Jonathan Bale was at his most relaxed. Having dined heartily, he played with his sons in the tiny garden then went indoors to sit with his wife in the kitchen. Sarah was pleased at the dramatic improvement in his mood.
'Is that why you were behaving so strangely last night?'
'Yes, my love.'
'You thought you were mounting guard on the King?'
'That is what I was led to believe.'
'Why did you not say so?'
'The very idea made me feel sick.'
'Any other man would have been proud of such an honour,' she argued. 'Look at Mr Redmayne. He put his life at risk for His Majesty. He was even prepared to impersonate him.'
'Would he have been quite so ready to impersonate Oliver Cromwell in the same circumstances? Not that the Lord Protector would ever go anywhere near a house like that,' he said quickly, 'but my point holds. Mr Redmayne has his hero and I have mine.'
'You and Mr Redmayne are the real heroes.'
'We caught them, Sarah. That is all that matters.'
'Both of you survived. That is what matters to me.'
'Are you glad that it is all over?'
'Very glad.'
'So am I, Jonathan.' She smiled fondly. 'Though I will miss seeing Mr Redmayne. He brought some colour to Addle Hill. We shall probably never see him again.'
'It is of no consequence, Sarah.'
'Stop pretending,' she scolded with a playful nudge. 'I can read your mind. Deep down, you like Mr Redmayne. Admit it.'
'All that I will admit is that I no longer dislike the man.'
'It comes to the same thing.'
'Not in my book.'
'I think that you will miss him as well.'
'Yes,' he agreed willingly. 'I will miss watching his back. I will miss all the footwork I did at his request. I will miss standing outside a brothel in the dark and swimming in the river at night. And I will be very glad to miss having a pistol put to my head. Is that what you meant about him bringing colour to Addle Hill?'
There was a knock on the door. Jonathan tensed.
'I'll go,' said his wife, getting up.
'If it is Mr Redmayne, say that I am not at home.'
'I would never lie to a gentleman like that.'
Jonathan heard the door open. An unfamiliar voice spoke and Sarah replied. A few moments later, she came back into the kitchen with a letter in her hand.
'This has come for you, Jonathan.'
He took it from her and opened it at once. His face whitened.
'What on earth is the matter?' she asked.
'I am bidden to the Palace,' he croaked. 'To meet the King.'