Letter from Helen

Thank you for choosing to read The Little French Guesthouse. I hope you enjoyed Emmy’s journey to France and self-discovery as much as I did! If you were as sorry as I was to reach The End and you are wondering what will happen between Emmy and Alain, you will be pleased to know that a sequel is on the way!

As for my inspiration for The Little French Guesthouse, I’d had the opening scene in my mind for a long time, but I didn’t get around to doing anything about it until, on one of our family holidays to France, I stumbled upon the region and location that felt just right for it. Creating La Cour des Roses was only a few steps away in my imagination, and everything flowed from there. I sometimes forget it isn’t a real place!

I absolutely loved being in Emmy’s world – and head. She feels like a close friend to me. Writers often say their characters take on a life of their own, and that was certainly true with this book. Rupert, in particular, did not turn out how I’d initially intended - but I like him so much better the way he led me to write him, and I’m very fond of him. It seems others are, too, from the comments I’ve received.

If you enjoyed the read, I would love it if you could take the time to leave a review. It makes so much difference to know that readers have enjoyed my book and what they liked about it . . . and of course, it might encourage others to buy it and share that enjoyment!

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Thank you!

Helen x



