering jobs

murder of

Smith, Paul

Solimene, Anne

Solimene, Phil

arrest of Kuklinski and

Hoffman and

Kane and

Masgay killing and

Polifrone and

Solimene, Phil, Jr.

Sopranos, The (TV show)

sotto capo, defined

Sparks Steak House (Manhattan)

Spasudo, John

State of New Jersey v. Richard eonard Kuklinski


Sunset Inc.

Swiftline Trucking Company

Sylvia’s Ringside Inn (Hoboken)


Tali’s (Manhattan)

telephone taps

Testa, Joey

Thomas, Tommy

Tomasos (Manhattan)

Tony P.

torture (torture techniques) See also rats

Trafficante, Santo

Trainer, Tommy

tranquilizer guns

Trenton State Prison

Tresca, Carlo

truck driver (Rosie’s Place murder victim)

true-crime magazines

20th Century Deluxe Film Lab (Manhattan)

Underboss (Maas)

Universal Film Lab (Manhattan)

Valachi, Joe

vehicle identification numbers (VIN)

Veterans and Friends Club (Brooklyn)

Villa, The (Brooklyn)

Vince Lombardi Service Area

Volkman, Ernest

Waldron, Charley

Wander Inn (Freehold)

West, George

Westies, the

Wheeler, John

Wild Kingdom (TV show)

Winfrey, Oprah

World War II

Xenon (Manhattan)

York Motel (outside Lincoln Tunnel)

Zurich, Switzerland
