35 Breach of Contract

With the full moon traversing the clear skies of Saudi Arabia, the outlines of the towering castle of Mammon looked especially sinister. The front and back gates were not guarded, only locked with an electronic system Purdue quickly disarmed. Inside, they could see luxury cars parked in a rough row. From Bentleys to limousines, they stood in the shadows of the tall palms on the premises.

“Sounds like a party,” Nina whispered. “But it must be a very private party. No bodyguards. No doormen.”

Purdue nodded, “And look, the guests are dressed in old Nazi uniforms. How quaint.”

“Let’s go,” Sam suggested, as he cocked his gun. “I don’t wanna be late for the orgy.”

Nina smiled for the first time.

They entered through the back gate, keeping track of their associates slipping in from the fences by the parked cars. The Militum elected to use guerilla techniques for this breach, keeping their kills silent and clean cut. If Sam Cleave or his friends decided to fire even one shot, they would draw the attention from the Militum and it would be easier to seize Toshana.

On his trusty tablet, Purdue used his infrared function to gather information on the blueprint of the fortress. “Here, ten meters on,” he whispered, “a sub-level entrance.”

They crept nearer in the darkness cast by the palms and brushes. Nina’s ankle was killing her, but she dared not admit it. Sam used his lock pick tools to open the locks and they made their way swiftly down the ramp.

“Is this a garage?” Nina asked as softly as she could. There were no lights on. “The ramp is wide, like for a car.”

“Aye. Purdue, can you check your diagram?” Sam asked.

Purdue scanned the dark place with his infrared, and smiled. “Hello nurse.”

“What?” Sam asked. “What is it?”

Purdue flicked on his bright light to reveal a small collection of old motorcycles from World War II and some rare Russian and American models being restored. “Ah! Nice,” Nina smiled. “Dibs on the old Triumph.”

“With that foot?” Sam teased.

“On that note,” Nina said, “I think I should stay here and wait.”

“That is a stellar idea, love,” Sam agreed as Purdue nodded with him.

She sat down in the dark, checking her watch for the movements of the group. “See you soon,” Sam whispered. “Won’t be a minute.”

Purdue scanned the corridors and hallways, stealing forward with Sam on his heel.

“You weren’t too far off, Sam,” Purdue whispered, barely ducking from a passing man in SS uniform. “Looks like an orgy of sorts. The women are naked.”

“Jesus, of all the times not to have my camera,” Sam jested, gawking at the bare breasts and suspenders worn by the women in the citadel. Looking at one in particular he asked,“Wonder what rank she holds?”

“Come up the right flight, straight up. The device is picking up the Crown on the top floor,” Purdue said. The two of them waited for the right moment, all the while smelling the intoxicating scent of opium. “The party is predominantly on the ground floor, by the indoor pool, so we should be okay.”

With long paces the two raced upstairs, grateful that there was nobody hanging about. Purdue was out of breath, feeling agitated to be so close to the claws of Toshana again, but his friend could read his mind. “Don’t think about her,” Sam said. “Just think of the Crown and get what you came for.” Purdue agreed, but it took all his strength to fight thoughts of Toshana.

“Here,” he finally said as they came to the top landing of a small, narrow stair. The screen on his tablet revealed the contents of a locked closet in the wall. “That broom cupboard is filled with artefacts and trinkets.”

“Right,” Sam said, getting to the antique pirate’s padlock. It was a difficult one, for which he had no tools. Purdue heard the rustling of clothing behind him. “Sam,” he whispered, but Sam hushed him. “Sam, I think I hear someone.” But Sam was too busy concentrating by the wavering light of a penlight he was using.

“You do hear someone,” a male voice affirmed Purdue’s fears, breathing on his neck as he spoke. He swung around to strike, but found Gille standing behind him, chuckling softly.

“Good God, man!” Purdue exhaled, clutching his chest. From behind Gille, in the shadows, a figure extended from the ceiling beam. Gille looked around and shoved Purdue playfully. “Don’t worry. It’s only Ayer.”

As the other two Templars stole nearer to join them, the athletic body of the Militum leader dropped to the floor, landing like a cat. He walked straight for Sam, pulling him aside. “Let me,” he said, and pulled a flathead screwdriver from his belt.

Sam protested. “The lock is tricky, Ayer. It has different…”

He stood in amazement, feeling thoroughly stupid, as Ayer simply used the flathead tool to lift the pins from the hinges. With a self-righteous grin, Ayer removed the doors quietly and propped them up against the wall. “You’re welcome,” he told Sam.

“Don’t you have to find Toshana?” the journalist snapped, still grateful for the help.

“She’s nowhere to be found,” Gille remarked. “Maybe Purdue has a tool for detecting Toshana.”

Ayer and the others chuckled. “He does, actually,” Ayer teased. Even Purdue had to snicker with them, shrugging at Sam’s scowl.

