Tom Best
Kristin Cochrane
Dean Cooke
Emily Copeland
Giustino De Blasio
Amy Edelman
Kay Eldredge
Gail Godwin
Ron Hansen
Khalida Hassan
Brendan Irving
Colin Irving
Eva Everett Irving
Janet Irving
Jonathan Karp
Bayard Kennett
Gen. Charles Krulak
Jon O’Brien
Anne Tate Pearce
Dick Peller
Anna von Planta
Theo Salter
Dr. Martin Schwartz
Anna Scott, Aspen Historical Society
William Scoular
Jackie Seow
Nick Spengler
Cleve Thurber
Grant Turner
Martha Turner
Dr. Abraham Verghese
Kate Wells
Edmund White
Kip Williams
Bill Wolvin
And all the good times at the Hotel Jerome.
And special thanks to Geri Lipschultz—my student in the fiction workshop at Iowa in 1974, and my longtime friend. In 1982, I read Geri’s first novel in manuscript. I wrote her about it; I recommended some agents. There was a character named Em, a mime in a New York club. Geri’s mime named Em must have gotten into my head, because—forty years later—I created a very different character, but my nonspeaking pantomimist Em owes a debt to Geri Lipschultz, whose mime named Em came first and never went away. Thank you, Geri.