Red Sparrow, Jason Matthews’s debut thriller, is a challenging act to follow. Palace of Treason, the sequel to Red Sparrow, does not disappoint. The book is enthralling. Matthews deftly weaves in enough backstory to hook both new readers and those returning. Palace of Treason shimmers with authenticity. The villains are richly drawn . . . the scenes of them on the job are beyond chilling. Whether in Vienna, Moscow, or Washington, Matthews’s scene-setting is superb, and he has a fine eye for telling details.”

The New York Times Book Review

“As authentic a spy novel as you are ever apt to read, rendered in exciting prose by a master who helped craft the rules by which spying is conducted. A ten-cloak, ten-dagger read.”

The Washington Times

“On a scale of one to five stars, Palace of Treason is a six. With Palace of Treason, Jason Matthews has resurrected the spy novel from the doldrums of silly car chases, martinis shaken not stirred, and dubious tradecraft to reflect the deadly serious stakes of the new Cold War.”

New York Journal of Books

“Like the first novel, [Palace of Treason] is as suspenseful and cinematic as the best spy movies around. Matthews knows his tradecraft, and he knows his writing craft, too.”

The Philadelphia Inquirer

“[Palace of Treason] is every bit as good as [Red Sparrow]. Authentic tradecraft, a complex plot that steadily builds tension, and credible heroes and villains on both sides make this a standout.”

Publishers Weekly (starred review)

“You’ll never see Vladimir Putin in the same light after reading this chilling portrait. Matthews’s characters seem to leap out of the page; his firsthand familiarity with the toys and routines of the spy world is a definite plus. VERDICT: Seldom is a sequel as stunning as the original, but this one absolutely triumphs.”

Library Journal (starred review)

“Matthews’s latest is an extraordinarily commanding, acidly relevant, and unrelentingly suspenseful tale of espionage, brutality, and conscience.”

Booklist (starred review)

“Matthews’s vast experience working in the shadowy world of espionage and spycraft lends an authenticity to his story that few can equal. And it doesn’t hurt that he can write. . . . This is another must-read for fans of the spy genre.”

Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

“Jason Matthews has an amazing feel for the insider lingo and relentless intrigue of the spy’s life. Palace of Treason is a harrowing look into the lives of spies. . . . This is stay-up-all-night reading, and we’re pummeled by hair-trigger actions on every page.”


“His real-life experiences in the shadowy world of spying make the story fresh, timely, and nearly authentic. . . . A sophisticated, behind-the-scenes, powerful story . . . Well written, creative.”


“The world of a spy is unique and claustrophobic, but this bold tale captures its every nuance with expert precision. A tantalizing premise and a heroine who’s an alpha female forge a piece of thrilling entertainment that does not disappoint.”

—Steve Berry, New York Times bestselling author of The Patriot Threat
