'You bastards,' exclaimed Pau from where he sat on the chair. 'You're never going to get away with this.'
Henning and Mehmet had tied him up with a rope they'd brought along while Katherina had taken over the toy pistol, which she kept aimed at Pau. Now he was spitting venom at them with hatred in his eyes.
'Are you going to a fancy-dress party?' asked Mehmet, holding up Pau's white robe.
'Look who's talking.'
'And what's this?' Mehmet held up the copper amulet they'd found round Pau's neck. 'Is this your VIP ticket?'
Pau didn't answer.
'Let's assume it is.' Mehmet handed the amulet to Katherina. 'So the question is, a ticket to what?' He looked expectantly at Pau, who deliberately turned his head away.
Katherina examined the copper amulet. It was round, about the size of a 5-krone coin, and it had a hole in the centre through which a leather cord was attached so it could be worn as a necklace. All around the edge, tiny characters had been neatly etched.
'What are you going to get out of all this?' asked Henning. 'You're already activated.'
Pau smiled.
'And what an activation it was,' Henning added. 'What was it you have for an RL score? Nought point seven? That's not even enough juice to run a bicycle light.'
Pau's smile vanished. Katherina could see he was gritting his teeth in anger.
'So I suppose it's a good thing you've got the protection of the organization,' Henning went on. 'Weak Lectors like you need all the help they can get. Do they have any use for you at all?'
Fury glittered in Pau's eyes, and his cheeks were flushed.
'Oh, that's right, you infiltrated Libri di Luca, but that was only because Luca took pity on you. He could see from a mile away how weak you are.'
'Shut up!' Pau threw his body as far forward in his chair as the ropes would allow.
Henning leaned towards him, just enough to stay out of his reach.
'So, what now? Your job is done. What possible use can the Shadow Organization have for a weakling like you now?'
'Come back after the reactivation, and I'll show you.'
Henning and Katherina exchanged glances.
'Reactivation?' Henning repeated. 'Is that what's going to happen tonight?'
Pau didn't reply.
'Have you found a way to repeat the activation?' Henning asked. 'A way to enhance it?'
A little smile formed on Pau's lips.
Katherina could see that was exactly what was going to happen. According to the documents from the school, almost all the people who had flown in were already activated. The whole staging of this gathering in this place seemed to point to something larger than a ritual ceremony of no practical significance. She held her breath. If a reactivation could enhance a Lector's powers, then what would happen to Jon? He was already off the scale and deadly dangerous when he was out of control. She could see that the others were thinking along the same lines.
'How much stronger can all of you get?' asked Henning at last.
'Enough to power a bicycle light,' said Pau, then smiled secretively.
'Then it's too bad you're not going to experience it,' said Katherina. She nodded towards the ropes. 'It's going to be hard to go to the reactivation when you're tied up like this.'
Pau looked at her. A hint of uncertainty had stolen across his face. 'They're coming to pick me up,' he said. 'They'll be here any minute.'
Mehmet looked at his watch.
'In half an hour, at the earliest,' he said. 'Plenty of time to get you out of here.'
Pau laughed nervously.
'We have friends in town,' Mehmet went on. 'How else do you think we found you? People who are good at finding things and also good at making things disappear.'
Pau shifted his gaze from one to the other, without finding even an ounce of support. Finally he gave Katherina a pleading look.
'You have to let me go, Kat,' he said desperately. 'I need this. It's my reward.'
'For what?' she asked.
'For Libri di Luca,' he replied, sounding annoyed.
'Didyou murder Luca?'
'No, no,' said Pau, shaking his head. 'It's my reward for infiltrating you.' His eyes took on a suffering expression. 'Come on, Kat. I promise not to say anything about you being here. Just let me go, so I can get my boost.'
'When is it going to happen?' asked Katherina.
Pau turned his head so he could avoid looking them in the eyes. He was silent for a long time before he answered.
'Tonight, like I said.'
'Like an ordinary activation,' said Pau. 'But Jon is going to act as some sort of medium. I don't know exactly how it works. It has something to do with the library's energy and Jon's powers. When they're put together… ka-boom! Then we'll all get a boost up the scale.'
'And Jon?'
Pau shook his head. 'Nobody knows. Maybe nothing will happen, maybe he'll get a kick too, or maybe he'll croak.'
Katherina fought back a desire to grab Pau and shake the indifference out of him. They were wasting time while the Shadow Organization was getting ready to sacrifice Jon.
'How do all of you get in?' asked Mehmet.
Pau nodded at the robe.
'We have to wear that, and the necklace.'
'How many are going to be there?'
'Lots. They're coming from all over the world.'
'What about the language?' asked Henning. 'Jon can't very well reactivate people in all the different languages, can he?'
'I don't know! I think it has something to do with the electrical discharges. They'll strike everyone, regardless.'
'And what about afterwards?'
'Afterwards nobody'll be able to stop us.' Pau smiled.
Mehmet nodded to Henning and Katherina and then drew them away from Pau so he wouldn't hear what they said.
'What do you think?' asked Mehmet in a low voice.
'I believe him,' replied Henning with a sigh.
Katherina cast a glance over at Pau, who was sitting there with a satisfied smile on his face.
'I do too,' she whispered. 'Unfortunately. It doesn't look good. This is worse than I had imagined. We're going to have to stop it.'
'But how? There are three of us, and we don't know how many hundreds of them.'
'But there's only one Jon,' Mehmet pointed out.
'What do you mean?' asked Katherina.
'We have to stop him from taking part in the celebration,' said Mehmet bluntly. 'No Jon. No party.'
Katherina didn't really want to know what lengths they would have to go to in order to stop Jon, but she knew Mehmet was right. Jon was the key to the whole thing, and as long as he was on the side of the Shadow Organization – as he seemed now to be – he was dangerous.
'And how are we going to stop him?' asked Henning.
'We have to go to the party,' said Mehmet. He nodded towards Pau. 'One of us will have a free ticket to get in.'
'That will be me,' said Katherina quickly.
The other two looked at her.
'I know him best,' she stubbornly pointed out. 'We've trained together, so I know what he's capable of doing.'
Mehmet nodded. 'Okay. You take the amulet. Henning and I will find another way in.'
Henning agreed with a nod.
'Hey,' shouted Pau behind them. 'I think it's about time for you to set me free.'
The three exchanged knowing smiles before they turned to face their captive.