Chapter Thirteen

Thursday following the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary*


They were fortunate. All managed to clamber aboard the ships without injury, and Simon and Baldwin were there as the King bade farewell to his son. It took some little while, with exhortations that the young Duke wouldn’t enter into any marriage contracts, nor accept a guardian without writing to confirm his father’s approval. Not that it would be forthcoming — he made that clear enough. There was also a small ceremony, at which the priest from the port came to bless them all and their passage, but Simon paid little attention to that. His mind was fixed on the sea already, and all the speeches and chatter as letters were given to Bishop Stapledon and Henry de Beaumont for the Queen, washed over him like a great tidal wave. Just like the ones he could see from here, he thought with a shudder.

The small fleet was soon at sea. All too soon, in Simon’s opinion. With luck they would cross the Channel in no time, and be back on land again.

That was at least Simon’s most fervent wish. He could not remain below, and in preference, he made his way, green-faced and horrible, in time to spew over the side before they had picked up full speed.

It was a consolation that some others were also here. He was by no means alone, even though the sea looked a beautiful blue and had only a very few white wave-crests. The sailors running about the decks on bare feet, and rushing up the stays to the sails, laughed at the sight of so many land-based men vomiting, but Simon was so far gone, he did not care.

‘Hah! Bailiff. Feelin’ a little better? I’ve a joke or two to tell you to pass the time, if you wish …’

Simon glanced over at the Coroner. He had a hunk of bread in one hand, with a thick slice of bloody beef wrapped about it, while in the other he gripped a jug full of wine.

Simon only wished, as he heaved again, that when he died — and please God, may it be soon — he might be able to haunt Sir Richard de Damned Welles and visit upon him the full wrath and hatred which he felt boiling in his blood at this moment.


He had done nothing, intentionally, since hearing from Hélias. Procureur Jean knew when he was treading on dangerous ground, and this was as dangerous as any in his experience.

The name of de Nogaret was well known in France. The devoted servant of King Philippe the Fair, he had been a lawyer of such skill and understanding, that few if any cases were lost once he had taken them on. The King so admired him that he had him knighted and installed as his own trusted adviser.

It was shocking, therefore, to learn that both the boy and girl from this favoured family had now died, such a short time after arriving in Paris. What were they doing here, de Poissy asked himself, and why were they killed?

Those were the tasks he set Hélias to discover, and he had faith enough in her abilities to leave her to it. If she did not learn anything about the two, no one else would. She knew all those who might be able to answer his questions.

It was very late in the afternoon when he finally received a message to go and visit Hélias again. Pulling a woollen cap over his head, he took up a staff, shrugged a cloak over his shoulders, and set off to the gates.

At the road outside, he saw the burly shape of a man lurking in a doorway towards the city’s gates, and immediately turned left, up to the north, away from the fellow. But he was sure that he was followed.

At home he had an old, broken mirror, and he had tried bringing a shard of it with him in the mornings for a couple of days, but it was so small that he could discern nothing in it when he held it up and glanced behind him. But when he tried a larger piece the next day, he found people staring at him in the street, and began to fear that he might at any moment be grabbed by a sergent and questioned. They probably thought him mad.

So instead he had hit upon this. Yet it was not foolproof. He just prayed that the man was actually behind him, had truly seen him.

Hélias’s road branched off this one at a crossroads, where today there was a pair of carters brawling in the street. One had broken a wheel, and the load from his wagon had fallen all over the roadway, a mixture of hens in cages, eggs broken and crushed, and a mess of butter trampled into the mire. Like many others, Jean paused to watch, cheering on the larger man, who seemed to need little by way of encouragement. He had already managed to turn the other’s mouth and face into a bloody mess, and now he had grabbed the smaller man by his shirt, and was pounding him in the belly, while two Sergents watched indulgently.

