David Hewson The Killing

Non nobis solum nati sumus.

We are not born for ourselves alone.

Cicero, De Officiis (Book I, sec. 22)

Principal Characters

Copenhagen Police

Sarah Lund — Vicekriminalkommissær, Homicide

Jan Meyer — Vicekriminalkommissær, Homicide

Hans Buchard — Chief Inspector, Homicide

Lennart Brix — Deputy/Acting Chief, Homicide

Svendsen — Detective, Homicide

Jansen — Forensic Officer

Bülow — Investigations Officer

Birk Larsen family

Theis Birk Larsen — father

Pernille Birk Larsen — mother

Nanna Birk Larsen — Theis and Pernille’s daughter

Anton Birk Larsen — Theis and Pernille’s son

Emil Birk Larsen — Theis and Pernille’s son

Lotte Holst — Pernille’s younger sister

Rådhus (City Hall) politiciansand employees

Troels Hartmann — leader of the Liberal Group and Mayor of Education

Rie Skovgaard — Hartmann’s political adviser

Morten Weber — Hartmann’s campaign manager

Poul Bremer — Lord Mayor of Copenhagen

Kirsten Eller — Leader of the Centre Group

Jens Holck — Leader of the Moderate Group

Mai Juhl — Leader of the Environment Party Group

Knud Padde — chair of the Liberal Group

Henrik Bigum — committee member of the Liberal Group

Olav Christensen — a civil servant in the Education Department

Gert Stokke — a civil servant heading Holck’s Environment Department

Frederiksholm High School

Oliver Schandorff — a pupil, Nanna’s former boyfriend

Jeppe Hald — a pupil

Lisa Rasmussen — a pupil

Rektor Koch — the headmistress

Rahman Al Kemal — a teacher, popularly known as Rama

Henning Kofoed — a teacher


Hanne Meyer — Jan Meyer’s wife

Carsten — Lund’s former husband

Bengt Rosling — a criminal psychologist, Lund’s current boyfriend

Mark — Lund’s son

Vagn Skærbæk — Birk Larsen family friend and long-term employee

Leon Frevert — taxi driver and part-time Birk Larsen employee

Amir El’ Namen — son of an Indian restaurant owner, Nanna’s childhood friend

John Lynge — a driver for Troels Hartmann
