Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.

Aaron, 275, 325n

Abu Ghosh, 271

Adler, Rabbi, 52—55, 62

African Americans, 245, 302—4, 326n

hangings of, 198—99, 202

in New Orleans, 30—31, 36—39, 180, 193, 195—99, 209—10, 249, 283, 291—92, 306

northern migration of, 26

African mythologies, 25

Afro-Louisiana History and Genealogy project, 207—8

Aichach prison, 237—38

Aktion Reinhard camps, 142

Al-Aqsa Mosque, 269, 270

Al-Jazeera, 250

Almog, Joseph, 267

Amadeu Antonio Foundation, 213, 324n

“America First” isolationism, 148

American Mercury, 148—49

Angola Prison, 79—80, 179—80

Antarctica, 120, 322n

anti-antifa, 223—24, 298

Anti-Defamation League (ADL), 123

antifa (antifascist left-wing youth), 223—24, 298

Antippas, Andy, 205—7

anti-Semitism, 53, 142, 149, 241, 263, 324n

see also specific topics

Antonio, Amadeu, 213

Apitz, Bruno, 221

Apollo, 99—100

Argentina, Doña, 1—4, 124, 259

Armitage, Richard, 66

Armstrong, Louis, 38, 189

Army, U.S., 16, 50, 51, 53—54, 120, 163, 216, 241, 302—3, 321n

in liberation of Buchenwald, 17, 19, 145, 214

Psychological Warfare Division of (PWD), 145—46, 153, 167—68

art dealers, 77, 79, 80, 205—7

Arts and Crafts in the Third Reich (Hirschberger), 70

Aryan Brotherhood, 79—80, 246

Ashcroft, John, 66

Assyrians, 100

astronauts, 28—29, 320n

Audubon Nature Institute, 35, 38

Auschwitz, 11, 59, 103, 123, 134, 149, 155, 169—70, 190, 295, 326n

crematorium at, 151, 252

liberation of, 303

Pappo Strauss at, 227, 228

Zigeunerlager (Gypsy camp) in, 228

Austria, 120, 134, 247, 252

Austrian Jews, 91

autopsies, 13, 101, 207

Avery, Daniel, 114—15

Babineaux, Alvin, 174, 175

Babineaux, Dani Dominici, 173—77, 179, 182

Bahamut, 206

Barger, Sonny, 109

Barnes, Harry Elmer, 148

Bartel, Walter, 217

Bartholomew, Bobby, 83—84

Bartholomew, Saint, 100

Bathory, Countess Elizabeth, 230

Batiste, Lionel, 286

Baton Rouge, La., 187, 190, 284—85

Bauer, Yehuda, 116, 255—57, 260—66, 274, 299

Baum, Rudy, 120—21

Bavaria, 236—40

Beauregard, P. G. T., 192

“Beitrag zur Tätowierungsfrage, Ein” (“A Contribution on the Tattooing Question”; Wagner), 17, 320n

Belushi, James, 235

Benario, Olga, 213

Benét, Stephen Vincent, 37

Benjamin, Abba, 300

Benjamin, Judah, 37

Berchtesgaden, 240—41, 251

Berenbaum, Michael, 132—35, 151

Berg, Judith, 150—51

Bergen-Belsen, 163

Berlin, 14, 52, 103, 108, 120, 212—14, 222, 228, 294

Berlin Wall, 213, 217, 218

Berman, Robby, 278—79

Beth Israel temple, 290—91

Betsy, Hurricane, 31

Bettelheim, Bruno, 9

Bever, Robert, 67—71, 74, 121—22, 138

Bible, v, 32, 99, 119, 288

Binder, David, 237

birds, 159, 161, 203, 252

Black, Don, 248

Blaha, Franz, 12—13

“Blind Willie McTell” (song), 255

blues music, 23—28, 319n

Blum, Léon, 9

Bode, Tom, 66

Bode Technology Group, 65—71, 116, 138, 190, 256, 261, 268, 304, 339—42

Body Worlds, 101—2

Bormann, Adolf Martin, 121

Bormann, Martin, 121

Bourke-White, Margaret, 92, 121

Bowen, Zackery, 259

Bradbury, Ray, 61

Brando, Marlon, 80, 194

Brankson, Jack, 326n

Braun, Eva, 241, 322n

Brazil, 153, 154, 167, 213

Brecht, Bertolt, 159, 213

Brennan family, 78, 79

Brinkley, Douglas, 37

Brooklyn, N.Y., 208—10, 258

Broyard, O’Neil, 205

Bruskina, Masha, 74—75, 202

Buchenwald, 7—12, 15—20, 51, 90—95, 148, 203, 211—19, 222, 236, 323n

Allied bombing of, 9

author’s trips to, 2, 10—12, 25, 92—95, 211—12, 215—19, 221, 293—96, 302—5

black prisoner at, 326n

Blutstrasse (Blood Road) to, 10, 103—4, 139, 219

camp songs at, 91—92, 93

crematorium at, 92, 158, 164, 221

deaths at, 215, 216—17

educated and well-known inmates of, 9, 230

films shown at, 159—60

Goethe’s Oak at, 7—9, 10

Herr Röll’s Kabinett at, 211—12, 212, 214, 217, 236, 304

Koch appointed to, 15

lampshades of, 14, 17, 51—53, 69; see also lampshade, Buchenwald

liberation of, 17, 19, 69, 103, 143, 145, 214—15, 228, 303, 326n

main entrance of, 11

medical experiments at, 92, 103, 104, 164, 211

naming of, 8

Pappo Strauss at, 227—29

post-liberation, 130—31, 153—56, 158—61

roll call at, 90—92, 90

Rosenberg at, 153—56

sign at, 11—12, 55

torture at, 15—16

Weimar march at, see Weimar march

Buchenwald (Stein and Stein), 218

Buchenwald (video), 143, 144, 151, 167

Buchenwald Memorial, 293—96, 304

Buchenwald Pathology Department, 20

Buchenwald Report, 16, 154—56, 158—59, 160

“Buchenwald Song, The” (song), 91—92

Buchenwald Table (the Table), 129—32, 130, 137, 139, 152, 266, 312, 320n

Denier Bud’s views on, 144—47

Kipperman’s seeing of, 124—25, 129

at Nuremberg trial, 107, 140—41

Rosenberg and, 153, 166—67

testing of items on, 321n

Weimar march and, 104—5, 113, 131, 143, 326n

Buechner, Howard A., 120, 321n—22n

Bundestag, German, 261, 323n—24n

Bureau of Anatomical Services, 288

Burney, Christopher, 9

Bus, the, 73—74, 219, 326n—27n

Bush, Barbara, 39

Bush, George H. W., 141, 285

Bush, George W., 37, 66, 73, 200—201, 205, 249, 285

Bush, Laura, 201

Busse, Ernest, 214, 217

Bywater Bone Boys, 40—41, 47, 78, 299, 305—8, 310

Campanella, Richard, 320n

Campo, Carl, 77

Camus, Albert, 148, 159

Carmichael, Stokely, 199

Carnival of Fury (Hair), 198

Carto, Willis, 148—49

Cash, Johnny, 176

Cataldie, Louis, 285

Catholic Church, Catholics, 29—30, 168—69, 182

Celler, Emanuel, 50, 57

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 66, 146, 167

Chamber of the Holocaust, 274—77

Charbonnets, 284

Charity Hospital Cemetery, 281, 286

Charles, Robert, 196—99

Charlottesville Daily Progress, 114, 115

Check For Zero, 178—79

chimney incident, 127—28

ChoicePoint, 66

Chomsky, Noam, 144

Christianity, 140, 206, 207

Christian Zionists, 288

Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Stone of the Anointing in, 277