The crowd was as happy with the entertainment as any at a baiting. And it gave the Procureur time to shoot a look behind him, and — yes, there he was! The man was leaning against a building, lolling like a drunkard, arms crossed over his breast, with the weary, semi-vacant look of a man who had enjoyed too much of his master’s wine.

It was enough to make a man weep. Jean the Procureur sighed, passed around the two men as the smaller collapsed onto all fours, vomiting, and the other carter drew his boot back for the final blow. The Procureur hurried now. Here the lane was partially cobbled, and he had to watch his footing where the fist-sized stones had worked loose. At one particularly bad spot, he had to spring over a large puddle. It was a little consolation that a short while afterwards, he heard his pursuer make a similar leap, but heard the man’s boots fall into the water, followed by a short curse.

‘You took your time,’ Hélias said as he reached her door.

The Procureur nodded, trying to look relaxed as he glanced back along the road. There was one man, and then the fellow he’d expected to see, a bit further back. Good! ‘May I enter, Hélias? I’d prefer not to discuss this business here in the street.’

‘Get inside, then,’ she said. There was little humour in her tone. ‘This is not the sort of affair I like to involve myself with, you understand?’ She led the way in through the door. Once they were safely secluded in a tiny little chamber at the back of the house, she passed him a cup of wine and sipped at her own. ‘You know what this makes me think of? Those bad days when Philippe the Fair lost it.’

Jean nearly choked on his wine. ‘What?’

‘Oh, come on! Philippe lost it completely. He reckoned he could take whatever he wanted. Well, he was the King, wasn’t he? First it was the Jews, and no one complained. Then it was the Templars, and some folks got uppity about that. But not too many. No, a lot of us were pissed off with the Templars already. All they did was wander round the place showing off with all their money, didn’t they? I wasn’t going to lose any sleep over them. But I think he went too far when he took all the Templars’ money. That got the Pope’s back up, and then made everyone start to think, Well, if the Templars are up to no good, what’s to say the other monks aren’t — and the nuns — and the priests — and if they’re gone to the bad, what of the Pope? Some folks even wondered about the King. After all, if he was accusing everyone else, perhaps there was only one man to blame. And the Templars were monks. Most people trusted them.’

‘Hélias, they were found guilty of worshipping idols. They were guilty. Don’t you remember the ones they burned?’

‘And the King himself died a little later, didn’t he?’

‘That was different. That was a broken heart, I think.’

‘Yes. He learned much. Like his sons’ wives were all more keen on waggling their arses than a Toulousain tackle.’

‘Toulousain tackle?’

She looked at him. ‘You know what I mean. A tart from Toulouse. Anyway, his grandchildren were assumed illegitimate and disinherited, his daughters-in-law were divorced … he saw the end of his line. Must have broken his heart. Would any man’s.’

He was frowning already. ‘But what’s all this got to do with my men?’

‘You know that they were both called de Nogaret? Husband and wife. He was named for his father: Guillaume. She was a pretty little thing in life called Anne-Marie. They arrived here in the town shortly after the visitation of the Blessed Virgin.* I saw them about the place occasionally. They were living out near the Sainte-Opportune. A grotty little inn, not to my standard, but clean enough, I suppose. Not that his wife would have enjoyed residing here, eh?’ She cackled suddenly. ‘I think we could have helped them with the finances, though. She had the sort of backside that would have tempted the Bishop of Sens.’ She nodded to herself, and then a look of mild reproof crossed her face. ‘Not that he would be necessarily hard to tease, from what I’ve heard.’

With difficulty, Jean pulled his attention back to the matter in hand. ‘The couple — de Nogaret and his wife. What happened to them?’

‘I came to hear of them when they had not been here long. They let on to others that they wanted to seek an audience with the King. They had some news for him, so they said. They seemed very keen.’

‘What was this news?’

Hélias shrugged with a wry grin. ‘You think they were stupid enough to tell anyone? They were stupid enough, it is true, to let on that it involved the King, and that it involved money — a lot of money — but nothing more.’

