Many people generously contributed their knowledge, expertise, and support to this book, and I'd like to start off by thanking my great friend Carlos Heneine, for introducing me to the Templars and, as always, having fun batting ideas back and forth with me; Bruce Crowther, who helped usher me into this new realm; and Franc Roddam, who swooped in and gave it wings.
I'd also like to personally thank Mitch Hoffman for his enthusiasm and support, along with Erika Kahn and everyone at Dutton. It's been a real treat.
A humongous thank-you to my literary agent Eugenie Furniss, without whose passion, relentless prodding, and support this book would have never materialized. Jay Mandel, Tracy Fisher, Michelle Feehan, Raffaella De Angelis, Charlotte Wasserstein, and everyone in the New York office for the breathtaking international reception; Lauren Heller Whitney and Lucinda Prain; and Rowan Lawton, Stephanie Cabot, and everyone at the William Morris Agency.
Warm nods of gratitude are also due to Olivier Granier, Simon Oakes, Cephas Howard for his phenomenal work on the UK cover; Howard Ellis and everyone at Mid-Atlantic Films in Budapest for their continued support; Dotti Irving and Ruth Cairns at Colman Getty; Samantha Hill, Eric Fellner, Leon Friedman, Maitre Francois Serres, Kevin and Linda Adeson (sorry about roughing up Mitch), Chris and Roberta Hanley, Dr. Philip Saba, Matt Filosa, Carolyn Whitaker, Dr. Amin Milki, Bashar Chalabi, Patty Fanouraki, and Barbara Roddam.
Last, but galaxies away from least, I'd like to thank my wife, Suellen, who's lived with this project for so long; a man couldn't ask for a greater supporter, friend, and soul mate.