I would like to offer my grateful thanks to those who gave so generously of their time and expertise during my researches for The Lewis Man. In particular, I’d like to express my gratitude to pathologist Steven C. Campman, M.D, Medical Examiner, San Diego, California; Donald Campbell Veale, former ‘inmate’ of The Dean; Mary-Alex Kirkpatrick, actress (Alyxis Daly), for her wonderful hospitality while I was in South Uist researching locations; Derek (Pluto) Murray, for his advice on the Gaelic language; Marion Morrison, Registrar at the Tarbert Registry Office; Bill Lawson, Seallam! Visitor Centre, Northton, Isle of Harris, who has been specialising in the family and social history of the Outer Hebrides of Scotland for over forty years.
Note: the actual Dean Orphanage closed its doors in the late 1940s, its children dispersed to other homes. For the purposes of my story I have extended its life by eight to ten years. Conditions at the home related in the book were, however, exactly as described by the last ‘inmate’ to pass through its doors.