C’mon, man. You’ve got to keep your head in the game. If you do that, we’ll crush Landry and Tyson in the tournament.”
Will tossed the ball from one hand to the other as he and Scott stood in the sand, still sweating from the final volleys. It was late afternoon. They’d finished up at the garage at three and had raced over to the beach for a scrimmage against a couple of teams from Georgia that were spending the week in the area. They were all preparing for the southeastern tournament later that August, which was going to be held at Wrightsville Beach.
“They haven’t lost yet this year. And they just won the junior nationals,” Will pointed out.
“So? We weren’t there. They beat a bunch of scrubs.”
In Will’s humble opinion, the competition at the junior national tournament weren’t scrubs. In Scott’s world, however, anyone who lost was a scrub.
“They beat us last year.”
“Yes, but last year you were even worse than you are now. I had to carry the entire load.”
“I’m just saying. You’re inconsistent. Like yesterday? After that chick from the Lost Boys stormed off? You played the rest of the game like you were blind.”
“She’s not the chick from the Lost Boys. Her name is Ronnie.”
“Whatever. Do you know what your problem is?”
Yes, Scott, please tell me my problem, Will thought. I’m dying to hear what you think. Scott went on, oblivious to Will’s thoughts.
“Your problem is that you’re not focused. One little thing happens, and you’re off in never-never land. Oh, I spilled Elvira’s soda on her, so I’ll miss the next five digs. Oh, Vampira got mad at Ashley, so I better miss the next two serves-”
“Would you stop?” Will interrupted.
Scott seemed confused. “Stop what?”
“Stop calling her names.”
“See! That’s exactly what I’m talking about! I’m not talking about her. I’m talking about you and your lack of focus. Your inability to concentrate on the game.”
“We just won two straight sets, and they only scored seven points total! We crushed them,” Will protested.
“But they shouldn’t have even had five points. We should have shut them out.”
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah, I’m serious. They’re not very good.”
“But we won! Isn’t that enough?”
“Not if you could win by more. We could have broken their spirit, so that when they meet us in the tournament, they’d give up before the game even starts. It’s called psychology.”
“I think it’s called running the score up.”
“Well, that’s just because you’re not thinking straight, or you never would have ended up mashing faces with Cruella de Vil.”
Elvira, Vampira, and now Cruella. At least, Will thought, he wasn’t recycling any material.
“I think you’re jealous,” Will said.
“No. Personally, I think you should go out with Ashley, so I can go out with Cassie.”
“You’re still thinking about that?”
“Hello? Who else would I be thinking about? You should have seen her in her bikini yesterday.”
“So ask her out.”
“She won’t go.” Scott frowned in consternation. “It’s like a package deal or something. I don’t understand it.”
“Maybe she thinks you’re ugly.”
Scott glared at him before forcing out a fake laugh. “Ha-ha! That is so funny. You should really try booking yourself on Letterman.” His glare remained fixed on Will.
“I’m just saying.”
“Well, don’t, okay? And what is it with you and…”
“Yeah. What was that about? Yesterday, you spent your whole day off with her, and then she shows up this morning and you kiss her? Are you, like… serious about her or something?”
Will remained silent.
Scott shook his head as he raised a finger, emphasizing his point. “See, here’s the thing. The last thing you need is to get serious with a girl. You need to concentrate on what’s important. You’ve got a full-time job, you volunteer trying to save the dolphins or whales or turtles or whatever, and you know how much we have to practice to get ready for the tournament. You don’t have enough time as it is!”
Will said nothing, but he could see Scott growing more panicked with every passing second.
“Ah, come on, man! Don’t do this to me. What on earth do you see in her?”
Will said nothing.
“No, no, no,” Scott repeated like a mantra. “I knew this was going to happen. That’s why I told you to go out with Ashley! So you wouldn’t get serious again. You know what’s going to happen. You’re going to turn into a hermit. You’re going to blow off your friends so you can hang out with her. Trust me, the last thing you need is to get serious with…”
“Ronnie,” Will filled in.
“Whatever,” Scott snapped. “You’re missing the point.”
Will smiled. “Did you ever realize you have more opinions about my life than your own life?”