circumcision, 99, 101, 225

Ciudad Juárez, 168, 170

Civil War, U.S., 191—92, 193, 289

Clarksdale, Miss., 23—29, 319n

Crossroads Bar in, 25—26, 28

Clay, Lucius, 50—52, 69

Cleveland Cinema Wasteland convention, 234—35

Clinton, Bill, 112

Coahoma County Planning Board, 27

Cohen (Jewish survivor), 83

“Cohen Modal Haplotype,” 325n

Cold War, 144—47, 155

Cole, David, 149, 322n

Columbia House prison, 14

Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH), 147

Communists, 147, 148

at Buchenwald, 154—55, 159, 168, 214—15, 217—18, 221

in East Germany, 213, 214

Comus, 36, 78

Coney Island, 124—25, 128, 129

Confederacy, Confederates, 191—95, 289

Congress, U.S., 51, 113

Congress for Cultural Freedom, 167

Connick, Harry, Sr., 186

Constantine, Emperor of Rome, 119

Conversations of Goethe (Eckermann), 8

Cooke, Sam, 23—24

Coolidge, Calvin, 31

Cooper, Anderson, 189, 327n

Copeland, Al, 81

cotton, 26, 319n

Course of My Life, The (Heath), 322n

Craigslist, 74

Cranford, Alfred, 198

Cranford, Mrs. Alfred, 198

Creoles, 36, 88—89, 205, 284

Crescent City Connection, 32, 193, 194

crime, criminals, 17, 155, 320n

“against” vs. “of” humanity, 107

in Angola Prison, 79—80

in Buchenwald, 90, 155

crossroads, god of the, 24, 25

“crossroads” (intersection of U.S. highways 49 and 61), 24, 25

Crossroads Bar, 25—26, 28

“Crossroads Blues” (song), 24

Crown Heights riots, 303

Crumb, R., 27

Culture of Critique, The (MacDonald), 141

currency, U.S., 126, 128

cutting contest, 99—100

Czechoslovakia, 215

Dachau, 13, 120, 131, 154

Ilse Koch’s trial at, 19—21, 50, 51, 154, 236—37

Dachau (Buechner), 322n

Dachau Massacre, 120, 322n

Danzig Anatomical Institute, 116

David, King, 99, 271, 277, 248—49

Davis, Jefferson, 37, 192

Death Mills (documentary), 103—5

Deepwater Horizon rig, 326n—27n

de Gaulle, Charles, 148

DeLange, Eddie, 189

DeLillo, Don, 109

Denier Bud (Mike Smith), 139—47, 151—54, 167, 322n—23n

Denying History (Grobman and Shermer), 151

Denying the Holocaust (Lipstadt), 149

DeQuincy prison, 262

Desire Projects, 157, 323n

Desire streetcar, 80, 157, 323n

Destruction of the European Jews, The (Hilberg), 141

Deutsches Historisches Museum, 294

devil, selling one’s soul to, 24—25, 319n

DeVille, Willy, 45

Dillinger, John, 131

Dinkins, David, 303

Dispersed of Judah, 288—90, 292—93

D’Meza family, 289

DNA, 124, 298—99

“Cohen Modal Haplotype” and, 325n

of lampshade vs. handlers of lampshade, 69

mitochondrial (mtDNA), 68—69, 190, 251

nucleotide, 68, 69

DNA testing, 1, 65—71, 73—74, 76, 84, 109, 114, 116, 121, 134, 138, 152, 190, 256, 260, 266, 268, 304

