List of Characters

Aeimnestus (Spartan): Renowned slayer of the Persian commander at the Battle of Plataea

Agis II (Spartan): Eurypontid king of Sparta

Alcander (Spartan): A city elder

Andreia (Spartan): Daughter of Ramphias; wife of Antalcidas; mother of Melitta

Antalcidas (Spartan): Illegitimate son of Damatria and an unknown helot; husband of Andreia; half-brother of Epitadas

Arcesilaus (Spartan): A city elder

“Beast” (Spartan): Nickname of Antalcidas’ second pack leader during the Rearing

“Birthmark” (Spartan): Nickname of Antalcidas’ first pack leader during the Rearing

“Cheese” (Spartan): Nickname of packmate of Antalcidas during the Rearing

Cimon (Athenian): Noble and general; after the Great Earthquake of 464 BC, led Athenian expeditionary force to Laconia to expel the Messenian rebels from Mount Ithome

Cleinias (Athenian): Oarsman of the lowest rank on the Terror

Cleomenes I (Spartan): Renowned Agiad king of Sparta in the time before the Persian Wars; famously died by self-mutilation

Cleon (Athenian): Popular politician and would-be military commander; leader of war party after the death of Pericles

“Cricket” (Spartan): Nickname of packmate of Antalcidas during the Rearing

Damatria (Spartan): Mother of Antalcidas and Epitadas; widow of Molobrus and wealthy wife of Dorcis

Damonon (Spartan): Member of the Spit Companions dining club

Demosthenes (Athenian): Noble and general; after suffering defeat in Aetolian mountains, led the successful incursion into Messenia at Pylos (not to be confused with the fourth century orator)

Dicaearchus (Athenian): Oarsman of the highest rank on the Terror

Dorcis (Spartan): Wealthy landowner and second husband of Damatria

Dorieus (Spartan): A member of the Spit Companions dining club

Doulos (Helot): Servant and shieldbearer, given by Damatria to Antalcidas upon his maturity

Endius (Spartan): Public official in charge of Rearing of Spartan youth (“boy-herd”)

Epitadas (Spartan): Son of Damatria and Molobrus; half brother of Antalcidas; leader of Lacedaemonian garrison on Sphacteria

Erinna (Helot): Servant and mistress of Dorcis

Eudamidas (Spartan): A member of the Spit Companions dining club

Eurymedon (Athenian): Fleet commander and superior to Demosthenes at the outbreak of the Pylos campaign

“Frog” (Spartan): Nickname of packmate of Antalcidas during the Rearing; restive member of Lacedaemonian garrison during siege of Sphacteria

Gorgo (Spartan): Sister of Leonis

Herippidas (Spartan): A member of the Spit Companions dining club

“Ho-hum” (Spartan): Nickname of packmate of Antalcidas during the Rearing

Ianthe (Athenian): Wife of Demosthenes; succumbed to plague

Iphitus (Spartan): Admiral and member of the Spit Companions dining club

Isidas (Spartan): Ex-ephor, member of the Gerousia, and member of the Spit Companions dining club; peace emissary to Athens during the Pylos affair

Lampito (Spartan): Mother-in-law of Damatria, mother of Molobrus

Leochares (Athenian): Officer and subordinate to Demosthenes at Pylos

Leonis (Spartan): Female tough who has a fateful encounter with Andreia

Melitta (Spartan): Daughter of Antalcidas and Andreia

Molobrus (Spartan): Father of Antalcidas, first husband of Damatria; namesake of Antacidas’ son by Andreia

Nicias (Athenian): Noble and general; after the death of Pericles, leading figure in the peace party

Oreus (Athenian): Oarsman of the middle rank on the Terror

Patronices (Athenian): Oarsman of the highest rank on the Terror

Philemon (Athenian): Wealthy sponsor (trierarch) of the vessel Terror

Pleistoanax (Spartan): Agiad king of Sparta

Praxitas (Spartan): Platoon leader over Antalcidas, who acquitted himself poorly in a fight with Arcadian raiders

Protesilaus (Messenian): At Pylos, leader of the Messenian exiles from Naupactus and ally of the Athenians

Ramphias (Spartan): Father of Andreia and governor of the island of Cythera

“Redhead” (Spartan): Nickname of packmate of Antalcidas during the Rearing

“Rehash” (Spartan): Nickname of packmate of Antalcidas during the Rearing

Sphaerus (Athenian): Ancient steersman of the Terror

Stilbiades (Athenian): Bosun on the Terror

“Stone” (Spartan): Antalcidas’ pack moniker during the Rearing, and a derogatory nickname thereafter

Thibron (Spartan): Mentor to Antalcidas’ pack during the Rearing, later disgraced and exiled

Timon (Athenian): Oarsman of the lowest rank on the Terror

Xeuthes (Athenian): Captain of the Terror

Zeuxippos (Spartan): Ex-ephor, member of the Spit Companions dining club, and personal mentor of Antalcidas
