There are many people whose help has been invaluable in researching The Killing Room. In particular, I’d like to express my heartfelt thanks to Steven C. Campman, MD, the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, DC: Dr Richard H. Ward, Professor of Criminology and Dean of the College of Criminal Justice, Sam Houston State University, Texas; Professor Dai Yisheng, former Director of the Fourth Chinese Institute for the Formulation of Police Policy, Beijing; Police Commissioner Wu He Ping, Ministry of Public Security, Beijing; Professor Yu Hongsheng, General Secretary of the Commission of Legality Literature, Beijing; Professor He Jiahong, Doctor of Juridical Science and Professor of Law, People’s University of China School of Law; Professor Yijun Pi, Vice-Director of the Institute of Legal Sociology and Juvenile Delinquency, China University of Political Science and Law; Mr Qiu and Mr Lin, public relations department of the Shanghai Municipal Police; Dr Yan Jian Jun, Vice Senior Forensic Medical Expert, Shanghai Municipal Police; Lily Li, whose work as an interpreter opened many doors for me in Shanghai; Jennifer Dawson of ‘Sources, Far East’, Shanghai, for her kind help and hospitality; ‘Tommy’ Jiang, for being my Sherpa in Shanghai; Peter Roe and Ann Hall, Consuls at the Shanghai American Consulate; Tony Hutchinson, Cultural Affairs Officer, American Consulate, Shanghai; Jeanne M. Ward, for her wonderful work in Chicago; and Mac MacGowan, of ChinaPic, Shanghai, for his photos and his friendship.