ethnicity unknown from, 121—22

Dodd, Christopher, 105

Dodd, Thomas J., 105, 106, 106, 131, 140, 321n

Domb, Avi, 267—68, 280, 305

Dominici, Dave, 41—45, 56, 57, 75—88, 152, 173—84, 307, 308—9

arrests and imprisonments of, 79—80, 176, 178—84, 262

autobiography of, 262—63, 309

as cemetery bandit, 76—79, 81, 176, 177, 180, 183, 189, 206, 320n—21n

Dani’s relationship with, 174—75, 176, 179, 182

DNA test and, 76, 84

drug test of, 179

lampshade purchased from, 43—45, 58, 63, 69, 82, 138, 308

lampshade stories of, 69, 82—87, 94

Lunacy Hearing of, 176—77, 179

physical appearance of, 41—42, 82, 84

relief check of, 178—79

Dominici, Dawn, 182

Dominici, Papa Tony, 79

Dominici, Patsy, 175—76, 182, 308

Dominici, Ralph, Jr., 182

Dominici, Ralph, Sr., 82—83, 175, 182

Domino, Fats, 30

Donahue, Phil, 147, 149, 151

Dora-Mittelbau, 148

Douglas, Lawrence, 321n

“Do You Know What It Means to Miss New Orleans?” (song), 189

Dresden, 14, 296—302, 299

drug dealers, 46

drums, 39—42

Duke, David, 76, 243—52, 291, 312

in elections, 244—45, 247

in Germany, 243, 246—52

Dulles, John Foster, 144

Dumb Dumb Evil (video), 145

Dupree, Gaynielle, 45, 83—86, 178, 179, 182

Dylan, Bob, 255

Eckermann, Johann Peter, 7, 8, 260

Edison, Jean Farrel, 149

Edison, Thomas, 149

education, 162—63, 243, 244, 247, 249

Edwards, Edwin, 245

Ehrlich, Franz, 12

Eicke, Theodor, 7—8

Eiden, Hans, 215

Eighty-ninth Infantry Division, U.S., 302—3

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 104, 144, 145, 146, 303

Ekoi, 207—8

El Paso, Tex., 153—54, 157, 162, 162, 164—71, 229, 324n, 325n

Encounter, 167

Engagement and Marriage Order (1931), 15

Essex, Mark, 199

Ettersberg forest, 7—8, 69, 103, 159, 231, 260, 319n

eugenics, 195

evacuations, 31, 33, 85, 282

evil, 46, 132, 140, 144, 161, 167, 230, 300, 304

fake vs. real, 204—5

radical, 161—63, 170

Exodus (Uris), 52

Farian, Frank, 240

Farid Abu Gosh, 270—74, 278

Faulkner, William, 78

Faurisson, Robert, 149

Faust (Goethe), 7, 9, 95

Faust myth, 16, 24—25, 319n

Felix, Cheeky, 205, 208

Felix (female slave), 208

Ferguson, Homer, 51

Ferguson, John Howard, 324n

Ferguson, Phoebe, 324n

flaying, 100—103


Hurricane Katrina and, 39, 40, 41, 84—85, 88, 89, 181, 193, 256

of 1927, 30—31

Florida, vote counting in (2000), 66

Florstedt, Hermann, 92, 236

Flot, Garry, 187

Flushing, Queens, 49—50, 52—55, 113, 115, 123, 241

Fogerty, John, 27

Forman, Ron, 35, 37, 38, 39

Foxman, Abraham, 123

France, 147, 148, 158, 208

Franco, Francisco, 158

Frank, Anne, 149

Fredericks, Terry, 87, 88

free will, 162, 163

Froboess, Kurt, 20

Fuldheim, Dorothy, 50—51

Galler, Eva, 311

Galler, Henry, 311

gambling, 54, 55, 320n

gangs, 79—80, 320n

gangsters, 54, 169

Garrison, Jim, 321n

gas chambers, 135, 147—50

Gates of Prayer, 291

Gaydamak, Arcadi, 270—71

Gaza, 263, 269

Gein, Ed, 102—3, 117, 274

genocide, 70, 107, 122, 123, 148, 261, 263, 279, 298

Georgia, Hose’s lynching in, 198—99

German Democratic Republic (GDR; East Germany), 92—93, 212—19, 221, 225—26, 295, 297, 324n, 326n

foundation myth of, 214—16

German guitars, 43—44

German nationals, 13, 51, 65, 150

Germany, 162—63

in World War I, 115, 164

Germany, Nazi, 147, 272—73

Austrian Anschluss with, 120

see also Nazis

Germany, West, 51, 222, 223

Gestapo, 12, 14, 148, 158, 160, 165, 213

ghosts, 180—81, 183

Giuliani, Rudolph, 55, 66, 303, 306

Glapions, 284

Glassman, Sallie Ann, 204

God, 39, 62, 99, 122—23, 126, 273, 278, 279, 288

Holocaust as punishment from, 264

Hurricane Katrina and, 278, 292

Goering, Hermann, 11

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, 7—9, 25, 95, 159, 160, 161, 319n

color theory and, 259—60

Goethe’s Eiche (Goethe’s Oak), 7—9, 10

Goldstein, Ernestine, 196

Goodwill Industries, 73, 74

Göttingen, 156, 163, 164, 169, 170

Gould, Stephen Jay, 61

Gown Man, 209

gravestone project, 27, 219, 320n

Great Britain, 115

Great Deluge, The (Brinkley), 37

Great Flood (1927), 30—31

Green, Lawrence, 321n

Greene, Joshua M., 237

Grese, Irma, 230

Gretna Bridge, 38—39

Grobman, Alex, 151

group evolutionary strategy, 141

guitars, 26—27, 43—44, 51

Gulf War, 141

Gunther, Hans H. K., 308

Gusman, Marlin, 181

Gustav, Hurricane, 282, 288, 289

Guthrie, Woody, 51

Gypsies, 227—29

Hackett, David, 155

Häftlingsführung, 155

Hagee, John, 39

hair, 109, 133—34

Hair, William Ivy, 198, 199

Halachic Organ Donor Society (HODS), 278—79

Halbwachs, Maurice, 9, 230

Hall, Gwendolyn Midlo, 208

Hamas, 263, 269

hangings, 140, 148, 230—31, 236, 324n

of blacks, 198—99, 202

of Bruskina, 74—75, 202

of I. Koch, 238

Hans (Weimar man), 223—25

Harder They Come, The (film), 240

Hashem, 300, 301

Hastert, Dennis, 39

Hearsey, Henry J., 195—96

Heart of Darkness (Conrad), 259

Heidegger, Martin, 160

Heinlein, Robert, 61

helmet, German, 54

Helmet, The (Antippas), 206—7

Henderson, Raymond (Skip), 25—47, 56, 57, 73—76, 282, 309—11, 320n, 324n

author’s emails from, 219—21

in the Bus, 73—74, 219, 326n—27n

in Clarksdale, 25—29

collecting of, 26, 32, 43

DNA test and, 73, 76, 84, 121

guitar business of, 26—27, 43—44

Holocaust museum donation recommended by, 107, 111, 121

lampshade dreams of, 94, 220—21

lampshade purchased by, 43—45, 58, 63, 69, 82, 109, 114, 116, 138, 308

Magical Misery Tour of, 34—35

physical appearance of, 25, 33, 310

St. Louis Cathedral incident of, 107

social work job of, 26, 45—46

tattoo of, 28—29, 57

Hennessy, David, 324n

Herlihy, Ed, 103

Herodotus, 100

Herz, Bertrand, 302

Heydrich, Reinhard, 165

Hilberg, Raul, 141

Hilda, Momma, 84—85

Himmler, Heinrich, 8, 51, 121

Koch’s relationship with, 14, 15, 17, 19

Spear of Destiny and, 120, 322n

Hindus, 183

Hiroshima, 301

Hirschberger, Fritz, 70

historical revisionism, scholarly, 147—51, 322n—23n

Hitler, Adolf, 14, 44, 51, 64, 67, 86, 103, 108, 112, 121, 142, 148, 164, 215, 242, 245, 264, 294, 298

balcony of, 241, 242

birthdays of, 17, 71

memorabilia of, 109

Mishi compared with, 239

Spear of Destiny and, 119—20, 322n

in Weimar, 8, 159, 222

Hitlerjugend (Hitler Youth), 8

Hochlenzer hotel, 241—42

Hoecker, Emmerich, 170

Hofburg Treasure House, 119—20

Hofmann, Otto, 165

Holiday, Billie, 189

Hollywood, Calif., 236

Holocaust, 57, 117, 121, 124, 133, 146—47, 226, 247, 251—52, 255—56, 274, 324n—25n

