New York editor Jonas Faukman was just turning off the lights in his Manhattan office when his phone rang. He had no intention of picking up at this hour — that is, until he glimpsed the caller-ID display. This ought to be good, he thought, reaching for the receiver.
“Do we still publish you?” Faukman asked, half serious.
“Jonas!” Robert Langdon’s voice sounded anxious. “Thank God you’re there. I need your help.”
Faukman’s spirits lifted. “You’ve got pages for me to edit, Robert?” Finally?
“No, I need information. Last year, I connected you with a scientist named Katherine Solomon, the sister of Peter Solomon?”
Faukman frowned. No pages.
“She was looking for a publisher for a book on Noetic Science? Do you remember her?”
Faukman rolled his eyes. “Sure. I remember. And thanks a million for that introduction. Not only did she refuse to let me read the results of her research, she didn’t want to publish anything until some magical date in the future.”
“Jonas, listen to me, I don’t have time. I need Katherine’s phone number. Right now. Do you have it?”
“I’ve got to warn you… you’re acting a little desperate. She’s great looking, but you’re not going to impress her by —”
“This is no joke, Jonas, I need her number now.”
“All right… hold on.” Faukman and Langdon had been close friends for enough years that Faukman knew when Langdon was serious. Jonas typed the name Katherine Solomon into a search window and began scanning the company’s e-mail server.
“I’m looking now,” Faukman said. “And for what it’s worth, when you call her, you may not want to call from the Harvard Pool. It sounds like you’re in an asylum.”
“I’m not at the pool. I’m in a tunnel under the U.S. Capitol.”
Faukman sensed from Langdon’s voice that he was not joking. What is it with this guy? “Robert, why can’t you just stay home and write?” His computer pinged. “Okay, hold on… I got it.” He moused through the old e-mail thread. “It looks like all I have is her cell.”
“I’ll take it.”
Faukman gave him the number.
“Thanks, Jonas,” Langdon said, sounding grateful. “I owe you one.”
“You owe me a manuscript, Robert. Do you have any idea how long —”
The line went dead.
Faukman stared at the receiver and shook his head. Book publishing would be so much easier without the authors.