Chapter 8

Will and Crowley slipped quietly away from the other Rangers, the sandy-haired Commandant eading the way through the trees to a small, quiet glade. When he was sure there was nobody else within earshot, Crowley stopped and sat on a tree stump, looking up quizzically at Will.

'Disappointed that I left you in Seacliff?' he asked.

'No! Not at all!' Will answered hurriedly. Then, as Crowley continued to look at him, he smiled ruefully. 'Well, perhaps a little, Crowley. It's awfully quiet there, you know.'

'Some people might not think that's a bad thing. We are supposed to keep peace in the Kingdom, after all,' Crowley said.

Will shifted his feet awkwardly. 'I know. It's just that… '

He hesitated and Crowley nodded his understanding.

Will had crammed a lot of excitement into his relatively short life. The fight with the Kalkara, the destruction of Morgarath's secret bridge and his subsequent kidnapping by Skandian pirates. Then he'd escaped from captivity, played a pivotal role in the Battle for Skandia and returned home in triumph. Since then, he'd helped rescue the Skandian Oberjarl from desert bandits and staved off a Scotti invasion at Norgate.

With a history like that, it was small wonder that he'd developed a taste for adventure – and that he found the uneventful life at Seacliff more than a little restricting.

'I understand,' Crowley told him. 'You don't need to explain. But I have to admit that I haven't been totally forthcoming with you.'

He paused and Will looked at him curiously. 'Forthcoming?'

Crowley made an awkward gesture with one hand. 'There's something I've been meaning to discuss with you,' he said. 'I think it's important and I think it's a big opportunity for you. But you may not agree. As a matter of fact,' he added as an afterthought, 'it's partly the reason why Halt didn't come to this Gathering.'

Will frowned, puzzled by the news. 'But I thought he – '

'Oh, he's off chasing down rumours about the Outsiders, all right. But that could possibly have waited. He used that as an excuse because he didn't want to influence your decision one way or the other.'

'My decision? Crowley, you're talking in riddles. What decision? What is it that Halt didn't want to influence me about?'

Crowley indicated for Will to take a seat beside him and waited till the younger man was comfortable.

'It's an idea I've been tossing around for some time,' he said. 'Since you all went racing off to Arrida to fetch Erak back, as a matter of fact. Our world, or rather our sphere of influence in the world, is growing larger every day, Will. It extends past fief boundaries, past our own national boundaries at times.

'The Skandian operation was one example. So was your assignment in Norgate. We were lucky that we had someone as accomplished and capable as you to take that on, and that your own post at Seacliff was relatively quiet.'

Will felt his cheeks flushing at Crowley's praise but he said nothing. Crowley continued.

'Ordinarily, I couldn't drag a Ranger out of his fief and send him somewhere else for weeks on end. But more and more, we're facing that sort of necessity. Some day soon, for example, someone's going to have to go to Skandia to see how the treaty arrangement is working – how our archers are faring over there. Who do I send? You? Halt? You're the two logical choices because the Skandians know you and trust you. But what happens to your two fiefs in the meantime?'

Will frowned. He could see the problem. But he had no idea where Crowley was going.

'That's why I want to form a Special Task Group,' the Commandant said. 'And I want Halt and you to run it.'

Will leaned forward, thinking over Crowley's words. Already, he was interested in the idea and wanted to know more.

'Special Task Group,' he repeated, liking the sound of the words. 'What would we be doing?'

Crowley shrugged. 'Any situation, either within Araluen or overseas, that requires more than a routine response. Now that the threat of Morgarath has been removed, and with our northern border secured, Araluen is a powerful and influential player on the international stage. We have treaties in place with half a dozen other countries – including Arrida and Skandia, thanks to your own efforts.

'I'd like to think, and the King agrees with me, that we could have a small team ready to respond to any emergency that might crop up. Incidentally, I'd see Horace as part of that team as well. In the past, the three of you have pulled off some amazing successes. He'd remain based at Araluen until such time as he was needed. Then he'd be detached to work with you and Halt. And you'd be able to recruit other people as you needed them.'

'And I'd be based… where exactly?' Will asked. Crowley's face showed a hint of concern. He hesitated before he answered.

'That's the problem. We can detach one knight from the Royal Guard without too much trouble. But we can't have two fiefs, yours and Halt's, left without their Rangers for extended periods of time. You'd have to give up Seacliff.'

'Oh,' Will said. Seacliff might be an unexciting little fief but it was his. He represented the King's authority on the sleepy little island and, much as he had been anxious for change earlier in the evening, the thought of simply giving it up came as a wrench to him.

'Exactly,' Crowley said, reading his thoughts. 'That's why Halt didn't want to be here when you decided. He knows that having your own fief is a big thing for a Ranger. It means independence and authority and he didn't want you to be influenced by his presence when I put this to you. He said he'd love to have you back at Redmont, but it had to be your decision to – '

'Back at Redmont!' Will said eagerly. 'You didn't mention that!'

Crowley frowned, then nodded. 'No. I suppose I didn't. Well, that was the plan. You'd take over Halt's cabin – he and Pauline are very comfortable in the castle these days – and you'd oversee one half of Redmont Fief while Halt looked after the other. It's a big fief, after all. There'd be plenty to do for both of you.'

A huge grin was spreading over Will's face at the thought of it. To go back to Redmont, where he'd grown up. To be with Halt and Baron Arald and Sir Rodney.

And Alyss, he thought. The grin, already wide, grew immense. Crowley noticed it. It was hard not to.

'I assume from the ridiculously happy look on your face that the idea meets with a certain amount of approval?' he said.

'Well… yes, actually. It certainly does. But a thought struck him and he frowned at it. Crowley gestured for him to continue.

'Problem?' he prompted.

'Redmont is an important fief,' Will began. 'You can hardly leave that without a Ranger in place if Halt and I have to attend to matters somewhere else.'

Crowley beamed at him. 'I was hoping you'd raise that. Now I get a chance to show what an administrative genius I am. Gilan's new fief adjoins the north-eastern border of Redmont. In fact, Castle Whitby is less than ten kilometres from the border.' He raised a hand to still Will's instant question. 'Yes, yes. I know, Whitby is an important fief too. So that's why, if you agree to all this, Alun will base himself at Whitby rather than Castle Araluen. He can still attend to paperwork and administration for me and he'll be on hand if you and Halt are called away. In such a case, Gilan moves into Redmont Fief – '

'Which he is familiar with anyway,' Will interrupted.

'Exactly. He served his apprenticeship there, after all. Then Alun can resume temporary duty as Ranger of Whitby. And, of course, young Clarke will take your place at Seacliff. Didn't I say I'm a genius?' He spread his hands, as if looking for praise.

Will nodded acknowledgement. 'I have to agree.'

Crowley instantly became serious. 'Of course, we're lucky that at the moment we're blessed with a wealth of talented people. It all dovetails quite nicely. Mind you, you're yet to tell me if you accept.'

'Of course I accept,' Will told him. 'I couldn't think of a better plan.'

They shook hands on it, smiling. Then Crowley said cheerfully, 'Now all we have to do is tell Halt when he comes back from his little holiday by the seaside.'