Americanization of, 111

Kipperman’s acquaintance with, 126—27

particular/universal dichotomy and, 123, 261—62

as punishment from God, 264

Holocaust deniers, 52, 108—9, 116, 139—54, 263

Rassinier and, 147—48

scholarly historical revisionism and, 147—51, 322n—23n

see also Denier Bud; Irving, David

homosexuals, 91, 236

Hooker, John Lee, 23

Hoover, Herbert, 31

horseback riding, 16, 20, 235

Hose, Sam, 198—99

Hoven, Waldemar, 236

Hungary, Hungarians, 214, 215

Hunt, Alvaro, 189—90

hurricanes, 185

tracking of, 31—32, 33

Husserl, Edmund, 160

Illinois Holocaust and Education Center, 111

“Illustrated Man, the,” 125

Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS (film), 232—35, 233

immigrants, 78—79, 103, 239, 324n

Indianapolis Star, 131

Inglourious Basterds (film), 322n

“Innocence” (I. Koch), 237—38

Institute for Historical Review (IHR), 148—49, 323n

Iraq War, 250

Irish, 78—79

Irving, David, 108—9, 149, 252, 297, 323n

Isabella I, Queen of Spain, 230

Israel, 116, 148, 250, 263—64, 269, 273, 291

sexual legacy of Ilse Koch in, 324n—25n

Israeli Defense Force (IDF), 263, 269, 273

Italian Americans, 49—50, 78—79, 324n

Ivan, Hurricane, 32

Jackson, C. D., 146, 147, 167

Jackson, Jesse, 303

Jackson Heights, Queens, 169

Jacobson, David, 52—55, 241, 242

Jacobson, Harry, 54

Jacobson, Larry, 54

Jacobson, Mark (author):

background of, 49—50, 52—55, 93, 241

Jamaica, 240

jazz, 197, 283

Jefferson Parish, 38—39, 183, 193

Jehovah’s Witnesses, 90—91

Jena, 17, 308

Jena, La., 308

Jena University, 225

Jerusalem, 113, 154, 206, 207, 255—57, 260—80, 291, 305

Chamber of the Holocaust in, 274—77

Tomb of David in, 277

Yad Vashem in, see Yad Vashem

Jerusalem Corridor, 271

Jerusalem syndrome, 268—70, 278

Jesus Christ, 119, 182, 277

Jewish Defense League (JDL), 322n

Jewish law, human remains and, 265, 275

Jewish Supremacism (Duke), 248

Jews, 12, 19, 106, 142, 144, 223, 225, 227, 237, 245, 246, 272—73, 298

assimilation of, 52, 61

in Buchenwald, 91, 92, 93

burial of remains of, 133

Cherokee compared with, 322n

as chosen people, 123

as collectors of Nazi memorabilia, 108

in East Germany, 212—14, 225—26

escape of, 103, 147, 156

final solution for, 165

gas chamber deaths of, 147

as Holocaust deniers, 149

interracial sexual intercourse of, 65

in New Orleans, 37—38, 156—57, 196, 204, 247—48, 288—93, 325n

in New York, 49—50, 52—55, 111, 141

in “Operation Harvest Festival,” 236

organ donation and, 278—79

Orthodox, 133, 278—79, 290, 292

particularism vs. universalism and, 122—24, 261—62

Sephardic, 37, 320n

tattoos and, 125

in Terrebonne Parish, 83

ultra-Orthodox (frum), 60—62

ultra-Orthodox (Haredi), 264, 265, 271

in U.S. Buchenwald forces, 145

“Jew Song, The” (song), 92, 93

Jivaro, 105

“John Brown’s Body” (Benét), 37

Johndroe, Gordon, 200

Johnson, Robert, 24, 27, 320n

Johnson, Tommy, 24—25, 24, 219

Johnston, J. Bennett, 244

Jones, Doris, 114

Jordan, Eddie (the Hat), 186—87

Judgment at Nuremberg (film), 140—41

Julius, Pope, 100

“Just a Closer Walk with Thee” (song), 286

Justice at Dachau (Greene), 237

Kahane, Anetta, 212—14

Kahane, Doris, 213, 214

Kahane, Max, 213, 214

Kahn, Catherine, 325n—26n

Kameradschaften (Society of Comrades), 298—301

Kant, Immanuel, 161—63

Karnofsky, Morris, 37—38

Katrina, Hurricane, 1, 33—41, 45, 68, 73, 74, 157, 178, 185, 186, 188—91, 193, 259, 290, 310, 323n

burial of the unclaimed dead from, 281—86, 287

Canal Street memorial for, 281—82

Duke’s views on, 246, 249

lampshade and, 84—89, 94, 138, 190—91

OPP operations and, 180, 181

race and, 199—200

Rebennack’s views on, 203, 205

as retribution from God, 278, 292

Keitz, Gustav, 195

Kennedy, John F., 146—47, 157, 245, 321n

Kenyon International, 285—86

Kfar Shaul Mental Health Center, 268—69

Khmer Rouge, 93

Khosrau II, King of Persia, 119

Kipperman, Ken, 124—33, 135—39, 136

background of, 124—25

at Bureau of Engraving and Printing, 126—28

in chimney incident, 127—28

Denier Bud’s interest in, 152

in Shadows of Silence, 136—37

USHMM encounters of, 126—29, 132—33

Kipperman, Paula, 128, 137

Kirschbaum, Josef, 237

Klemperer, Victor, 213

Klimt, Gustave, 134

Knigge, Volkhard, 293—96, 300, 302—5, 308, 312—13

Knight Templar, 206

Koch, Artwin, 236

Koch, Gisela, 236

Koch, Gudrun, 236

Koch, Ilse (the Bitch of Buchenwald), 14—21, 28, 70, 91, 92, 137, 143, 166, 228—38, 297, 304, 320n

commutation of sentence of, 50—52

Dachau trial of, 19—21, 50, 51, 154, 236—37

film portrayal of, 232—35, 233

Karl given special gift by, 17, 216

as “Lady of the Lampshades,” 17—18, 19, 50—52, 57, 104, 107, 113, 274, 295, 312

lovers of, 92, 236

marriage of, 15, 237

Pappo Strauss and, 228—29

physical appearance of, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 231

pregnancy of, 19, 237

sexual legacy of, in Israel, 324n—25n

suicide of, 238

villa of, 16, 131

West German trial of, 51, 233

Koch, Karl, 14—17, 70, 131, 236, 304

homosexual allegations about, 236

Ilse’s special gift to, 17, 216

in Lublin, 19, 92, 229

marriage of, 15, 237

trial and execution of, 19, 143

zoo order of, 11

Kogon, Eugen, 90—91, 154, 217

Kohanim, 275, 325n

Köhler, Ilse, see Koch, Ilse

Köhler, Uwe, 236—39

Korean War, 83

Kristol, Irving, 167

Kuhn, Harry, 217

Ku Klux Klan, 244

Kuwait, Iraq’s invasion of, 141

“Lady Lazarus” (Plath), 70

Lafitte, Jean, 37

Lake Lawn Metaire Cemetery, 77, 79

lampshade, Buchenwald, 94—95, 103—7, 139, 140, 143—45, 260, 312

Cyril Neville and, 210

in Death Mills, 103, 104

disappearance of, 107, 113, 130

Kahane’s views on, 213—14

Kipperman’s search for, 129—32

Pappo Strauss and, 228, 229

Rosenberg’s views on, 156, 168

Schmuhl and, 130—32, 137, 166

Stringer’s story about, 17—19, 71, 120

tattooed human skin and, 144

in Weimar march, 104, 113, 145

witnesses to existence of, 120—21

lampshade, New Orleans, 43—47, 62—71, 81—87, 94—95, 107—17, 119—24, 137—38, 151—52, 189—91, 216, 255—62, 289—96, 310—13, 325n—26n