Two rooms down, something creaked. The group stiffened in place, waiting for movement. A tall, thin Nazi officer emerged from one of the bedrooms, his hair unkempt and his uniform in disarray. Purdue nudged Ayer, who nodded in return. So quietly did they stand in the shadows that the man didn’t even see them in passing as he skipped down the stairs.

They could hear someone in the room he had left. Ayer motioned for his men to investigate and kill if necessary, while he stayed to help Sam identify the Crown. They fumbled through dusty and gruesome items as Purdue shed some faint light. All manner of things populated the shelves. From ivory phalluses to pure gold skulls, rare items from occult books, and even pristine crystal balls, all engraved with the Sigil of Mammon and the symbol of the Vril Society.

“Oh Jesus!” Sam shrieked out loud, throwing himself backward onto the floor.

“What?” Purdue asked.

“I just touched something fucking disgusting,” he gulped, looking spooked. Ayer smiled as he bent to see under the shelf where Sam had reached. “Congratulations, Sam,” he said, drawing out the hideous and hairy severed goat’s head, “you found the lost Crown of the Knights Templar!”

“Christ, what an ugly fucking thing! It looks like a spider,” Sam yelped as quietly as he could, while Purdue stood fascinated.

“This is the mechanical Head the Pope made?” Purdue asked Ayer.

“Oui. Look,” he answered, pulling aside the hard, brown hairs to reveal the robotic skull and horns. “The Head of Baphomet. Finally we have it back. God, I wish I could destroy it once and for all so that we could rest assured this shit doesn’t happen again.”

A ruckus ensued behind them. The bedroom door slammed and swung open violently. Toshana came darting out with only a towel wrapped around her, screaming at the top of her lungs as she hung over the balustrade to alert her friends two floors down.

“We have to go!” Ayer said, grabbing the revolting Head and bunching it up in his rucksack. Toshana was dive-tackled by Gille and thrown to the floor, and then pinned down with his humongous weight. A clamor of footsteps and voices came rushing up the first and second flights. “Come, let’s go out the window!” Ayer commanded. “Bring the bitch!”

Gille slammed her hard onto the floor, rendering her unconscious before flinging her naked body over his shoulder. “You had better get going,” the old Templar instructed. “There’s a battalion of angry Nazi’s coming up the stairs.”

But Purdue and Sam could not leave without Nina. They watched the Militum take off with Toshana and the Crown, finally claiming back what was theirs along with the thief that had taken it from them. Purdue suddenly raced towards her bedroom.

“Purdue! Purdue, are you daft?” Sam shouted, trailing after his friend.

“I have to find the leather folder with my contract. I cannot allow it to bind us,” Purdue raved, his white hair wild and sweaty. Sam saw the officers appear on the stairs, pistols drawn.

“Listen, listen,” he panted, grabbing Purdue by the shoulders. “I have a better idea, okay? Just go with it.”

Sam smashed all the bottles of spirits lining Toshana’s personal bar tray, sending shards of crystal everywhere and reeking up the room with strong alcohol. He flicked his Zippo and dropped it on the lavish wet carpet. Then Sam dragged Purdue out the bedroom door by his white cotton shirt, just ahead of the crowd of shouting, gun-toting soldiers. He had Purdue by the collar, sprinting the length of the corridor to reach the left-hand stairs on the other side.

The few men and women who came up their way were promptly kicked back down and trampled by the two fleeing Scotsmen. Holding his tablet up to navigate their way to the garage, Purdue fell about by Sam’s steering. Smoke filled the upper floor as Sam glanced upward. It moved just the way it had when Nina had been suffering the fire treatment and he had rescued her.

Like rats on a sinking ship, Sam and Purdue scrambled into the basement. An engine was already revving as they shut the door behind them and padlocked it.

“Move your fucking asses!” she shouted. Ahead of them, she was mounted on an old BMW R75 with a sidecar, waiting for Sam and Purdue to get on. The door behind them broke down like plywood and they careened in front of the pistol fire. Sam jumped into the sidecar, allowing Purdue to drive, with Nina holding on behind him. The World War II motorcycle bolted up the ramp into the moonlit night, barely making it out before the top floor started to rain debris. Even as they crossed the perimeter, shots rang and whistled past from the officers in the archway.

“That is why the Militum was late coming into the citadel!” Sam shouted after he had emptied a magazine on the Nazis.

“Why?” Purdue asked over the whoosh of the wind.

“Look, they sabotaged all the cars first!” Sam laughed. Nina looked back at the burning vehicles, thankful that this time she was far from the flames. It was a pleasure for Purdue to watch the emblem of Mammon plummet from the gate arch and crash to the ground in flames.

He did not miss Toshana, nor did he dread her fate at the hands of the cruel Templars who needed a new female body for their idol. Purdue began to smile as he felt Nina’s hands hold on to him in the cool Arabian night air. Although he had broken into the citadel, he was the one who had been liberated.