“That’s because I don’t mess things up like you do.”
Will gave an involuntary twitch, flashing back to the night of the fire and wondering if Scott was really so clueless.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” Will said, but he realized that Scott wasn’t listening. Instead, his gaze was focused over Will’s shoulder, on a spot down the beach.
“You’ve got to be kidding,” Scott mumbled.
Will turned around and saw Ronnie approaching. In jeans and a dark T-shirt, of course, looking as out of place as a crocodile in Antarctica. A huge grin spread over his face.
He started toward her, drinking in the sight of her, wondering again what she was thinking. He loved the fact that he couldn’t completely figure her out.
“Hey,” he said, reaching for her.
She stopped, just out of reach. Her expression was serious. “Don’t kiss me. Just listen, okay?”
Sitting beside him in the truck, Ronnie remained as enigmatic as ever. She stared out the window, smiling faintly, seemingly content to watch the scenery.
Ronnie brought her hands together in her lap. “I want you to know my dad won’t care that you’re wearing shorts and a tank top.”
“It’s only going to take a few minutes.”
“But it’s supposed to be a casual dinner.”
“I’m hot and sweaty. I’m not going to come to your house for dinner with your dad dressed like a bum.”
“But I just said he won’t care.”
“I care, though. Unlike some people, I like to make a good impression.”
Ronnie bristled. “Are you saying I don’t?”
“Of course not. For instance, everyone I know loves to meet people with purple hair.”
Though she knew he was teasing, her eyes widened and then narrowed suddenly. “You don’t seem to have a problem with it.”
“Yes, but that’s because I’m special.”
She crossed her arms and stared at him. “Are you going to be like this all night?”
“Like what?”
“Like someone with no shot of ever, ever kissing me again?”
He laughed and turned toward her. “I apologize. I didn’t mean it. And actually, I like the purple streaks. It’s… who you are.”
“Yeah, well, you’ll just have to learn to be more careful with what you say next time.” As she spoke, she opened his glove compartment and began sifting through it.
“What are you doing?”
“Just looking. Why? Are you hiding something?”
“Feel free to sort through all of it. And while you’re at it, maybe you could straighten it up a bit.”
She pulled out a bullet and held it up so he could see. “I suppose this is what you use to kill ducks, right?”
“No, that’s for deer. It’s too big for a duck. The duck would be shredded to pieces if I shot it with that.”
“You have serious problems, you know.”
“So I’ve heard.”
She giggled before settling into silence. They were on the intracoastal side of the island, and between the ever-growing sprawl of houses, the sun was glinting off the water. She closed the glove compartment and lowered the visor. Noticing a photograph of a lovely blonde, she pulled it out and examined it.
“She’s pretty,” Ronnie commented.
“Yeah, she is.”
“Ten bucks says you posted this on your Facebook page.”
“You lose. That’s my sister.”
He watched as her gaze flickered from the photo to his wrist, eyeing the macramé wristband.
“What’s with the matching bracelets?” she asked.
“My sister and I make them.”
“To support a worthy cause, no doubt.”
“No,” he said, and when he said nothing else, he was impressed that she seemed to intuit that he didn’t want to say anything more. Instead, she carefully tucked the photo back in place and lifted the visor again.
“How far away do you live?” Ronnie asked.
“We’re almost there,” Will assured her.
“If I’d known it was this far away, I would have walked home. Since we’re heading farther and farther away from my house, I mean.”
“But you would have missed my scintillating conversation.”
“Is that what you call it?”
“Do you plan on insulting me some more?” He glanced at her. “I just need to know whether or not to turn up the music so I don’t have to hear it.”
“You know you shouldn’t have kissed me earlier. It wasn’t exactly romantic,” Ronnie shot back.
“I thought it was very romantic.”
“We were in a garage, you had grease on your hands, and your buddy was gawking.”
“A perfect setting,” he said.
As he slowed the car, he flipped down his visor. Then, after making a turn, he came to a stop as he pressed the remote. Two wrought-iron gates slowly slid open, and the truck rolled forward again. Excited at the prospect of having dinner with Ronnie’s family later that evening, Will didn’t seem to notice that Ronnie had gone quiet.