author’s avoiding of, 56—57

author’s receiving of, 47, 56

Berenbaum’s views on, 134

at Buchenwald, 304—5

burial considered for, 281, 288, 290—93, 295, 310, 312

Cyril Neville’s views on, 209

Denier Bud’s views on, 151—52

DNA testing of, 1, 65—71, 73—74, 76, 84, 109, 114, 116, 121, 134, 138, 152, 190, 256, 261, 266, 268, 304

Dominici’s Lunacy Hearing and, 176—77, 179

Dominici’s stories about, 69, 82—87, 94

Doña Argentina’s views on, 1—4

Duke’s views on, 251, 252

Farid’s views on, 272, 273

first vs. second history of, 312—13

Hochlenzer lampshade compared with, 242

Holocaust museums and, 107, 111—17, 121, 264—68

Hurricane Katrina and, 84—89, 94, 138, 190—91

Knigge’s views on, 294—96, 300

light vs. darkness and, 259—60

as myth, 113—14, 117, 119, 138, 153, 230, 252, 295

Rebennack’s views on, 203, 204, 208

Rosenberg’s views on, 156, 171

Schramm with, 327n

Shiya’s examining of, 62—63

Skip’s dreams about, 94, 220—21

Skip’s purchase of, 43—45, 58, 63, 69, 82, 109, 114, 116, 138

tassels on, 57—58, 94, 304, 305

as Ziggy, 259, 265, 274, 277—80, 301, 305

lampshades, 13, 14, 17, 20, 49—53, 117, 164, 211—14, 234, 322n

Berenbaum’s purchase of, 135

fake, 212, 214, 218

of Gein, 103

Hans’s views on, 225

Lovingston, 114—15

media coverage of, 17—19, 21, 71

at National Archives, 129

Stein’s views on, 216—17

Landeskriminalamt Thüringen (German FBI), 304, 305, 312

Landrieu, Mary, 306

Landrieu, Mitch, 306

Landrieu, Moon, 306

Landsberg Prison, 236

Lange, Henry, 132

Last Judgment, The (Michelangelo), 100

Latiolais, Jared, 68

Laws for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor (1935), 65

Leary, Timothy, 66

Lee, Harry, 193

Lee, Robert E., 191, 192, 193, 194

Lerner, Daniel, 146

Lester, Mrs. Ann Willie, 83

levee system, 31, 80, 84, 200, 292, 307

Levy, Anne, 247—48

Levy, Hyman, 196

Liberators (documentary), 303

Liberty Place, Battle of (1874), 195

Liebling, A. J., 243—44

Lie of Ulysses, The (Rassinier), 148

Life, 21, 121, 146

Lindbergh, Charles, 148

Lipstadt, Deborah, 149, 323n

Literature or Life (Semprún), 157—61, 163, 230, 231, 323n

Lomax, Alan, 197, 198

Lombroso, Cesare, 320n

Long, Earl Kemp, 243—44

Long, Huey Pierce, 244

Long, Russell Billiu, 243

Longstreet, James, 195

Long Voyage, The (Semprún), 230—31

Los Angeles, Calif., 77, 111, 133

“Louis Armstrong + the Jewish Family in New Orleans, La.…” (Armstrong), 38

Louis Armstrong Airport, 73, 85, 203

Louisiana, 251

“separate car” law in, 195, 324n

“701” law in, 186—87

see also specific places

“Louisiana 1927” (song), 31

Louisiana State University (LSU; Baton Rouge), 190, 203

Lovingston, Va., 114—15

Lublin, 19, 92, 229

Luce, Henry, 146

“Lucius Clay and Ilsa [sic] Koch” (song), 51

Lunacy Hearing, 176—77, 179

lynchings, see hangings

McCain, John, 39

McCartney, Paul, 43

McClure, Robert A., 145—46

McDivitt, James, 29

MacDonald, Kevin, 141

McDowell, Mississippi Fred, 27

Magical Misery Tour, 34—35

Main Office of Race and Settlement, 15

Majdanek camp, 19, 236

Manson, Marilyn, 110, 111

Mao Zedong, 9

Marcello, Carlos, 245

Marcuse, Herbert, 159, 213

Mardi Gras, 35—36, 39—41, 47, 78, 94, 193, 299, 305—11

Mardi Gras Indians, 291—92

Marks, David Hart, 289

Marks, Edwin, 289

Marks, Joseph Hart, 289

Marks, Marion, 289

Marks, Theodore, 289

Marks, Washington, 289

Marsyas, 99—100

Martin Luther King Jr. Charter School speech, 200—201

Maura, Antonio, 158

Maurer, Howard, 235

Mauthausen camp, 13

Mein Kampf (Hitler), 15, 120, 244

Memphis Minnie, 27

Mencken, H. L., 149

Mengele, Josef, 228, 267

Merkel, Angela, 302

Metaire, La., 291, 292

Metamorphoses (Ovid), 100

Michelangelo, 100

Michigan City, Ind. penitentiary, 131

Mickey Markey Park, 35, 38, 82

Milli Vanilli, 240

Minyard, Frank, 188—91, 282, 287—88

Mississippi Delta, 23, 26, 289, 319n

mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), 68—69, 190, 251

Mob Rule in New Orleans (Wells-Barnett), 196—97

Möbus, Hendrik, 224

Montana, Allison (Tootie), 291—92

Morgan City, Miss., 27, 319n

Morgen, Konrad, 143, 229, 236, 304

Morgenthau, Robert, 303

Morial, Dutch, 36, 306

Morial, Marc, 36, 306

Morton, Frederick, 321n

Morton, Jelly Roll, 197—98

movies, 159—60, 209—10

see also specific movies

Munich Beer Hall Putsch, 8, 91

murders, 170, 186—88, 191, 303, 306

Murrow, Edward R., 92

Muses, 99—100

Museum of Natural History, 58, 274

Muslims, Islam, 206, 263, 269—70

My Awakening (Duke), 245

Mystick Krewe of Comus, 36, 193

Nagin, C. Ray, 36—37, 74, 80, 181, 188, 249, 281, 282, 293, 306, 309

Naked Among Wolves (Nackt unter Wölfen; film), 221

NASA, 28, 29, 320n

Natal, 153, 154

National Archives, 129, 136

National Guard, 35, 40, 85, 177, 185, 291, 310

National Museum of Health and Medicine, 136

Native Americans, 100, 104, 224, 251, 292, 322n

Nazi Murder Mills (newsreel), 103

Nazis (National Socialist Party), 8, 11—21, 50, 102—17, 139—40, 144, 204, 213, 226

