Chapter 2

THREE KILOMETRES EAST of Bobbie’s house, Jay Krocker reached into the bag of almonds on the front seat. Popping the nuts one by one into his mouth, he chewed, and tapped out a beat with his left foot. Six speakers pounded a drum solo against the interior of the Lincoln.

The traffic on Crowchild Trail thinned as the sun ducked behind the Rockies. Purples and reds reflected in the Lincoln’s rear and side mirrors.

Jay rubbed his right ear and counted four silver studs, like stepping stones, forming a ‘J’ along the lobe and auricle. He tucked a strand of black hair behind his ear.

A blur passed Jay on the left. The Toyota pickup cut him off. Jay hit the horn and the brakes at the same time. The rear tires locked and squealed.

The Toyota’s driver was just visible over the top of the bucket seat. His arm reached out the open rear-window and extended one finger.

Jay’s foot punched the accelerator. The Lincoln took a big swig of gasoline.

The Toyota changed lanes again and cut off a white minivan. The van braked and skidded sideways. It straightened out when its driver released the brakes.

Jay closed on the Toyota.

A fist appeared in the truck’s rear-window.

Rage focused Jay. His mind was temporarily uncluttered. He swerved into the right lane.

The Toyota cut in front of him.

Jay hit the brakes and made a feint left.

The truck swerved to block him.

The Lincoln roared. Jay passed on the right. He waited until he was sure he passed the Toyota. Then, he cut left and pressed the brake pedal.

For an instant, he thought the Toyota would rearend the Lincoln. The truck skidded to avoid a collision. It swerved, bounced over the curb, and onto the grass. It leaned up on its left wheels, before rolling onto its side.

Jay glanced in the rear-view mirror. A cloud of dust obscured the accident scene. His heart pounded with adrenaline. He eased into the far lane, accelerating away from Crowchild Trail.