‘Perhaps they wished to bring money to the King, and someone heard and executed them so he could take it all to himself?’

‘Perhaps. And then again, perhaps they sought to take money from the King or someone else. Plainly, somebody thought that there was a good enough reason to kill them both.’

‘You think they were murdered by the same person?’ Jean enquired.

‘I would say that as a Procureur, I would make a good investigator. And as a whore, you would be useless. But I can whore as well, which means I am without a doubt the better of us two. Do you really mean to say you do not think that these two died for the same reason?’

‘I had not connected the two. One died in the castle, the other in an alley. I assumed she had been killed by a jealous lover, or perhaps a madman bent on enjoying her youth. While the man was simply slain for …’

‘For what?’

‘Money, greed. Perhaps for some political motive, since he was the son of de Nogaret.’

‘May the devil piss on him and stop him burning too quickly,’ Hélias spat.

‘You had reason to hate him?’

She crossed herself, but her feelings were made clear by her expression. ‘He was the cause of much pain and suffering. Never trust a lawyer, is my motto.’

‘You think he was worse than others who had similar jobs?’

Hélias looked at him. ‘There are many who will kill for money or power — not so many will do it for simple pleasure.’

Jean left the little house with much to consider. There was a lot of sense in Hélias’s words. He now believed that the deaths of husband and wife were too coincidental to be separate, random events. It was plain that they must be connected, and that connection meant that there was someone who was keen to make use of some information which they had.

The crucial problem, of course, was that he had no idea what the information could be, nor how to glean it. Unless he could find someone who knew the killer of the de Nogarets, and persuade him to talk.

There were many judicial methods for opening a man’s mouth. Foolishly, many thought they could withstand the terror of the wheel, or the agony of flames. No man could. The only effective means of preventing massive anguish or death, was to get over the shameful confession early in the process. Far better to do that, than be left to suffer unnecessarily. The outcome would probably be the same, for most criminals, but the sensible man would hasten the end and welcome death sooner rather than later.

Yes. He was content that there were plenty of ways of acquiring the knowledge he needed, provided that he could first capture the right person.

Deep in thought, the Procureur walked with his head down, aware only of the conundrum of the deaths, and a hollow sensation in his throat. It was deeply unpleasant to be strolling along here, convinced that he was being followed by a murderer, but there was little else he might do. When a man sought an assassin, he was best served to leave himself open to attack, but with enough protection that, were an attacker to try to kill him, the fellow would soon learn the error of his ways.

He could hear them now. The steady pattering of feet growing nearer, the firm plodding of another — unhurried, resolute and calm.

Christ in a box, the man was going to be late! Jean thought, and turned, his hand going to his sword.

There was a lad. Almost on him, teeth bared in a grimace of desperation and determination, a small figure, with thin, pinched features and gleaming brown eyes in a foul, smeared face. It was not his face that Jean saw, though, but the sharp knife in his hand. It was held up in his fist, and suddenly the Procureur felt powerless. The point began to fall towards his chest, and he felt like a mouse catching sight of the owl swooping down. He could not even groan, so great was his terror. The knife was all. He could see its edge catching the light and glinting, as it plunged down towards him. All was slow, all was hideously clear. The knife held his destruction. He would die now, and all because his servant-

There was a clanging tone, and he saw a metal-studded pole appear. It stopped the blade a foot from Jean’s face, and he felt as though he must faint at any moment.

The staff rose, and Jean watched his impassive guard heft it up and away, before slamming a fist the size of a ham into the side of the attacker’s head. Jean saw the lad’s head jerk, then swing back, into the fist once more. His eyes rolled up into his head as his mouth fell wide, and suddenly his entire body wavered like a ripple on water. It lurched to one side, then the other, and then gracefully collapsed.

‘Where in God’s name were you?’ Jean demanded, and then felt the bile hot and acid in his throat as he thought of the knife thrusting into his body.

Turning, he vomited on to the roadside.