art stolen by, 134

“Blood Order” of, 91

education and, 163

escape from, 67, 103, 147, 156

grab for racial hegemony of, 65

Heidegger and, 160

human skin atrocities of, 12—14, 17—21, 28, 44, 51, 57, 106, 120—21, 139, 156, 164, 166

market for memorabilia of, 108—10

particular/universal dichotomy and, 123

Rosenberg’s views on, 166, 167

Wannsee Conference of, 165, 195

Nazi Shrunken Heads (web video), 139—40, 142

Needle Man, 209

Negri, Pola, 159—60

“Negro Problem and Its Final Solution, The” (Hearsey), 195—96

neo-Nazis, 76, 111, 213, 299—302, 326n

in Weimar, 221—26, 250

Neues Deutschland, 233

Neville, Aaron, 209, 210, 312

Neville, Cyril, 208—10

Neville Brothers, 208

Newfield, Jack, 278

New Jersey, 25, 26, 30, 43—46

Newman, Randy, 31

New Orleans, Battle of, 37

New Orleans, La., 29—47, 73—82, 173—210, 305—13

author in, 2, 179—84, 191—94, 199—201, 267

as Big Anxiety, 30—33

burial of the unclaimed dead in, 281—86, 287

the Bus in, 73—74, 219, 326n—27n

Bywater in, 34, 35, 37, 195, 204, 305, 310

cemetery bandit in, 76—79, 81, 176, 177, 180, 183, 189, 206, 320n—21n

Central City in, 35

Charity Hospital Cemetery in, 281, 286

Desire Projects in, 157, 323n

Dispersed of Judah in, 288—90, 292—93

District Attorney (DA) office in, 186—87

DNA testing and, 68

education in, 243, 244, 247, 249

evacuations in, 31, 33, 85, 282

fires in, 35

French Quarter in, 34, 77, 174, 309

Holy Cross in, 87—89

homicides in, 186—88, 191

Hurricane Katrina in, 1, 33—41, 45, 68, 73, 74, 84—89, 157, 180, 181, 185, 186, 193, 199—200, 203, 246, 249, 256, 259, 281—86, 290, 292, 310, 323n

immigrants in, 78—79, 324n

Jews in, 37—38, 156—57, 196, 204, 247—48, 288—93, 325n

lampshade purchased in, 1, 43—45, 58, 63, 65, 69, 82, 109, 114, 116, 308

lampshade scavenged in, 2, 86—87

Lee Circle in, 191—94, 192, 197, 199

levee system of, 31, 80, 84, 200, 292, 307

Mardi Gras in, 35—36, 39—41, 47, 78, 94, 193, 291—92, 299, 305—8

Mickey Markey Park in, 35, 38, 82

Morial Convention Center in, 200, 249

Orleans Parish Prison in, 176, 179—84, 262, 324n

politics in, 35—39, 306—7

Priestess Miriam’s spiritualist parlor in, 259

race mixing in, 36

race riots in, 195—98

St. Louis Cathedral in, 107, 309, 311

St. Roch in, 38

Saturn Bar in, 204, 205, 208

Superdome in, 249—50

Tulane Avenue in, 185—86

New Orleans (Hollywood musical), 189

New Orleans Daily States, 195—96

New Orleans Murder Blog, 187

New Orleans Police Department (NOPD), 39, 41, 77, 78, 177—78, 186, 196—201, 292, 321n, 342n

