
Zaryusu felt a gentle sensation covering his entire body. A hand which wanted to pull him out from the abyss, but Zaryusu brushed it aside. He felt something disgusting from the touch of that hand

After a period of time between an instant and eternity, he felt the hand stretch out towards him once again. Just as he was about to brush it aside for a second time, he hesitated. Listening closely, he could hear a voice coming from that side. As it turned out, this rude awakening was the voice of the female he so deeply loved.



Still hesitation.

In this world where it was uncertain if time existed at all, Zaryusu kept on hesitating. Eventually, he seized the hand despite being very reluctant to do so.

And he was then pulled into a world of clear.

Fatigue permeated through his entire body.

As if his insides had turned into paste.

Then he felt abnormally tired. He had never felt this tired even after overexerting himself physically.

Zaryusu struggled to open his heavy eyelids.

Blinding light entered his eyes. Although lizardmen eyes would automatically adjust to light intensity, it could not do so instantaneously. Zaryusu blinked his eyes—


Someone was hugging him tight.


There should be no way he would ever hear this again, this female’s voice.

Zaryusu finally adjusted his eyes, and saw the female that was hugging him.

That was indeed his beloved female, Crusch Lulu.

Why? What was going on?

A flood of questions and unease rushed towards Zaryusu. His last memory was— the moment his head had dropped into the wetlands. He had most definitely been killed by Cocytus.

Then why was he still alive? Unless—

“—Was Crusch killed too?”


Zaryusu opened his mouth to ask, yet his mouth seemed numb, unable to move properly.

What gave him his answer was the look of very confused expression on Crusch’s face. Seeing that expression, Zaryusu was a little relieved, knowing that Crusch was not dead. Then why was he still alive?

A hint was given to him by a voice to his side.

“Well. There is some confusion after resurrection. It seems his level also dropped… thus it can be determined that there is not much difference from YGGDRASIL.”

Realizing who was speaking to him, Zaryusu looked with surprise at that direction.

The one who stood there was the king of death; the magic caster who possessed incomprehensible power.

In his hand he held a glowing short stick of about thirty centimetres in length, it emitted a sacred aura that appeared out of place in the hand of the Overlord of death. It was an extremely beautiful item which seemed to be made out of ivory, with the front end coated in gold and the handle inscribed with runes.

Although Zaryusu did not know, it was a resurrection wand, the item which revived Zaryusu. Only faith based magic caster could use items imbued with faith based magic. However, this magic item was an exception to this faith based system and could be used.

Zaryusu slowly turned his gaze, and recognised this place as the lizardman village.

As if they were intending to surround the entire place, all the lizardmen were prostrating. Even more shocking was that they were motionless— that posture was one of worship towards an extremely powerful being.

“What is happening…”

After witnessing such power, prostrating was only natural. However, the surrounding lizardmen were not just showing respect, but something more. Lizardmen did not have gods. Strictly speaking, their objects of faith were their ancestral spirits. The feeling given off right now by the surrounding lizardmen was like that of a reverence towards a god.

“Hm. Step down, lizardmen. Without instructions, nobody is permitted to enter the village.”

Nobody objected to these words. More than that, it was accepted without a sound being made. The only sounds which were heard were of bodies getting up and the splashes by walking along the wetlands. Leaving them behind, the lizardmen departed from the clearing.

Seeing as he was so powerful that he had such a degree of strength, their wills should have been completely defeated. The lizardmen culture of submitting to the strong played a part as well. This meant that everything was developing according to the other side’s script.

“Aura, are all of them gone?”

“Yes, they are.”

The one who replied was the dark elf girl. Although there was also the factor that she had been behind him, out of sight all along, the girl surprisingly gave off no presence, therefore Zaryusu had not detected her at all.

“I see. Then first, a few words for you, Zaryusu Shasha. Congratulations on your resurrection.”


Until he registered the meaning of this word, Zaryusu required a little time. Then after he understood it, he also felt a shudder throughout his body.

Resurrection— which meant that he was alive again.

He was speechless and could only gasp.

“What is it? Do lizardmen have some particular aversion to resurrection? Or have you forgotten how to speak?”

“Glug, glug… cough… y-you can resurrect the dead…?”

“That is true. What, you thought something of this degree couldn’t be done?”

“Did you hold… a big ceremony?”

“Big ceremony? What is that? I have no problems doing it by myself easily.”

Hearing this, Zaryusu was completely lost for words. According to legends, resurrection magic was a power only lizardmen of dragon king lineage possessed.

And he did so all by himself.

Monster? No.

An incredibly powerful magic caster? No.

Zaryusu understood this completely.

Leading a mythical army, commanding demons.

Which meant, this— the existence in front of him was one who could rival the gods.

Zaryusu staggered up, and prostrate in front of Ainz. Crusch also frantically knelt down in the same fashion.

“Supreme One.”

He thought the eyes looking down at him seemed a little troubled, but Zaryusu decided that he was just mistaken.

“I pledge my life to you.”

“Very well. What do you wish for? I will grant it to you in the name of Ainz Ooal Gown.”

“Please grant prosperity to the lizardmen.”

“That is only natural, of course I will guarantee the prosperity of all those who come under my dominion.”

“My gratitude.”

“Good. Is your speech still not clear? Rest for a bit and you will get used to it. Rest for now. Afterwards there are various things which will have to be dealt with. The first thing would be the defence of this village that is under my dominion… for the details, discuss it with Cocytus.”

Ainz left after he finished saying this. However, before that, there was something which Zaryusu had to do, and had to do right now.

“Please wait. What about Zenberu and older brother?”

“Their corpses should be around the area”

Ainz, who was just about planning to leave with Aura, stopped casually gestured with his jaw in to the outside of the village.

“Can you please revive them?”

“… Hmm… I don’t see any benefit in doing so.”

“Then why me? Zenberu and older brother are very powerful. They will definitely be useful.”

Ainz scrutinised Zaryusu, then shrugged his shoulders.

“I will consider it… preserve the two corpses well. I will consider it later.”

After speaking, Ainz dusted his robe as he left. Aura could be heard saying as she walked by his side spoke “That hydra is so cute ne~”, and her voice faded into the distance and eventually disappeared.

Zaryusu finally stopped collapsing and relaxed.

“I made it through alive… or rather, I revived…”

He did not know what kind of rule would await them in the future. However since lizardmen’s usefulness left an impression, it shouldn’t be too bad.

“Crusch, older brother—”

“Never mind about that. Worry about it later. For now just rest well and clear your fatigue. It will be fine, I can carry you.”

“Ah… thank you.”

Zaryusu closed his eyes and lied down. Just like in those days where he had overworked his body, he was eager to rest, and fell asleep once his eyes were closed.

Once again Zaryusu felt the touch of gentle hands stroking his body back and forth as his consciousness slipped back into the darkness.
