Babil Province, Western Iraq

Hyde stared out of his window at the brightening sky. He had already been up since a couple of hours before dawn, organizing the security and construction detail for the new site out in the desert. Outside he could hear the noise of trucks and other vehicles revving up ready to move out. He’d been all set to go with them, but now Dr Harzan had dropped this in his lap.

Sometimes he felt like a raw recruit, being handed all the crappy jobs no one else wanted. At least in the army there had only been one chain of command, so you knew who was above you and therefore which way the shit flowed. He remembered what the Ghost had said when he’d brokered the exchange for the relic.

These people may come here searching for something. If they come, let me know.

At the time he’d thought hell would ice over before he’d ask the Ghost for help. But with the three wise men draining his resources out in the desert, he figured he should swallow his pride and do the pragmatic thing. He would pay the man for his help, establish a power structure of master and servant. It wasn’t his money after all.

He unlocked the lower drawer of his desk, pulled out the newspaper and dialled the number written in the margin. This time the Ghost answered.

‘You have news for me?’

Hyde shook his head, already exhausted by the day. ‘Would a simple “Hello” kill you?’

The Ghost said nothing.

Hyde pinched the space between his eyes, trying to massage away his headache. ‘OK, let’s cut the small talk then. Those people you spoke about, the ones you said would be coming to search for something in the desert? They’re on their way.’

‘How old is this news?’

‘Fresh off the press, as far as I’m aware. I’ve been asked to find them quickly and you said you could help. You remember that?’

The Ghost said nothing.

Hyde continued to work at the spot on his forehead. ‘Listen, if you’re busy-’

‘I can help you,’ the Ghost said, then the phone went dead.