Antippas and, 206, 207

Charles and, 196, 197, 198

Duke and, 249

Essex and, 199

New Orleans Saints, 307

New Orleans Times-Democrat, 195, 197

New Orleans Times-Picayune, 37, 77—78, 84, 185, 306, 320n—21n, 324n

New York City, 49—56, 58—65, 85, 303

Holocaust memorials and museums in, 111

Lincoln Center in, 203

Rosenberg in, 169

subway in, 64—65

see also Coney Island; Flushing, Queens

New York City Art Commission, 111

New York Daily News, 50, 66—67

New Yorker, 169—70

New York Police Department (NYPD), 66—67

New York Times, 108, 179, 237, 238

9/11, 56, 59—60, 66, 142, 190, 269, 306

1984 (Orwell), 107

Nixon, Richard, 104

“No Pardon for Ilse Koch” (newspaper article), 237

NPD (Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands), 223, 297, 298

NSDAP, 218, 297, 298

nucleotide DNA, 68, 69

Nuremberg Laws (1935), 227—28

Nuremberg trials, 12—13, 105—7, 106, 113, 129, 131, 140, 266, 322n

Buchenwald Report and, 154

Hoven at, 236

testimony about soap at, 115—16

“Nur jedem das Seine!” (Bach’s 163rd cantata), 11

Obama, Barack, 302—3, 304, 312

Obersalzberg, 241—42

Office of the Medical Examiner, New York City (the morgue), 55—56, 58—59, 66

Ohrdruf, 104, 303

One Third of the Holocaust (video), 142

“Operation Harvest Festival,” 236

Or Else Is Here (Dominici), 262—63, 309

Orleans Parish, 183, 190

Orleans Parish Prison (OPP), 176, 179—84, 262, 324n

Oswald, Lee Harvey, 157

Oswald, Marina, 146

Ottomeyer, Hans, 294

Ovid, 100

Palestine, 115, 256

Palestinians, 263, 269, 273, 278

“paper bag test,” 36

Park, Tongsun, 245

Parsifal (Wagner), 119

particularism vs. universalism, 122—24, 261—62

Patout, Peter, 77, 80

Patton, Charley, 23, 27

Patton, George, 92, 104, 120, 155, 214, 241, 302

“Paul, Mr.,” 258

Payne, Charles, 302—3

Pei, I. M., 127, 276

Peled-Carmeli, Haviva, 266—67

Pepys, Samuel, 100

Percy, Walker, 78

Perez, Leander, Sr., 243

Perkins, Anthony, 102

Phil Donahue Show (TV show), 147, 149—51, 322n

Philistines, 99

Phnom Penh, 93

Pierce, William, 224

Plainfield, Wis., 102—3

Plaquemines Parish, 327n

plastination, 101, 102

Plath, Sylvia, 70

Plessy, Homer, 195, 324n

Plessy, Keith, 324n

Plessy v. Ferguson, 324n

Poland, Poles, 13, 19, 105, 115, 141, 214, 215, 239

Popeye’s, 81

pornography, 105, 133, 134, 324n—25n

post traumatic stress disorder, 127

Praeger, Frederick, 155—56

Praeger, Max, 155

Prague, 108

Priest, Warren, 120

Prima, Louis, 78, 189

prisoners of war, 19, 322n

prisons, 14, 93, 131, 236, 237—38, 246, 308—9

Angola, 79—80, 179—80

OPP, 176, 179—84, 262, 324n

tattoos in, 42, 320n

Promised Land, The (Lemann), 319n

Proteus Krewe, 36

Przyrembel, Alexandra, 232

Psalm 137, 239

Psycho (film), 102

Psychological Warfare Against Nazi Germany (Lerner), 146

race, 200, 249—50

race scientists, 225

racial discrimination, 195

Radical Republicans, 195

Raitt, Bonnie, 27, 219

Ramallah, 271, 272, 273

Ramirez, Hugo, 94, 258

Rangel, Charles, 303

Rascher, Sigmund, 13

Rassinier, Paul, 147—48

Real Men (film), 235

Rebennack, Mac (aka Dr. John the Night Tripper), 203—5, 208

Reich Central Office for the Fight Against the Gypsy Menace, 228

Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone (Kant), 162

Republican Party, 66, 243, 244

Resistance, French, 147, 158

Resnais, Alain, 158

Revel, Bernard, 128

Rhodes, Duplain W., Jr., 283

Rhodes, Duplain W., Sr., 283

Rhodes, Joan, 283, 286

Rhodes-Astorga, Kathleen, 283

Rhodes-Duncan, Sandra, 283

Rhodes family, 283, 284, 292

Rhodes-Navarre, Stephanie, 283—86

Ribowsky, Jen, 62

Ribowsky, Shiya, 56, 58—66, 63, 68, 70, 138, 190, 290, 293, 311—12

Riefenstahl, Leni, 232

RIF (Reichsstelle für Industrielle Fettversorgung; National Center for Industrial Fat Provisioning), 115

riots, 195—98, 303, 324n

“Rivers of Babylon” (spiritual), 239—40

RJF (Reichs Juden Fett), 115

“Robert Charles Riots,” 196—97

Robinson, Plater, 247, 311

Robinson, Sugar Ray, 47, 58

Rochester cathedral, 100

Rocking Daddy Juking on the Corner (R.D.J.C.), 28

Rödl, Arthur, 91, 92

Roemer, Buddy, 244

Röll, Wolfgang, 211—12, 212, 214, 217, 236, 304

Roma, 227—28

Romania, 93

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 244

Rose, Chris, 77

Rosenberg, Albert G., 153—71, 162, 325n, 326n

at Bergen-Belsen, 163

Denier Bud’s call to, 153—54

dreams of, 166, 168, 229

feminicidios and, 170

in Göttingen, 156, 164, 169, 170

intelligence officer’s identity card of, 165, 165

in New Orleans, 156—57

on no place to hide, 169—70

Semprún’s friendship with, 159—60, 323n—24n

SHAEF pass of, 164—65

as Walter Rosenfeld, 158—61, 231

Rosenberg, Henry, 163

Rosenberg, Lourdes, 162, 168—69, 170

Rothstein, Arnold, 169

Running Dog (DeLillo), 109

S-21 prison, 93

Sachsenhausen, 14, 15, 236

Safir, Howard, 66—67

Sagan, Carl, 61

St. Bernard Parish, 88, 175, 182, 183, 192, 203

St. Gabriel, La., 188—91, 281

St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 130—32

Saladin, 206

Saltzman, Diane, 113—17, 121, 122, 134, 151, 230

Saul, 99

scalping, 100

Schilling, Klaus, 13

Schindler’s List (film), 112, 147

Schmuhl, Lorenz C., 130—32, 137, 166

Schmuhl, Robert, 132

Schneerson, Menachem Mendel, 264, 303

Schoenberg, Arnold, 134

Schoenberg, E. Randol, 134—35

Schoenberg, Mrs. E. Randol, 134

Schramm, Gert, 326n, 327

Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 247

science, 61, 66, 107

Scythians, 100

Second Crusade, 206, 207

segregation, 36, 195, 243, 249, 283, 303

Semprún, Jorge, 157—61, 163, 230—31

Bundestag speech of, 323n—24n

Senate, U.S., 141, 244, 245

“separate but equal” ruling, 195

Service Corporation International (SCI), 285—86

Sessions, William, 66

“701” law, 186—87

761st Tank Battalion, U.S., 303

sexual relations, 65, 105, 227—28, 236

Shadows of Silence (documentary), 136—37

SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force), 145, 146, 153, 154, 156, 161, 163, 164—65

Shakespeare, Joseph, 324n

Shalev, Avner, 257, 265—67

Sharon, Ariel, 269

Shas Party, 278, 292

Shendar, Yehudit, 266

Shermer, Michael, 147, 150

Shiva, 183

Shreveport Journal, 245

shrunken heads, 105, 106, 107, 129, 137, 140, 141, 143—45, 211, 295, 321n, 326n

Rosenberg and, 153—54, 167

Stein’s views on, 217

“Shrunken Heads of Buchenwald, The” (Douglas), 321n

Siewert, Robert, 214—15

Silence of the Lambs, The (film), 102

Simon, Uriel, 279

Sinti, 227—29

Sistine Chapel, 100

skeletons, 13, 45

Skeptics Society, 147

skin, human, 99—103, 140—41

as keeper of the self, 99—100

as lynching souvenir, 199

Nazi atrocities and, 12—14, 17—21, 28, 44, 51, 57, 106, 120—21, 139, 156, 164, 166, 205, 207

voodoo tradition and, 203, 204

see also tattoos, tattooed skin

Skokie, Ill., 111

Skorecki, Karl, 325n

skulls, 13, 51

Slaughterhouse-Five (Vonnegut), 296—97, 301

slavery, 191—92, 193, 205, 255, 304

slave trade, 207—8

Smith, Arthur L., 15

Smith, Bessie, 24

Smith, Bradley, 147, 149—51

Smith, Mike, see Denier Bud

Smithsonian Institute, 251

Snodgrass, Harry, 120

Snow, Clyde, 267

soap, 57, 115—16, 150, 151, 311, 321n

in Chamber of the Holocaust, 275, 276

Solutrean hypothesis, 251

Sommer, Martin, 304

Soviet Union, 19, 92, 144, 155, 215, 218—19, 221

spacewalk, 28—39, 320n

Spanish Civil War, 158, 204, 213

Spanner, Rudolf, 115—16

Spear of Destiny (the Holy Lance), 119—20, 322n

Spender, Stephen, 167

Spiegel, Der, 105

Spielberg, Steven, 112

SS (Schutzstaffel), 8—11, 13—15, 17, 19, 51, 101, 104, 117, 135, 146, 151, 154, 158, 211, 221, 230, 236, 304

