Chapter Three

Red Moran rode into the town of San Louisa wondering if this time he would stay.

He had just under twenty thousand dollars in his saddlebags. He hadn’t expected to find that much in the Pemberton Bank. He hadn’t gotten that much from any three prior jobs combined.

Perhaps this was enough money.

Perhaps this was the time to settle down.

And perhaps not.

He had found San Louisa after his third bank robbery and after the fourth had gone back there. After the fifth job he tried another town, didn’t like it, and went back to San Louisa again.

The people of the small town knew and respected him, because he always came with money.

The women of the little town made themselves available to him for the same reason.

Red Moran knew they liked his money, but he flattered himself that maybe—just maybe—they would like him almost as much without money as with it.

The first to see him was old Roberto, the liveryman.

“Ah, señor Red, welcome back to San Louisa.”

The old man’s eyes shone for he knew that with Red Moran came many American dollars.

“Hello, Roberto. It’s nice to be back.”

“You will be staying?”

“For a while.”

“Ah, good, good. I will take care of your horse.”

“Gracias, Roberto.”

Roberto watched hungrily as Moran reached into his pocket, came out with some coins and handed them to him. He closed his old hands over the gringo coins, enjoying their weight.

“Welcome back,” Roberto said, “welcome.”

“Thanks,” Moran said. He took his saddlebags and rifle and left the livery.

The old man walked the horse inside, then anxiously opened his hand to count the money.

At the hotel Moran received the same greeting.

The owner of the hotel, Luis Hernandez, came out of his office and warmly shook Moran’s hand.

“It has been much too long since your last visit, señor Red.”

“I agree, Luis.”

“Please, go to your room and rest yourself. I will have a bath drawn and a meal prepared.”

“I knew I could count on you, Luis.”

Hernandez watched eagerly as Moran put his hand in his pocket, came out with some coins and passed them over.

“It is our pleasure to serve you, señor, always.”

“Are Carmen and Rosa still in town?”

“But of course. They would not leave San Louisa knowing that you would soon return. Which of them would you like to come to you first?”

Moran brought the two women’s pictures into his mind. Carmen was a tall woman, big-breasted and long-legged, with long dark hair—if it was still long.

Rosa was also dark-haired, but she was smaller and slighter than Carmen, and had breasts like ripe peaches.

“Who can choose?” Moran said.

“I understand, señor,” Luis said wisely. “I will send them both.”

“Gracias, Luis.”

“For nada, señor, I assure you.”

As Moran went back to his room—which was on the first floor of the adobe hotel and always kept ready for him—Hernandez went back into his office, opened his hand and gleefully counted the money.

When the gentle knock came at his door Moran knew that it was the two women he had requested. He answered with his gun in his hand anyway, for even in San Louisa it didn’t hurt to be too careful.

“Señor Red,” Carmen said when he opened the door, “how wonderful to see you again.”

She came in and pressed herself up against him. He was bare-chested and he could feel her breasts through the thin blouse she was wearing as she mashed them against him. Already, her nipples were hard. She snaked a hand around his neck and kissed him openmouthed, then moved past him revealing Rosa standing in the hallway. He knew Carmen was already undressing behind him, but now his attention was on Rosa.

“Ah, señor Red,” she said.

She was a neat little bundle, Rosa was. She came in and also pressed herself against him. Her breasts were small but very firm, and didn’t mash as flat against him as Carmen’s had. She also reached a hand behind his neck, but she had to pull him down to her level to kiss him, whereas Carmen was almost as tall as he was. Rosa’s hot mouth devoured him, and then she too moved past him and began to undress.

He closed the door slowly, his gun still hidden behind his back, and by the time he turned around they were both delightfully naked.

He drank in the sight of them eagerly. Carmen’s breasts were large and round, with brown nipples, sagging just slightly, but from their own weight and not due to age. After all, she was probably under twenty-five. Between her legs her pubic hair looked like a dark, tangled forest. Her thighs and legs were long and solid, and he marvelled at what a big girl she really was.

Rosa’s breasts were small, like two delicious mouthfuls, the nipples a delicate pink. Her pubic hair was wispy, almost nonexistant, and barely hid her womanhood from view. She was like a doll, but Moran knew that she was much stronger than her size indicated. He’d learned that from spending time between her thighs.

“We hope you are not too tired after your long journey” Carmen said. Rosa nodded her head in agreement.

“No, ladies,” he said, discreetly laying the gun on the dresser top, “in fact, after seeing the two of you, I’m not tired at all.”

After both Carmen and Rosa had pleasantly exhausted him, Red Moran gave them both too much money and shooed them away.

“I need my rest, ladies.”

“You are much man, señor Red,” Carmen said.

“Si, mucho,” Rosa agreed.

Both women went out into the hall and huddled together and counted their money.

Inside the room, reclining on the bed, Red Moran smiled. Two energetic, eager, sweet-tasting Mex women in one bed was almost too much for a man to expect.

But not too much for Red Moran to expect.

Not in this town.

These people really loved him.

This was the way to live.
