I AM IMMENSELY GRATEFUL to a number of people who gave generously of their time, and their knowledge, when it came to the research for this book. In particular, I would like to thank Peter English, formerly of the Ninth Precinct in New York, who brought its streets to life for me, and without whom this book would be much poorer. Dave Evans and all the staff at the Great Lost Bear (, the best bar in Portland, Maine, were immensely hospitable, and willing to give a job to a detective who was down on his luck. My thanks also to Joe Long, Seth Kavanagh, Christina Guglielmetti, Clair Lamb (, Mark Hall, and Jane and Shane Phalen, all of whom helped me to mask my ignorance at various stages in the writing. Any mistakes are my own, and I apologize for them.

Books and articles that proved useful include New York: An Illustrated History by Ric Burns and James Sanders, with Lisa Ades (Alfred A. Knopf, 1999); The Columbia Guide to America in the 1960s by David Farber and Beth Bailey (Columbia University Press, 2001); The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage by Todd Gitlin (Bantam, 1993); The Movement and the Sixties: Protest in America from Queensboro to Wounded Knee by Terry H. Anderson (Oxford University Press, 1995); The Neighborhoods of Brooklyn, John B. Manbeck, consulting editor (Yale University Press, 1998); and “Spider manipulation by a wasp larva” (Nature, vol. 406, July 20, 2000).

Thank you to Sue Fletcher, my editor at Hodder & Stoughton in London, and the staff at Hodder; to Emily Bestler, my editor at A f yotria in New York, and everyone at Atria and Simon & Schuster; to my agent, Darley Anderson, and his wonderful team; and to Madeira James ( and Jayne Doherty, who look after my website but whose kindness and support go far beyond that. I would be lost without you all.

Finally, much love to Jennie, Cameron, and Alistair, who have to put up with all the behind-the-scenes stuff.