at Auschwitz, 170

Bruskina’s hanging by, 74—75

camp songs and, 91—92

color-coded patches issued by, 90—91

films shown by, 159—60

Häftlingsführung and, 155

kapos and, 155, 217

Morgen as judge of, 143

Spear of Destiny and, 120

wives of, 216, 237

stalags, 324n—25n

Stalinism, 218, 222, 223

Stars and Stripes, 17

State Department, U.S., 250

State of Louisiana Road Home program, 178—79

Stein, Harry, 17, 215—19, 221, 304

Stein, Sabine, 218, 304

Steve (lampshade seller), 109—11

Stevenson, Robert Louis, 3

Stewie (author’s friend), 52—53

Story of the 1900 New Orleans Riot and the Song of Robert Charles, The (Morton), 197—98

Stovall Plantation, 26, 319n

Strasberg, Lee, 234

Strasser, Gregor, 298

Strasser, Otto, 298

Strauss, Daniel, 227—29

Strauss, Heinz (Pappo), 227—29

Stringer, Ann, 17—19, 71, 120

Sullivan, Ed, 50

Supreme Court, U.S., 195, 324n

Sutton, Willie, 66

Tarantino, Quentin, 322n

tattoos, tattooed skin, 125, 136, 144

on Buchenwald Table, 104—5, 139, 166, 321n

criminal behavior and, 17, 320n

“fuck bitches,” 219—20

of Hans, 224—25

of Jean, 20

Jewish law and, 125

Katrina, 310

Kipperman’s search for, 132

on lampshades, 322n

in National Archives, 129

Nazi use of, 13, 14, 17, 19, 20, 28, 57, 104—5, 121

number, 53, 54, 83, 125, 128—29, 151, 228

of Skip, 28—29

of woman with butterfly wings, 105, 129

teeth, 13, 51, 178

Temple Mount, Dome of the Rock on, 269

Texas, University of (El Paso), 155, 168, 169

Thälmann, Ernst, 215

Theory and Practice of Hell, The (Kogon), 90—91, 154, 217

Theory of Colors, A (Goethe), 259—60

Thermo-Squat, 182—83

Thorne, Dyanne, 232—35, 233

“Through a Glass, Darkly” (Patton), 120

Thuringia, 8, 23, 225, 231, 304

Tibetan Book of the Dead, 160

Time, 19, 233

Tomb of David, 277

Topolosky, Uri, 290—93

Torah, 123, 125, 264, 275, 278, 290, 292

torture, 15—16, 93, 198, 304

tourism, 27—28, 87—88, 112, 204, 277

Touro, Judah, 37, 289

toys, stories of bombs in, 273

Treasury Department, U.S., Bureau of Engraving and Printing of, 126—28

trickster/soul barterers, 25

Trithemius, abbot of Würzberg, 319n

Tulane University, 209, 311

Tuol Sleng (“Hill of the Poisonous Trees”), 93, 123

Turner, Ike, 24

Turner Diaries, The (Pierce), 224

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM), 112—17, 121, 132—35, 138

Kipperman’s encounters with, 126—29, 132—33

library at, 129

Zyklon B in, 135

universalism vs. particularism, 122—24, 261—62

Uris, Leon, 52

Vanier, Georges, 121

Verband Deutscher Sinti und Roma Baden-Württemberg, 227

Vergangenheitsbewältigung, 222

Victor Emmanuel III, King of Italy, 9

Vienna, 119—20

Villa Koch, 16, 131, 229

violence, 176, 213, 223, 273, 298, 299—300

in Ciudad Juárez, 170

in New Orleans, 186—88, 191, 195—99

Virdun, Johann, 319n

Virgin Mary, 207

von Hagens, Gunther, 101—2

Vonnegut, Kurt, 296—97, 301

voodoo tradition, 203, 204

voting rights, black, 195

Wagner, Erich, 17, 28, 216, 320n

Wagner, Richard, 119

Wallace, George, 148, 244

Walsh, Peter Patrick Francis, III, 83

Waltrip, Robert, 285

Wannsee Conference, 165, 195

War Department, U.S., 103

Warmoth, Henry C., 243

War of Independence, Israeli, 271

Washington, D.C., 304

Holocaust Museum in, 112—17, 121, 127—28

Washington Post, 127, 136, 152

waterboarding, 16

Waters, Muddy, 23, 26, 319n

WBOK, 306, 307

Weber, Mark, 323n

Webster, William, 66

weddings, fantasy, 235

Wegener, Ignatz, 105

Weimar, 7, 10, 23, 158, 164, 219—26, 305

Goethe’s house in, 159, 160

Hitler in, 8, 159, 222

neo-Nazis in, 221—26, 250

Weimar march, 103—5, 113, 131, 139, 143, 144, 145, 145

Rosenberg and, 158, 163—64, 323n

Schramm and, 326n

Weiner, Louis, 66

Wells, Fontaine, 45, 134

Wells-Barnett, Ida B., 196—97, 198

West Bank, 270—74, 278

West Bank Separation Security Barrier, 271—72

Wewelsburg castle, 17

Wheatstraw, Peetie, 25

White, Ed, 28—29, 320n

“white flight” refuge, 193

White League, 195

Widmark, Richard, 140—41

Wiesel, Elie, 9, 302, 303

Wiesenthal, Simon, 115, 321n

Wilder, Billy, 103, 144

Williamson, Sonny Boy, 27

Winchell, Walter, 51

“Witchy Red” (song), 203

Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 160

Wolfe, Robert, 129

Worden, Bernice, 102—3

World Trade Center, 56

World War I, 115, 164

World War II, 9, 53—54, 82, 103—4, 144, 147, 150, 204

deaths in, 264, 301—2

Dresden firebombing in, 296—98

start of, 239

Wright, Jonas, 100

Xipe Totec, 101, 102

Yad Vashem, 113, 116, 154, 166, 255—57, 264—67, 274

Farid’s visit to, 272—73

German influence at, 276

yellow fever, 30

Yosef, Ovadia, 278

YouTube, 142

ZAKA (Disaster Victim Identification), 290—91

Ziereis, Franz, 13

Zionists, 115, 144, 147, 148, 250, 264, 288, 323n

zoo, Buchenwald, 11

Zulu Social Aid and Pleasure Club, 36

Zyklon B, 135
