SdL Megalodon, Shimmering Sea, Terra Nova

The string across the open was noticeably bowed. The depth meter read six hundred meters. Location was roughly sixty miles out in the Shimmering Sea. The crew was alternately sleeping, or snacking, or playing games at their battle stations, while waiting for the clock to run. A small buoy on a wire linked the Meg with the surface, receiving the Global Locating System signal while Chu and company listened for any code words that would indicate a change in plans.

"Time, skipper," announced Guillermo Aleman.

"Retrieve the buoy," Chu said.

* * *

On the surface the captain of the tender that always accompanied test runs noted the time. "They'll be taking off soon," he muttered.

Glancing over his chart, the tender's captain gave the order, "Turn on the clicker simulator. Set course for Point Bravo. Speed, six knots." He smiled, thinking, Just exactly as if we were still following the sub around.

* * *

It took about three minutes for the small electric motor to bring the buoy back to its station atop the sail, which also closed the tiny doors above it as the buoy settled. The motor, itself, was contained in and shielded by the sail. It was essentially a silent process.

"Tender's taking off, skipper," sonar announced. "Heading generally to Point Bravo at . . . call it six knots. She's engaged her clicker."

Chu gave the order, "Ensure the clicker's off. Sailing stations. Boys, let's go link up with Orca at the rendezvous point."
